
The Fortune Teller

Chapter 3


Minseok's daily routine had changed a little bit after the incident.

Okay. It entirely changed after the incident. His usual mornings would consist of waking up, preparing his breakfast, clean up and go to work. If it were weekends, he would usually jog for a bit, hit up the gym down the block before freshening up to start his day.

Now that he's a little bit disabled, all he did for the past few days is to lie down. If would feel better if he was in his room but no, Luhan had insisted that he should stay in his place for the meantime after the younger had waited for four hours, going back and forth, in front of Minseok's door the day after the incident, to change his cast. In Minseok’s defense, he did not exactly believe that the younger is actually serious on changing his cast until he was fully healed but the latter only scoffed at him and muttered that he did it on purpose.

Minseok think that Luhan is just feeling guilty subconsciously and that this is his way of making up to the older, but Minseok refuses to believe it. The only way he could make it up to the older is to make sure that they would not end up together when the year ends.

And speaking of it, he already had a brilliant plan that would ensure his bachelorhood for the coming years.

He steal a glance at Luhan who was busy typing in his laptop in front of him. From time to time, he would pick up his phone and call someone. Feeling mischievous, he faked a grunt and Luhan immediately stopped typing, brows furrowed as his eyes scanned Minseok for any type of discomfort.

“What?” he asked after. “Did you finally found your intelligence back?”

He ignored his mocking, he need him to cooperate with his plan. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth.

“I need you to help me in man hunting.”

An awkward silence followed after and Luhan looked stoned before eying Minseok warily.

“I guess your intelligence finally died and left you for good.”

Minseok throw the nearby pillow innocently sitting on the L couch into Luhan's face which the other easily dodged.

“I'm not kidding.” He huffed in irritation having second thoughts in asking for the younger's help.

“Seriously Minseok? Are you still afraid of what that stupid fortune teller told us last week? The fact that we're not interested in each other is enough to dismiss that crazy future telling. We are far from being friends, more like being a couple.” Luhan sounded like he was talking to a twelve year old kid and it irks Minseok.

“If that really is the case, then why are we here? Sitting inside your house like some old friends that had just gotten reacquainted? Why are you the one changing my cast when it could be anyone in this freaking apartment? And lastly why I am not still engaged with Yixing.”

Luhan stared at him for a while, sighed then closed his laptop.

“Oh god.” He threw his arm in the air as a sign of frustration. “If this is your way of moving on from Yixing, you’re going the wrong way.” Luhan’s expression is a mixture of resignation, reluctance and sadness (?). Like he did not want him to be hurting because of Yixing's engagement anymore.

“Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?” but Luhan still avert his eyes and Minseok once again felt the irritation coming back up. It feels like the younger knew something he didn't knew. Luhan looked at him like those looks he gave Minseok back in high school every time the younger catch him watching Yixing with longing.

He shook his head.

“Anyway, back to the topic, who said I am trying to move on from Yixing?”

Luhan looked silent for a moment. “Don't tell me you're going to crash at Yixing's wedding. No Minseok. I won't let you do that. Look, I know you love Yixing, even back in highschool but he doesn't love you like what you wanted him to. You're going to hurt both of yourselves and you know it.” Luhan looked at him like he’d grown another head.

“Damn you. I’m not that low.” This time he threw the tablespoon he used for his coffee straight into Luhan’s forehead but the latter only smirked.

“Oh but you we’re acting like that in high school though. Making my life miserable because I have Yixing and you don’t. You even painted on my car.”

Minseok threw an accusatory finger. “You started that! You ing gave my baby pictures to the newspaper club!”

“You said you wanted Yixing to notice you and what’s the best way to do that? To have you featured in our school newspaper.” Luhan cackled in glee.

He glared at him. Minseok remembered that day. They ended up in the guidance counsellor office with paints all over their body. Luhan had given his baby pictures, the one where he was in a penguin onesie, in the newspaper club and the next day he was featured the Student Extraordinaire column. In his rage, he grab a red paint from the janitor’s closet and splashed Luhan’s white sports car. When the younger knew what he did, he immediately went to see and the moment Minseok saw Luhan coming for him, he also splashed the younger in paint. That has them playing tug of war for the paint bucket until the P.E teacher separated them.


“I'm not telling you to forget Yixing. Moving on, doesn't always mean forgetting. Sometimes it's more of accepting the fact that the two of you are not possible. You-

“Blah blah blah” He cut him off not wanting to hear any more of this foolishness.

“Seriously, what do you take me for? What I meant in moving on is that.. oh forget it, you won't understand me. You don't know how it feels to have unrequited love and the fact that you haven't even given the chance to confess. It's unfair.”

He stared at the younger, solemnly, pouring out all his heartache since high school. “You're unfair, Luhan.”

The blonde looked surprised for a moment. He opened his mouth only to close it, no words coming out of his lips.

Then Minseok smirked. “Do you feel guilty now, eh? Then die feeling that way for the rest of your life. Hah! Taking advantage of some shy boy not just because he came from a poor family but is smarter than him, more liked by the teachers than him, but because he simply hates his guts. That's really foul.”

“Why you…” Luhan hissed.

“See and he doesn't even feel guilty. He must have been rejoicing that I'm currently heartbroken at the moment. What an evil man.”

“I'm not. Fine! I'll help you with your stupid man hunting.”

“Good. Because I've already set you up in a blind date next week. So you should return me the favor.”

Luhan's head snapped at him and the older might even heard a crack. “What?”

He smiled evilly.

“I've noticed that I'm the only one doing the work, making sure I'm committed at the end of the year. I'm having doubt you might actually be interested in me.” He cocked a brow at the blonde man. This, Minseok think is the start of his revenge.

“Hell if that happens. Alright,” the younger sighed, resigned to his fate. “Let us hear your awesome plan.”

He leaned back on his chair and fixed the blonde a look. “Simple, I also want you to be in a relationship before this year ends, you’ve dismissed that fact before but now in case I failed, at least we still can't be possible if you're already committed.”

Luhan sighed. “And like what I've told you, I don't like you so there is really no use, Minseok. Even whether I’m in a relationship or not.”

“And like the same I've told you and if you haven't even noticed, we keep on ending up together no matter what the situation is.” He clicked his tongue. “Look, of all the apartment building here in Gangnam you'd choose to stay, why does it has to be where I am also staying? Of all the people Yixing would set you up in a blind date, why would it be me. And of all the people here, why would it be you who’s taking care of me. I don't believe in that fortune teller, heck I don't even believe in fate, but I just don't want the next place I would see you, will be a church.” At the end of his speech, he was already grasping the end of the table hard.

“Someone tells me not to argue with your logic.” And then Luhan’s face took a serious turn. “But. No more acting like a stupid high school girl in love, if we do this, we’ll do it until the end, no one’s turning back in the middle, no one getting hurt in the process. No one is getting hooked just to spite the other, because if that’s the case, I’d rather not do it.”

“I don’t mind.” Minseok nodded. After all, relationships and commitment for him are very serious matter.

“Alright then.” Luhan fished out his phone and started dialing. On the other hand, Minseok is ecstatic. Serious relationship his ! This is just his way of getting revenge with Luhan. He would set him up with the dumbest person he has ever met and he already had a flowing list in his mind. Luhan would be thrilled.

“I’ve finally set you up with someone. Next Monday eight in the evening. He’s our age so I guess you’ll immediately warm up with him.” The younger said after finishing the call.

“Oh. Okay thanks.”

Minseok is already laughing internally. Perfect. Just perfect. He grabbed his jacket and motioned to stand. In his surprised, Luhan is immediately in front of him, grabbing him by his biceps. He jerked back in reflex.


“Where are you going?”

“Home. I can already walk.” He pushed past Luhan and made a limp towards the door. The younger hover over him as he walked towards the door, a hesitant look on his face.

“I’ll bring over the take out. You better not lock me out again or I swear Minseok.”

“Oh thank you for the wonderful suggestion.” Minseok snorted.

He’s already outside when he heard Luhan called his name again.

“Are you sure you don’t any help. I can call for Sehun if you want.”

He just shrugged. “Stop being kind Luhan, its giving me the creeps.” And then he slammed the door closed.

Luhan being weird isn’t his problem anymore. Even if the younger is acting like that for his whole stay with him.





“Oi, Minseok hyung, how was your foot?”

Minseok looked up from his hunching in front of the fireplace and saw Sehun walking towards him.

“Are you drunk?” He questioned the boy when he plopped down beside him and sighed before clutching to him more.

Sooyoung noona had given them a present in the form of ski resort tickets during the Christmas Day. They were supposed to go yesterday but the other guys insisted on having his feet fully healed. Not that he was going to try skiing anyway. He gets cold easily and the next best place in this snowy mountains aside from his hotel room is of course the outdoor camping site where everyone who wanted to sleep on tents could fill their hearts content.

“Am not.”

“Yes, you are you reek of alcohol. Where are the others by the way?”

Sehun pouted before throwing a firewood in the already growing fire. “Ah, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are betting again on who is going to slide down faster and they managed to dragged Luhan hyung in it.”

Oh so that is why he never saw the younger after they left their hotel room. Tonight he was Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s victim. Poor soul.

“Hyung can I ask you a question?”

“Hmm.” Minseok returned his gaze on the fire. Sehun was the first person whom he got close with after moving to the apartment and since he never had a chance to have a little brother he spoiled the younger.

“Is it okay if I’m crushing on you?”

Minseok choked on his saliva. “What?” he spluttered.

“I mean I’m an adult now and one year later I’m going to graduate uni. I’m eligible to marry now and seeing that you’re nearing your thirties and you still haven’t find a partner yet, I’m going to marry you and then have your wealth after you die.”

Minseok flicked his forehead. He was scared for once Sehun is actually serious. “Don’t say things like that. I’m going to die early because of you.”

The younger’s eyes glinted. “Then the more reason I should marry you. Then you can give me your car before you proceed to heaven.”

“Honestly, your obsession with rich old single man should stop now Sehun ah. First was my boss Junmyeon.”

“Aha! So you’ve finally admitted you’re old.”

He spanked Sehun in the head. “Brat.”

“Oi Oh Sehun! You think you could escape us!”

Both of them looked back and saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun walking towards them. And is that Luhan on Chanyeol’s back?

“.” Sehun muttered before going up. Before he could make an escape, Baekhyun managed to grab his scarf.

“Not a chance young man. Now you come with us and be our referee. Luhan is afraid of heights and he wouldn’t even take two steps from the ledge.

“Hyung have mercy on me!” Sehun whined while trying to remove Baekhyun’s grip on him but the latter just dragged him towards where their ski equipment was laid on the snow.

“Omff!” Minseok groaned when Luhan body was unceremoniously dumped on his lamp. Said pile of body immediately rolled off him towards the campfire before curling up to himself.

“What did you do to him?” He asked warily.

“Well we didn’t know he was afraid of heights. We can’t even dragged him inside the lift so Baekhyun make him drink one of those Jimin’s strongest alcohol drinks. So we managed to get him inside the lift but started crying after we made it on top. Poor Luhan hyung.”

Minseok should be pitying Luhan now but instead he end up laughing. A snowball was thrown at his face.

“What the hell Luhan?!”

“Stop laughing. Oh god I think I’m going to die.” He lie down again on the ground and faced the fire. “I want to die. I’m never going to believe Chanyeol again. He’s after my life. Oh god, I could still hear the screws from the lift. What if they unscrew in the middle of the way?”

Chanyeol looked apologetically at him before throwing the mumbling Luhan one sad look and then he’s off to where Sehun and Baekhyun is bickering. Minseok stared at the still mumbling Luhan. He knew how afraid Luhan is of heights. If there is one thing that Minseok regrets from their silly fights back in high school is when he used Luhan’s phobia of heights against him that Luhan ended up in hospital. No matter how much Minseok hates Luhan’s guts he got really scared when the younger didn’t show up to school after leaving him in the Ferris wheel alone during one of their field trips.

He got up from where he was sitting and walked towards Luhan.

“Lu come on get up and let me take you back to your room.”

“Shut up. You probably told Chanyeol my fear of heights. It’s not fair Minseok, you know how I felt about those.” Luhan turned to face him, a murderous glare in his eyes. Minseok stifled his laugh because Luhan doesn’t even look intimidating. Not even close.

“I know. I know. Now get your lazy up. You're drunk and I don’t want you diving in that fire any moment now.”

Luhan punched his arm when Minseok hoist him up. “I hate you.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

The trek back to their room hotel is full of stumbles and Luhan stopping from time to time to empty his stomach. He must have drunk a lot if Baekhyun managed to make him get inside the lift. The receptionist eyed them warily when they entered the lobby. Minseok smiled at her apologetically.

“What’s you room number, Lu?”

Luhan just blinked at him as if the question offended him. “I don’t remember. Minseok I’m going to puke.”

“What?” His eyes widened and immediately clamped Luhan mouth shut.

“Mmffphh.” Luhan glared at him and tried speaking. Minseok knew that this isn’t the right time to notice these kind of things but he can’t help but felt a shiver when Luhan’s lips moved. But he refused to remove his hand. He won’t clean the carpet if Luhan decided to empty his stomach in the hallway.

He felt a warm yet something wet glide in his palm and he shrieked when he realized Luhan just his palm.

“What the hell?!”

The younger made a heaving motion and Minseok immediately pull out his room card and dragged Luhan to his room.




The moment Minseok entered his room, the younger immediately removed his arms around Minseok’s shoulder and walked towards the nearest room, which is ironically Minseok’s room.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going? You’re drunk, you’re going to puke on my sheets!”

But Luhan already entered his room. When Minseok arrived Luhan was already sprawled on his bed, his thick sweater and scarf lying on the carpeted floor.

“Oh no you don’t. Ya! Luhan wake up and sleep on the couch!”

A pillow straight to his face was the only response he got.

Oh this deer is asking for it.

He grabbed the sheets and tossed Luhan’s body to the floor. The younger groaned and rolled on the floor for a few seconds to lessen the pain.

“What the heck Minseok? Can’t you act like a civilized person even for a day?”

What? So he’s the Neanderthal now? “I ing save your from Chanyeol and Baekhyun, you should thank me you ungrateful .”

Luhan stands up and grabbed the end on the blanket that was tangled on his body when he fell off the bed. Minseok, surprised was dragged along.

“Yah! This is my blanket, get your own.” He get on the bed, kneeled on the other end and started rolling up the blanket like a tissue paper. But Luhan was persistent and kept tugging on the other end.

“Let go!”

“No you let go.”

They kept on tugging for a while with Minseok kneeling on the bed and Luhan standing on the carpeted floor. Minseok smirked when he noticed that Luhan was just holding on the end and that he had already rolled up almost the entire length.

“Loser.” He made a mistake of looking up. Luhan face was directly above him, lips centimeters away from the tip of his nose, he could smell the wine from his breath.

Minseok froze. Luhan froze. And neither of them seemed to be breathing. Minseok could feel his face immediately heating up, easily reminded on the fact that they had kissed back in El Dorado. After a minute of trying to hold his breath, Minseok in a large breath.

That seemed to trigger something in the both of them. Panic set in Minseok when he realized he was still too frozen to move. It was like he had been held by some otherworldly force.

Then Luhan moved.

But instead of relief flooding his system, his eyed even widened more when he realized Luhan isn’t moving away, he was just moving! Moving until his lips stop in front of his. Minseok eyes were filled with wide and horrified, but none of it were reflected in Luhan’s. The younger was just staring at him until he felt a something warm cupped his cheeks and then Luhan’s lips on his.

The intensity of their kissing was doubled from what they’ve shared in El Dorado. No hesitation, no holding back. Luhan’s tongue immediately seek his own and Minseok felt himself getting drunk from taste of alcohol. Both Luhan’s hand were on the side of his face, tilting his head for a deeper kiss.

He wanted to run his hand on Luhan’s blonde hair only to realize it was still stuck inside the blanket that he rolled up. That is when Minseok finally regained the control in his body. He jerked away and stumbled back. Then he was out of the bed so fast Luhan probably only see a blur.

“I’m sleeping on the couch.” He mumbled and threw the door open and closed it with a bang. Minseok quickly jumped on the couch and cover himself with the blanket. He needed to wake up from this dream.


A/N: I'm back and guess what who's back as well. FTISLANDDDDD!! bubu..yeahhhhhh! Sorry, They were actually my first Kpop group and I'm a loyal Pri. Also sorry for the short chapter, I've been busy with work and I've also started a new xiuhan fic. It's a vampire au coz I love vampire!aus. If you're interested, it's here.

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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 4: Senpai pleaseeee updateee huuuuuu T.T
zandy151 #2
Chapter 4: I love this story, please continue ♥
Xiuhanisloveok #3
Chapter 4: Yo dude I reread this dude I love this so much aaaaa
gooddyoctor #4
Chapter 4: Finally i got to read this fic again from the beginning continuously till the latest chapter so i will ‘refresh’ every thing. Even for the second time reading i still teared up unconsciously because poor minseok ㅠㅠ
Thanks for the update!❤️❤️
qxcqxc #5
Chapter 4: Ahhhh!!! I enjoyed this fic so so so much. This is so well written and everything is so satisfying. Love hate xiuhan with a past is life. Glad you regain your muse back^^
Xiuhanisloveok #6
exodaily #9
Chapter 4: THANK YOU FOR UPDATING!!! this was seriously a good chapter!!!
jennifer_yuki #10
Chapter 4: Wow, you two just SMASH already!!!lol
I miss this story you better not taking another almost a year to update next chapter haha (v)