
The Fortune Teller

Chapter 4



THE MORNING came and Minseok did not even get any sleep. He kept on thinking about what had transpired in his bedroom last night. Luhan was drunk but he was not and he let the kiss happen. What is he thinking?! Right now, he was seated on the sofa, bags under his eyes and praying to all the gods he knew that Luhan would be drunk enough to forget what he did.

“Damn you, Luhan.” He muttered under his breath and stands up from where he was seated. He needed his daily dose of coffee. He needed to forget. He needed to erase that memory. But no matter how hard he tried, images of him and the younger with lips locked together, kept flashing on his mind. And it was even rougher that what they’ve shared back in El Dorado.

Damn that deer of being such a good kisser. Minseok, you’re getting insane.

He was in the middle of preparing his coffee when he heard the door to his room opened. He clumsily spilled a bit of coffee in haste of going back to the sofa and what? Pretending to be asleep sounds like a good plan. He hastily drunk everything that was in his cup forgetting that it was still hot.

“Ouch. Damn it. .”

“Stop cursing.”

He jumped at least a foot in the air when he heard his voice. Why is he getting antsy on his own hotel room? This is his ing territory and Luhan is just a trespasser. Angrily dumping his now empty cup into the sink, he turned around and faced the younger. Only to trail on his words.

Luhan was standing on the kitchen door, hugging a pillow with a massive bed hair on and a glass of water, probably to ease his hangover, on his other hand. An image flashed again on his mind. A certain image he would only associate with Yixing. It should be Yixing standing right in front of him. It should be Yixing and his cute bed hair and his cute request for a cup of coffee and his cute dimpled smile while greeting him lovingly. This domestic feeling he’s feeling right now should only be aroused when he’s with Yixing. Not with the ‘’ who probably does not even remember what he did last night. Not with Luhan who was looking at him weirdly while scratching his belly.

“Nooooooooo.” He covered his face with both of his hand, not caring if he sounded like a dying goat right now. The fortune teller will not succeed in making his life miserable. But what scares Minseok right now is that the more time he spends with Luhan the more he finds it difficult to sort his feelings out.

“You look like a dying sloth.” Luhan commented while passing in front of him and unto the fridge beside him. “What get your in a twist this early morning?”

“Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Don’t talk to me.” The fact that the younger is able to act normally around him confirmed it even more that Luhan does not really remember what he did last night. And it would only mean that Minseok will be the only one suffering the aftermath. He wanted to ask Luhan why did he do that without embarrassing himself. But how?

“Nooo.” He slumped on the table, invisible river of tears flowing down his cheeks. He need to get in with his plan as soon as he could so the situations like last night won’t happen again.

Luhan eyed him warily from the sink. “Are you.. okay?”

“I need you to move my blind date on Wednesday.”

“What?” Luhan spluttered. “You can’t decide on things like that without the consent of the other party. And what has that got to do with the weird actions you’re doing right now?”

“It’s all your ing fault! Take responsibility to what you did to me and ing reschedule my date the day after tomorrow!” he threw the spoon he used in stirring his coffee at the younger and flew out of the kitchen.

He could not even look at Luhan’s face. , he need to go to the nearest mental hospital right now.

What Minseok did not see was the blush that appeared at the younger face right after he left the dining area.




TWO DAYS past by fast and it’s already the 27th of December. Four more days. Four more days and Minseok is either doomed for life or not. Yixing is having his last bachelor party at the 31st and Minseok doesn’t know if he’ll go or not. He shook his head and stared at his reflection in the mirror. A handsome man smiled back at him. Once satisfied with his appearance, he grabbed his jacket and went downstairs where Luhan is already waiting for him.

“Hyung, wow, you look delicious! I mean gorgeous. I guess we never knew what you hide inside those hideous sweaters of yours.” Chanyeol immediately commented once he reached the common living room-slash-dining area of the apartment. He smiled at the tall man, already used at his erted comments. Baekhyun and Sehun are also there eating.

“Thanks man.”

“Now I wonder why Luhan hyung hasn’t tap that yet.” Baekhyun commented.

Luhan choked on his pasta and immediately grabbed Sehun’s glass of water. “What?!” He hissed after regaining his breathing.

“Oh shush, hyung. If not for the very thick surrounding the two of you, I would already have made a move on Minseok hyung. He’s too delectable to be ignored.” Baekhyun teased some more.

“Right. I really don’t understand why you have to set him up with someone when you two could be faces already.” Sehun even make a vague kissy faces.

“That’s not funny Sehun.” Luhan commented while wiping his face with a napkin as if disgusted by the mere thought of him and Minseok kissing. And Minseok is very much tempted to say that they already kissed, ‘damn you Luhan!’ and the younger had enjoyed it judging by his grip on Minseok’s nape that time.

“Well it’s Luhan’s loss if Minseok doesn’t come back at this apartment after the blind date.”

“Yeah. His loss.”

“Erm. Excuse me but I would like to remind you I could hear your conversation.” Minseok raised a brow at Luhan.

“Should we get going already? My date is waiting.”

Luhan scrunched up his face. “Yeah, yeah. Let me get my keys.”

But Minseok already walked away.

“But seriously Baek, who wouldn’t tap Minseok hyung’s ? I certainly I’m not.”

Luhan faced them and smirked.

“Aw, too bad Hongki already made it to the date list.” He waved his car keys.

Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun’s eyes widened. “Wait, whoa! Hongki? As in the Lee Hongki?” Chanyeol spluttered.

“Yes. Lee Hongki, why?”

“Isn’t he the rumored Kim Heechul’s second coming?” Baekhyun whispered.

“And when you mean Kim Heechul…” Sehun trailed. “You’re impossible Luhan hyung!”

Luhan’s smirk widened. “My bad. I really didn’t know that.”

Everyone in the apartment knew that when it comes to eccentricity and weirdness, no one can beat Kim Heechul. And when he’s together with his best friend Lee Hongki, it feels like another world war has erupted. The younger often visited their apartment before he became a famous underground vocalist. They used to wreak havoc here that even Sooyoung has a hard time dealing with them. It’s not even helping that Mark is found of his ‘Hongki hyung’. However, since Minseok only transferred on the flat this year, he does not have a chance on meeting Hongki.

Until now.

Luhan did not expect Heechul to give the vocalist’s number to him since he only mentioned that he was looking for someone who is okay with casual dating and blind dates in passing. After he learned from the older how Hongki is, Luhan immediately thought of a perfect way to ruin Minseok’s day.

And he couldn’t wait to see the older’s expression when he come back from his ‘date’. Seeing his happy and excited expressions and how it would change hours from now is enough for him to cackle in glee internally.



“IS THIS the place?” Minseok asked, amazed of the grand staircase running towards the restaurant's entrance. There’s even a fountain in the spacious parking lot of the building in which the most expensive and latest car models were parked. He glanced at Luhan with a cheeky grin on his face.

“He must be rich if he can afford on bringing me to a place like this!”

“He is,” Luhan parked his car in front of the magnificent entrance. Before he could unclasp the seatbelt around him, he heard the younger speak.

“I'll pick you up at nine.”

He frowned at his parent-like tone.

“Does he have a car?”

“Yes.” Luhan answered, raising his eyebrows. “Why?”

He just smirked and pulled at the younger’s tie. “Then I'll probably be back in the morning, or I may never be back again…depending on how we match each other much,” he grinned seductively and opened the car’s door when his hand was held back.

“Nine in the evening. Sharp.” he snared on his face before pushing him towards the door.

“Jerk. As if I would follow your order, your highness.” he muttered beneath his breath and watched Luhan’s car speed away from the place. He rolled his eyes and walked towards the entrance.





“You looked like you lost a million-dollar deal to someone you don’t like.”

Luhan snapped his head back and saw Yixing coolly sipping his tea while Nazha, his fiancée, was busy typing on her laptop.


“I mean you do have that face. So what happened?” the younger probes him.

“This is how my usual face looked like.” He clicked his tongue. “And what are you even doing here in my office?” He turned back to Nazha who didn’t even bother asking him if she could place her perfectly toned legs on his sofa.

He was the one who introduced Yixing with his fiancée. She was his co-partner at the law firm and when Yixing’s company was in need of a good lawyer, he was the one who referred him to her. He did not actually expect for the two to fall in love with each other, after all, Nazha and him were the ‘mascot’ and the topic of every ship tease in their law firm.

“You’re funny Luhan-ge, I’m a partner of this firm too. And besides Yixing said he would like to annoy you today so who I am to deny the request of someone I love.”

“Yeah. Very funny.” He turned to his friend. “You go back to your office or go home or evaporate. Whatever that is.” He glances at the wall clock. Six twenty- seven in the evening. Three more hours.

The younger must have noticed this because he grinned mischievously at him. “Ohh, I get it.” Yixing even have the audacity to lean back and placed his clasped hands at his lap.

“I heard from Sehun that Minseok is having a hot date right now and it was your doing.”

“And when did you and Sehun even became friends?”

“You’re not denying it, heh.”

“So what? Yeah I did set him up with Lee Hongki. He asked for it. I’m just being a good guy.”

“Then why are you moping around glancing at the clock every five seconds?”

“I’m not moping around. I’m just taking note of the time since I’m the one fetching him.”

“And since when did you care this much for Minseok? Arranging dates and such, last time I remember you two hated each other’s guts and would claw at each other’s faces every time you had a chance to.”

He heard Nazha snorted from behind Yixing. Fixing his glare on still typing girl just across him, he answered his former boyfriend in a homicidal tone. “First, I did not care for him. We’re not even friends. We were just classmates in high school and had been schoolmates in college but we barely talked and if we do, I ended up with bruises. Second, I solely did this as an apology for… for the..” the memories of the night when he drunk-kissed Minseok in his hotel room came rushing back and he could feel his face heat up, “trouble I caused him on our ski resort trip last time.”

With the sound of his voice and the blush on his cheeks he’s sure the younger had already noticed, Yixing smiled. A peculiar smile that he doesn't to show off that much.

“You both have weird chemistry. Weird but interesting chemistry. Have you tried dating him?"

"Over my dead cremated body.”





Minseok, for the umpteenth time, stared at the antique vase near the bar just across their table and counted the remaining minutes he had to endure until “jerk Luhan” would fetch him from this disastrous blind date. If this is even considered a date.

“Have you ever tried nail art Minseok-ssi?” Hongki asked him while inspecting his right hand, after he just finished inspecting his left, with an amazed expression on his face. “I know a perfect design that would definitely suit your liking.”

When he first saw who his date for the night is, he was really astonished to learn it was Lee Hongki. He may not be a fan of rock music but every guy out there knew who Lee Hongki is. The infamous vocalist who defied the laws of Korean music. Or something like that. Even for an underground singer, he sure appears a lot in the celebrity news.

The moment his gaze landed on his bright pink T-shirt with a large “Skullhong” words printed on it, Minseok knew this date would not be an ordinary one. While he, dressed in his favorite two-piece suit that match perfectly the tone of the restaurant, his date was out there dressed in brightly colored T-shirt, ragged jeans that seemed like too short for his height and an equally bright blue sneaker. He doesn’t want to be rude but can this even be considered a unique fashion sense.

“No. I did not and I don’t have plans on getting it. Ever.” He tried to mask his frustration with his usual business smile, the one he used when dealing with his clients but enough to make the other party aware that he was not in the mood already. But none of those seemed to alert his date.

When he realized he was a celebrity, Minseok already expected ‘bragging’ talks and such. But no, Hongki is one of a kind. Instead, he fussed all over him. To his dressed and what accessories would perfectly match his suit, to his hair, and even his freaking nails.

"So Minseok-ssi, how would the next Sunday be okay? I have this amazing nail art shop I really wanted to try. Your hands are cute and small. I think ‘squoval’ would be the perfect shape for you. You know square and oval." he chuckled and Minseok held the handle of his dinner knife rather tightly.

Lu ing Han, you are one dead meat once I get my hands on you. Damn you to the tenth layer of hell.





After two more hours enduring Yixing’s teasing and Nazha’s snide remarks, Luhan called it quits and chased the two out of his office. Afterwards, he went back to the apartment for a change of clothes before picking up Minseok. It was already 9:17 p.m. The latter would probably not mind if he stayed with Hongki’s company for a few couple of minutes. He has this awfully devious smile etched on his face as he walked towards where he parked his car. Enjoy his company, right.

Before he could hop on his car, a loud screeching from behind him took away his attention from his car keys. An unidentified car was just a few inches away from scratching the rear of his beloved Porsche 718 Cayman.

“What the hell.”

He walked towards the said car but before he could even take more than three steps, a very obvious drunk man got out, judging from his stumbling steps.

“What the , Minseok?!”

He reached just in time the older’s body slumped forward, catching him in his arms.

“Yo Luhan~ *hic* remind me not *hic* to get on this *hic* car again.” Minseok mumbled while trying to steady his balance, “What *hic* was this car’s *hic* plate number again?” and trying to look at the car’s plate number.

He adjusted his hold on the older’s waist. He reeks of alcohol. He knocked angrily on the cars’ heavily tinted windows.

“Hey, ing get out of the car, !”

Seconds later, an equally groggy Lee Hongki got out of the car. But not at smashed as Minseok was. He even gave him a lazy smile.

“Sorry about your car. If you found out I actually damaged it, you can call my manager anytime.”

An angry vein popped out of his head. “What the hell did you do to Minseok? Are you not even sorry?”

Hongki grinned mischievously. “Oh him? I don’t really regret getting him drunk. I enjoyed his company verrrry much.”


“Luhan shut up. You’re shouting *hic* at my ear.”

A heartfelt boisterous laugh was heard from the vocalist. He saluted at him before turning to Minseok. “By the way Minseok, we already had this coming Sunday booked for the two of us. Don’t forget.” He gave a flirty wink before hopping inside his car.

He felt Minseok breaking free from his hold to return the salute.

*hic* Sure.”

He snapped back towards the older.

“What the hell was that? Hey Kim Minseok.”

“Shut up Luhan. Your voice’s grating on my delicate and very sensitive ears.”

The older started making his way towards the apartment’s entrance. Luhan immediately walked after him.

“Hey, I told you I’m going to fetch you right. And when did I say you could go to the bar and get your sorry drunk. And don’t you dare lie to me Minseok. I know your alcohol tolerance and the drinks at that restaurant would not make you this smashed.”

“Oh geez! Stop acting like my husband Luhan.”





“Oh geez! Stop acting like my husband Luhan.”

Even in his drunken state, Minseok’s mind immediately registered the sacred-word-that must-not-be-mentioned-ever-again.

Stop acting like my husband Luhan.

He turned back and started walking as fast as his groggy self could be. “This is all your ing fault. You know what I would be getting with if I dated Hongki and now you had the audacity to be angry. Wow!”

“I did not tell you to get this drunk. And what else did you do? You even got on his car knowing he will be drunk driving!”

“Stop shouting.”

He snapped back to Luhan and at the same time he lost his footing on the third step of the stairs. The younger was immediately in front of him, holding him by his waist.

“I won’t stop shouting if this will be the only way to get through your thick skull. Don’t even think of meeting him on Sunday again.”

“You’re not my husband, stop dicta–

“Oh wow. Get a room you two, it’s only a few more steps and you’ll reach the elevator. But if you want to give us a free show I won’t really mind.”

The both turned and saw Heechul, Baekhyun and Sehun at the common living room, holding billiards sticks.

“We heard the commotion and went out to see what happened. I guessing Minseok already had a taste of what Hongki is.” Heechul grinned evilly, “Ah, Luhan I forgot to tell you but Hongki actually is the type of man to get it on the first date. And judging by Minseok’s state I guess we could already conclude what happened.” He added, his smile getting wider each passing second.

Before he could protest to what Heechul said, Luhan already dragged him towards the elevator up to his room. ‘Don’t even think of meeting him on Sunday’ was the last words he said before slamming his door with a bang.

He should be the one getting angry at how disastrous his date turned out. All because of Luhan but why does he feel like he’s the one being scolded and why is Luhan even mad. It’s not like it’s the first time the younger see him this wasted.

Wanting to rest, and not bother about these thoughts anymore, Minseok decided to wash up. He will make the deer pay tomorrow. For now, he really need to lie down.

After emerging from his bathroom, he was surprised to see Heechul seating at his carpeted floor, billiard stick still on his hand.


“Oh sorry, I already invited myself. I just wanted to say sorry about Hongki. He’s a little bit uncontrollable but he never did want to disrespect you or anything.”

Minseok smiled. In all honesty, he never did feel that Hongki was even a celebrity in the entirety of their date. He was just weird but in a good way and never did he made him feel like he was not on the same level as he was. No matter how famous he is.

“It’s okay. I actually enjoyed his company.”

“Okay. But that’s not actually the reason why I am here.”

He raised his brow.

“Well Luhan had mentioned it to me once, that you actually are man-hunting. And I don’t understand why is there a need for this. I mean, judging from the around you and Luhan.”

If he could just tell Heechul what that ‘idiot Yifan’ told him a week ago was the sole reason of his misery right now without looking like an idiot, he probably told the older.

“Pfft. . I don’t know what you're saying. I've been evading that guy since our high school days up to the moment he came back here in Korea and I still am till now. That’s all.”

Heechul cocked an eyebrow at him. “Made me wonder why you're still here WITH him,”

A flash of mortification crossed Minseok's face and the older burst out laughing.

“I can't get rid of him enough,” he muttered stubbornly.

“Can’t? Or Don't want to get rid of him?”




‘Sup guys? Missed me? I’m temporarily back at writing fanfics again. Hohoho. I’m starting to regain my writing muse back and hopefully I could update my other fics as well even if its just a short chapter. Also, I want to thank everyone who stayed with this fic even it’s been almost a year since the last update. You guys are the best! I’m sorry this update took this long and this chapter was short.

Enjoy reading.














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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 4: Senpai pleaseeee updateee huuuuuu T.T
zandy151 #2
Chapter 4: I love this story, please continue ♥
Xiuhanisloveok #3
Chapter 4: Yo dude I reread this dude I love this so much aaaaa
gooddyoctor #4
Chapter 4: Finally i got to read this fic again from the beginning continuously till the latest chapter so i will ‘refresh’ every thing. Even for the second time reading i still teared up unconsciously because poor minseok ㅠㅠ
Thanks for the update!❤️❤️
qxcqxc #5
Chapter 4: Ahhhh!!! I enjoyed this fic so so so much. This is so well written and everything is so satisfying. Love hate xiuhan with a past is life. Glad you regain your muse back^^
Xiuhanisloveok #6
exodaily #9
Chapter 4: THANK YOU FOR UPDATING!!! this was seriously a good chapter!!!
jennifer_yuki #10
Chapter 4: Wow, you two just SMASH already!!!lol
I miss this story you better not taking another almost a year to update next chapter haha (v)