
The Fortune Teller

A/N: Honestly, this was supposed to be a Christmas gift to all my lovely readers (tehehe) but I got distracted with Hongki’s upcoming first solo concert and, of course, work that I forgot to upload it. So don’t be surprised to see that the story is set few days before Christmas. And although Christmas is already finished, I hope you won’t mind. *whispers Happy New Year as well* Btw, I decided to make this multi-chaptered with 3 – 5 chapters in the least (is that even multi-chaptered) and I’m going to upload 2 chapters hopefully before this week ends.


Chapter 1


One week before the twenty-fifth, seven days before Minseok could finally see his family. Byulyi got married earlier this year and he’s excited to see his little sister once again. After all, he’s the one who set his best friend, Jongdae, and his sister together. But because Byulyi is younger than him and already married, Minseok is already dreading the fact that his parents would once again to get married. Oh wait, get laid. Sometimes, he questions the decency of his family.

Passing by the caravan that is set up at the park near his new apartment, Minseok smiled at the scenery. Christmas lights adorned the trees and benches; children were freely running across the frozen wide fountain that was turned into last minute ice rink. Smell of sweet delicacies filled the air and Minseok just loved basking in the Christmas fever.

“Hello, would you like to get your future read?”

A tall – really tall – guy was standing in front of him, good looking if he might add, holding tarot cards and smiling awkwardly at him.

“Uh?” The tall guy looked like he was just told to do this thing as part of the caravan so Minseok was really surprised when the guy claimed that he’s good at reading someone’s future.

“Sure.” He decided that there will be no harm done if he gets his palm read, he doesn’t really believe in this kind of but since he was very blessed this year, he kind of wants to know his luck for the next year.

“Please come inside. I’m Yifan by the way.”

Inside the tent was a single table with a shining crystal ball on top of it. Minseok had to give whoever made it a slow clap for the well made props.

“You’re my last customer for the night and I have a good feeling about it.” Yifan said while running his palm on the said crystal ball and if not for his concentrated face, Minseok probably burst in laughter. His deep and very masculine voice doesn’t fit the image of him being a fortune teller.

“Give me your right hand.”

“Uh, are you sure you know how to do it?” he can’t help but ask upon seeing Yifan scrutinize his small palm as if it was the most offending thing right now.

“Shush. Now give me your left hand.”

It took him few minutes before Yifan goes back into his crystal ball. He’s smiling now and Minseok kind of excited to hear what would be his fate for the next and coming years even though it’s all for entertainment.

“Well, you have very nice hands.”


“And well a very good year ahead of you.  You could say fate is in your favour. You don’t need much with regards to your family and job since you already had the best.” Yifan said solemnly and Minseok could only agree. His family is the best and yes, he already managed to get his dream job plus his dream apartment.

“But the best thing that my crystal ball showed me is that this year you will be finding your other half and will be settled in a year.”

“Hold on. Wait.” Now this has Minseok’s nerves and cells tingling. It’s not that he’s not lucky when it comes to his love life. He just don’t show much interest because he can’t seem to find the right one that will made him want to settle down. You could say he’s a hopeless romantic. He liked watching people fall in love and get married, liked watching couples show their affection to each other. He’s used seeing his parents still so much in love with each other after all the years and Jongdae and Byulyi’s affectionate banters.

“You will meet him before Christmas Day and be in a relationship before this year ends.”

“Isn’t that a bit fast?” Sure he likes the thought of falling in love but Minseok isn’t an easy guy.

“Nothing is fast or slow when it comes to falling in love. Plus, he will be the one. If you would get yourself in a relationship with other guys, you will suffer bad luck for the rest of the year.”

Minseok frowned. “That’s a little bit vague. With the nature of my work, I get to meet different people on daily basis. How do I know that he is the one?”

Or maybe this Yifan guy is just really bluffing, caravans like these sell entertainment and Minseok reminds himself not to get overexcited.

“Wait! My crystal ball is showing me something.” Yifan immediately runs a hand on said ball. “He’s near. Your soulmate is near.”

“What?” Minseok panics in his seat. Like really, right now? Yifan glances at the clock before staring straight at him.

“Yes. My crystal ball shows me blurred images but there’s definitely red sweater, white snapback and sneakers and black tresses.”

Minseok gulp and then turns his head sharply at the sound of footsteps coming outside the tent. He stands from his chair and faces the opening of the tent, ready for someone who might be his soulmate.

Red sweater…

White sneakers…

White snapback…

Black hair…


Minseok gawked at the sight of the newcomer not because he’s happy that he finally meet his ‘soulmate’ but because the man standing in front of him is his life-sworn enemy and he thought he already got rid of him during high school.





The tension in the air is so thick it can cut someone in half. Minseok should pity Yifan for being dragged in this but he reminded himself that Yifan is actually to blame for all this madness.

“Okay! Stop right there. Are you seriously saying that I would fall in love and marry this.. this lame excuse for a man here?!” Luhan threw him a nasty glare and Minseok could feel his usually nonexistent temper flare up.

It turns out that Luhan also went to this tent before him and was told that he would also meet the love of his life before the Christmas Day, here. Yifan back it up with the fact that their futures are so much aligned and the man that he saw while reading Luhan’s is in fact him. Minseok cringed at the thought.

“Please ajushhi! We have lived long enough to know that I won’t be happy, much more at peace if I so ever be in a ten meter radius with HIM.” Luhan is close to crying and Minseok’s eyebrow twitch in annoyance, how dare this deer looking man have the audacity to beg and kneel as if asking to be saved from inescapable doom?

“Don’t get too cocky, deer. You should ask me first if I wanted to be with you, you dickhead.” He scoffed before turning back to the thick eye browed fortune teller who can only gawk at them.

“Ha! Who would want to be stuck with a nerdy, short and suitor-less man like you?”

“I’m what?! I dare you repeat that, bambi. I have suitors, what would you call Heechul hyung and Changmin hyung then?  Too bad you wish it was you.”

“Oh, counting the number of suitors are we? You seemed to forget that I have a huge fanclub back then you even had a hard time getting past our classroom door. And oh, I’m actually the one who managed to get Yixing sunbae, dumpling face.”

Something snaps in him. “I’ll ing kill you!” he growled.

Before he could launch himself and end Luhan’s life for good, a hesitant cough cut off their banter.

“E-excuse me but why are you so against fate when you two had the best fortune I’ve ever read so far. By the end of this year, you will be getting married, live in a nice mansion, one of you will have his business entering its peak and by the end of next year you will be having child-

“Please! I’m begging you, reread our future!” This time Minseok doesn’t need to be told twice as he kneel beside Luhan, clamping his small hands,  lips quivering and the beginning of tears in his eyes.

No, no no! He’s not going to have children with HIM. no. The idea of marriage is revolting enough, he doesn’t need the image of him having kids with Luhan. Over his dead body.

“Please ajusshi. I’ll pay you twice, thrice, name your price. Just have our future reread. Maybe you’re just seeing things.” Luhan begged once again and Minseok can only nod. This is for his future, he reminds himself.

Yifan only sighs and shook his head. “As much as I want your money, I’m sure I’ll be only seeing the same. Well it’s up to the two of you if you want to believe me or not. I’ve done my part and I know what I see. Honestly, I don’t see the reason why you two are you against it.”

Minseok slumped in his seat. Yes, he still has a choice not to believe in all this drama. After all, the chance on seeing Luhan is very minimal. Korea is a big country and who knows maybe Luhan is only here for the holidays.

“How much do I need to pay?” he asked but Yifan only shook his head.

“Consider this as an early Christmas gift.” He smiled but Minseok isn’t sure if he can return it. “Excuse me. I have to start packing up.”

“Wait! How is this even a Christmas gift?” Luhan wailed beside him but Minseok chooses to ignore him as he starts walking towards the opening of the tent. Maybe if he pretends Luhan isn’t here, he might as well evaporate into thin air.

“Wait Minseok!”

So much for pretending bambi isn’t here.

“What?” he hissed once outside the tent.

“What? That’s it. That guy has just told us, laid out to us our future and your reaction is a simple ‘what’?”

He doesn’t know if he should cry or laugh. Luhan looked like he’s ready to roast someone, alive.

“I can’t believe your idiocy’s upgraded from the last time we’ve met. That guy is lying. We won’t be falling in love with each other even if you make me Korea’s richest man alive. No. Never. So rest assured we’ll stay single after Christmas and hopefully after this year ends.”

“And I’m not going to fall in love with you, as well.”

“So what the hell is your problem?” Minseok can feel a headache coming. Talking with Luhan always ends up in a mess.

“I’ve been coming here every year just to have my fortune read and never, I repeat never, did his forecast miss. He said I would be a successful painter after my third piece and it became true. He told me to stop going to this certain bar or else I would be in danger and a week after I followed his forecast, that bar got raided. Minseok he even predicted my break up with Yixing!”

“Wait, what?” Minseok’s ears perked up. “You broke up with Yixing sunbae?”

Luhan was surprised for a while before he scowled. “That’s not the problem here. We need to do something that would ensure that we won’t be ending up together.”

Minseok sighs, exasperated. “Okay, listen here Lu. Since you’re so adamant on this bull fortune telling, here’s the plan. It’s very simple actually. We must not see each other, if we did, pretend we don’t know each other. Sounds good right?”

Luhan looked at him suspiciously. “You must get yourself in a relationship before this year end. That’s the only thing that will make us sure we won’t be spending the rest of our lives together.”


“It’s a foolproof plan.”

Oh god.

“It’s a stupid plan. I’m not the kind of person who would just randomly hook on a guy just to avoid a stupid forecast.”

What does Luhan think of him, a flirt? Hell no, besides there is no perfect candidate for him at the moment.  Actually there is no perfect candidate for him ever since high school. Ever since Yixing sunbae got himself – wait.

“That’s it!”

Luhan eyed him warily.


Minseok faced him with a smirk on his lips. “You wanted me to get a boyfriend right? And you’ve broken up with Yixing sunbae right?”

Luhan looked at him confused for a moment before he finally gets what he is trying to say.

His expression immediately darkens. “You’re planning to get Yixing sunbae as your boyfriend?” Luhan scowled at him. “You still have feelings for him, huh, after all these years.”

“He was supposed to be mine. I met him first; fell in love with him first before you decided to seduce him and take him away from me.”

“But I met you first!”


Luhan looked astonished as well as if not believing that words came out from his own lips.

“What does that have to do with the now?”

“Nothing.” Luhan averts his gaze, “You better have a boyfriend before this year ends. Whether it be Yixing – goodluck with that – or not, I don’t care” Before walking away towards the opposite direction.

Minseok fumed. “I can make him my boyfriend, you prick! Just wait and see.” He yelled aiming his fist at his retreating back but Luhan is already far.

“Ugh. Why did he even return to Korea? God why did I have to bump into him, are my blessings going to be cut off here?”

Minseok looked back at the fortune teller tent and promised himself to forget a certain bambi faced man and this incident.

Yes, that’s right. This incident never happened.





“Welcome  back, Minseok.”

The brunette smiled at the woman currently manning the counter of the reception area of the apartment building he had been staying for seven months now. His dream apartment.

“Thank you Sooyoung noona. By the way I brought fresh apples. It’s an advanced Christmas gift.” He smiled warmly at her.

“Oh, right. You will spend Christmas at your parents’ house. Are you excited?”

“Yes. Very much.”

Moving out somehow made him regret leaving their house. When Byulyi married, she moved in with Jongdae and that left him with his parents. For a while, he felt guilty leaving just the two of them back in their house.

"By the way, I took the liberty of renting out the ‘piano room’. I hope you don't mind. I kind of felt guilty making you pay for that room when you're not even using it. Plus the guy paid for it twice than the usual rental fee. It’s hard to say no."

Minseok shrugged. Although the room had already been somehow special to him, it's where he usually let out his frustration by playing the piano; he doesn't mind it being rented out. After all, he’s just the solo occupant of the seventh floor. It’s nice having someone next door.

"It's alright."

"Are you sure? Sica said that it might have been a bad decision." Soyoung looked guilty for a moment.

"No it's alright. The guy probably needs the room more than me."

She smiled at him. "Thanks Minseok ah. And while you're at it, can you give this to him, it's our housewarming gift and advanced Christmas gift as well."

Minseok looked at the poorly wrapped box and he immediately thought Mark might be the one who wrapped the gift.

"I see that Mark had enjoyed wrapping the gift."

Sooyoung had a fond look on her. "Well he’s my son, after all."

He returned her giggle with a smile before going up to his room. He passed by the said "piano room" and the brunette wonders if the new guy would be nice enough to let him visit his favorite piano. Looking down at the gift in his hand, he guessed this would be a good chance to get on his good side.

Changing into sweat pants and his FC Barcelona T-shirt, Minseok made way to his new neighbour’s door. Pressing the doorbell twice, the brunette waited. He heard shuffling inside, the new guy must be organizing his things right now and Minseok contemplates if this is the right time giving the housewarming gift when his neighbour is probably busy and tired.

The door creaks open and Minseok readied his smile hoping it would put the new guy at ease.

"Hello, Welcome to Black Pearl Heights! I'm Minseok, the occupant next door..." The brunette trailed on his words, eyes wide as saucers and his mouth is probably hanging open.


Said man is currently looking confused in just his black denim pants and nothing else. He was towelling his hair and the older realized he must have been in shower minutes ago, the scent of his after shave evading the brunette's nostrils. It’s so manly, just the way Minseok likes it.

Kim Minseok. What the hell are you thinking?

“Minseok?” A flicker of surprise flash Luhan’s face momentarily before it turned into an ugly frown Minseok is hundred percent willing to return. But then the memories of the event that unfolds at the caravan screams inside his head he’s so sure he’s gone pale in a matter of seconds.

You will constantly meet him until you two finally fall in love with each other.

“What are you doing here?!” he shrieked.

Luhan gave him a weird look. “This is my new apartment. It means I’m going to live here.”

No way! He and Luhan should never be neighbours. Minseok should never be seeing Luhan again. He was his high school and college nightmare and he can’t be forever ruining his life, for Pete’s sake!

“You’re not supposed to be here! No. This isn’t happening.” He turned to him sharply. “Is there a way to cancel your lease contract? There must be a way.” He paces back and forth in front of the still confused Luhan while clutching the poorly wrapped gift tightly.

“Will you stop doing that? You’re giving me headache. And please don’t tell me you believe that Yifan guy now?”

“You’re the one who said his forecast never missed. And now look at where we are.” Luhan frowned at the intensity of his voice. Minseok can’t help it or else he’s going to be this insufferable man’s husband. “Now, I need you to cancel your lease contract. It’s not hard to do, you haven’t even finished unpacking.” He half glanced at the small opening from Luhan’s door.

“What?” Now it was Luhan’s voice turn to raise an octave. “Are you insane? I’ve already paid the two months rental fee plus the security deposit. It’s even more expensive than your own life.”

“How dare you –

“Oh shut up Minseok. You don’t get to order me around. You’re not even my husband yet.”

Both stopped on their tracks after realizing the intensity of Luhan’s words. Minseok can feel his cheeks warm up. He wants to vomit at the imagery his mind is making up at the moment. Feeling disgusted at himself for even wondering of how is it to be Luhan’s husband for a second, he threw the housewarming gift directly at his face.


“I’m never going to be your husband. Keep on dreaming!” he yelled at his face before he stomped away.


“Oh what’s supposed to be the problem here?” Both turn to look at the newcomer, a beautiful petite girl holding bed sheets and blankets that must be for Luhan’s room.

“Nothing.” He immediately supplied, not wanting to be associated with Luhan anymore.

“Do you know him, Minseok-shi?”

“No.” Minseok replied the same time Luhan said yes. Minseok bugged his eyes out.

“Oh that’s cute.” The girl commented clearly amused.

What the F?

“No we don’t know each other. He’s bluffing.”

“But if I remember correctly, you were my first nerdy admirer until I turn you down.” Luhan said with a hint of arrogant and mockery it makes Minseok’s blood boil.

“Say what?” he’s practically spewing fire and Minseok will make sure Luhan won’t be able to get away from his rage.

“Uh-uh. I guess I’ll just let you two have some private talk. They say it’s a bad karma breaking up before the New Year starts. You’ll end up breaking people’s heart for the rest of the year.” She dumped the pile of blankets and bed sheets on both of them before leaving two grown man to their own devices.

“But we’re not even boyfriends. I don’t even know him. Wait!” Minseok tried to correct her impression on them but he was met with her retreating back. He sharply turned his head to Luhan’s direction who was busy dumping the blankets on his carpeted floor while putting a clean T shirt on.

“You.” Minseok growled low. Before he could even say more, Luhan dragged him inside his own room, remove the bed sheets from his arms and throw it at the nearby messy couch.

“Shut up. Let me talk first.”

He’s about to argue back but Luhan placed a finger on his lips. “I said quiet.”

Disgusted, he took a step back and crossed his arms on his chest. “Okay talk.”

“We’re going to sort whatever drama is this like what civilized people do. I can’t keep on arguing with you every time we cross paths since your plan of pretending we don’t know each other obviously didn’t work. Of course at your own fault as well.”

“I’m just being a courteous neighbour. If I knew you would be at the other room I would never even think of knocking on your door.”

“But still the point stands. It didn’t work and it won’t work until our urge to kill each other subside.”

“So what do you propose?” Minseok snorts, annoyed that somehow Luhan has a point.

“Like what I said to you last time we met. We should get committed to other people before this year ends or else were doomed.     Actually, I’m happy at first that you don’t seem to mind what the fortune teller said but judging by how you reacted upon seeing me earlier, I guess I’m wrong.”

Honestly Minseok doesn’t think he overreacts earlier. It’s just that he’s not expecting Luhan to show up in front of him. He freaked out and the first thing that comes into his mind is that stupid fortune teller’s story and Luhan insisting Yifan’s perfect foretelling.

You will constantly meet him until you two finally fall in love with each other.

Minseok shook his head, trying to erase Yifan’s voice in his memory.

“Okay.” He sighed. He agrees that somehow it’s the best plan that they can think as of now. “Give me Yixing sunbae’s number.” He held his palm open and looked straight at Luhan. His feelings for his high school senior may not be as strong as before but at least Minseok can enjoy Yixing’s company. Who knows he might fall in love with his first crush once again, the only person that managed to make his high school life colourful.

Luhan’s expression darkens upon the mention of Yixing’s name. “No.”

He sighs, frustrated. “Why are you so stubborn? This is for our own good. Think it like we’re hitting two birds with one stone. You get to move on from him and I can finally get the man of my life.

Instead of answering, Luhan pushes his body towards his door, glaring at anything but him. “When I said no, it means no.”

Minseok was out of the door in no time. Ugh! Who the hell he thinks he is? He’s the one who suggests getting this done but then he’s being unreasonable at the same time.

“Ugh, if I could just deport you back to China.”

He kicked Luhan’s door in annoyance before going back to his own room.





Minseok tried his very best to smile although he knew that his In-Charge can already tell the smile is fake. Because seriously, what kind of boss deprives their hardworking employees their well deserved holidays? He remembered he filed a ing vacation leave before December even starts.

“I’m really sorry, Kim, but the client wanted to get their year – end inventory audited and counted before Christmas day and since you’re near the company’s place and everyone’s already on leave, you’re the only available staff as of the moment.” Kim Junmyeon, his senior manager apologized to him without even looking up from his computer.

Minseok wanted to scream. Who the hell works on the Christmas week? This is the time he should be buying gifts for his two god daughters, doing a general cleaning for the upcoming Christmas Party at Black Pearl Heights or just lazing on his couch while watching Harry Potter Series or Lord of the Rings. He’s not supposed to be counting some inventory of other company, typing count sheets and reconciling whatever discrepancies noted! He might as well proceed to hang himself.

“Ugh. How can my day more?” he whined after going out from Junmyeon’s office. He pulled his phone from his pocket and sends a message to his client confirming that he will be arriving by ten this morning. Times like this, he wished he never chosen to become an auditor.





“Excuse me, Kim Minseok?” He looked up from where he was seated from the plush couch of the reception area and greeted two approaching man in suits. He readied his best smile.

“Good morning. I’m the auditor from SM Auditing firm. Nice to meet you, Kim Junsu shi and..” he tilts his head to catch a glance at the other man behind Kim Junsu.

“Thank you and oh, this is Zhang Yi Xing. He’s our company’s Advisory Head. He would be the one accompanying your inventory count. I’m really sorry for this unexpected request but I’m very thankful your firm still agrees with it.”

He can only nod as he stares, wide eye at the dimpled man currently smiling back at him. It’s ing Zhang Yixing! The love of his life, the one and only. He bites his lower lip to prevent his lips from breaking into a wide grin enough to be considered creepy. He doesn’t know if Yixing could still remember him, the nerdy boy who always watches his basketball plays, but he’s happy nonetheless.

“Hello Sir.” He bowed slightly, partly for respect and partly to hide his growing smile.

“No need to be so formal. Can I call you just Minseok-shi, I’m terrible at formalities?”

Even Minseok-ah, Seok-ah, yeobo, aegi, bae, whatever you like.

Oh god why is he so embarrassing? He’s sure his cheeks are already in the deepest shade of pink right now. Gather yourself Minseok, you need to impress him.

“Sure. I don’t mind.”

“Great, so let’s get going then. The sooner we finish the better.”

Minseok stop the urge to squeal like some teenage girl when he felt Yixing’s hand guided him through the small of his back.





But eh, surprisingly, the inventory count finished fast – Yixing had deployed three men to do the counting and for him just to observe – and by the time six in the evening rolls, he’s already typing the last page of the count sheet. But it’s only part of the reason why he felt giddy today. The Zhang Yixing had invited him on an early dinner as a ‘Christmas gift’ upon learning that he was his hoobae in high school. He steals another glance at the man innocently sipping his coffee while waiting for him to finish typing.

He doesn’t understand why he had chosen Luhan to be his boyfriend back in high school when all Luhan has is evilness masked by his feminine features. Not that Minseok find him pretty or attractive. Nope. Not a bit. He also can’t remember how the two of them became mortal enemy. Oh, wait he did remember after all.

Luhan is his cousin Jongin’s best friend. They are both member of soccer and dance club and because of that he was always over at their dorm (he and Jongin live in the same dorm). They barely talk to each other and it’s only because they have the same circle of friends that people think they are friends as well. He has no ill feelings towards the younger at first but everything changes when Minseok met Zhang Yixing and that evil Luhan had found out his crush on the said senior.

Every day was a torture to Minseok since Luhan made it a point to on his crush towards Yixing to the point of blackmailing him. They always end up in trouble and the guidance counsellor’s office became their hang-out place much to their friends’ amusement. But the greatest blow Minseok received from Luhan was when he announced to the whole campus during their school prom that he and Yixing sunbae were an item. He didn’t want to admit but Minseok cried the whole night for it. He was his first heartache after all.

As a sort of revenge for his broken heart, Minseok made it to a point to make the younger’s life miserable and that is how the younger manage to be the only one, exclusively on ‘Minseok’s Enemy List’. He and Luhan’s are the exact opposite and he could never imagine how it to be his husband is. That’s why before the Christmas Day ends; he must have Yixing’s number stored safely on his phone.

“I’m finished. I’m just going to send it to Junmyeon and we can go. Sorry, I kept you waiting.”

“Oh, it’s alright, I also have an appointment on the same restaurant we are going to eat later this evening.”

As expected from the love of his life, such dedicated person towards his work that even at Christmas week he had to meet clients. In Minseok's eyes, it's an A+ unlike someone else he knew. He shook his head. He shouldn't be thinking of Luhan in the presence of his prince charming.

"Shall we go?"


The ride to the restaurant is filled with comfortable silence, few questions thrown in between. Minseok learned that Yixing returned to China for few months after college, the time he and Luhan broke up because both decided long distance relationship will not work for both their personality and of course to be fair to each other, to freely fall in love without feeling obligated and guilty.

What he doesn't understand is Luhan's reaction everytime he mentions Yixing's name. Although the dimpled man claimed that they parted ways with no hurt or ill feelings towards each other, it seems like Luhan still loves Yixing.

Or he's just pissed Minseok is going to get Yixing this time and would still be the ultimate winner in the latter's heart. Yeah, that must be it. Suprisingly, the thought of ‘stealing’ Yixing from Luhan doesn’t sit too well for him.

The restaurant where they are supposed to have dinner is nothing business like, not even near the usual place where Minseok would like to meet his clients. The restaurant, El Dorado, is cozy with a hint of intimacy. Antique chandeliers hung on its high ceilings, old Victorican tables and chairs, huge windows with elegant curtains. People eating inside are all obviously couples. He wanted to blush at the thought that he and Yixing would look like a couple the moment they enter the place. But the main reason for the giddiness he felt is the fact that Yixing doesn't mind that people would think they are couples.

World - 0, Minseok - 1.

The food they ordered is a buffet for two, Minseok think it's cute that Yixing thinks of them as a pair. He could order individual menu but he settled for a couple set. It seems like he doesn't need to bug a certain deer for his crush's number.


Minseok froze at the sound of that voice.

. Why?!

"Oh. You're here. Perfect." Yixing's soft voice replied.

Pretend you didn't hear that voice. Pretend you didn't recognize him.

Suddenly he’s afraid to raise his head, he doesn’t want to confirm his suspicions but he won’t never mistake that voice for anything else.

“Ah, right. Luhan this is your blind date, Minseok shi. I hope you enjoy the rest of the night.”

This has his head snapped up, mouth agape.

What the actual ery is happening?

“I.. I.. you..wait..” he stuttered watching the love of his life stands up from his seat and guides his ‘blind date’ to occupy the now vacant chair. Since when did he sign up for this? Minseok’s isn’t informed. He wants to wither and probably die. At least his last memories includes Yixing’s beautiful smile.

It’s like time stopped still and when Luhan slowly turned his head towards him, Minseok bared his teeth and hissed. Luhan blinked.

I dare you sit on that chair bambi.

“Go on. Go on. No need to be shy. This is Christmas after all, a season to give some love, yeah.” Yixing give both their shoulders light pats and Minseok for the first time wanted to curse his crush.

At the mention of the word ‘love’, Luhan snapped in his trance.

“What is this Xing?” he hissed, not wanting to call the attention of other patrons eating inside, still trying to ignore Minseok’s murderous glares.

“You said you wanted a boyfriend before this year ends and I don’t want you to make rushed decision so I decided to help you. Do you know that Minseok shi here is from the same high school as us? This is a good start, yeah?”

He doesn’t want to accept it. His crush just didn’t sell him off to Luhan. No.

“It’s okay with you Minseok, right? Don’t worry I knew Luhan since high school and he’s a great guy.” The dimpled man looked down at him expectantly and he doesn’t have a heart to say no to Yixing and wiped off that childish anticipation in his eyes. So he nods, reluctantly and Yixing unceremoniously shoved down Luhan on the chair before laughing his way off.

“Thank me later, guys!”

“Yah! You’re supposed to give me a ride to my new apartment.” Luhan whined.

“Minseok can do that.” Yixing just laughed heartily at the indignant protest that follows before finally exiting the restaurant’s entrance.

A thick silence engulfs the new couple. Minseok is silently sipping his wine avoiding Luhan’s line of sight. It’s best to pretend no one is sitting in front of him. He’s good at doing it everytime Junmyeon nags for deadlines.

“I’m surprised you hadn’t walked out yet.”

You didn’t hear anything Minseok. Yeah, that’s good keep on sipping your wine and you’ll be alright.

“You could stop pretending you don’t know me. The fact that you’re so keen on avoiding my line of sight, it means you’re aware I’m here.”

He really can’t easily get rid of this guy, is he? Sighing, he finally faced him. Luhan has his face on his hand, slightly annoyed expression on his face. Times like this he looks like the same teenage boy that Minseok always fights with during high school. That boy that would go as far as staying with him at the library for hours just to annoy the hell out of him. If he and Luhan have met under different circumstances, how would his impression and thoughts on the man change?

“You could leave, I won’t mind.”

Luhan said after a while. Minseok thinks Luhan can be nice as well.

“Because everytime I see your face, I had this urge to bash my head at the nearest wall.”

Never mind what he said earlier. Luhan’s an A+ jerk.

“Shut up bambi. I’m not going to leave and what? Left you with all those food from that two person buffet we ordered earlier. Keep trying.”

Luhan pouted. “Aw, that’s close.” Before taking a sip at his own wine glass.

Minseok then froze. Wait. Why are they acting like they are actually on a date? Like its okay for them to meet and talk casually. It’s the second time he and Luhan met accidentally in just one week not counting their first meeting at the tent. This is the SECOND time fate brought them together, if you would put it in Yifan’s way. This can’t keep happening.

Luhan probably noticed the change in his expression because he suddenly smirked. “Relax, baobei, even if we’ve met again for the third time, rest assured I’m not falling in love with you. You’re not my type. Not even close.”

Minseok seethes and grips the wine glass he’s holding tightly. Anything just to keep himself from punching Luhan’s face. “You really have the guts to say it in my face, huh.”

“I don’t need guts to say it to your face, baozi ah. I’m not attracted to you. It’s really that simple. My ideal types were Yixing like – gentle, civilized mind you, and considerate.”

Minseok glowered and stands up. Luhan quirked an amused eyebrow up at him before continuing. “Sure you have suitors, as what you claim but I don’t think I would see you that way–

Luhan was caught off guard when he suddenly pulled his collar and dipped his face on his. Their lips met in an angry kiss, more like Minseok devouring Luhan’s in a battle of dominance. Luhan must have been shocked because it took him awhile before he responded but when he did; he’s as demanding as Minseok, if not more. He brought his hand on the older’s nape, gaining a better access of his lips. Thoughts of people watching them, scandalized looks on their faces and the possibility of getting banned from the said restaurant for PDA, if that is possible, was pushed at the back of Luhan’s mind as their mouths clashed in a sinful dance of tongues. He’s on the process of laying his other hand on Minseok’s cheek when the latter bit his lower lip and pulled away abruptly.

“Now whose not attracted, you imbecile?” Smirking, Minseok wiped his mouth and gathered his things. “You can have all the food, deer. I have a dinner already waiting at my kitchen.” With his head held high, Minseok walked away but then turned back at the last minute. “By the way good luck with going you home. I hope you won’t get lost.”

Minseok laughed boisterously while walking towards the door, ignoring other people’s annoyed look, upon hearing Luhan muttered the word ‘’.

World and Luhan – 0, Minseok – 26384671.

Word count: 6533

Thank you for those who upvoted, commented and subscribed. oh my god, you guys are amazing! Hope you have a good fortune for this year as well. ^^

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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 4: Senpai pleaseeee updateee huuuuuu T.T
zandy151 #2
Chapter 4: I love this story, please continue ♥
Xiuhanisloveok #3
Chapter 4: Yo dude I reread this dude I love this so much aaaaa
gooddyoctor #4
Chapter 4: Finally i got to read this fic again from the beginning continuously till the latest chapter so i will ‘refresh’ every thing. Even for the second time reading i still teared up unconsciously because poor minseok ㅠㅠ
Thanks for the update!❤️❤️
qxcqxc #5
Chapter 4: Ahhhh!!! I enjoyed this fic so so so much. This is so well written and everything is so satisfying. Love hate xiuhan with a past is life. Glad you regain your muse back^^
Xiuhanisloveok #6
exodaily #9
Chapter 4: THANK YOU FOR UPDATING!!! this was seriously a good chapter!!!
jennifer_yuki #10
Chapter 4: Wow, you two just SMASH already!!!lol
I miss this story you better not taking another almost a year to update next chapter haha (v)