Be Mine?

Room 227

October 31, 2015

Luhan was beyond happy. His heart was bursting with joy and a large grin even crept up onto his face as he made his way into the coffee shop to get him and Sehun something. It was warm and cozy inside, comforting was the atmosphere. The heavy smell of coffee, chocolate, and sweets filled his nose and he spotted Minseok behind the counter chatting with Jongdae. Faux spider webs were hung up in corners and plastic fingers and eyeballs were laid out on the tables in tiny black cauldrons. 

"Hyung!" Jondae shouted. "Happy Halloween! What are you doing tonight?" 

"Hi Jongdae and I'm busy tonight." Luhan smiled, glancing up at the menu board. He should have everything memorized by now since he worked here but with his plan for tonight he couldn't think straight. "Minseok can I get two medium hot chocolates and four cookies." 

Minseok nodded his head once and went to the back to prepare his order. Meanwhile Jongdae stared Luhan down until the older felt uncomfortable.

"What?" Luhan asked. 

"Why of all nights do you have things planned for tonight?" Jongdae whined, tossing his rag onto the counter. 

"Sorry. What do you have planned for the night?"

"Weeelllllll our friends decided that either one, we can go to that college party at Mark's place or two, chill at Kris's apartment get drunk and do stuff. We went with the latter."He huffed out. 

"I think I might have time to swing by later ya? I'll call you if anything." Luhan said, seeing that Minseok was bringing Luhan his order. 

"Here you go Luhannie. That'll be $7.50" 

"Employees discount?" Luhan smiled. 

"$5.00" Minseok mumbled. He was handed a five and placed it into the cash register. 

"Alright well I'm off. I'll see you later!" Luhan said happily, carefully opening the cafe door to walk to his destination. 


"This is so good!" Sehun smiled, taking a small sip of his savory drink. "Thank you hyung." 

"No problem. I enjoy seeing you when I get the chance." Sehun didn't respond but blushed fiercely as he took another sip of his drink. 

"So since today is Halloween, how about we binge watch a bunch of horror movies?" Luhan offered, holding up the remote to the TV. Sehun nodded and chewed on one of cookies. "Do you watch scary movies Sehunnie?" 

"Yeah I've seen a few." 

"Really? Well you can pick the first movie then." Luhan plopped back onto the bed, sitting beside Sehun. He scrolled through the movie options and choose "The Conjuring" and Luhan cried on the inside. 

While the movie played on, Sehun focused on it but Luhan looked away and tried to make it seem like he wasn't afraid. Gotta be brave in front of Sehun. Luhan repeated that mantra in his head for a while but that train of thought was cut short when he glanced at the screen and saw an ugly face screaming out. And the effect of that was a not-so-manly scream and Luhan scrambling to cover his face with Sehun's blanket. 

"I didn't...know men that." Sehun said between laughs. 

"Aish, shut up!" Luhan scolded, hiding his red face behind a pillow. "I don't like scary movies." He mumbled. 

"You don't like scary movies? Then why are we watching them?" Sehum smirked, pausing the film. 

"Because it's Halloween." Sehun began to laugh at him again, causing Luhan to turn away in embarassment.

"Let's watch something else okay hyung?" Sehun offered, looking for another movie. 

Luhan stared up at Sehun, analyzing every bit of him. From his jaw line, to his lips, to his eyebrows, Luhan observed everything. Today he wasn't wearing his cannula mask since his lungs were doing well but he had three very painful looking IV's stuck up in his arms and hands. Luhan's heart broke when he came to terms with Sehuns fragile state. Lately, ever since they won their championship, he's been visiting the younger nearly every day; whether it be for 20 minutes or for 2 hours. And Luhan didn't understand why he was attracted to this boy but he wanted to be here with him every hour of the day, he wanted to be in his presence and make him laugh and forget that he was sick. He wanted Oh Sehun to be his. He wanted him to be his now.  


Sehun felt Luhan staring at him for the past two minutes and he didn't know how to react. Is he judging me? Do I look like ? Wait but he said he liked me a few days ago why would he judge me? Calm your self down Sehun this is stupid. Luhan continued to stare until he snapped out of it and awkwardly looked away. 

"Sehun?" Luhan muttered. 

"Yes hyung?" 

"Remember when I told you two days ago that I liked you?" 


"Well...I meant it. I really really like you Sehun. I have no clue why though, I mean we've only known each other for two weeks but these past two weeks have made me incredibly happy. And it's because of you." Luhan turned dark red but his gaze remained on Sehun. The younger glanced back at him with a weird look in his eyes. It was almost as if he was scared but happy. 

"I-I like you too Luhan. You make me forget that I'm stuck in this hell-hole. You make me forget that I'm sick. You make me want to continue on living. You make me....hopeful. But...I don't understand this whole love thing. I've only ever talked to nurses and doctors throughout my life so now that you popped into my life, it makes me feel a certain way that scares me. But I like you." Sehun's voice began to falter at the end but his eyes stayed looking at the screen. 

"Sehun, it's okay to be scared. I'm scared too because for some unknown reason I'm attracted to you. I love being in the same room as you, I love the way you smile at my dumb jokes, I love the way that you mumble when you're tired, I just you." Luhan spewed out, fiddling with the blanket. 

Suprisingly, Sehun took Luhans fingers and softly traced every line, mark, and wrinkle. Luhan sat more forward, facing Sehun now rather than beside him. Luhan was about to take Sehun's other hand but saw his IV and was afraid to harm him so he just leaned forward, looking at Sehun's slender fingers trace over his palms. Little by little Sehun would lean forward, not sure if this was the right thing to do but he did it anyways until his and Luhan's forheads touched. Sehun stopped tracing over Luhan's hand and glanced up at the olders doe eyes. His stomach fluttered with butterflies and a part of him told him to back off and stop it but another part told him to continue on. Luhan took Sehun's hand and intertwined them together, rubbing his thumb over the skin on Sehun's hands. 

Only two words...Be mine? It's not that tough. I can do it. Luhan thought, taking a deep breathe, ready to ask Sehun his important question. 


"Mmmm." He mumbled, giving Luhan a sign that he was tired. Do it!

"Would you-" 

"Sehun." A nurse suddenly swung the door open, sing-songing Sehun's name. "Time for your medicine." 

Both boys jumped apart, scrambling over the blankets to make the situation less awkward which ultimately didn't help. 

"You." The nurse pointed a finger to Luhan. "Visiting hours are over in five minutes. I think you best be on your way." 

"Uhhhh o-okay. Bye S-Sehun." Luhan stuttered out and got off the bed, walking out into the hallway. The elevator was in sight and he pulled out his phone and dialed Jongdae's number. 

"Hello?" He finally answered. 

"Where you at? I'm free now." Luhan said, getting off the elevator and into the dowstairs lobby, waving goodbye to nurse Minji. 

"At Kris's place, you coming over?" Jongdae asked. 

"Yeah be there in a few." 

"Alright see you then Luhannie." They said their goodbyes and hung up, Luhan crossing the street to walk over into Kris block. 

Luhan's heart was pounding in his chest and the butterflies in his stomach wouldn't go away. He desperately wanted Sehun to be his and he wanted to go back into the hospital and be with him but you can't always get what you ask for. Sehun, why do you do this to me? You drive me crazy.

YOOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm back. Sorry I haven't been active lately but I had a loss in the family and I was extremely busy. Not only that but my depression has gotten worse and let me tell you; it brings me down so much. I try to hide it from my family and friends by laughing and 'being happy' but it just gets worse and it sooo badly. Anyways I just wanna say thank you to the subscribers I have and I love you all so damn much! :3 <3 




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RosyBr #1
Chapter 3: Will Sehun get better? Will they be together?
Lacoursiere #2
Chapter 3: This is soooo lovely~~~
huney_hannie #3
Chapter 2: Who tops in this fic?
duwiek #4
Pls update soon authornim..^~