Why Are You Doing This To Me?

Room 227

October 13, 2015

Luhan's lungs ached and burned as he ran up and down the soccer field side by side with Tao and his team. Their coach called a last minute practice session before their tournaments that were in a few days and to be honest, this was absoulute torture. The team has been here for the past 4 hours and Luhan desperately wanted to go home and sleep but he also, for some strange reason, wanted to go see Sehun again. The sick boy popped into his thoughts every now and then, throwing Luhan off and messing him up as he practiced. As a matter of fact, he could have gone to see him today but this practice got in the way. Tao tapped his shoulder, pointing towards the gates where a mass of 9 people were walking into the field and sitting on the metal bleachers. 

"Why are they here?" Luhan asked. 

"I don't know, maybe they're waiting for us to get out of practice." Tao shrugged as he and Luhan waved happily to their group of friends on the benches. 

They continued on sprinting down the field, kicking the ball back and forth and making goals. The sun was beginning to set and the sky glowed a bright orange and pink, clouds stretched across the sky. Luhan wondered what Sehun was up to. Probably nothing, he's locked up in that room anyways, Luhan thought to himself sadly. It scared Luhan a bit to come to terms that even though he conversed with the sick boy once, he was immensely intrigued by him. His fair skin and brown locks went so well together it made butterflies appear in his stomach when he though about Sehun. His sarcasm and quietness also made Luhan smile to himself. Why do you do this to me Oh Sehun? You're so mesmerizing and I only met you yesterday, Luhan sighed. I've never felt this way about anyone before but why with you? That's not a bad thing but it's so sudden it's terrif-.

"Luhan! Watch out!" Tao screeched but it was too late. The soccer ball that kicked too hard in the wrong direction, smacked Luhan in the face suddenly. He collapsed to his knees with one hand on his mouth and nose, feeling something warm and drip down his chin and onto the grass. Tao ran over to him along with the coaches to check on him. Tears pricked at his eyes and the pain on his face made him grip the grass fiercely. 

"Luhan, are you okay?" One of the coaches asked as he jogged over, crouching beside him. 

"Oh God, you're bleeding!" Tao shouted, noticing the amount of blood that was staining Luhan's shirt and joggers. 

"Show us you're face, we need to see the damage." One of the coaches said gently, motioning for one the players to bring the first aid kit. Luhan did as was told and moved his hand away. Tao and the coaches gasped in surprise and took a step back. He got a glimpse of his friends on the bleachers, standing up to watch the madness unfold. 

"Let's move you off the field ya?" Tao said as he and one of the coaches carefully hauled him up on to his feet. He staggered a bit, dizzy from the impact and they gently helped him over to the sideline benches. 

"Taehyun! Bring me a water bottle and rag!" The player ran off towards the cooler and pulled out two bottles, snatching a white rag. 

"Here you go coach." 

"Luhan, where does it hurt?" 

He pointed to his nose and mouth and spit out the blood that pooled inside. 

"Okay so open your mouth gently. I need to see if you have a wound or something." Luhan opened his mouth and pain seared all over, making the tears return. "Damn. Okay I see what's wrong. Tao clean his face, I think he needs stitches." 

"What? Really? How are we going to take him to the E.R.?" Tao asked, soaking the rag with cold water before softly swiping at Luhan's face. "Are you okay Luhannie?" 

"We can take him. I have a car anyways." A voice shouted from a few meters away. 

"Minnie are you sure?" Tao asked, pouring more water on the blood stained rag. 

"Yeah c'mon." Minseok said leading Tao and Luhan towards the gates. The coaches followed them and told Tao to call them when they had the chance so they knew what was going on. Their friends came running over and helped Luhan into Minseok's SUV . Tao and Luhan squeezed in the middle row with Jongdae and Joonmyeon while everyone else squished themselves in the remaining seats. Minseok drove off to the hospital, focusing on the road as his friends put their focus on Luhan.  

"Hyung are you okay? We'll get there soon don't worry." Jongin said from the backseat. Poor Kyungsoo had to sit on his lap to make room for everyone. 

Sehun, how are you doing? I'll visit you soon okay? Luhan thought hopefully, lookin out at the building and street with passing cars. 


Sehun woke up with a massive headache that throbbed painfully, his chest hurt also but he thought it was becasue of that damned tube. The nurse came in and gave him something to help along with his breakfast which consisted of oatmeal, toast and apple juice. It may seem plain but considering the amount of meds he was on, Sehun couldn't really hold heavy foods down sometimes. He slowly but surely finished his food and pulled out his Ipad to play some games. Today for some reason he felt different, bad different like something wasn't right and it wasn't because of Luhan so he pressed the button beside his bed for a nurse to come in. 

"Hello Sehun. What's wrong?" A woman asked nicely, stepping towards him. 

"I...can't breathe right." Sehun whispered, feeling the weight in his chest grow heavier. Her eyes widened and she ran out of the room to call more doctors. Sehun got scared at that moment and began slightly shaking. He didn't want any more problems, he just wanted to be healthy and live a normal life. He didn't want to stay in hospitals and practically be non-existant.....he wanted Luhan and he didn't know why. 

"Alright Sehun what's wrong?" His primary doctor rushed out, lifting his shirt to check if his tube to his lungs was in properly. 

"I can't...breathe. My chest hurts." Sehun wheezed out, closing his eyes. 

"Minji-ah, can you give him a cannula* for the time being. I think he needs a CAT scan." He spoke. Minji went a took the cannula and gently placed it in his nose and around his ears, softly patting his head as his breathing steadied.  His doctor went out to order a scan to be done and to alert Sehun's parents about the issue. 

An hour later, Sehun was flat on his back on a thin white piece of metal that was taking him into a tube like machine. He had to remain extremly still while his was inside so they could take a good look at what was wrong. The machine whirred and red beams shown down across his body, his claustrophobia was picking up but he paid it no mind. 

"Ok Sehun we're done, stay still while we let you out." A man said through the speaker in the room since no one was allowed in when the machine was on. It paused it's noises and slid Sehun out, letting the nurses know that it was safe to go in. They helped him up and placed him in a wheel chair, rolling him out of the room and back to his prison. His bed comforted him once he laid down and his nasal oxygen mask was shoved into his nose. 

Luhan, what are you up to? Why am I thinking about you?


"Owwww." Luhan whimpered once the doctor pricked his bottom lip with a needle filled with numbing medicine. 

"Sorry hun but I have to do this so you won't feel pain." The doctor said, patting his shoulder. Tao was in the room with him along with Chanyeol, both flagged on either side of him. Turns out he needed a few stitches on his bottom lip where his teeth punctured them. Due to the pain, Luhan tightly gripped the sleeves of the hoodie he was wearing-which belonged to Chanyeol- and blinked away the tears that formed in the corners of his eyes. Luhan has never been that great with pain. The doctor returned with a nurse and they both sat in front of him asking him to lay back. He did as told and the female doctor asked if he felt pain still in his mouth. The nurse gently pressed a thumb against his lip and he didn't feel it so he shook his head no and the doctor went to work. She pulled out a thin medical needle and some extremly thin, black string. Luhan glanced up to see Chanyeol looking down in wonder and Tao looking at him in horror. He forgot Tao had a terrible fear of horror, blood, gore, stuff like that so he poked Chanyeol's thigh and pointed to Tao. He looked confused at first but then realized what Luhan was hinting at. 

"T-Tao, if you're not up to seeing this you can send someone else in." Chanyeol said, seeing Tao's pale face wash over in relief. He said good bye to the people in the room and walked out. Moments later, right as the doctor was about the begin sewing up Luhan's lip, Kris stepped in, bowing as an apology and tip toed over to Luhan's right side. The nurse held Luhan's hand as the doctor first pierced his lip and then looped it with the string, repeating the process. Luhan didn't feel a thing but he felt his lip being tugged at every so often and would occasionally notice Chanyeol and Kris furrow their eyebrows together in what could be defined as disgust. Once the doctor finished the suture with a nice tight knot, the nurse released her grip on Luhans hand and began cleaning up. Kris helped Luhan sit up properly but stopped to giggle at his appearance. Luhan was more than confused at why Kris was laughing at him and kicked him in his shin. He pulled out his phone and showed Luhan his reflection; he had a rather large swollen lip and cheeks and Luhan turned extremely red and his his face with his sleeve. 

"Kris hyung stop teasing him." Chanyeol said, helping Luhan stand up and walk him to the door. "Thanks for helping!" The boys waved gratefully to the nurses and they left out the front doors, finding everyone chilling by Minseok's car. 

"Hyung! Are you okay?" Kai shouted out once he spotted him and the two giants. 

"Yeah." Luhan mumbled. The rumbling of his and Tao's stomach reminded the group that hadn't eaten in hours so they stopped to get some fast food. Since poor Luhan couldn't eat anything really they got him a strawberry milkshake to sip. 

Luhan laid quietly on his bed, the throbbing pain fromhis mouth was beginning to return. I wonder what you're doing Sehun? Are you feeling okay?....Why do you always pop up in my thoughts? I barely know you, why is this happening? 


The CAT scan revealed that all Sehun had was inflamation in his lungs and that the medicine he was given was going to reduce it. Sitting all alone in his room at 1:30 am made Sehun feel more lonely than he ever did in his entire life. His thoughts would occasionally drift off to Luhan, who was somewhat of a stranger, but an intriguing one at that. Luhan, I want you to visit me again. I want to know more about you. I want you sit next to me. I want you to alk to me for hours. But why? I only saw you once, we only spoke meer sentences to each other but why do I feel this way about you? Why are you doing this to me? Sehun sighed and shut his eyes tightly trying to fall asleep, only to fail countless times before finally succumbing to the tiredness at 3 in the morning. 

*Sighs* I've been freaking sick so I'msoory that I haven't updated anything yet. Sorry if there's grammatical errors in this story but I didn't have the energy to review it. Hope you liked this chapter! Love ya! :3 <3


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RosyBr #1
Chapter 3: Will Sehun get better? Will they be together?
Lacoursiere #2
Chapter 3: This is soooo lovely~~~
huney_hannie #3
Chapter 2: Who tops in this fic?
duwiek #4
Pls update soon authornim..^~