Apologise from author!!

ACE in My Heart
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I'm sorry but i have to say this! This story going to be change ! but the tittle and main heroin and hero will be stay with B.I and Jihyo nunna!! I'm really really sorry!! After i read and read and thinking! i'm pretty sure the new story will be great! i have make my mind and this is the finally!! I'm going to start again with the story The Real Ace !! i'm so sorry! I hope you guys understand me and keep on showing me a support! without you guys i will notthing!! anyway thanks for loyal with my story and i'm really sorry once again!! 

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This story going to be pause for a while because of my school things! but don't worry, i will update this story as soon as i can :) i'm sorry & thank you!!


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LaraChuaLee #1
Chapter 8: Why? The plot is already beautiful!!Please don't change it please
dinnikim2310 #2
Chapter 8: dont change it..im already in love with the characters and how the story is going
meemow123 #3
Chapter 8: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???????????????????????????????
You're gonna change the plot?
What do ya mean????????????????????????????
Jihyo's not gonna be da Princess and exo is not fawning over her and hunbin / k-something?
i understand, but i just love the old story ...
Anyway, waiting for da update!
Good luck!
And what about jihyo's old boyfriend, yohwa or something?
Is he gonna come back?
Ooooooooooooooooooh !
plz continue authornim.
meemow123 #4
Chapter 8: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???????????????????????????????
You're gonna change the plot?
What do ya mean????????????????????????????
Jihyo's not gonna be da Princess and exo is not fawning over her and hunbin / k-something?
i understand, but i just love the old story ...
Anyway, waiting for da update!
Good luck!
And what about jihyo's old boyfriend, yohwa or something?
Is he gonna come back?
Ooooooooooooooooooh !
plz continue authornim.
meemow123 #5
Chapter 5: Hey
can u change the font colour? Because the bright green and blue are a bit hard to read
Chapter 7: is jihyo hanbin old crush authornim ? :D i hope u update a.s.a.p
vodkapartytime_ #7
You guys can see my new story !! this story will be stop but it will be replace with the new one!! and i looking for anyone who love to join me in my second story!! i really really need help :))
shuishui #8
Foreverminho #9
Chapter 8: U mean change everything? It sounds okay to me ^^
Show the real Ace jihyo then! ;) Fighting!!