
It's SHINee in my Room!


Gummy - As A Man
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I don’t know what kind of rage came over me but one thing I know is for sure. I’m annoyed at Jessica and I tackled her out the door!
“Kaaaaaaa!” She shrieked as we both flew. She started pulling on my hair, I didn’t want to feel like a weakling here, so I fought back and pulled even harder on her hair. She slapped me, so I slapped her even harder.
“Cat fight! Cat fight!” We heard as some guys and other people started coming. The two of Jessica’s friends were too afraid to back her up, I would be too! You never would have thought I had a side like this, did you? Well, now you do!
“Jonghyun, I tell you, is mineeeeee!!” Jessica said as she rumbled my hair. “Just shut up!!” I said. I was getting way too annoyed, I raised up my fist ready to break the girl’s face as she stopped pulling my hair because she got so tensed and intimidated. Suddenly, someone called my name and I stopped what I was going to do.
“Mayri!! What are you doing!?” Jonghyun called. He quickly came and helped me off of Jessica. “What are you two doing!?” He questioned madly. “Oppa! She started it!” Jessica said pointing at me. 
I was just shocked and dumbfounded, I had nothing to say. Even though I didn’t do it, I just stayed quiet. I looked at Jessica’s hair whose was way more messier than mine. I kind of felt bad, but oh well. 
Jonghyun went up to me, “Mayri, are you alright?” I nodded. “Oppa! Look I’m such a mess all her fault! She almost punched me!!” Jessica whined. “What happened?” He asked again. I just shook my head, “nothing…” and then I glared at Jessica, I also realized… she has a black eye now.
There was so many people making a circle around us now. Even Onew, Minho, Key, and Taemin were there. I felt guilty. I only did self-defense but why does everything seem like my fault? Was I too violent? It’s not my fault she messed with the wrong person…
The principal and securities finally came. “Yah, what’s going on here!?” The principal yelled. “Ma’am-” Jessica started but the principal cut her off. “YOU 2 IN MY OFFICE!” She yelled and both of us followed.
~ ~ ~
-Jonghyun’s POV-
What could be happening in the office right now? What exactly did happen? I feel so lost. Why were Jessica and Mayri just fighting right now? Are they both ok?
Minho came up to me, “Is Mayri still in the office.” He asked as I nodded in response. All three of them came next to me, who was waiting by the front of the school. Key seemed kind of mad, “I knew that Jessica girl would be trouble! Look what she did to May!” “Don’t you think it may also be May’s fault?” I told them. “Why would you say that?” Onew said. 
“Because… did you see Jessica? She was in a mess. I mean, I don’t know what happened, but Mayri barely seemed damaged and Jessica had a black eye. We can’t really pick sides just cause we like Mayri more. That just doesn’t seem right!” I sighed. They all went silent. 
I just realized Mayri was there standing in front of the office, looking at us. She stayed silent and went to walk home. 
“May!!” Key called and followed behind her. Onew and Minho looked at each other, and then at me. They both shook their heads at me, then went home. Only Taemin stayed back.
He stood up, “Hyung! How could you think or even say that May-noona would do that? She’s not like that type of person, you should know that. Noona’s nice, and if you’re going to favor Jessica because she seems more “damaged” I don’t know. We’ve known noona more, and if you think I’m just saying it’s for favoritism, it’s not. I trust her, I trust that Noona wouldn’t do that kind of stuff unless necessary. Tell me hyung, why would she do that? Don’t you think Jessica might have started it first? Aish...” Taemin said seriously and left home.

Hai! Haven't updated in a while~ Hope you guys like this chapter. I thought it was kind of boring though.

Here's le small gif from the sleeping Maknae~


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Chapter 47: Thank you for writing this story. I truly enjoyed it back then since I, myself, was also a highschooler enjoying silly romcom. I feel a little bit better that this story.. you were going to end it with Jonghyun getting the lady. Haha, thank you. Thank you.
missjeffre #3
Chapter 46: i am begging you to update... please update :3
crazy4SHINee #4
Chapter 46: Hey!
You haven't updated in so long! D:
Where ya been? >_<
crazy4SHINee #5
Chapter 46: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Onew 's trying hard but they are still hurt! D=
Chapter 46: awwww, i pity all of them D: it's so sad...
Onew's trying so hard, but everyone's still hurt.
I hope things get better soon :)
Chapter 46: please please please update !! im rlly rlly desperate to find out what happened next !! :3
Update soon! We will all be waiting! ^^
crazy4SHINee #9
Chapter 45: UPDATE!!!!