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“Who’s going in first?” Jongdae says, peering over the picket fence into the overgrown gardens beyond. Though it was dark, he could make out the outline of the large, desolate house in the distance.

“You?” Minseok suggests with a slight smile. Jongdae shoots him a glare and doesn’t budge from where he’s standing on the safety of the sidewalk, the fence separating him from the dark building ahead.

“Very funny,” Jongdae mutters. “But seriously. Someone should go in there with my videocamera. I want to see what it’s like inside.” 

Chanyeol steps forward. “Without actually entering the building yourself?” he teases. But he sighs and takes the camera out of Jongdae’s hands anyway. “I’m willing to go in, but only if someone comes in with me.” 

No one volunteers.

“Jongin?” Chanyeol asks with a pitiful look in his eye. “Please?” 

A look of panic flickers across Jongin’s face but he stands up tall and nods once. He walks to stand next to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol clears his throat. “And if we don’t come back out alive, please tell our parents that we love them.” Chanyeol turns to Jongin and whispers in his ear: “You do love your parents, right?” 

Jongin pushes him away with a laugh. “If we don’t come out alive, what will we come out as?” 

“Gay?” Jongdae grins, poking Chanyeol in the rib with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows. 

“I was thinking more ghost, but okay,” Chanyeol huffs. 

“Anyway,” Jongin says, lifting himself over the fence. “I’ll see you guys on the other side.” 

Chanyeol follows him with only a moments hesitation, adjusting his fluffy hat on his head one last time and saluting the others as they both disappear into the shrubbery. 


❄ ❄ ❄


“How do you plan on getting inside, Chanyeol?” Jongin asks him as they near the house. It took them what feels like forever hacking through the bushes and brambles. Chanyeol’s hands sting from the small scrapes covering them.

“Well, I was thinking the front door, what about you?” 

Jongin rolls his eyes. “Don’t you think that might be locked?” But Chanyeol’s already walking ahead, and he’s the one holding the flashlight so Jongin has no other choice but to follow him. 

Sure enough, the front door doesn’t open. Whether that is because it’s locked or because no one has used it for God knows how long, Chanyeol wasn’t sure.

“Try a window?” Jongin suggests, grabbing Chanyeol by the wrist and dragging him around the side of the house. Most of the windows are cracked and broken already, but the chances of cutting themselves trying to climb through where high. 

“Is this really a good idea? I mean, someone could be hiding out in there or something. Like a criminal or something.” 

“Shut up, Jongin, we’ll be fine. And I have my videocamera, so even if we come out as ghosts, they’ll know who they need to find.” 

“That’s very reassuring, thanks, Chanyeol,” Jongin says sarcastically. 

Chanyeol shrugs with a goofy grin and before Jongin can object one last time, he’s rushing off ahead.

“Chanyeol!” Jongin whispers as loud as he dares, jogging after him as fast as he can without making too much noise. “Chanyeol, where did you go?!”

Jongin looks around, though he can barely see anything further than ten feet in front of him. Where did Chanyeol go? He can’t hear another person’s footsteps, either. He can hear Jongdae off in the distance talking to their friends, but that seems so far away. 

“Here!” Chanyeol jumps out from a hole in the building’s wall, Jongin barely holding back a scream.  “I think I found our way in. You go in ahead, I’ll sort out the videocamera and meet you in there.” 

Jongin doesn’t like the idea of going in without Chanyeol there, but his pride demands that he do something on his own this one time. 

“Can I at least have the flashlight?” he asks.

“Right!” Chanyeol agrees, handing it over to him. “Are you alright?”

Jongin nods with his head held high and, after a deep breath, steps through the wall, having to cr

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CALLING: amusingmurdermachine


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Chapter 5: I've read and reviewed it. Thank you again! :)
I've requested :3
newtokpop09 #3
I've applied:)
I've requested again :)
Hameltart #5
Chapter 3: Dude u're awesome i love this
Chapter 3: that was amazing!!! thank you so much!! i will definitely be requesting from here at some point in the future :D (and no problem about the cliffhanger, but it would be awesome if you could make it into a chaptered story :3 I'd love to see where it goes)
mirandadeedee #7
Chapter 3: OMG!!! THAT WAS SOOOO GOOOD!!!! I LOVE IT!!! Y NOO.. continue please.. omg....
happy holidays
Chapter 3: omg this was so cute and funny :))
i did get the prompt from Showtime. I was really looking forward to their turn in the haunted house but they edited it out T.T
but your writing made up for it ^^
(damn, i think i wanna request another one)
anyway, thank you. i really enjoyed this <3 happy holidays to you , too