Chapter 2

Should it be you?
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“joohyun-ah? What are you doing?”  Minhyuk find Seohyun stunned in entrance, he just come from his practicing in school with his band.

“oh.. I.. this..” seohyun cant find her word to answer Minhyuk question. She just show and give Minhyuk the case she supposed to give to Qian. He confused , but Seohyun didn’t want to explain more to Minhyuk. Her voice didn’t come out. And she feel she must rush to her apartment right now.

“Minhyukie? Joohyunie? What’s wrong?” too late, Changmin already saw her, them.

“Oh hyung.. I’m just arrived when I...”

“I’m here to catch you oppa, Qian eonnie left this case. But seems like she already gone.” She cut Minhyuk, and give that case to Changmin. Feel grateful to find her voice again.

“oh shes gone already. I’ll give to her tomorrow.”

“I go first..” Seohyun really want to escape. She feel can’t face Changmin now. Truthfully she really want to ask, does she saw earlier is right? Does her eyes just trick her? Does he really kissed Qian? But, seems like she cant, she want to know but too afraid to hear the answer. in her mind now she just want to be in her room right now!

“ya.. we can go together.” MInhyuk pull her hand. She really love Minhyuk, but right now she swear she want to punch Minhyuk hard. Is he really didn’t find out that Seohyun really want to escape ASAP? She glare to Minhyuk. But minhyuk can’t find out her intention.

“kajja.. lets go home.” Changmin drag them to lift. Ofcourse, there’s no choice for Seohyun..





Changmin realize that Seohyun so quiet while they in the elevator. Seems like something bother her.

“are you alright?” Minhyuk ask to Seohyun. They walk side by side meanwhile Changmin walk behind them.

Changmin too, really curious with her answer. is she angry to him because he left her with his friends? Because a while ago she seems okay.

“why? Why you ask me that? I’m okay.” She laugh at Minhyuk question but that laugh didn’t reach her smile. She pretend to be okay.

They arrived at Seohyun door.

“okay.. good night Minhyuk, oppa.”

“see you Joohyun.” Minhyuk wave to her and walk to his door. When Seohyun about to close the door Changmin hold the door.

“waeyo oppa?” seohyun surprise to Changmin action. She didn’t realize that changmin hasn’t go yet.

“is something bothering you Joohyun? You can tell me.”

“nothing oppa.” She try to smile sweetly. But he can tell she just try to assured him that she okay. 

“alright. But I hope you can tell me. Bye Joohyun, Good night.”

He saw Seohyun nodded to him and close the door.


“is he really pick her up?” when Changmin back to his room, Kyuhyun ask him question which he answer with a shake of his head. He, who kyuhyun mean is Nickhun, Qian’s boyfriend.

“I knew it.”  Kyuhyun sigh, he feel bad for his bestfriend. Like changmin he know how bad Qian boyfriend is.

“she sad, two days again is her birthday, but seems like her boyfriend didn’t care, she bet he didn’t remember.” Changmin said to kyuhyun.

“jinjja? How about we celebrate her birthday? buy her a cake and sing a happy birthday song.” Yunho join the conversation.

“sounds great.” Kyuhyun look excited. Changmin nodded, agree to Yunho suggest.

“oh.. that case, is Seohyun supposed to give that to Qian?” Kyuhyun ask to Changmin when he realized Changmin hold Qian case.

“yes.. she give it to me, because Qian already gone. I’ll give it to Qian tomorrow.”

“weird.. how she cant make it? She catch you two not too long after you go with Qian.”

Changmin realize something. Thanks to kyuhyun. He now know, what make Joohyun look something bothering her. He reach his phone and type a message.




“is something bothering you Joohyun? You can tell me.”

Seohyun lied on her bed, thinking how to ask Changmin. Her oppa ask her to tell him but that’s not something which she can ask casually to Changmin. She remember again when she saw Changmin and Qian kissed. The more she remembers, the more she want to know why. When she feel frustrated, she hear her phone beep.


From : Minnie oppa

mind to tell me now Joohyun-ah? I’ll answer you.


She surprised when she read the message. She sure that Changmin already know. She hesitated to answer his message. She confused how to ask first. She type the reply message, and then deleted, type again, not sure how to reply her oppa message. But her curiousty beat her afraid.


To : Minnie oppa

Why you kiss her?


She sent the message, her heart beat so fast. She feel want to scream loud. She feel nervous to wait the answer.


From : Minnie oppa

Not kiss but Kissed


To : Minnie oppa



From : Minnie oppa

 Accidentally? Joohyun-ah don’t think too much!


Accidentally? She feel weird but she smile when she read his concern. Like he care so much to her. she feel relief now, maybe she just not lucky to saw them at the wrong time. Ofcourse that accidentally, Qian eonnie already has a boyfriend. Impossible, right? Yeah, she just think too much. She smile again, position her self ready  to sleep. She think she can fell to a deep sleep now.




Seohyun sees changmin training football from her class. If summer like this, football club always held training everyday, because theres a competition between schools. Saw her oppa shining in the field, so serious while training, laughing with his team always make her smile. She feels so lucky because from her class she can see the field really clearly. And in summer, she can saw her oppa everday! Just think already make her smile so wide.

She’s in the middle of mathematic class. Usually mathematic is her favourite lesson. Blame to changmin who make her can’t concentrate to the lesson. She was fascinated by changmin action. She can see how good changmin play. Changmin always told her that he want to become professional football player by joining to national team.

“ya.. if you stare too much like that. Sooner or later Minhyuk will find out about your feeling.” Tiffany whisper from behind. taken aback with Tiffany action, seohyun glare to her. Tiffany just giggle to Seohyun reaction. Because too amazed by Changmin, Seohyun didn’t realize that the lesson already over.

“I swear. You’ll getting caught by Minhyuk if you saw his hyung like that before.”

“I think fany right. I know Changmin oppa was so cool. But seriously, you so obvious seohyuni.” Yoona add. Seohyun didn’t know to answer them. She think her bestfriends is right. She is too obvious. Shes wonder, does other classmate notice her like before?

“you know Seohyun? I think to tell him about your feeling is better. You cant hold your feeling like this. You afraid because you didn’t want him to change to you. But seohyuna do you realize, with your feeling now, there is already a change between you and him. so better tell him seohyuna.”

Seohyun stunned with Tiffany words. She think tiffany is right. She realized now she cant stand too close to changmin or just her with Changmin in one room too long, she will feel uncomfortable. She realized too she didn’t hangout just the two of them like before. There’s a change between them because of her feeling, and she think she must prepared her heart and self by now.

“so, cant you two help me? What should I do?” seohyun had decided.




I hate math. I prefer to be in music room to play guitar or be in sport class to play basketball. Math isn’t fun at all. Seems like there’s some of my classmate who agree with me. I see Minhyuk, he near too sleep, Jinwoon too, Junsu too. I see Choa and Seolhyun busy with their mirror. Sunny with her phone. I look around my class when someone caught my eyes. She staring out the window, ignore the lesson.  Usually she always focus to the lesson. I follow her direction. Ah.. there’s football club who have their routine practice. Maybe she has a boyfriend in football club?

 I see her again, now she smile, moment later she giggle softly. Curious with what she see, I looked out. I just see they’re running. So what’s make her giggle?

Oh, Changmin hyung! Minhyuk’s hyung. He’s really a good player. Uri school win last year because of him. I always watch his match, with Minhyuk ofcourse.

Ah, does she staring at Changmin hyung? I know they are childhood friend. Sometimes I watch hyung match with her too, I mean not just two of us. First time I meet her when I visited Minhyuk house, since that when I played in Minhyuk house, I’ll see her there too. Sometimes she with Changmin hyung or with Minhyuk omma But she never join us although Minhyuk told me that he and Seohyun always play playstation together. Minhyuk told me, that she is his twin. Because they born in same day. And  I know how Minhyuk really care about her. Changmin hyung too.

I look at her again. She keep smiling. Like no one can’t bother he

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amirakhzam #1
Chapter 18: it was lovely!
Ironcatnguyen #2
Chapter 18: Omo! Omo! I just discovered this fic. The more i read, the more fantastic i fell in this fic. How sweet the story is! Please add more chapters although the story was finished because I think the ending was a bit hasty.
citra838 #3
Chapter 18: Thank you so much Authornim..........
hwaseo #4
Chapter 18: Pabo seohyun, selfish much huh
She is so insensitive :(
Cant she learn to love yonghwa alone?
I feel so annoyed with her, pity yonghwa who always try to understand her feeling TT_TT
Chapter 17: Is it the ending? Then they will separate again after this because yonghwa departure? How sad..
shiningeve12 #6
Chapter 17: oh my god... i cry... i think i can understand what yonghwa feels for hyun.. and thanks God in the end hyun can made a right decision..kkk~~ good job authornim ^^ and yes, keep support CNBLUE ^^
Apuichaa #7
Chapter 17: to short for the ending part.
echamareza #8
Chapter 17: Epiloge juseyooo;)
citra838 #9
Chapter 17: Epilogue please.....
tika1111 #10
Chapter 17: Ea... can you add more a few lines for the happy ending authornim? Its too short.. please.... and about yong and jong case it hurt me too, they bash yong so bad even he was innocent and fishandcake statement make them bash yonghwa more. Thx for the update