
Spartace's Christmas one shots

She knew there will be no Christmas present for them, he had told her about his strange rule, when they decided to be a couple. “Please don’t get me wrong, if I didn’t get anything on our special days, I only wish to be with you and I don’t want to go and buy a present just to celebrate, I like it to be a simple affair, are you ok with it?” she had said it is ok, she too dislike the idea of getting present too, she hated the idea to go shopping just to get something for a special occasion. But this year, she wanted something, she didn’t know why this year was special. Maybe is because he couldn’t be around this Christmas, they hadn’t miss being together for every one of their occasion but his year he had to go China for a show. She couldn’t follow him, it will be too obvious.

She sighed, would he understand if she told him all this? Would it be too much to ask? Of course, he would understand you silly girl, but still she couldn’t bring herself to tell him. The clock stuck 12, it was already Christmas. “Merry Christmas, my love.” A video message arrived, he was at his suite getting ready for bed, he even kissed the camera and she bought the screen to her lips. She returned the message, “Merry Christmas, Oppa.” She kissed the camera, hopefully, he would caught her kiss as well.

She smiled at their cheesy messages, he would be back by boxing day. Another message arrived, he gave her a “live” performance of white love. It looked funny, she had to laugh. “Oppa, bravo” she could felt his effort to keep her happy since he missed Christmas with her. The next message arrived, the room was dark except for a bed light, he sang her a lullaby. “Good night oppa,” she returned the message, she turned off the light and replayed the lullaby, slowly drifted to her sleep.

“Ding ……..Dong….” Her doorbell rang.  She woke up in shock, her doorbell, she would need to dismantle it later, she cursed in her heart, who would wake anyone up this early at 10. .Ok 10 was a bit late but still it Christmas morning, who would be at her door. She saw on her intercom a boy was standing at her door, “Who is it?” she asked.

“Delivery services from café” the boy said. She opened the door, the boy passed her a set of take out boxes, she took over, before she could day anything, the boy thank her and ran off. She put them down on her dining table, before she could do anything, her phone rang, the message tone she had set for her boyfriend, she hurried and took a look at the message. Again, it was a video message, this time, her oppa appeared to be enjoying breakfast, their sort of Christmas breakfast that Jong Kook would magic up on Christmas morning.

“Enjoyed your breakfast, I thought 10 should be a reasonable time for you to get up on Christmas morning to enjoy your breakfast. I off to do my show, see you later, love.” She went back to peek at her version of breakfast, it was exactly the same as his. She smiled, he did remember their tradition. She skipped to freshen up before biting into her breakfast, although it was lonely this time, she knew her oppa had taken time to prepare for her.

Usually after breakfast, they would cuddle and find a comedy on television, the door bell rang again, this time a huge bear appeared on her doorstep. A video message arrived a minute later. “Miss my cuddle, you will need to make do with the bear for now, until I am back.” He was acting cute, like he was the big bear. The bear was carrying a video CD and some snacks, there’s a note on it. “Hope you like the video I chose, I had already watched it and I loved it, hope you too.” She put into CD her player and started watching the show and enjoying her snacks. The movie was funny, she haven’t laugh so much this few months.

A video message arrived “I laughed a lot and thoroughly enjoyed the show. Now time for a little nap” he started on her nap lullaby. She yawned, she did felt sleepy and she dozed off on her sofa. A rustle could be heard at her door an hour later but the owner was stlll napping peacefully. The intruder smiled, he put down some boxes in the dining table and proceeded to carry her to her soft bed. He went to have a shower. When he was done, she had not wake up, he lay down beside her, listening to her steady breathing and he dozed off too.

She woke up, she heard a familiar breathing at her ear and she turned and saw the familiar face of her boyfriend. He was sleeping beside her. She beamed, she wanted to give him a kiss and yet she knew he must be tired, she watched his peaceful sleeping face. His eyes suddenly opened, slowly at first, his lips curved when he realized she was staring at him. “Did I change?” he asked.

“No, it just that I had missed you so much today and suddenly you are here with me.”

“I sorry I couldn’t wiggle out this show but at least I could come back earlier.” He apologized for not able to with her the whole day.

“I understand,” her stomach grumbled.

“Come, let’s have some food” Jong Kook got up and pulled her up as well. They walked to the kitchen hand in hand, he began laying down the food, it was all her favorite ones. She looked at him, her eyes seemed to be asking how he did it. He gave a shuck and grinned. “Call me magician kookie.” They sat down and enjoyed their tea and dinner. It was a good one.

After the meal, he took her into his arms, he practically kick the bear out of the sofa. “Oppa, he was you stand in” she exclaimed.

“Yeah, since I am back, the place should be mine again” he hugged her. “this still feel the best”

Ji Hyo was already very happy when her boyfriend finally appeared beside her. She pulled his head towards her and kissed him on his lips, before she can pull away, Jong Kook deepen the kiss. “Merry Christmas, I love you, Jong Kook oppa,” when they broke for air. Jong Kook whispered “Merry Christmas and me too” and Ji Hyo gave a contented smile.

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Chapter 8: Great one shots!
372 streak #2
Chapter 8: thank you for update...they so sweet....update soon...thank you again
Chapter 8: Aweeeeee^_^
Update soon
franz_zhang #4
Chapter 7: Sweet to the max.... love it...<3 thanks for the update.... :)
Chapter 7: We love you 2 ^_^ spartace jjang
372 streak #6
Chapter 7: thank you for update...that was so sweeeeeetttt...sweeetest thing ever...update soon...thank you again...
pecintabiru #7
Chapter 6: aahhhh.. so sweet. update soon please. i like that
lovelyhousewife #8
Chapter 6: You are definitely one of my favourite writers,authornim!your stories are just so right n flawless...can't get enough of them...
372 streak #9
Chapter 6: thank you for nice n sweet...update soon.. thank you again
Chapter 6: This is one also nice...ur one shot always make my day