

“We are here!” Luhan announced, looking at us excitedly. We had just arrived at Seoul, and it was around four in the morning. I stepped into the apartment and looked around. Wow, Luhan wasn't exaggerating when he said that the apartment was clean and big. This was so much better than the filthy warehouse that we stayed in for two months.

“Thank you so much, Luhan!” Taehyung and I both said at the same time, and he grinned at me.

“Tae, you take the room all the way at the end and Sera, you take the room right next to Taehyung’s,” Luhan ignored our thanks. I expected that. It was no surprise to any of us that Luhan was very awkward when people complimented and thanked him, so he would just ignore it.

Taehyung rushed towards his room like an excited kid while I rushed into my own room. My jaw dropped at the sight. There was a super single bed at the left side of the room, and a medium-sized wardrobe against the wall. A study table with a lot of drawers and spaces to place books(which I know that I won't be using) was against the right side of the room. There was also a pink guitar lying in the middle of the room. I know that to some people, such a room wasn't very impressive, but to me, this is amazing. Throughout the most of my life, we would either be staying in empty warehouses, or in a really cramped apartment where all of us have to squeeze into a room. This was such a big change.

“Sera! Come here! You got to see this,” Taehyung poked his head into my room and beckoned me to go into his room.  

I walked into his room and looked around. It was exactly the same layout as mine, except that my room was painted sky blue while his was painted yellow. “See what?” I asked.

“Have you looked into the drawers of your table yet?” He asked me back. To most people, he sounded really casual, as if he's trying to make conversation. But after spending all my life with him, I knew immediately that something was wrong. The tone of his voice was weird, and Taehyung couldn't care less about drawers.

When I didn't reply, Taehyung grabbed my hand and pulled me to the study table. On it lay a photograph. “I found this in the top drawer,” Taehyung whispered, handing it to me.

At first, I couldn't see what was so fascinating about the photograph. It was just a picture of a group of friends, probably in college, smiling happily at the camera. Why the heck would Tae show me this?

Then I saw it. In the first row, standing in the middle, was my parents.  And the people right beside them was Taehyung’s parents. They were both holding infants, which was obviously Taehyung and I. The only way I knew was because Xiumin had showed me photographs of mine and Taehyung’s parents before, and I still remember it. Oh my god… why would our parents’ pictures be in the drawer?

I shakily flipped the photograph around, and someone had wrote in really neat handwriting, ‘friends forever’. I looked at Taehyung, and he looked back at me, concerned, as if I would break down any second. I think I will.

My parents… they are from Seoul… Luhan and Xiumin never told me this. And they looked so happy in the picture too… Did they know? Did they know that one of the gang member was a traitor, who had purposely caused dispute between two gangs, so that a fight could break out? Did they know that while they were dying, the traitor didn't even do anything, but just stood there and smiled? My heart aches for my deceased parents, to my parents who I would never see again.

I looked at Taehyung again, and his face was wet with tears. He opened his mouth to say something, but there was a knock on the door, and Xiumin suddenly appeared in the room. Taehyung turned around and quickly wiped his tears away, while I hurriedly shoved the photo into my pocket.

“Kids, go and sleep. Your school starts in three hours, and you need all the rest you can get,” Xiumin yawned, and walked back out.

I resisted the urge roll my eyes. He was always like that, emphasizing on the importance of education and all that useless , like, seriously? How can education help us in crime? It’s nothing but a burden, really.

“Yeah, go and sleep. We will ask them about this tomorrow. Good night, Sera,” Taehyung said and pushed me gently to the door.

“Good night, Tae.”

“Are you two okay?” Luhan asked during breakfast the next day. “You guys are awfully quiet.”

I shrugged and glanced at Taehyung, who gestured at me to talk. “Uh… so yesterday, Tae saw a photo of our parents in his drawer,” I said awkwardly. To be honest, right after I entered my room, I had the urge to open my drawers and look at it, but I didn’t. The move to Seoul was supposed to be a happy one.

Both my uncles’ faces paled, but Xiumin quickly recovered and replied calmly, “I think you guys saw wrongly, it can’t be your parents. Anyway, the reason that we moved to Seoul was not only because we wanted to look for new targets, but because Lu found out that the head police is stationed here.”

I scoffed. “So what do you want us to do, destroy his investigations? How are we supposed to find where the policeman stay? And even if we find out, how are we supposed to get inside without getting caught?"

Xiumin nodded. “Exactly. And, surprise surprise, the head police’s son is studying in the same school as you. So if you guys can go and find and befriend him, you can easily get into his house and do what you need to do. Fun."

“That’s crazy,” Taehyung blurted out. “So you want us to study, set fire to houses, rob people, and now you want us to befriend someone and destroy his father's evidences? Oh my god, Sera and I need to get paid for this.”

I nodded in agreement. “That’s right. We are newbies, okay! Newbies. We aren’t master criminals! We can’t do so much stuff.”

Actually, we can. But Taehyung and I are really lazy, and even though doing crimes are fun, the thought of getting caught scares me. Furthermore, Seoul is such a big city. Everything could go wrong.

Xiumin and Luhan looked at each other for a few seconds, while I continued munching on my bread. “Fine,” Luhan finally said. “We will lessen your workload for these three months. Just find and destroy the evidence, it's really easy.” Everything sounds easier when you say it, but when it comes to doing it, it's not. “Also, I know that you guys know that the person who betrayed your parents are still in Seoul, but please don't try to avenge them. We are not murderers.”

“Wait what?!” I yelled, and at the same time, Taehyung shouted. “What do you mean?!”

Luhan laughed awkwardly, “Ah, no, I didn't say anything… Why are you guys so shocked? I was just kidding.”

I raised an eyebrow at him, and he quickly looked at his watch. “Sera and Tae, you have to go now, or you will be late.”

Too late, Luhan. He had revealed a big secret, and he expected us to not take action? We had lived together for sixteen years, and he should know that I take my parents’ death very seriously. Now that I know that the killer is in this town, I definitely wouldn't just sit around and do nothing.

I took a quick glance at Taehyung, who had a grim expression on his face. We made eye contact and he nodded. His eyes said everything we couldn't say in front of my two uncles. We are going to avenge our parents.

I trudged slowly to my new school, not looking forward to classes at all. This has only been my second day in Seoul, and it has already been a mess.

“You know, I think this time round, I'm just going to be myself. I'm getting tired of playing stereotypical roles,” Taehyung said suddenly, breaking the awkward silence hanging in the air.

“Same,” I replied. “Do you think we can do it? Find the policeman’s son?” I was desperately trying to avoid talking about what happened in the morning, and Taehyung probably sensed it. He looked at me weirdly, but said nothing about it.

“Of course we can, we always do everything without fail,” Taehyung smirked confidently, and I was about to make a snarky remark back when I heard footsteps coming from behind us. “The policeman’s son is definitely a goody two shoes-” He continued loudly.

“Tae, shut up for a moment!” I shushed him and turned back. Walking behind us, on the same path as us, was a guy with bright orange hair. He had earphones in his ear, and seemed oblivious to our conversation.

Taehyung widened his eyes and looked at me innocently. “Damn, I didn't see him! Where did he even come from?”

“Probably the many buildings along this sidewalk,” I mumbled. “You know, I have a good idea. Why don't we check the student records? The Principal’s office should have it.”

“How do we even get in there? Activate the fire alarm?” Taehyung replied me, frowning. “Don't be stupid, Sera, both of us know that the Principal’s office is very heavily guarded with cameras and all that high-tech .”

I nodded. “Yes, but everyone wears the same uniform here, and girls all have to tie up our hairs in a ponytail. If I wear a mask and sunglasses or something, nobody would be able to tell its me.”

“Nah, I rather you not risk it. I would go,” Taehyung said worriedly. “I don't want to risk you getting caught.”

“I won't. Besides, with your seaweed hair, anyone would be able to tell it's you. If you want to feel important, you can accidentally hit the fire alarm during lunch break today.” There was no time to lose. We had only three months in Seoul, and anything could happen within these three months. Also, we had to avenge our parents, which meant that every second is precious.

“Okay, but just be careful, all right?” Taehyung said, his voice increasing. I had to quickly look behind again to check that the orange haired guy still had earbuds in his ears.

I rolled my eyes. I don't know what was going on with Taehyung these days. Somedays, he would seriously be so over-protective, and today seemed like it was going to be one of them. “Of course I would be careful! I have been doing these for two years, are you doubting my abilities?” I asked jokingly and he laughed.

“So just to confirm, today, during lunch break, right? I will try to distract everyone, you just do what you need to do,” Taehyung asked again.

Yes, Tae,” I said, emphasizing on the word ‘yes’.

Oh Seoul, it's so on.

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I'm sorry for not updating, but my finals are coming up and I barely got time to write :( pls bare with me and don't worry I'll make sure i update soon ;)


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Raudha #1
Chapter 1: *le sings fire*
that bleach deserves it ha
Bangtanlover875 #2
Chapter 6: srsly she said yes to being friends with jimin plz plz update I love this chapter
se-breezy #3
RachelHoon #4
Chapter 6: Jimin probably knows...
Chapter 6: Are they part of something pro or anything? Or is it just Xiumin and Luhan? Because they lacked in resources.
Chapter 5: I'll be waiting for your update. This seems like a fun read ^^
Chapter 3: Ooh- this is getting fun! ^^
Chapter 1: Just a question, why would they burn down the house? I mean, they're criminals and all, but yeah...
Chapter 5: I wonder why Jungkook would do such a thing and tell her that. But oh well, I'm keen on finding out his secret! >.<
The foreword is so legit! <3