


“Today, we have two new students from Busan!” My new teacher said enthusiastically. God, she's just like my previous gym teacher, so enthusiastic. She had introduced herself to Taehyung and me moments ago, but I wasn't paying attention. Whatever, her name isn't important anyway.

The class clapped lifelessly, and it was obvious that they were forced to do so, judging by the looks on their faces. The teacher said some stuff, but I tuned them all out. To be honest, I don't really care.

“Jung Haneul? Jung Haneul, please introduce yourself,” The teacher repeated, and Taehyung elbowed me.

“That’s you,” He whispered, jolting me out of my daydream. , I really hate public speaking! Why do teachers always ask us to introduce ourselves?!

I nodded and walked to the front of the class, my hands sweating profusely. “Erm, yes, hi, I am Haneul. I moved here from Busan. And uh… yeah.” I laughed, embarrassed. I couldn’t think of anything more to say, except for the fact that Haneul was such a cliche name and that Luhan could have came up with something better. That was when I noticed that there was a boy with orange hair sitting at the middle, at the back of the class. It was the guy that was walking behind us in the morning.

He saw me staring at him and raised an eyebrow, as if to say, that’s it? I pretended not to see it, and at the same time, the teacher said, “Taemin, please introduce yourself too.” I stifled my laughter. Taemin?! Taehyung had used that as a fake name for three times already. Don’t Luhan have any originality?

If Taehyung was annoyed, he didn’t show it. He came up beside me and said cheerfully, “I’m Taemin, but you guys can just call me Tae. I don’t really like my name,” He grinned his familiar boxy grin. “I don’t know what else to say… erm… Oh! Haneul here is my best friend.” He slung an arm casually over my shoulder, and all I could think of was really?

Now that we have both finished introducing ourselves, we looked at the teacher for more instructions. She smiled at us and ordered, “Haneul, go and sit beside Jimin. Taemin, you are with Jungkook.” There was only two empty seats in the classroom. One was beside the boy with really messy orange hair, and another was beside a tall guy with black hair covering his forehead.  

“Hey, Jung Haneul, over here,” The boy with orange hair shouted. What was his name again? Jungkook? Jimin? I made my way over to him and quickly sat down.

I’m not going to lie - this guy was actually pretty cute. His orange hair was messily styled, giving the impression that he just woke up, and some of his hair kept falling into his eyes. “Are you done staring, love?” That guy asked, raising his eyebrows with an amused smile.

I scoffed. “Don’t call me that, Jungkook. Jimin. Whatever your name is.”

He scoffed back. “Don’t you have eyes? We have nametags. You just haven’t gotten yours yet. I’m Jimin. Park Jimin.”

“Haneul and Jimin, stop talking! Do the worksheets that I had just handed out,” The teacher barked. I rolled my eyes.

“I hate doing work,” I muttered, turning around to take out my pencil case, only to realise that I forgot to bring it. Damn. “Erm Jimin, can you lend me a pen?” I asked, trying to be as nice as possible.

“No,” was his reply. “I didn’t bring it either. Hold on.” Leaning forward, Jimin tapped the boy in front of us, who had light pink hair, a couple of times. He passed Jimin three pens without Jimin even opening his mouth.

“That’s Rap Monster,” Jimin explained. “He’s really smart.”

"Rap Monster?” I repeated incredulously. “His name is Rap Monster?”

Jimin threw a pen over to me, even though I was sitting right next to him. The pen flew over to Taehyung, who was sitting diagonally in front of me. He picked it up and threw it back, smiling. “Which part of my sentence did you not understand, Haneul?” Jimin questioned. “His name is Rap Monster.”

“I was just asking a question,” I replied, annoyed.

“By the way, that Tae guy, your best friend?” Jimin asked. “Tell him to stay back for a while after this class,” Wait what? What does Park Jimin want to do with Tae?

“Why?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

Jimin smirked. “That’s none of your business, love.”

"I said don’t call me that.” I scowled, and he laughed. Only twenty minutes had passed, and I already couldn't stand Park Jimin.

After an eternity, class finally ended. Taehyung came to my seat right away. “Jimin’s looking for you,” I mumbled, and pointed to Jimin, who was looking at Taehyung, tilting his head to one side. By then, around five other boys have gathered around Jimin, and they were all looking at Tae.

“Haneul, go away,” Jimin said rudely. “You are not welcomed here.”

“This is my seat,” I pointed out. “Can’t I sit at my own seat?” Jimin scowled, and turned towards Taehyung, ignoring me.

“You are the Tae guy?” Jimin asked. Stupid. Taehyung rolled his eyes. “No, I’m Haneul,” He replied sarcastically.

Instead of being angry, Jimin raised an eyebrow, amused. “Okay, so. We are the Bangtan Boys, and we want you to join us.” He gestured to the other five boys around us wildly. I recognise one of them as Rap Monster, who smiled at me warmly.

“What the heck is that? Some sort of gang?” Taehyung laughed. “No, thanks.”

The guy who sat beside Taehyung stepped forward. “No, we are like… a squad.”

“Why would you guys want me? Why not Se- Haneul?” Taehyung glanced at me. , he almost told 6 other people my real name.

Jimin frowned. “It’s Bangtan Boys. Boys. Does Haneul look like a boy to you? And the girls in this school will go crazy. She will probably be dead if she joins. Also, we want you because of your hair. We only accept people with cool hair colours. It’s a Bangtan thing.” I sensed something wrong. That’s such a ty reason. There’s obviously an ulterior motive, but I don’t bring it up.

“Thanks for your concern,” I said dryly. I then turn around to look at Taehyung, who had a conflicted look on his face. I nodded vaguely. Join them. They might know something we don’t. I tried to convey with my eyes. Tae glanced at me briefly and turned back to Jimin.

“I will join,” He replied. “But on one condition. I will join, if Haneul can be included in Bangtan’s activities. Like sitting with us during lunch.” Uh, what?!

“Don’t drag me into this,” I snapped. Jimin considered Taehyung’s words for a while, turning a pen over and over as he thought.

“Fine,” He finally said. “But she won’t be an official member of Bangtan. Anyway, let’s go for lunch.”

“Not like I want to be part of your stupid group,” I muttered under my breath, but stood up and followed the seven boys out of the classroom.

While the rest were chattering away, Tae pulled me aside. “Remember what you need to do,” He whispered. Oh right, check the student records. I had almost forgotten.

I nodded curtly. “Now?”

Taehyung looked at me for a moment, before nodding back. “Now.” Coincidentally, we were walking near the walls, and a fire alarm was just a few footsteps away. I pretended to trip over something, before falling into Taehyung, whose hands in turn landed on the fire alarm and triggered it.

“Oops,” He smirked and pushed me away. “Go!” The fire alarm’s shrill sound started blaring. I pushed past the crowd towards the direction of the Principal’s office, which Rap Monster had pointed out earlier. Swiftly putting on sunglasses, mask and gloves, I immediately entered the office.

I quickly scanned through the room and opened cabinets and drawers, trying to find files containing student records, but to no avail. The fire alarm was still wailing shrilly, and it was hurting my ears. Focus, Sera! If the student records aren't in files, then where would it be?

Oh right. The laptop.

I rushed to the laptop and moved the mouse around. Luckily for me, the laptop hadn't been locked yet. I searched ‘Student Records’ and right away, a folder appeared. I snorted. Real efficient, Principal.

Taehyung had given me a thumb drive earlier on, just in case. I pulled the thumb drive out of my pocket and hastily connected it to the laptop. I had been in here for 5 minutes, and it wouldn't be long before teachers started searching for me. At the most, I could only copy up to ‘K’.

I waited impatiently for the files to start copying over to my thumb drive when all of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. I pulled my thumbdrive out of the laptop and stuffed it into my pocket. Another knock. I opened the door, intending to hit the teacher who was standing outside unconscious. I had learned a few moves from Xiumin two years back, and I could still remember them.

But it wasn't a teacher. It was the guy who was sitting beside Taehyung. Jungkook. He stared at me and pulled off my sunglasses before I could even protest.

“Haneul? What are you doing here?”  

Holy .

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I'm sorry for not updating, but my finals are coming up and I barely got time to write :( pls bare with me and don't worry I'll make sure i update soon ;)


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Raudha #1
Chapter 1: *le sings fire*
that bleach deserves it ha
Bangtanlover875 #2
Chapter 6: srsly she said yes to being friends with jimin plz plz update I love this chapter
se-breezy #3
RachelHoon #4
Chapter 6: Jimin probably knows...
Chapter 6: Are they part of something pro or anything? Or is it just Xiumin and Luhan? Because they lacked in resources.
Chapter 5: I'll be waiting for your update. This seems like a fun read ^^
Chapter 3: Ooh- this is getting fun! ^^
Chapter 1: Just a question, why would they burn down the house? I mean, they're criminals and all, but yeah...
Chapter 5: I wonder why Jungkook would do such a thing and tell her that. But oh well, I'm keen on finding out his secret! >.<
The foreword is so legit! <3