

“What are you doing here?” I retorted. “Aren't you supposed to be at the assembly point or something? There was a fire alarm!”

Jungkook raised his eyebrows. “Aren't you supposed to be at the assembly point instead of sneaking around the principal’s office?”

“Who said I was sneaking around the principal’s office?” I quickly replied, narrowing my eyes. “And why are you even here?”

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, closed it, opened it, before closing it again. “That's… that's none of your business,” He stammered, glaring at me.

I laughed. 1 for Sera, 0 for Jungkook. “Yeah, and what I was doing is none of your business too. You pretend you didn't see me, and I'll pretend I didn't see you. Deal?” I extended my hand for him to shake.

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, before scowling and shaking my hand. “Fine. Deal.”

We glared at each other for an awkward moment, neither of us moving or saying anything. All of a sudden, there was the sound of footsteps echoing through the empty corridor.

“Quick, here,” Jungkook grabbed my hand and pulled me towards an empty classroom. We both ducked down. “I'm going to go and check who's that, you don't come out until I come back, okay?”

I nodded my head and in a flash, Jungkook was up and out of the classroom. The sound of footsteps got louder and louder before it stopped. “Hi Mrs Kwon,” I heard Jungkook say. I tried to remember who Mrs Kwon was, but nothing appeared in my memory. Oh well.

“Jeon Jungkook! What are you doing here, you are supposed to be at the field! Everyone is looking for you and Haneul,” The teacher scolded angrily.

Sounding apologetic, Jungkook replied, “Sorry Mrs Kwon, I went to look for Haneul because I was worried that something had happened to her. I won't do it again.” Liar.

I peeked out of the door and saw that the teacher was nodding her head, now smiling. “All right, I will inform the principal, let me know when you find Haneul.” She walked away after that. Wait, what? In my previous schools, students who did not assemble at the meeting point without a valid reason would be punished severely. Jungkook’s reason was such a ty one, how can Mrs Kwon just let him go like this?

“Haneul, you can come out now,” Jungkook’s face turned back into a scowl and he pulled me up. “You are lucky I’m her favorite student and the class chairperson. If it's Jimin or someone else, you two would be dead.”

“Wow, thank you so much, Jungkook! You are my lord and savior! I owe my life to you!” I returned the scowl, sarcasm dripping in my voice.

To my surprise, Jungkook actually laughed. “Whatever. Let's go. I'll just say that you tripped and fell and lost your way, okay?”

“As if the teacher will believe you,” I smiled.

“She wouldn't,” He nodded his head. “But she won't do anything about it. Im her favorite student and class chairperson, you know. And I have connections.” Jungkook smirked at the last part.

“Oh? What connections?” I asked. Policeman’s son? Jungkook didn't reply, and we walked in silence towards the field, my mind racing with a thousand different thoughts.

“So you tripped and fell and lost your way, huh?” Taehyung asked as we walked back to the apartment together.

“Yes, my leg still hurts a lot,” I shrugged. “But I will survive.” Taehyung scoffed and raised an eyebrow at me. “Just kidding,” I quickly added. “Jungkook caught me just now, but we made a deal. It's fine. Nothing will happen.”

“What deal?” Tae asked curiously.

“He was sneaking around outside the office, too. So as long as he don't tell anyone about me, I won't tell anyone about him,” I replied, pulling out the thumbdrive. “I'm good, eh?”

He laughed. “Good? I bet you couldn't even finish copying everything. You probably copied up to ‘K’.”

I grinned sheepishly. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Right about what?” A voice cut in before Tae could reply. Recognizing the voice, I frowned straight away.

“Why the hell were you eavesdropping?” Taehyung and I said instantly. “And why are you even here? Stalking us?” I added.

Jimin smirked. “Aw, love, you overestimate yourself. I live along this street, okay! And I wasn't eavesdropping, you guys were just talking too loudly.”

“Liar. Stop being so extra, Jimin,” Taehyung scoffed, annoyed.

“Wow, you hurt my poor and fragile heart,” Jimin laughed. “I got to go. See you tomorrow, love,” He turned to me and smiled before leaving.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, confused. “Why does he call you love?”

“How am I supposed to know?” I replied, equally annoyed. “Come on, let's go, we have information to check.” I took out the thumb drive again and waved it around.

“Alright!” Taehyung his laptop and shoved the thumb drive in violently. “There’s like 180 people’s particulars in here, my eye is so going to hurt after this.”

“And my eye isn’t?” I shot back. “Let’s start from the bottom.” I scrolled to the bottom of the list and clicked on the last name that appeared. Kim Namjoon.

“Ooh, his name is cool,” Tae commented, leaning in closer for a better view. “Wait, why does he look like Rap Monster?”  

I studied the photograph of ‘Kim Namjoon’ again. Indeed, he resembled the guy sitting in front of me in class, except that Kim Namjoon’s hair in the photo is blonde and not light pink. “Rap Monster is probably his nickname then. I mean, who will name their kid Rap Monster?” I answered.

Taehyung shrugged and read out his information. “Kim Namjoon. 16. Smart, has an IQ of 148 and scored amazingly well for all his classes. Vice-chairperson in the class. That’s it? What kind of student records are these? Did you really copy everything over?” He stared at me accusingly.

I raised both of my hands in mock surrender. “Hey, hey, Tae. It’s not my fault that the principal more than the other principals. We just have to make do with these lousy information.”

Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of ‘Kim’s, so it took us nearly an hour to go through everyone’s records. “Next, Jeon Jungkook!” Taehyung announced tiredly, rubbing his eyes. “Urgh, I want to sleep.”

“It’s only been an hour,” I replied, but yawned myself. “Let’s see. Jeon Jungkook. 16. Model Student. Class Chairperson.” I skimmed through the rest of the record. “Apparently all the teachers like him, and his parents own Jeon Enterprise.”

I glanced over to Taehyung, who was already searching ‘Jeon Enterprise’ on his phone. He caught me staring and shrugged again. “I can’t really find anything about them, other than the fact that they export and import… shoes? What?”

Shoes? “Are you sure you're searching the correct thing?” I asked, and he nodded. “Whatever, I’ll just ask Jungkook tomorrow.” Was this what he meant by ‘connections’? There’s definitely something sketchy behind the company. There was no way a shoe company would make a teacher behave like the did earlier on.

“Next…” Taehyung announced for the umpteenth time, but I was already tuning out. Jeon Jungkook, who are you? I sighed.

This is going to be a long night.

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I'm sorry for not updating, but my finals are coming up and I barely got time to write :( pls bare with me and don't worry I'll make sure i update soon ;)


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Raudha #1
Chapter 1: *le sings fire*
that bleach deserves it ha
Bangtanlover875 #2
Chapter 6: srsly she said yes to being friends with jimin plz plz update I love this chapter
se-breezy #3
RachelHoon #4
Chapter 6: Jimin probably knows...
Chapter 6: Are they part of something pro or anything? Or is it just Xiumin and Luhan? Because they lacked in resources.
Chapter 5: I'll be waiting for your update. This seems like a fun read ^^
Chapter 3: Ooh- this is getting fun! ^^
Chapter 1: Just a question, why would they burn down the house? I mean, they're criminals and all, but yeah...
Chapter 5: I wonder why Jungkook would do such a thing and tell her that. But oh well, I'm keen on finding out his secret! >.<
The foreword is so legit! <3