Your POV
Where's that Jaejoong now? Aish! I shouldn't wait him. He's late again. He's never like this before.
You and Jaejoong have been the best of friends since forever. He is three years older than you but you treat him like you're at the same age which is fine by him.
"~~~~~~~~!" You heard your name and turned around. You saw him with BoA, the campus queen and one of the top students on the school. Looks like they're close.
"Yah! What took you so long? You're late! Again! The next time you do it, I'm not waiting for you!" You turned and started walking fast.
"Aish... Come on, I just had something to do, something important.." He winked at Boa, who in return, smiled mischieviously.
You felt something in you tighten. For the record, you've been having a crush, as you put it, on Jaejoong ever since. But you managed to hide it from him. But lately, you feel that your feelings for him have grown stronger.
"Hey, ~~~~~~~, are you free this Sunday afternoon?" Jae asked you, again looking at BoA secretly.
"Ahmm, neh. Why?"
"Can you go the park 3:00 in the afternoon?"
Strangely, you felt like there's something going on between them. "Oh, okay Jae." Despite of being befuddled you still agreed.
"Okay, see you then. Oh, we have to go now. We have something to do. Bye now, baby girl." He messed your hair and grabbed BoA's hand and walked excitedly.
You're left confused. Do the two a couple now? Do they have a date today? Why did he asked me to go out? Then, you suddenly thought, that maybe they're going to surprised you and tell you that they're together now. The thought got you all teary-eyed.
You're thinking if you're going to go to the park or not. For these past few days, you always see Jaejoong with BoA in the library, in the canteen and even when going home! Jae always left you, him with BoA. That confirmed your suspicions that they are really together now.
Maybe, going to the park isn't really the best idea. You fell asleep after you thought that.
You woke up and looked at your wall clock, it's already 3:45 PM! You thought of Jae and called him but sadly, his answering machine answered you.
You decided to go the park to look if Jaejoong is still there. There he is! He's still there on the swing, waiting patiently.
"Jae-" You tried to call his attention but you were cut off when you saw BoA approaching. You saw her sat on the swing beside Jaejoong. You watched them closely. Jaejoong seemed down and then BoA suddenly grabbed Jaejoong's hand and gapped them. You felt your heart breaking when Jaejoong's mood suddenly changed and smiled at BoA. You decided to leave when BoA spotted you.
. Double . Now, I have to faced them. Damn.
"Oh, BoA, Jae.. I'm sorry I had disturbed you. I'm going now." You apologized politely.
"Hey, ~~~~~~~, I'm happy that you came! I thought you'd gonna ditched me," Jae whined.
"Mianhae. I didn't notice the time. You both seem having a good time. Maybe I should just go now."
"No!" Surprisingly, Jae's voice raised.
"Oh, okay." You looked at him, confused.
"No, I mean, maybe I could invite you. Come on, there's an ice cream store across the street."
"Do you want to come with us, BoA?" For some reason, I asked her. And guess what, unfortunately, she said yes.
"Come on."
They are currently seated on a round table. From the looks of it, she looks like a third wheel. Why did she even agreed on this? Wait, pabo, I'm the one who invited her. I unconsciously slapped my forehead which didn't go unnoticed from the two.
"Hey, ~~~~~~~~, is there something wrong?"
She silently cursed herself. Babo! Stupid! Hey, the two of them are more stupid than her.
"Um, nothing. Just continue with YOUR conversation." I fired back, voice with a hint of sarcasm.
"I think, it's time, Jaejoong." BoA glanced on her watch and glanced at ~~~~~~~, then looks back at Jaejoong. "I should go. Annyeong. And Jae, good luck!" She stood up and walked away.
I looked at Jaejoong and he seemed tense. When did he ever gets uncomfortable with her? Never, just now.
"Hey, are you alright?"
He looked at me and nodded his head lightly.
For half an hour, we just sit there and ate our ice cream. No talking. Damn. She couldn't take it anymore. She stood up and walked away from the table and got out from the station. Well, if he wouldn't talk to her, then fine. I might as well just spend my time watching those stupid romantic movies.
"~~~~~~~! Wait!" She heard him shout before her.
She stopped on her tracks and waited till he managed to come up with her.
"Now, what? You two ignored me the whole time, I am sickingly trying to enjoy my food while you two were SOO engrossed on your conversation and guess what, Jae? When she walked out, you stopped talking! I mean, seriously, you, literally, stared on your stupid strawberry ice cream and silently ate! Eating as if my presence wasn't there at all!" You ranted and ranted, then you looked at him. He was staring back at you and he is smiling slightly.
"I was, honestly, tensed."
"Tensed? , Jaejoong. You're my best friend for how many in years! You were talking at EASE with that BoA earlier! And you're telling me you were tensed when she left?! How stupid could you be?!"
"I'm not stupid! I'm really tensed! It's not really good in the inside when you're hiding something, ~~~~~~!"
"Look, Jae, I'm done with this, I'm going home."
You were about to walked away when Jaejoong grabbed your wrist. You were dangerously too close to each other. You looked around and silently thankful that they were the only people on that side of the station. When you stared back at him, he was grinning at you.
"~~~~~~~, tell me. Were you...jealous?"
You gaped at him in shock. The heat crept fast on your cheeks. You looked passed at him.
"Have you gone crazy?! Jealous?! Like, duh! Why would I be jealous? I don't have the rights to be jealous, and seriously, I d-don't c-care."
"Hmmm," he pulled you tighter. "From the looks of it, you were like a jealous GIRLFRIEND," he added teasingly.
"G-girlfriend?! Look, Jae, I don't have time for your games. Play with BoA, no with me. Just..just let me go." Funny, you're words were the complete irony of what you felt that time. It felt somewhat right.
"No. I'm not gonna let you go. Just admit it. You're jealous of BoA."
"YES! I'm jealous of her! I'm jealous of your past girlfriends! And yes, if you would ask, I loved you all along, without you knowing at all! Now, Jae, happy?" You looked at him and he was smiling at you.
"Very, ~~~~~~~, very much happy," he said.
"Jae, if it's just a game for y-"
He cut her off by pressing his lips on hers. She was staring at him wide-eyed. She watched him closing his eyes slowly. She was stunned, amazed how his lips felt against hers. She was slowly responding and the kiss was getting heated and heated. When they pulled back, she stared at him, blushing when she realized what had happened.
"Baby, you're killing me," he groaned while giving you butterfly kisses on your face.
You pushed him away, gawking at him.
"What the hell were you doing?!" She spat at him angrily.
"I believe WE were KISSING, babe," he was seriously teasing her.
She was furiously blushing. She was about to spat at him again when he kissed her again, this time with more passion. She wrapped her arms around Jaejoong's neck and responded eagerly.
He pulled back suddenly.
"We better go to a much more private place, baby." He whispered in her ear huskily.
Then, she realized she had forgotten something.
"J-Jaejoong, why are you doing this?"
"Babo, of course, I love you, baby! I don't know when this feeling had started! I love you, ~~~~~~~.." He planted a soft kiss on her lips.
"Stop gaping at me, baby, you're torturing me.."
He grabbed your hand and together you walked heading to your apartment to do God-knows-what..
A/N : Oh.. I know it's lame.. Just one of my pastimes.. keke :)))
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11 streak #1
This was so adorable!
lol.....wow!! hehehe...
leedictator #3
Nawww, this is so sweet! Haha, I LOVE it! Jae is such a gentle guy, though he is also, kinda erted XDXD I`m sad it`s finished now .. Well, I hope to read more of your work soon! Hwaiting ~!
leedictator #4
Ahh, I can`t wait for the sequel then (: And no problems! It`s an awesome story ;)
k-anne #5
yay! i am currently working on its sequel?? i guess.. about BoA and Jae's ya'know... they're always together and it wasn't clear in the story why they're always together :)) gee.. thanks for loving it @leedictator and @ yuki-himehanasawa.. <3
leedictator #6