Dying Is A Part Of Life. Right?

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As she walk, people talk about her. She ignored everything they talked about and focused on reality. The truth.

The one who plays the game wisely, wins the game. I mean, dying is a part of life. Right?


(reality )


For her, life means nothing. Its just a match to her. Who dies, dies. Who lives, lives. But the weird thing about her is, she doesn't want to live. She wants to die so bad. She hates everything about the world. From the shining sun to the underground. Her life is basically the bullies, her abusive parents and her gang activities. Tattoos' on almost every inch of her body. Everything about her tells a story. Her fierce eyes and glare. Her pointy nose. Her thin lips. Her long silky hair. The cuts around her arm and legs. Everything. Her past of hatred is the one that is making her hold back from life. Meaning: Her useless parents and brother. 


For him, life is everything. His good looks, fantastic grades. Supporting parents and the girls. They are practically throwing themselves to him, not that he accepts or anything. He loves his life. Rich and famous. His doe eyes makes everything even more great for him. Innocent, nice, good looking, smart, caring. Isn't that the full package? Six best friends who have the same life as him and has his back and will do everything to protect him. Parents buying everything that they think he needs to live. Isn't that great? Wonderful? Knowing there is someone protecting you from the dangerous world?





What happens when they both meet?

Will he teach her the meaning of life?

Will she finally know what she has been missing her whole life?

Will she that started everything? the game?









I walked around the dark alley, breathing the air for once before taking out my cigar, smoking it. I sat on top of the big dumpster. Staring at the fluffy cat meowing for food. If I had my pocket knife right now, the cat would probably be dead. Smoking the cigar on right, throwing the knife on my left. Well, that's if life was easy which its not. My family, lets just say we are not on good terms with eachother. Except for my mom and dad who smokes weed and do drugs. I've caught them smoking weed lots of times but surprisingly, they noticed me all of those times. Their minds are still on point. My mom will beat me lots of times while my dad will pull my hair. My dad will try to me without my mom knowing but I got away lots of times. Its funny on how they were the most successfull people in the world ten years ago. When I was 6. But things never go our way. Don't they? The company went to bankruptcy resulting my parents to smoke weed. How idiotic. My bro? He didn't went to college. He left me with those drunkers. He spatted on my face, that I was the reason why my parents were like that. I was the burden in my family. How silly of him. He's the one who was the burden, really. After he left, my parents started drinking more. He was the first child. Plan A. The one who will lead the family. The one who will put the family back together. 


I stepped on my cigar, making the fire dissapear. The last thing I want is, the cops trailing me from behind. I went out from that stupid dark alley. I smirked, hearing the sound of loansharks. So threathening. I was the fearest in this town. Its funny how I'm even somehow best friends with one of them. They are called BAP. They are all the second child of their family. Plan B. The one who never gets attention. Their brothers are Plan A. The successor. We are the same. Me and BAP. The only thing making us different from eachother are our status. They are still rich. I stopped my steps when a hand touched my shoulder. I turned around, giving the person a glare which he just shrugged off. "Little girl, its not polite to glare." he said, mockingly. 


little girl,

little girl,

little girl


I hate that word. Little girl. My dad called me that, when he tried to ya'know. I hated that moment. I barely escaped from it. I was lucky to even made it. I grabbed the guy's hand and flipped him. He winced and shouted "Yah!" I ran for my life, I might have done gang activities but I'm lazy to deal with it. Escape from life. Escape from reality. I ran to BAP's hideout and slept. The only place where I feel safe. BAP are the ones who care for me. But they don't know the real me, unfortunately. They would kill me.






(I hate you)









and that's the problem.









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gabriela68 #1
Nice story! Cant wait for the chapters:)