Behind Closed Eyes (GreenGardenPop)


REVIEWING: Behind Closed Eyes
Author: GreenGardenPop
Reviewed by: junsssiii


title and graphics: 10/10
the title is rare which is good and it connects the story well. No problems there and the graphics also has that angsty feeling that i'm looking for /thumbs up;
description: 7/10
i felt that something was missing there in the plot. i suggest you just add a little more so some readers will be interested to read your story but the thing that was disturbing me the most was the 'She was unable to find enployment despite graduating from a prestigious university' part. Wasn't that a little too fast? It's better if you mention that atleast in Chapter 1.
characters: 7/10
you said that i should focus on the characteristics, so.. let's focus on jiyeon first. She's the same introverted girl just like any other angst stories but i'll reconsider it because she's the one who gives the angst of the story but the point is if she became friends with jongdae, why wont she try to befriend others? i know she's scared to death because people might laugh at her but didn't jongdae already taught her some ways to make friends? why won't she try to open her heart just a little? also in Chapter 2 i noticed that she trusted and liked jongdae too fast because it's like you're first time having a conversation with somebody and you instantly trust and like that  person which is unrealistic (sorry for the word) and her religiousness, she keeps on saying that the Lord is unfair and stuff on some chapters then suddenly she brought her faith back? i just don't understand. 
then, we have jongdae, a very religious guy who i have seen rarely in stories which is a good thing and i actually see how supportive he was as a friend and how sensitive he is but it will be better if we get to know him better and add him to some chapters so we can know his personality. Maybe his on POV? (just a suggestion though) i'm looking forward to him in future chapters (hopefully he wont turn into a bad guy)
plot and flow of the story: 28/30
the plot is great! stories about meeting someone in your dreams is really rare because i mostly see them in movies but i can't say the same for the flow. It's been the same over and over again like those dreams/flashbacks still going on in every chapter seems too sad and depressing. i know this is supposed to be an angst story but limit the angst. Try not to be too angsty and i'm yearning for more jiyeon x chen moments in this story.
grammar and writing style: 8/10
your grammar is great but you need to fix a few sentences in some chapters and PLEASE put some italics so readers will know either its a dream/flashback or not.
creativity/originality: 19/20
i like the creativity you did for this story like what i mentioned in the plot and flow of story section, it's really rare to see this kind of stuff :)
enjoyment of the staff/reviewer: 8/10
i find this story really interesting and i'm hoping for better updates. I hope you fix some errors or maybe the things i mentioned just DM me anytime if you want any help :)
TOTAL MARK: 87/100

this is purely my opinion and i apologize if i said anything harsh. don't forget to credit VELVET REVIEW SHOP for reviewing your story^^ Stop by anytime if you want one of your stories to be reviewed :)

sorry for changing the scores! i was super dumb that i forgot about the scoring of the rubrics :(





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i've requested! heheh merry christmas!
I've requested!!^^
Chapter 4: Thank you for the honest review! :) I agree with what you mentioned; I do think I have some issues with my wording and phrasing, especially when I have a huge tendency to over complicate things. Also, very nice catch! I've always thought 'pretentious' has the same meaning as 'pretend', but it turns out I'm wrong. I guess that's something for me to take note in future stories. :) Once again, thank you, and I've credited the shop!
I have requested, thank you
Thank you for the review...
I've requested; thank you! :)