Rather Be With You

X-mas Edition

             The sound of laughter echoed through the hallways she walked in and became more pronounced as she got closer to the practice room. As she opened the door she was faced by the group of boys with plastered smiles across each of their faces, some were whispering to each other as some made jokes out loud. She looked around the room adoring the relaxation and happiness that came with each member, as she looked around she locked eyes with the one which she came to meet. Junior’s smile widened as he made her way to her as s followed him with their gaze.

            “Hey guys having fun?” She asked chuckling at the boys excited waves towards her as her boyfriend wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned down to give his girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.

            “Yup, are you guys coming with us today?” The youngest member asked with hope emitting from his eyes which she could only respond with confusion.

            “Coming with you where?” She asked only to see the younger slowly simmer down knowing that she probably wasn’t.

            “Didn’t Junior tell you, we planned to go sledding and just play in the snow today” This time the oldest explained as she turned to face her boyfriend looking at him more confused. Junior quickly wanting to avoid the long explanation he grabbed his belongings and led her towards the door.

            Before he leaves he turns back to face the others, “sorry guys I forgot to tell you I can’t but you guys have fun okay? Bye”

            Once they reached the outside, the cold breeze struck their skin causing a shiver to run through both of them. After awhile of walking in silence she finally spoke up about her confusion.

            “You never told me about their invitation” She stated looking at him while he let a sigh escape his lips returning her gaze.

            “I didn’t want to tell you, I wanted to spend the day with you like I promised I would” He explained, she looked at guilt over crowding her mind as she spoke.

            “You should have just told me, I would have let you go with them” Junior glanced at her surprised thinking she would have responded more in a happy tone instead of one filled with hints guilt.

            “But I really didn’t want to go” He said while he curiously stared at her pulling her phone out.

            “Do you think they are still at the studio? Maybe you could still catch up with them” She suggested as she scrolled through her contacts but before she could find a member’s name her phone was slowly covered by a hand blocking her from her search.

            “Babe,” Junior said slowly grabbing her phone out of her hand looking at her softly as he placed his hand on top over her head ruffling it.

            “This was my choice, it had nothing to do with me feeling guilty about leaving you but rather my desire to be with you regardless of that promise okay?” He asked placing a finger under her chin looking at her with a smile forming as she nodded he head slightly.

            “Good, now let’s get home I’m freezing” He stated as they neared the entrance of their building. Once they entered their cozy apartment they both slipped out of their outerwear. She slowly made her way to the window, her eyes landed on a few kids playing in the park across the street her smile that was previously their slowly faded as she realized how much fun Junior could be having if he agreed to go but before her thoughts could carry on a pair of hands found their way around her waist making her turn around.

            “You’re still thinking about ‘that’ aren’t you?” Junior asked already knowing the answer as he tightened his grip on her waist pulling her a little closer. She looked back for a moment before responding.

            “Junior, why don’t you go? Besides it would be a good way to relax” She said trying to convince him to go to his friends as he wrapped her hands around his neck.

            “I would, but I’d rather be here with you underneath this mistletoe” she was about to question where this so called mistletoe was but before she could he raised his hand above them gripping the mistletoe he had referenced.

            “Where did you get that mistletoe babe?” she asked as she looked up at it confused as he chuckle thinking about cute she was as she stared at the mistletoe seeming amazed by the sudden presence of it.

            “I got it from a friend” he said as she looked back at him both staring at each other longingly. It had been awhile since they were able to spend time together and the feeling immersed itself within the room as both started leaning in.

            “I wouldn’t have wanted anything else but to be here with you” He whispered against her lips as both smiled into the long awaited kiss.

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Chapter 5: no!!!!!!! why author my poor youngjae
julia_z #2