
Mutual Benefits
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Nara was looking through a fashion magazine as her phone suddenly rang. It was from an unknown number. She was curious since usually only her family members or her close friends would called her and she believed that she already saved their phone number. She just shrugged it off since they might change their number or the caller could be calling the wrong number so she picked it up.

“Hello.” She greeted.

“Hello. It’s Lu Han. I just wanna tell you that I’ll be picking you up at three. Make sure to be ready when I get there.” Said the person on the other line.

 Lu Han called her? And was he ordering her instead of asking her if she’s free or if she wanted to go?

“Wait. How do you know my phone number?” Nara asked.

“It’s not important. Just make sure to be ready when I arrive.” He answered. With that, he ended the call.

Nara’s jaw dropped. ‘How rude’ she thought. She felt that her pride was hurt when he ignore her question and hanged up on her. ‘So you are this kind of man huh?’

She was undecided, whether to go or not. But he wouldn’t asked order her to go out with him if it’s not important right? It must be about the wedding. In the end, she decided to go.



Nara glanced at the clock. It’s 3.02. Lu Han still didn’t arrived.

“Where’s he? He was the one who told me to be ready at 3.00 pm.” Nara mumbled to herself.

Suddenly, she heard a loud honk outside her house. She grabbed her handbag and strode to his car. He was lucky that he was not late more than five minutes, if not she would have just let him wait outside and never went out.

As she step into his car, she didn’t say anything and just buckled her seatbelt. Then, Lu Han step on the pedal and she could see her house becoming farther from them.

There was an awkward silence. Nara felt so tense because of the awkward atmosphere. Nara glanced at Lu Han to see him. Lu Han looked fine and comfortable so it made Nara curious if she was the one feeling awkward and uncomfortable. The reality was Lu Han really didn’t mind about sitting in the same car with her and he even realised that Nara was uncomfortable but he didn’t try to make it better.

After fifteen minutes, the situation didn’t changed. Lu Han decided to break the silence since he couldn’t stand the sight of Nara squirming in uneasiness beside him.

“We’re going to buy our engagement ring.” Lu Han said out of nowhere.

Nara turn her head to looked at Luhan for a second but turn towards the window again. “Hmm.” Nara just hummed a reply since she’s still angry about their conversation through the phone earlier.

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Chapter 1 is up. I hope you like it!!:D


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fadzilah #1
Chapter 3: I'll be waiting for the next chapter! :D
am_shy19 #2
Chapter 2: Thx for te update^_^
am_shy19 #3
Chapter 1: Great story^_^
fadzilah #4
This story sounds interesting! update soon!!