Kyunghee Academy

Speaking Silences


PART OF A DOUBLE UPDATE- Read chapter 3 first^^

Btw- JONGIN's third person view point again. written while listening to Suju's Evanesce. Oh! ho much I love that song. Enjoy reading.^^

Its 03:18 and I havent slept yet. God bless my ears from Mom's shouts tomorrow.

SUNNY HILL's MONDAY BLUES- How about you????????


“Hope rises like a phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams.”


The Greek style white Kyunghee Academy that gave a feeling of rising from the rocks, stood proud in welcoming of the students from a number of universities. Colourful flags with emblems adorned the posts- beginning from the main gate to the various blocks of the prestigious university, giving it a feel of being in a carnival. Jongin could never have thought that the competition meant for geeks and nerds or smartasses like Jessica would have this much popularity.

Jessica was a Foreign Studies major but could kick anybody’s in any competition (If we leave dance because well, being a dance major himself- Jongin could see the truth- She was awful!).

Being in the crowd of thick glassed, strictly dressed contenders, Jessica looked like a pretty businesswoman in her long hair straightened with fringes covering her pretty eyes and a formal skirt falling just above her knees, well defining her long legs and a white shirt paired up with a black waistcoat. Well, he didn’t compliment her about her look as she obviously knew that she looked fabulous in anything she worn and the lingering gazes she was getting from the 90 per cent of the male population and 100 per cent of the female population(jealousy guys!) round the campus was evident enough. And nobody could to talk to a proud Jessica without getting nonchalant shrugs and duh eye rolls. So, he let it go.

The huge campus had many blocks just like their university but there was something in those white walls, looking like a defined mystery box, ready for unravelling which intrigued Jongin to the very core. Clusters of students could be seen ruling every nook and corner belonging to many departments. It was funny how he could almost point out the cluster’s major just by noticing their activities. Music majors could be seen with their variant instruments, dance majors were showing off moves, literature major with nerd glasses and thick ancient manuscripts in their hands.

The Declamation contest was scheduled at 1 pm, three hours away from right now and Jongin wondered what had been going around Jessica’s mind to bring him so early to the campus.

“Jess...Will you mind telling me what are we doing at 10 when the competition is not going to start till lunch ends,” he asked her while sitting in the farthest corner of the university cafe, sipping on his black coffee. Then a small thought tipped his conscious, marking the existence of a smug grin on his face. “Are you nervous?” he teased in a whisper moving closer to the said girl.

The question made Jessica jerk her head, face giving away the best look she could muster.  

“Kim Jongin. Do you really want to die this bad?”She asked in a sickly sweet tone pointing her fork at the poor victim, all set to torture Jongin to death. So much for being a tease.

Jongin visibly gasped at the reaction, immediately falling back to his original place. That elicited a shrill laugh from the pretty face sitting in front of him who went back to stuff with the brownie she was having.

“I thought you were on a diet,” asked Jongin curiously seeing her seatmate having quite a big pie of the chocolaty savour and was brushed off with a simple shrug and a nonchalant “I am.”

“Uh..Queen Elizabeth; this slave would like to remind you that you are having a truckload of calories. Only if you want to be on the diet. Not that I mind.” Jongin was in his full-on dramatic pose, hands joined formally, dipping his head low.

“Don’t be a tease,” the petite girl pouted, “I need to eat this at least today.” Jongin wanted to ask about today’s special occasion that could allow Ms. Heath Frenzy to have a chocolate treat. He had suffered enough to bring salad cake for the ever-nagging girl on her birthday last month but knew much better than to voice his opinions. Who would like to put hand in the mouth of a tigress like her. He was overruled anyway as usual.

“I want you to meet someone” Jessica said with an uncertain look.

“Someone being?” Jongin couldn’t help being curious. The last time she had said that to introduce her baby sister. And she wasn’t a baby alright but a full-on babe. Jongin smirked at the memory.


Seoul National University cafe was a real hot and happening place with cheerleaders in short dresses putting up amazing fashion show for the testosterone charged college goers. Couples engaged in breaking all sorts of PDA records and amazingly priced menu with all savouries available. Where can we find such kind of a cafe anywhere?

Sitting far away from the making out popular couples, Jongin could not help but groan and pout at his situation. Especially sitting next to his ultra hot and y girlfriend and not able to kiss her at all. Jessica was looking very irritated, throwing annoyed glances at the crowd gathered across the room, scoffing and hitting her boyfriend’s arm repetitively.

The food and drinks on the table was left untouched sans the bubble tea that was being cautiously sipped by Sehun. The poor boy was so scared of the intimidating girl in front of him that he could not even express his desire to go back to his dorm to finish his paper that was due tomorrow.

“I want you guys to meet someone.” Jessica spoke in a high voice probably to alert the almost dazed Sehun and pouting Jongin.

“Who?” both of them answered in unison, voice void of any interest, a fact that went unnoticed by the petite beauty resulting in a loud smacking on the back of the head. “Oh! You are here already?” They were obviously saved by the entry of someone lowering the degree of damage.

“Guys, meet my baby sister, Krystal,” a high voice made Jongin move his head to look up, hands flying down from the site of pain after seeing an ultimate bombshell in front of his eyes.

A tall beauty with never ending legs stood in front of him, long shiny hair falling evenly from her slender shoulders, high cheekbones and slightly tanned skin. The most surprising part was while Jessica was baby faced; her sister looked like a live model of a o, with a classic matured face. Jongin was ready to drool on the babe.

“She is 13.” And here goes his dreams. Already noticed the slump of shoulders shown by her boyfriend, Jessica threw him a warning stare, daring him to say anything.

“But she looks even older than you. Not that she is less pretty, even prettier.” Jongin knew Sehun was a goner for making such a comment and was waiting for a retort but none came. Instead a girly giggle was heard from the two lovely ladies.

“Thank you.” It was Krystal who spoke now in a slightly husky tone and then she sat (read -was made to sit) on the spare chair alongside his best friend.

All throughout the lunch, evident flirting session was thrown at innocently oblivious Sehun involving Jessica and her juvenile sister and Jongin wanted nothing more than them to leave his friend of ten years alone. Not that he didn’t want Sehun to date but Sehun was a dreamer, who believed in true love and Krystal didn’t quite fit in his ideal type.

Unsurprisingly, Jessica has sprung up next day on his doorstep with the talks of her sisters hugest crush on Sehun. She went on and on about trying several times for them to meet again quoting how perfect Sehun was for her innocent sister and all that bull. Jongin could do nothing but heave a long sigh and pray for the safety of his bestfriend. He knew Sehun would tell him if even a little bit of interest was reciprocated. But sadly, the whole scenario equated to null with his inability to speak against his wonder woman.

Unlike him, Sehun had never been with girls his whole life and had crushed on only on one. A cute little seatmate of his with tiny pigtails, whom he had given chocolates on Valentines in grade 5.  


He was curious who he will be meeting today, a hot friend of hers, a far of cousin.........


“Mom and Dad” the stupid grin was completely wiped off from Jongin’s face at the mere mention of the term.

“But, we’are not....”

“Don’t worry Jongin. I am making them meet you as a friend.”


“Have some confidence Jonginnie,” she called with a rare endearment, as a soothing gesture. “They will not ask you uncomfortable questions. They are just here to attend my competition and give me encouragement.” She assured him, knowing about his insecurities.

He was saved from the sudden breakdown with a Lana Del Ray “Summerwine” buzzing from the expensive iphone6s kept at the table. Knowing it’s her parents; Jessica was quick to pick up the call, sending them directions to her current location. No time was left for him to be anxious as a smartly dressed couple dressed in upperclassmen clothes carrying warm smiles, approached their table. With an excited face, the petite girl jumped on her dad, hugging him tight and repeated the same with her mom, who looked like a carbon copy of Jessica. 

A series of questions were asked to Jessica by her dramatic mother all quoting about her being stick thin and not having food at all. Oh! thats why the bony girl was having Brownie like a reluctantly famished person. Jongin rose from his seat to offer a deep bow to them earning a feminine chuckle.

“Is that Sehun, Sica?” Mrs. Jung looked curiously interested and Jessica laughed lowly at her question. It seemed as if the whole family wanted the ‘Kryhun’ ship to sail.

“No mom, he is Jongin, best friend of Sehun.”  

“Ahhh! That’s sad, this young man interests me a lot. I hope Sehun is even hotter than the muscle boy here.” Her mom giggled, erasing all Jongin’s doubts about the whole family of hers being crazy and bold. All his wishes lied upon her stern looking dad, who were looking at one face to another, emotionlessly.

“Jessica, go kick your contenders in their . Show them whose daughter your are.”

Jongin went numb.


The Annual Declamation Competition was to be held in the Auditorium H located in the Language Department. The hall was huge and could seat around a couple of thousands and according to the board hung just outside the venue, a total of 15 colleges from throughout the nation had sent their representatives. The contenders were having a briefing round while the spectators were told to wait inside and sadly Jongin was struck on a middle seat with Mrs. Fickle on left and Dr. Dracula on right, impending doom.

A bell could be heard on sharp 1 pm marking the beginning of the competition. Each representative had already picked their topics from the lottery system and awaited their chance waiting on the backstage. The first slot went to some unattractive girl Choi who had to speak on some Carbon Footprint topic. Thankfully most of her speech went by a slur amidst the loud talks of Jessica’s parents (who were talking to each other mind you, with Jongin sandwiched in between). And numerous others came and went by blabbering on boring topics from handphones to country’s politics.

“Jung Jessica” A lady shouted from the podium inviting Jessica on stage to begin her five minute word relay.

Her entry alone on the stage earned several hoots and applauses from the crowd (probably the loudest from Dr. Dracula) and she threw her addictive smile to the cheering audience and began her introduction. Apparently, her topic was the popularity of Street Fashion. Bulls eye! Give a fashionista to speak about fashion.

“In the seasons that have come and gone, a splash of digital prints has been sprayed across the fashion world, taking up a huge place in the streets allover........” She began confidently, throwing all the concepts and her personal style in her speech, tying spectators in her well knit speaking style and passages and unsurprisingly earned multitude of claps and awws from almost everyone. Jongin felt captivated by her strong stage presence and beautiful voice, very very proud of her work. Apparently the next speech was by the representative of the host college as a loud cheer erupted from the croud almost deafening people present in the hall. Jongin would have almost missed that beautiful deep yet velvety voice. Almost.


As cliché it can be said, Jongin felt like he was seeing an angel on stage. Tall, slender figure, oval face and the most beautiful pair of eyes that he had ever witnessed, pale face covered in the blanket of honey coloured soft curls, kept open to captivate, soft palms making gestures so as to explain her lines- there was no need, her voice enough to speak million words. That innocence, that pristine beauty.  

The results were announced long back, but Jongin remained unfazed, rooted at his seat and his state could only be broken by a bone-crushing hug by Jessica. He could say that was Jessica as he knew even her vital stats.

“I won, Jongin”

Jongin could only mumble congratulatory words, eyes set on the stage to spot that beauty only to find her standing on the farthest corner, smiling softly at the cheers.

He knew he had the chance to talk, now or never. So, he detached himself from Jessica, d her wrist just to drag his down towards the stage. Jongin sensed Jessica’s confusion but didn’t clear anything and thankfully, she understood without a word exchange as they stood in front of the girl. Jessica untangled their hold.

A slightly shivering hand got extended towards the confused girl on stage.


“Hi....You were great onstage. I’m Jongin.” The muscular boy threw his most charming smile towards the girl who shyly took his hand.




Some were ready to build their world with high hopes, for some the whole world came tumbling down in front of their eyes but saddest were those people who were building castles in the vacant air- just waiting for the ground to come in contact.


AN: Double update as promised. Yayye!!!!

Well as you guys know I get really emotional whilst writing my characters, so I m crying for Sehun's fate. 

I just love writing Jessica, she is loudmouth and bold but so so much in love( all hinted)- poor girl.

Btw, I m sure most of you are now relieved that Suzy isnt mute. Hah! I know you are. We she was never mute. 

More drama to come in the next chapters. Stay tuned...AND I official turned the story into a love triangle (brick me)....but I have my reasons okay. So much for plucking inspirations from air. But life isnt a smooth for Sehun and Kaizy is going to be interesting to write( bold + shy). waiting for your views over my crazy idea.:)))

And smooches and hugs to all those who subscribed, voted or even read my story.

A special mention to those who stuck throughout :*- As I never expected such love. Baechimi-is-love, suforlife, Fin8780rojan143suzy, Dreamers17, Lukz13, xNarya, Keyboard_Girl and veirina. Thank you so much ( teary eyes and 90 degree bow). Love you. 


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SPEAKING SILENCES: Chapter 8- chances Updated....


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veirina #1
Chapter 10: I love U too Tanya.... keep work hard but always stay healthy.... maybe U can't imagine how happy I am when I read an update notification 4 this story kekekee..... hug from so faaaar country
rojan143suzy #2
Chapter 10: welcome back. plz update soon Tanya ... we're waiting.
Chapter 10: yeayyy!! I've been longing for ur update!!! anyway welcome back!!!
Welcome back.... :) update soon.
karmakyungsoo #5
Chapter 10: Welcome back ;D
adiezty #6
Chapter 9: Lovee... This story.. Suzy waiting for sehun..and finally sehun got contact suzy..what will happen next..ohh i can' t wait.. Please update soon.. Komawo and hwaiting ^.^9
eyesonu #7
Chapter 9: Omaigodd i love them hunzy and kaizyy,i dont even know how to choose...i guess he must be sehun who was talking on the phone with suzy...yeayyy
veirina #8
Chapter 9: Oh... Jongin has complicated memories that make him scared to fall in love. Sunho... who is he? Suzy's brother or friend? I don't think that he is her bf cs she is waiting for Sehun. But poor Jongin, when he is about to open his heart again, he has yo endure the pain. Thanks 4 update authornim