25 - The last chapter

You're my true love

The wedding day …

Hara was sitting in a room. Waiting for the ceremony to start. Someone knock at the door. It was Jonghyun. Hara get up and walk towards Jonghyun. They both stare at each other without saying any words. Hara smile and hold Jonghyun cheeks. Jonghyun smile and hold Hara’s hand. They hug with each other.

“Hara” Nicole and Gyuri came suddenly.

Jonghyun and Hara immediately let go of the hug.

“oh, Jonghyun is here too. Great then” Gyuri said.

“congratulation!” Nicole and Gyruri said.

“I’ll wait for you outside. Can’t wait to start it” Jonghyun said and walk out from the room.

“you are so beautiful” Nicole said.

“I couldn’t imagine how my wedding will look like” Gyuri said.

Hara and Nicole laugh.

“I guess, today is the last day for our two friends to be a single teenager. It’s time to be married couple” gyuri said.

Hara didn’t say anything and smile.

Everyone was sitting at their places, waiting for the bride to walk out. The music plays. Nicole and Gyuri, the flower girls walk out form the door followed by Hara and her dad. Everyone was looking at Hara, the beautiful bride. Hara smile while walking.

Hara grab her husband hand and stand right in front of all the people. The wedding start.
Hara stand in front of Jonghyun.

“Jonghyun …………………(I don’t know the words :/ )…………. Will you accept Hara as your wife?”

“I do” Jonghyun said.

“Hara ………………… will you accept Jonghyun as your husband?”

“I do” Hara said.

“and you may kiss the bride”

Jonghyun kiss Hara. everyone was clapping happily. They both walk out of the church. Everyone was cheering happily and congrats them.

Hara was searching for Minho. She couldn’t even find him. "Where's him?" Hara said.

In the same time, Minho was standing right at the back without showing himself to Hara. He look at Hara and Jonghyun while holding the necklace that he wear. It was a necklace Jonghyun gave him before the wedding.

“oppa, let’s go home” krystal said.

“it should have been me” Minho said and leave the place sadly.

“oppa, can I come with you to London tomorrow?” Krystal said.

“no you can’t” Minho said.

“why?” krystal ask.

“firstly, it’s because I’m going to live there and I will never go back here again and second, it’s because you ruin my relationship with Hara by using Jessica which is not good and I don’t like it” Minho said.

“I know, I’m sorry. But all you think about is Hara and i sometimes sick of it” Krystal reply.

Minho didn't say anything.

"Oppa...are you sad? I'm really sorry" krystal said.

"It doesn't matter how i feel as long as she's happy and she have chosen the right one. i'm going to move on" Minho said.

"be happy Hara. i will always remember you. I will move on starting tomorrow even though it is hard to forget you. the chapter about you in my diary ends but the story of my life still goes on. same like you, there will be no more Minho exist in your life starting tomorrow. goodbye Goo Hara" Minho said to himself.

And the story ends with the happy Hara and Jonghyun wedding ceremony and sad, frustrated Minho.


A/N: At last, the story is complete. I’ve made the story a little shorter :) comment what you think about the story. I think it’s boring since it’s my first fanfic :/ and it should've ended with Minho and Hara but since the majority of you all want jonghyun with Hara. Anyway, I’m making my second fanfic now, Please come back featuring Hara, Ljoe, Junhyung and Minho :) Click here to subsribe and wait updates for the fanfic.

and ohh, THANKS FOR READING! :) xx

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Next Update: 20/04/2012 ^-^ Please look forward to it :D


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This story is fun !! XD
LovelyHara #2
Omo! I thought the bride is Minho....
But it's okay. Still great ending! <3
Thank you!
Naaw, finished already? Can we get a sequal?
Yay she ended with Jonghyun, i hope Minho finds a great girl to love :)
great story!
swagger32 #4
Finish already?? Great ending! So happy that hara ended up with jonghyun and also happy that minho is happy for hara.
Waaaah did she choose Jonghyun!?!?
Update soon!
who hara choose??jonghyun??
if jonghyun i will wait for your update..
swagger32 #7
Yes! Hara's feelings for minho is gone!! Well is it? Anyways, i sure hope that hara picked jonghyun cause they're the perfect couple. Minho just please get lost
Updare soon xD
i hope she end up with jonghyun..
even how much i love minra couple..
jonghyun is the one for hara in this story..:)
babysun576 #9
i don't know what to say now T__T
cuz i still want Hara end up with Minho
even Jonghyun so good
swagger32 #10
i hope hara will end up with jonghyun
she doesn't deserve minho at all
update soon