
You're my true love

“two weeks I’m in Korea and I couldn’t even have a chance to meet Minho. *sigh*” Hara said to herself while sitting in her flight. Hara look at the window. “Minho, I miss you so much” she said to herself again.

“Hara, are you ok?” Jonghyun ask.

Hara look at Jonghyun and smile. “yes, I’m ok” she said and look at the window again.

Jonghyun look at her. “I know how you feel” Jonghyun said to himself.

“woahhh, I’m so tired!” Hara said while laying on her bed. She hold her necklace and said “he’ s so nice to me”
She then think about Minho and fell asleep.


Onew, Nicole and Gyuri meet at the college.

“I haven’t seen Minho since Hara went to USA” Nicole said.

“he doesn’t even come to class” Onew continue.

“I’m starting to hate him” Gyuri said. 

Nicole : “I can’t stand him anymore. I want to meet him now. Who’s with me?”

Onew: “no we can’t. not now”


“I feel so tired” Hara said.

“me too” Jonghyun said.

Hara lay on the floor while Jonghyun lay next to Hara.

“hey, what are you going to do tomorrow?” Jonghyun said.

Hara: “nothing”

Jonghyun: “nothing? Come on, it’s new year tomorrow”

Hara didn’t say anything.

“alright, I’ll take you somewhere tomorrow night. 7 o’clock. Don’t be late” Jonghyun said and he went to his 


Nicole: “let’s spy him”

Gyuri: ”good idea”

“let’s go to his house tomorrow” Onew said.

The next day, Onew , Nicole and Gyuri went to minho house. They hide behind the bushes near Minho house. They saw Jessica coming. “that girl!” Gyuri said.


Hara and Jonghyun walk together. “where are we going?” Hara ask.

“to a restaurant” Jonghyun said.

They then reach to a restaurant. They stand in front of the entrance. “are you sure?” Hara said and look at Jonghyun. Jonghyun smile. He sigh and said “yes I’m sure” he then walk inside the restaurant, holding Hara’s hand. 

“can I help you, sir?” a waiter ask.

“yes, a table for two please” Jonghyun said. They then follow the waiter to their table. 

“Hara, order whatever you want. Don’t be shy” Jonghyun said.

Hara feel very clumsy. She look around and said “let’s go to another restaurant. This one look very expensive”

“no, it’s not that expensive. In fact, it’s not you who’s going to pay it. It’s me” Jonghyun said.

Hara: “I know but I don’t want you to spend a lot of your money for me”

“please” Jonghyun said with a cute “aigoo” face.

Hara sigh and smile. “ok, just for this time” she said.

“alright, let’s order. Waiter” Jonghyun call the waiter.


Onew, Nicole and Gyuri gather inside a restaurant. Nicole and Gyuri can’t stop thinking about Minho and Hara relationship while Onew, can’t stop staring at the chicken on the table.

“onew, so are you going to stare at that chicken for the rest of your life?” Nicole said.

“yeah. If you don’t want it, then I’ll eat it” Gyuri said.

“no, these are mine. I need to stare at them first so that I can transfer my love feeling” Onew said.

“what are you talking about, crazy?” Nicole said.

Onew then take a piece of chicken and immediately eat it. He eat the chicken just like people who haven’t eat for 
one month.

“I’m becoming more worried about them now” Nicole said.

Gyuri: “me too. I want to help Hara but you guys doesn’t allow me to tell Hara and do something to Minho”

“relax guys. Hara have Jonghyun right beside him now. I bet they can be together. In fact, Jonghyun is better than 
Minho” Onew said while eating the chicken on his own.

“no, Jonghyun’s mine” Gyuri sad.

“pftt, he doesn’t even interested with a girl like you guys” Onew said again.

Nicole want to eat a piece of chicken. She take one piece but suddenly Onew slap her hand. She drop the chicken back. “ouch” she shout. “what are you doing?” she continue.

“these are my babies” Onew said.

“crazy. Come on Nicole, let’s buy another one. I’ll pay for you” Gyuri said.

“order me another plate” Onew said.

Nicole and Gyuri ignore him. “selfish fat pig face” Gyuri said, grabbing Nicole’s hand and pull her to the cashier
to make some order.


“thanks for today. Remember next time, no more treats from you. No more expensive restaurant” Hara said.

“oh why?” Jonghyun said with a fake sad face.

“aigoo, don’t be a small kid” Hara said and pinch Jonghyun cheek. Jonghyun hold Hara’s hand, they remain silent and stare at each other.

“I’m going now, bye” Hara said and suddenly get inside her apartment. Jonghyun keep on standing without doing any movement. 

“you’re the first girl who have pinch my cheek” he said to himself while scrubbing his cheek.

Hara lean on the door. “no, I’m not falling for him. Wake up Hara” she said to herself while slapping her own cheek. She take a breath and went to her room. 

It’s already 1 year and 11 months Hara and Jonghyun live in the USA. 1 month more, then they will go back to 
Korea. Disappointed Hara feel very sad since she doesn’t even contact with Minho for the whole year. She’s glad to have Jonghyun there to accompany her and make her happy.

“one month more” Jonghyun said.

“yes” Hara said.

Jonghyun: “aren’t you so excited?”

Hara doesn’t answer Jonghyun. She only look down.

“Hara, I know how disappointed you are. I also know how it hurts. One month left, then you can meet Minho and talk 
to him face to face. Do you want me to talk to him on why you guys lost contact?” Jonghyun said.

“no, don’t do that” Hara said.

Jonghyun: “ok then. I won’t force”

Hara: “Jonghyun, will you sleep in my apartment tonight?”

Jonghyun: “on one bed?”

Hara: “no of course! I want to play tonight since there’s no school tomorrow. Not on one bed, that’s so crazy”

Jonghyun laugh and said “it’s not crazy. Hey, I’m just kidding. Don’t take it seriously”


Nicole and Gyuri went to the city. They saw Minho with Jessica. Jessica when to somewhere while Minho was left 
alone sitting on a bench.

“I can’t stand it anymore, I am going to talk to him now” Gyuri said. She then immediately walk towards Minho. 
Nicole was very surprised and shock. “Gyuri, wait” she shout and run to chase Gyuri.

“hey Minho!” Gyuri said.

“Gyuri?” Minho said.

“oh so you know me now huh? Crazy” Gyuri said.

Minho doesn’t say anything. “hey Minho, remember Hara?” Gyuri ask.

“Hara?” Minho said. He act like he doesn’t remember Hara at all.

“so, you don’t remember Hara? what kind of guy are you? You make Hara trust you with all your promises and then 
when Hara is not here, you started to cheat on her and forget her just like that? You are so over. I should have talk to you before if I know the real thing. Stupid guy, pity Hara” Nicole get mad at Minho.

Since then, Minho remembered Hara back. “oh Hara? what have I done? Where is she now?” Minho ask.

“pffft, crazy guy. Hara have been here last Christmas for two weeks hoping that she will meet you but you doesn’t 
even appear in front of her. Is that what you call love? Jonghyun is better than you!” Gyuri said.

“hey, don’t said that! I am perfect for Hara” Minho said.

“perfect huh? Perfect in what? Perfect in hurting her?” Nicole said.

“you are so over. Should I hit your head to the wall to make your brain work again?” Gyuri said.

Jessica saw Minho talking with Nicole and gyuri. She was so afraid and so she decided to run away.

Nicole and Gyuri leave Minho on his own after saying something to Minho. Minho remain shock after hearing what they have said and thinking about Hara. he feel very frustrated on what he have done. He regrets everything. He walk to a place where he and Hara meet during the night (the place where they look at the stars). He remember everything about Hara and what they have done together. He stand on the hill and look at the star. “I never thought hurting people is so hurt. If hurting people is so hurt, then the person who have been hurt feel even worse. I’m sorry Hara. I’m so stupid. I realize I am. I don’t want to lose you because a girl like you, is impossible to find” he said to himself. He couldn’t stop himself crying on his own, punching himself just to pay what he have done to Hara before. 

It started to rain, Minho still stand there looking at the star. He can’t even stop blaming himself.


Hara was looking at the sky. Suddenly a huge wind starting to blow which cause a flower pot drop. The pot break and Hara was very shock. She sigh and then clean the mess. She then remembered the moment when Jonghyun told her 
that if something break without any accident, it have a bad meaning.

“no. don’t trust that kind of thing. Jonghyun doesn’t even trust it too” she said to herself and continue cleaning.

“tired” Hara said and sigh. She sit on the couch to relax her body, thinking about Minho and what will happen after she graduate in US. “what should I do when I come back to Korea? Should I go and meet Minho first? But what if it hurts me again?” Hara said. She look at the side table and saw Minho picture. She went to take the photo frame and sit back on the couch. She sigh, concentrating at Minho’s picture. “I don’t know if I should I hate you or love you but my feeling for you can’t change. I will go and meet you when I come back to Korea. Wait, what if he’s not there? No, I will come and meet him. I am brave, I am strong” Hara said. Jonghyun heard what Hara have said. He went back to his apartment and sit on the couch. Remembering back what Hara have said in a moment ago. He smile. “such a brave girl” he said.


Minho was standing in front of the window, looking at the sky. Remembering Hara and keep on blaming himself. “will Hara want me back? She doesn’t even tell me her new phone number. When will she come back? I’m sure that she’ll be back this year. “ he said to himself. Hitting his head to the wall, regretting everything.

“you think that Hara will accept you?” Nicole said.

“HAHAHA(evil laugh). No, she will never accept you again” Gyuri continue.

“no, she still want me!” Minho said.

Onew sigh and said “ne, she’s already with Jonghyun”

“NO!” Minho shout and suddenly he realize that he’s actually dreaming. He take a deep breath and started to think 
about Hara. he look at the clock. It was 3 o’clock in the early morning. He look around his room and his computer just right at the corner of the room. “should I send her an e-mail?” he said to himself. He then went to his computer and send Hara an e-mail. “stupid, Why shouldn’t I think about it earlier” he said to himself again, smiling on his own.


“20 days to go” Hara said.

“20 days?” Jonghyun ask, acting like he doesn’t even know anything. 

“till graduation” Hara answer.

“so, Hara. what are you planning to do after going back to Korea?” Jonghyun ask.

“hmm, let me think. Should I ask you first?” Hara said, looking at Jonghyun and smile.

“hey, I’ve asked you and why did you ask me back?” Jonghyun said.

Hara laugh and suddenly the professor said “guys, please concentrate. This is not a café nor a restaurant for you to laugh out loud”

“why so serious?” Jonghyun whisper.

Hara cover controlling herself from laughing. “sorry professor” Jonghyun apologize to the professor. 
Jonghyun look at Hara and smile. “tell me later” Jonghyun whisper at Hara.

“I will” Hara whisper back. She still controlling herself from laughing. 

“guys, this is not a place to have a romance whisper” the professor said again. Jonghyun and hara remain in silent.

“so, what’s your answer?” Jonghyun ask Hara after the class ends.

“hm, I think I’m going to find a job” Hara answer. “no, I think I’m going to continue studying at the university” 
she immediately change her answer. 

Jonghyun giggle. “I’m confused. I don’t know which one I should do” Hara said again. Scrubbing her head. “what about you?” Hara ask Jonghyun back.

“me?” Jonghyun said pointing at himself. He look at his back, right and left. No one was there. 
Hara laugh. “yeah you” she said pointing at Jonghyun nose.

Jonghyun laugh and answer “I’ll find a job or maybe continue studying”

“you’re copying my answer, copycat” she said.

“no I’m not. It’s just the truth” Jonghyun said and laugh. 

They both remain in silent and continue walking.

“hey, I know what you should you do!” Jonghyun said, stopping Hara from walking.

“what is it, genius?” Hara ask.

“marrying Minho” Jonghyun answer. Hara’s face turns sad and she continue walking leaving Jonghyun on his own. 
Jonghyun run to catch her and said “I’m sorry”

Hara doesn’t say anything. “I don’t even know if I still have any connection with Minho” she said to herself. 

“Hara” Jonghyun stand in front of Hara and act silly. Hara laugh. She grab Jonghyun’s bag and pull him. “stop being so childish” she said.

Hara was drying her hair after taking a shower. She turn off her computer without realizing that she have received a new mail.


“urgh, I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t wait. Should I go to Hara’s house?” Minho said to himself.

He then decided to go to Hara’s house. 

He was standing in front of Hara’s house. He try to press the bell but he can’t. he was afraid of what if her mother knows everything.

Jiyoung came and saw Minho standing in front of the door.

“what are you doing here stranger?” Jiyoung said.

A/N: GAH! i can't even make the story shorter :/ a lot of ideas came to me. so, to inform you guys that the story is almost ends. I'm sorry if updating the story takes a long time but i promise, the last couple of chapters will be posted before Monday :)

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Next Update: 20/04/2012 ^-^ Please look forward to it :D


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This story is fun !! XD
LovelyHara #2
Omo! I thought the bride is Minho....
But it's okay. Still great ending! <3
Thank you!
Naaw, finished already? Can we get a sequal?
Yay she ended with Jonghyun, i hope Minho finds a great girl to love :)
great story!
swagger32 #4
Finish already?? Great ending! So happy that hara ended up with jonghyun and also happy that minho is happy for hara.
Waaaah did she choose Jonghyun!?!?
Update soon!
who hara choose??jonghyun??
if jonghyun i will wait for your update..
swagger32 #7
Yes! Hara's feelings for minho is gone!! Well is it? Anyways, i sure hope that hara picked jonghyun cause they're the perfect couple. Minho just please get lost
Updare soon xD
i hope she end up with jonghyun..
even how much i love minra couple..
jonghyun is the one for hara in this story..:)
babysun576 #9
i don't know what to say now T__T
cuz i still want Hara end up with Minho
even Jonghyun so good
swagger32 #10
i hope hara will end up with jonghyun
she doesn't deserve minho at all
update soon