
You're my true love

Hara, her family and her friends where gathering at the airport. 

"wow, it sure is a lot of people here" Onew said.

"yeah, i think some of them are like Hara. studying abroad" Nicole said.

Gyuri: "i'm so jealous of Hara. she's pretty, nice and clever. she even have certificates from other country"

Onew: "that's why we need to be smart and must always study"

Nicole: "hey, aren't you the one who always does not want to study? you, lazy."

Onew smile.

“announcement, the people who will be on a flight to USA can you please get into the entrance in 30 minutes”

Hara: “well, I guess it’s time guys”

Hara at first hug with her family. everyone was crying especially Jiyoung.

"take care of your self and also mum and dad. it's your responsibility now" Hara said to Jiyoung.

Jiyoung can not even stop crying. "yes, i will. take care of your self there too. be good and study smart. yoyu can do it. sister hwaiting!" Jiyoung said. She then hug Hara and Hara tears start to fall.

"mum, dad. i'm sorry if i have done any mistakes. Do pray for me" Hara said to her parents.

Her mum hug her and said "take care of yourself child and be good"

"remember, if you need anything, just call us" her dad continue.

Hara remain silent. she just nod her head and then she went to her friends.

Nicole and Gyuri cry.

Hara hug Nicole and said “be good. Study good”

Hare then hug Gyuri. Gyuri: “take care”

She shake hand with Onew and said “take a good care of them and Minho”

Onew: “I will. Take care of yourself too”

She then go to Minho and hug him. 

Hara: “be good and always remember me”

Minho: “I will. You too.”

Hara: “continue your study”

Minho: “yes I will. Good luck to you there and don’t talk to boys”

Hara laugh and said “ I will”

Tears drop from Hara’s eye. 

Minho wipe her tears and said “don’t cry, be strong”

Hara then hug Minho again.

Hara then walk into the entrance and all her family and friends send her to the entrance. She wave to them and enter the entrance. Inside, Hara can’t stop crying. She sit inside and wait to enter the flight.

Meanwhile …

Nicole and Gyuri were crying and Onew calm them down. 

Onew: “come on guys, I'll send you guys home”

They then walk home except for Minho. He still stand in front of the entrance. His tears fall and said “please don’t leave me. please come back” he then walk out from the airport.

Minho doesn’t walk directly to his house. He went to the garden and on the hill where he spent his time with Hara before.

He stand on the hill and shout “HARA!”

He cry and sit on the ground. “I couldn’t live without you” he said.

A plane pass by. Minho look at the plane and said "i'll wait for you"

Hara was on the flight sitting on her own crying thinking about Minho and the others. It takes a long journey to go to USA. After many hours in the flight, at last they reach at USA.

Hara went out from the flight and take her bags. She walk out from the airport. She was very excited and said “this is like a dream! It’s beautiful here”

“are you Hara from Korea?” an old man said.

Hara: “yes, I am”

The old man: “oh great. Follow me, I’ll take you to your apartment”

Hara: “who are you?”

The old man: “oh I forgot. I’m the principal of the college where you going to go”

Hara: “oh hello”

Hara then follow the old man and the old man bring Hara to her apartment. When they reach there, Hara was very surprise and said “are you sure this is the right apartment”

The old man: “yes, I’m sure”

Hara went out of the car and said “wow! This is so big! Aren’t this too expensive for me?”

The old man laugh and said “don’t worry, you don’t have to pay any fees to live here. It’s free for you”

Hara: “wow, I feel like I’m dreaming!”

The old man: “come on let’s go. I’ll show you your apartment”

Hara then follow the man. 

The old man: “your apartment is on the 3rd floor”

When they reach at the apartment, the old man unlock the door and said “come in”

Hare get in to her apartment and said “wow! This is like living inside a castle”

The old man laugh and said “now, you’re going to start schooling next week. Remember that if you need something you can go ask the security at the ground floor. Also, you can ask people living near here too. They also go to college like yours”

Hara: “ok I get it”

The old man: “you can also call me”

The old man then went out from Hara’s apartment. Hara was very excited. She jump on the couch and bed. She also take a picture of the apartment.

Meanwhile, in Korea …

Onew came into Minho house and said “Minho, are you ok?”

Minho: “I’m ok” he smile.

Onew: “well, your eyes doesn’t seem to be ok”

Minho: “yeah”

Onew: “let’s go to the college with us and register our name”

Minho: “no I don’t want to”

Onew: “why?”

Minho: “I don’t want to go to a place where there is no Hara”

Onew: “Minho, you can’t be like this. Hara want you to go to college and be happy. if she know what you have said, she will be mad”

Minho: “ok then, let me change my outfit first”

They then went to the college with Nicole and Gyuri. They four take the same course except Nicole and Gyuri take the highest level. 

Gyuri: “if Hara was here, we will be complete 5”

Nicole: “I know. I miss her so much”

Onew: “what Hara want is for us to study and not keep on thinking about her and be weak”

Minho doesn’t say anything since he miss Hara so much.

In USA …

Hara attend her first class. All her class mates seems really different. They also don’t want to talk to Hara. Hara was left alone and she doesn’t feel used with it. Hara feel very upset and scared.

At home, Hara cry and she call Onew.

“I want to go home. I don’t like it here” she cry.

Onew: “why? Tell me”

Hara: ”they ignore me”

Onew: “don’t cry, remember that we will always be there for you? even though you have got no friends there, you still have us right? does your dad know about this?”

Hara then stop crying and said “no, he doesn't know. just don't tell him. it will make him feel worried. how’s Minho?”

Onew: “he’s ok except that he still feel very sad now”

Hara: “have you guys registered to the college”

Onew: “yes, we four took the same course except that Nicole and Gyuri were in the higher level”

Hara: “great then”

Onew: “how’s your life there?”

Hara: “it was great. The apartment is so big and the place here is so beautiful but I don’t like the school. No one want to talk to me. they seems to hate me”

Onew: “don’t worry, you will have a friend there one day. Just be strong ok?”

Hara: “ok I will”

The next day, Hara walk out of her apartment. She walk towards the building entrance and suddenly she heard someone saying “aren’t you suppose to hear music now, Hara?”

Hara turn back and …


A/N: DOUBLE UPDATE!!! as a sorry for not updating this fanfic for almost 2 months(?). To all the readers who is still reading this fanfic, Thank you so much for your strong support! I'll continue to work hard and make sure I update this fanfic ^^~

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Next Update: 20/04/2012 ^-^ Please look forward to it :D


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This story is fun !! XD
LovelyHara #2
Omo! I thought the bride is Minho....
But it's okay. Still great ending! <3
Thank you!
Naaw, finished already? Can we get a sequal?
Yay she ended with Jonghyun, i hope Minho finds a great girl to love :)
great story!
swagger32 #4
Finish already?? Great ending! So happy that hara ended up with jonghyun and also happy that minho is happy for hara.
Waaaah did she choose Jonghyun!?!?
Update soon!
who hara choose??jonghyun??
if jonghyun i will wait for your update..
swagger32 #7
Yes! Hara's feelings for minho is gone!! Well is it? Anyways, i sure hope that hara picked jonghyun cause they're the perfect couple. Minho just please get lost
Updare soon xD
i hope she end up with jonghyun..
even how much i love minra couple..
jonghyun is the one for hara in this story..:)
babysun576 #9
i don't know what to say now T__T
cuz i still want Hara end up with Minho
even Jonghyun so good
swagger32 #10
i hope hara will end up with jonghyun
she doesn't deserve minho at all
update soon