
Remember (undergoing major editting!!!)


I woke up with a start. I ran my hands through my long hair and tried to remember what happened last night.

Lee Jihoon.


black SUV


Wait... Joshua? Jeonghan quickly shook his head to get the said person out of his mind. There's no way in hell that Joshua would be here. 

Jeonghan got up and got a piece of hair tie from his dresser. He went to the bathroom to wash his face and almost fell to the floor when he saw how red his eyes were and how his dark eye circles made him look like a panda. So much for being an angel. 

Jeonghan finished his business, adding cream to his eyes to reduce the puffiness.

He was about to go out of his room to get breakfast when he saw a note on his dresser mirror.

With shaky hands, he took the note and read it.

To: Jeonghannie

I know that you may not want to see me but I came back to patch things up with you. 

I know you are beyond mad at me but I just want to let you know that I really regret leaving you 3 years ago.

I can't tell you all that I have in my heart through this letter. Whenever you feel that you can face me, call me.

This is my number


I'll wait for your call, Jeonghan.

Yours(still), Joshua

Jeonghan shook his head in disbelief. So, it wasn't a dream after all. Joshua was really there.

Jeonghan couldn't care. He had been hurt by Joshua so much that now, everytime he sees him there is nothing left but hatred. He quickly stashed the piece of note to his drawer, wondering himself why he didn't throw it and went outside to get some breakfast.

It was already 9AM on a chilly Sunday morning so Jeonghan wasn't surprised to smell his mom's cooking from the chicken. Their whole house was enveloped in a fluffy scent of pancakes and bacon, Jeonghan's favorite breakfast. 

Jeonghan's mom came out of the kitchen, holding her huge coffee mug and stared at Jeonghan with a look of pity.

"Mom, I'm okay." Jeonghan started before her mother could say anything else.

"Your red eyes tell me otherwise. Would you like coffee?" Mom said.

I just nodded. If there is one thing I love the most about my mom, it's when he understands me so much, she just have to look into my eyes. My mom came back with my own cup of coffee and settled it on top of the dining table. I made my way to my seat and my mom joined me. I gasped when I saw my mug, it was the mug that Seungcheol personally made for me when we had a date at a pottery village near Seoul. Jeonghan looked at his mom and his mom just nodded sympathetically.

"That's your favorite mug, Jeonghan." Mom said

"Mom.." I said

"I know how hard it must be for you and I know that a lot of people have already told you this, but, never lose hope. Never lose hope in yourself and in Seungcheol. I'm positive that he will remember you. Just give it time." Mom said.

"Mom, he's with Jihoon now." I said, choking up on tears.

"I know, sweetie. But always think that this is only temporary. Seungcheol will get his memory back." Mom said

"Mom.. what if.." I started,"what if during those times that he couldn't remember, changes occur? What if he remembers me but doesn't love me anymore." I asked.

"Then it's not meant to be. You see, we meet a lot of people in our lives but not all will stay. Some will just pass and leave a mark. Leave memories, good and bad." my mom said, finishing her coffee and heading to the laundry room.

I downed 4 pancakes and a heap of bacon, finished my coffee. I sat on the couch and opened my cellphone. Seungcheol's smiling face greeted me. I ran my thumb on the cellphone screen and stared at Seungcheol's face. I wiped the teardrop on my cheek and held back tears. That's enough crying for a weekend, Jeonghan.

I opened my messages and saw a couple of messages from my friends, there was a text from Jun saying that he got home safe together with Minghao. There was also from Seungkwan saying goodnight and saying a couple of 'fighting' messages. After scrolling down to a bunch of other messages from colleagues saying that they heard about what happened to Seungcheol and was advising me to skip work tomorrow. I saw Seungcheol's text. It was the last messgae he sent me before this ruckus happened.

From: my love seungcheolie <3

Ya~ i don't want to sleep yet~ talk to me more~~~

i didn't reply on this one, i probably fell asleep. 

I can't imagine that I would regret not replying to a text, but now I am.

I read the next one.

From: my love seungcheolie <3

aww~~ my angel is asleep.

i hate you though for sleeping while texting me >3<

okay~~ good night angel~

dream of me :P

i love you xx

I smiled while reading the text. Seungcheol and his cuteness. I was scrolling through my messages when I an alert twinkled on my phone's screen. It was a text from Seungkwan

From: Diva Boo

Hyung~ It's Hansollie and Seokmin's birthday next weekend~ would you be okay to join us for a party? I hope it's okay with you.

Oh. Right! It's the 18th already on the weekend. I typed a reply to Seungkwan

To: Diva Boo

wouldn't miss it 4 the world. count me in

Immediately, Seungkwan replied.

From: Diva Boo

okay :) will expect u there. take care hyung

I locked my phone and decided to go for a jog at our subdivision. I got my headphones and changed to my sweater.

"Mom! I'm going for a jog! I'll be back!" I called to my mom as I sat on the front porch, tying my shoe laces.

"The sun's scorching hot, darling!" Mom said

Despite the cold wind, the sun was scorching up on the sky.

"It's okay Mom! I probably need Vitamin D anyway! Chan says I'm pale!" I shouted and walked towards our gate.

"Whatever you say, sweetie." I heard my mom call from the kitchen.

I jogged out of our gate and through the streets in our subdividision.

Cleansing my mind of Choi Seungcheol.



From: Seungkwannie :)

Hyung~ It's Hansollie and Seokmin's birthday next weekend~ would you be okay to join us for a party? I hope it's okay with you.

I read Seungkwan's message. I'm still at the hospital but the doctor says I would be discharged after 2 - 3 days.

I replied to Seungkwan.

To: Seungkwannie :)

Of course I'll go! Oh. and do u mind if i bring jihoonie :)

There was a long pause before I heard my phone ring.

From: Seungkwannie :) 

do u really have to

What's with this guys?! 

To: Seungkwannie :)

he's my boyfriend duh

I rolled my eyes. I can't understand the kids. They're being to mean to Jihoon. What has Jihoon ever done to them?

After a couple of minutes, Seungkwan replied and said that yeah its cool whatever. I don't understand the cold shoulder that they're giving Jihoon. I better talk to those kids.


* Third Person * 

Mingyu and Seungkwan are seated on opposite chairs in a coffee shop near Mingyu's hospital and Seungkwan's radio station. They were plotting the first operation of Operation Get Mom and Dad Back Together. They already informed the others and they were all excited to start the plan. The first stage is the birthday party on weekend. Seungkwan just grew a little annoyed when Seungcheol asked if he can bring Jihoon. Of course, even if he wanted to say 'hell no' , he couldn't. As much as they want to get Seungcheol and Jeonghan back together, they can't also be insensitive of the eldest's feeling right now since he just underwent an accident that almost cost his life. 

They were getting ready to leave the shop when Seungkwan's phone suddenly beeped.

From: Angel hyung

Hey can i bring someone on the party nxt wk? thx

Seungkwan almost cursed out loud and Mingyu was startled of the younger's actions.

"Why?" Mingyu said

"Jeonghan hyung wants to briing someone. Talk about another hindrance to the big project." Seungkwan hissed.

"Tsk tsk!" Mingyu shook his head.

"What should I tell him?" Seungkwan asked the older.

"Are you dumb?! Of course pretend it's ing okay!" Mingyu shouted and it was Seungkwan's turn to get startled.

"Chill Kim Mingyu. Seriously, what does Wonwoo-hyung feed you. One second, you're like an innocent sheep and the next second you look like you might kill a sheep." Seungkwan commented.

"Oh shut up, Boo Seungkwan." Mingyu defended.

The two boys walked out of the coffee shop, curious as to who the guest Jeonghan will bring and anxious as to whether they're plan will work or not.





A/N: Hi guys TT TT. I'm sorry for not updating~ Aish, I just keep on apoligizing, I'm really sorry. It just became hard to think of updates, I have a lot of things going on right now. Don't worry~ I'm not discontinuing this or anything. ^^ I enjoy writing!


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*oh my classmate if ur reading this, hahaha i took ur advice and updated *wink*. Hi AA!



xx, cdotjhn




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YoonminVerkwanLevi #1
haponponpon #2
Chapter 11: please continue this author nim huhuhu I'm balling my eyes from this huhu
hyachiko #3
Chapter 11: I miss you authornim. I miss this fic. Waiting for your comeback
Chapter 11: omo the hiatus is supposed to end today i can't wait for and update^^
xxchocooo #5
Chapter 11: If I'm still alive by then
aigooyaaaa #6
Chapter 11: Will be waiting! Good luck in your studies!
onrainy-day #7
Chapter 11: Dear, it's totally okay!
As long as you don't say you're dropping the story, I'll patiently wait for you and the update. So take your time. 
I wish you all the luck and best (*´▽`)ノノ
hyachiko #8
Chapter 11: I was sool happy havung a notification that remember has updated but it was fir haitus announcement.. huhuhu
But parents and studies is more important so i wish you good luck and fighting on your studies authornim..
I will still be waiting for your updates in one month time.
Chapter 10: THESE KIDS I SWEAR but it's for mom and dad so why not haha

jeonghae #10