ii. tangled up

Remember (undergoing major editting!!!)

*Jeonghan's POV*

After listening to Hansol's rants about how Seungkwan was so noisy about their 'just started' relationship, we fiinally got home. 

"Thanks for today, Cheol. I really enjoyed it. " I said, smiling at him as he turned off the engine.

"No problem Angel. I am glad you had fun. If you're happy, then I'm 10 times more happy." Seungcheol said, kissing my forehead.

I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips then I got down his car. I was infront of our house's gate when he suddenly brought his car window down and shouted,

"Take care, Han! I love you! Text me, okay?"

"I love you too. " I said as I waved him goodbye.

Seungcheol started the car's engine and started to drive. I watched as his car slowly disappeared from my sight. 
I opened the gate only to be greeted by Cheon, my one-year old dog given by Seungcheol on our anniversary.

I can remember the day Cheon first came to us... 

--flashback to a year ago--

It is our first anniversary! Woah. I can't believe we reached this milestone in our relationship. I can't wait for more anniversaries! ^^

I thought as I waited in the park near Cheol's apartment. But why does he want to meet here? Usually he would tell me to go to his apartment and we would cuddle there. Do you know anything, author-ssi?

(cdotjhn: not telling)

Well.. that turned out so well.

Anyways, I comfortably sit here with my present for him in my hands. I got him a personalized perfume from Seungkwan, one of our friends. I made it myself in their laboratory. It is a special scent that befits Seungcheol's personality. It is a mix o--


I was halted from my daydreaming when a little bush of white started liking my pants.

"Ooooh! What a cute little dog! What are you doing here? Have you lost your way little bud?" I said, cooing the little bundle on my feet.

`Arf!` the dog barked and wagged its short tail.

"Right. You can't answer me. But you're soo cute. Can I keep you?" I said to the pup while lifting it.


"Ah! Let's wait for my boyfriend and if no one looks for you by then, I'll keep you. Okay?" I said


I played for the pup for about an hour or two when I realized that Seungcheol was an hour late for our date. I tried calling his cellphone but he wasn't picking up so I got more worried. What could've happened to my boyfriend? Is he ok? Why isn't he coming?

"Pup, where could Cheol be? He's already late you know." I said while petting the dog on my lap.

I was startled when I heard a familiar voice.

"HAAAAAN!" Cheol said while looking obviously tired. What happened?

"What happened Cheol? Why are you panting? Why do you look like you've run a hundred laps?" I asked

"It's.. uh... just.. uhhh... Wait! Where did you get that dog? Where? Why? How? " Cheol asked, having that infamous 'blank" face

"Uh... It ran towards me? Wait! Isn't he adorable? Isn't he? Do you think I can keep him Cheol? Do you? Do you? I already said that if no one will claim before you come, I will keep him. Do you think that's okay? " I said pouting

Well that must have been really cute because Seungcheol's face turned beet red. 

'Darn. Darn. Stupid lock. And stupid Soonyoung. Aish.' I heard Seungcheol mutter under his breath.

"Cheol?" I asked, wondering why is he acting so strange.

"Uhh you see.. That was supposed to be my gift to you. I had a hard time finding the right dog for you and I am a little scared of pups and then its my first time having it at home, darn I don't even know how to feed it and stupid darn Soonyoung just had to--" I cutted Seungcheol's rant with a kiss.

"Thank you." I handed him the box with the perfume, " Happy Anniversary Cheol. Love you."

"My pleasure, Angel. Oh! And thank you for the gift although you didn't have too. You're the best gift I could ever have. Happy Anniversary." I blushed when he said that. He kissed me on my foreheead, "Love you more."

We hugged and I haven't been in peace like that.

"So, what should we name our son?" Cheol said

"SON?!" I asked him with eyebrows raised. 


"Yep. SON. Come on Angel. Name Name" Cheol said, matter-of-factingly

I couldn't help but blush, it was only a year and we already think of each other like that. Darn, we got hit by the love bomb pretty hard.

"How about Angel?" Cheol suggested.

"Angel? Sounds good." I said

"But that's what I call you. I can't have another angel besides you!" Cheol whined while pouting

"Ajujuju. Look at this 22 year old boy here.So what should we name him" I said while cooing him.

"Him? Oh he's a boy right. How about uhmmm..." Cheol thought. "Aha! Seunghan! You know, Seungcheol + Jeonghan" He said while raising his eyebrows.

"NO." I said.

"Anton." Seungcheol suggested

"Ew." I said

"How about Juan Manuel?" Seungcheol suggested.

"Seriously Choi Seungcheol, I'm not naming this pup something that sounds like the name of a 60 year old. Please. Where do you get those anyway?" I said disapprovingly.

"Whyyyy? They are cute though," Seungcheol insisted

"Stop. There's no way in hell that I will let you name this cute bundle Juan Manuel!" I said

"Fine," Seungcheol pouted "What shall we name him?"

"Hmm.. since he looks like an angel. why not--" I said

"HE CAN'T BE ANGEL YOU AR--" Seungcheol protested

"I'm naming him CHEON. And that's final." I said

"Oooh. Nice. where did you get that from?" Seungcheol said

"CHEONSA." I said to him while smiling from ear to ear.

"Ohhh. Cheons-- WAIT! That's the Korean term for ANGEL." Seungcheol said

"Yes well,he really does look like an angel." I said

"Well, I guess the name suits him very well. You are good at making choices, huh?" Seungcheol admitted

"I am. But you know what my best decision was?" I said.

"What?" Seungcheol said

"You. Loving you. Choosing you. And staying with you." I said, meeting his gazes.

"Why, Mr. Yoon. Quite the smooth talk, aren't we?" He said, smirking

I just let down my head but he grabbed my chin held it up and said,

"I'm a big er in decisions but you, Yoon Jeonghan, are my best decision. I love you." And then he kissed me.

And I swear at that moment, nothing else seem to matter. 

Just me, Seungcheol and the big blub of white walking between our legs.


I smiled while remembering our first year anniversary. Of course, a lot of things happened. We graduated college, we got jobs. Of course, it isn't always a bed of roses. We often fight about petty things but we vowed that we will not let a day pass without talking to each other and patching things up.

I entered the house and found my mom  at the kitchen fixing dinner.

"Mom, I home!" I said

"Oh? How was your date?" Mom said

"T'was great!" I said

I have my mom and an older sister. My dad died when I was 5 due to cancer. I am glad that my mom and sister accepted as I am. They really support me. Oh and they adoore Seungcheol so much, sometimes I get jealous.

"Oh why do you look drained?" Mom said

"Oh nothing, Jun and Minghao just fought and asked me for advice. Oh and Hansol too." I said, shaking my head

"Haha. Really? Ahhh.. Those kids really. Why don't you go upstairs and sleep, it will take me some time to finish this, I'll just call you when dinner is ready." Mom said

"Ok mom. I'll just go upstairs." I said

I went up to my room and changed into comfortable sweats and a shirt. I plopped into my bed filled with plushies. From whom you may ask? Well none other than my sweet, plushie-loving-twenty-two-year-old boyfriend, Choi Seungcheol. Haha. He gives me plushies almost everyweek. I got my phone and texted Seungcheol,

`Cheol, I'm home! I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed our date today. Thank you! Are you still driving? Drive safely, okay? I love you. Call me when you're home.`

I press sent. I waited for a reply but it didn't come. 

3 minutes...


5 minutes...


10 minutes ...


I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep. Only to wake up to my phone blasting with my ringtone. What's happening?

I looked at the screen and saw Seungcheol's name on the screen. Excited, I picked it up.

"Cheol? Why did you only answer now? Did you know how much I wor--"

I was cut off by a familiar voice..

"Hyu...hyun..hyung.. *sob* *sob* Hyuung *sob*"

"Jun?! Why do you have Seungcheol's phone?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" I shouted

I was panicking. My palms were sweaty. My legs and arms are shaking. My tears are already flowing nonstop.

"Hyung... *sob* *sob* hyu..ng.."


"hyung..hyun..hyu.ng..it-its.. Seungcheol hyung... He's in CL Gen. Hospital--"

"I--i--im c-c-coming-g." I said through shaky voice and ended the call.

My knees gave up and folded like jelly. I cried hard I feel like my eyes will pop out.


Choi Seungcheol.



I got up, pulled on a hoodie and dashed through our front door perfectly ignoring my mom's questions. He was the only one on my mind.



Choi Seungcheol. 






cdotjhn: Jja~ I'm sorry that it took me 3 days to update the second chapter. The AFF word count said this has 1.6k words. (whoa). Thank you for the subscribers <3 Here is an update fo you! And because adrenaline is surging through my veins, I plan to write the draft tonight and MAYBE post the next chapter tomorrow. I'm not sure tho because I have classes tomorrow (darn saturday classes). 


Thank you for reading my fic! Please do leave comments. I would reallyyyyy appreciate it. Loves. <3


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YoonminVerkwanLevi #1
haponponpon #2
Chapter 11: please continue this author nim huhuhu I'm balling my eyes from this huhu
hyachiko #3
Chapter 11: I miss you authornim. I miss this fic. Waiting for your comeback
Chapter 11: omo the hiatus is supposed to end today i can't wait for and update^^
xxchocooo #5
Chapter 11: If I'm still alive by then
aigooyaaaa #6
Chapter 11: Will be waiting! Good luck in your studies!
onrainy-day #7
Chapter 11: Dear, it's totally okay!
As long as you don't say you're dropping the story, I'll patiently wait for you and the update. So take your time. 
I wish you all the luck and best (*´▽`)ノノ
hyachiko #8
Chapter 11: I was sool happy havung a notification that remember has updated but it was fir haitus announcement.. huhuhu
But parents and studies is more important so i wish you good luck and fighting on your studies authornim..
I will still be waiting for your updates in one month time.
Chapter 10: THESE KIDS I SWEAR but it's for mom and dad so why not haha

jeonghae #10