4 - Distress






In a few days, I forgot who I was pretending to be coz "We" got along pretty well. I mean chatting with him was seriously FUN. He was unpredictable. He had a great sense of humor. But I dunno why my friends didn't find his jokes that funny when I would be ROFL-ing. They said I was weird as he was. But that didn't matter to me, what mattered to me the most was that our chats were always fun, there was never a dull moment there. Sometimes, it was like telepathy - like he could sense my mood, thus made me laugh harder when I was upset with something. And, like that, the days went by …


It'd been one and half months. We were really into our conversations. We talked about almost everything - games, sleep, eyes, music, dogs, first love, DJing, anything one could name of. (I mean we had similar thoughts about various things that it sometimes really creeped me out). One fine day though, he popped up this question "Do you want to go on a date with me?"


I suddenly froze at that unexpected question. I mean it was not totally unexpected after a month of talking with each other, but how could I meet him being "myself"? I was living in a dream before, and there n then, it all came crashing down. I panicked. I “logged out" of the chatroom without even saying anything. I stood up and paced right and left. What was I going to do? 


2 days passed like that. I was like a zombie, couldn't eat properly nor sleep soundly. I didn't even go to the chatroom once after that, even though, I missed him terribly. In the class too, I would peek glances but that was not enough. After those 2 horrendous days, on the third day, something happened. 



We had a free class period since our Physics teacher was down with flu. We were asked to finish any homework we have from other subjects. I was trying to concentrate on my homework as usual, but could't really do it. 


Then I heard someone asking "So, you talked with Hyuna face-to-face?" 

"Ya" replied Sunggyu not-so-excitedly.

"Then? What did she say?" asked Dongwoo very-excitedly.

"Actually she was stunned at first and then started laughing. She explained, later, that she has never chatted like that with any sunbae in her life."

"WHAT? Then who was that you talked with?"

"I dunno, how am I supposed to know that?" said Sunggyu a little bit loudly and with a clear annoyance in his voice.


My fingers just stopped writing. My mouth ajar. And a sudden feeling of running away from him and everyone else without even looking back.



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soowon_lover #1
Chapter 1: i love Gyuji, so nice to see more fanfics about them