BWOH ? I have a Famous Brother ?

Hey guys ! This is not and update ... I came to tell you that i may be putting this story on hiatus mainly because ...

 1 . i have no time

 2 . i am taking a very important exam this year .

 3 . i have too many ideas that cannot flow with the story line .

 4 . i can't decide on a plot .

 5 . having writer's block .

NOTE : You will have ocassional updates , for ex. mabye once per forenight ? [ two weeks ] if i am real busy , then mabye once per month .

  I am real sorry to say this , so fans ! Please don't give up on this story ! Mianhaeyo ! I WILL CONTINUE THIS STORY DURING THE MARCH HOLIDAYS [ 2 updates that week ] .

  I WILL BE CONTINUE-ING ' OPPA ! I'M NOT AS GOOD AS YOU THINK ! ' because i really have loads of ideas for that ! SO SUPPORT MY OTHER FANFIC ! And , for my Christmas special , it will be changed to Christmas - New Year - Valentines SPECIAL ! ok ?

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darknessoverlight #1
nice story
Im so disappointed that your not doing this but thanks for your hard work
haha soon >< WITH FX :D FXFXFXFXFX spam (:
@Arlene waeyo ? I went online to paragraph it already >< . Is it cos it's too long ? Yeayea I SHIP EUNHAE ~ (:
@Nero_Akatsuki Annyeonghaeseyo ! You really think so ? Thanks ^^ this is the most popular story i have ever written d: my next update will prolly be around tmr or day after . Judging from your name , you like watch naruto right ?
Hehe >< i'm jealous too . And i decided it would be more interesting for me to put it that way , evilkyu strikes again right ?
I like the story.I wonder who the brother is going to be? I do like how you introduce super junior.
Thanks ^^