Korea , Here i come !

BWOH ? I have a Famous Brother ?

Your POV

         " Kim Melaine ! " My mom called ... Sigh , another boring day , NOT . I was totally the opposite of boring ! I was so excited i could have fainted from a spazz .

         " Melii ahh ~ " my mom whined , yes , whined . My mom still acts like she is twenty instead of thirty , so don't mind the childish behavior .

         " Yes umma ? If you are asking about my luggage i already packed everything ! Coats , jackets , shorts , shirts ! You name it , i got it . " i moaned .

         Luggage you say ? Yes , im offically moving to Seoul , Korea to live for the rest of my life ! Since young , i've been interested in Korea , and everything about it ! I even learned Hangul !

         But the main reason that i was going there was because i was going to audition in SM Ent . I don't have a oh-so-godly voice , or nor can i strut killer dance moves like hyoyeon's but , i believe i have the ability to do well in those areas !

          " Melaine KIM ! Are you listening to me ? At least listen to your umma one last final time before you are gone ! Umma will miss you ! " umma sobbed . Sigh , if you are wondering why my appa is not here it's because long ago , he and my umma got a divorce over some matter-of-factly matters . But it doesn't matter ! I have a loving umma to make up for it !

          I gazed towards the clock and found that i was going to be late for my flight ! " Annyeong umma ! I'm going to be late for my flight , i'm going to go now , dont miss me too much ! SARANGHAEYO UMMA ! " And with that i bid my mother goodbye .

          I quickly stalked out of the apartment with my suitcases trailing behind me , i quickly flagged a taxi and put my suitcases in the back trunk and hopped into the taxi . I breathed a sigh of relief , and slumped down in my seat .
   Moments later ....
          I reached the aiport , i quickly checked in my luggage and went go the boarding area , i checked my watch , 1 more hour to go before the plane leaves . I took out my iPhone and started posting goodbye messages on Twitter and Facebook . I then texted some of my close friends to bid them goodbye .
" Hey gurl , going to Korea nowz (: don't miss me too much * wink wink * - Melaine "
A few seconds later i got a reply .
" Hell nawwwz . I would miss you loads >< . Hope you get in to SM . Get F(x) , SuJu , Snsd and SHINee's sig for me ! Missyoualreadyttmz ! -Miyoungie "
         I chuckled at her childishness and replied to a few other messages .
" Yooooo wifeyy ! Ima going to korea ^^ want anything ? Going to miss you loads :( can't survive a day w/o you :'( take care of Cheers for me ok ? [ Btw cheers is my dog dx ] missyoualwaysandforever ! - Melaine "
" Yoyoyo back wifeyy ~ will miss you loads 2 :( hahaha , will take care of Cheers , and i want SHINee's and SuJu's autograph >< think you can get it ? Thanks !  willmissyouforevertoozxc ! "

< DP > Melaine'Rocksyourworld Hey Peeps ! Going to Korea >< wish me good luck in auditioning in SM ! Will never forget you girls ~  miss you already !
5Mins ago . Like . Comment .
< DP > Jay'foreverlovesyou Hey ! What about me ? * Pouts * you forgot your best guy friend ? * sniffs * haha , anyways , best of luck ! Will miss you too , ily always !
4Mins ago . Like .
< DP > Catherine Hatedyoutoo >< buy giftss for mee . Mail them . good luck ! Melaine Fighting ^^ !
2Mins ago . Like .
< DP > Ben soInLove Babyyy Mel ~ buy gifts for me ! Please ? * pouts * fighting and hwaiting Kim Melaine !
32 Seconds ago . Like .
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MelaineKim : Yoyoyo ! Will b going 2 Korea , missyouguys ! Willnot b back soon :( . Goodbye .
@EscapeX0X0 : @MelaineKim : will missyou too ! Goodluck ! Hwaiting ! Fighting ! Kim Melaine !
2 Mins ago . Retweet . Favourite .
@CuteTaem : @KimMelaine : Heyheyhey ! Get me Taem's sigg >< will love you forever . Miss you too gl ! FH !
9 Seconds ago . Retweet . Favourite .
                 Hahaha . How i love my friends , making a fuss of me just because i'm leaving ... I boarded the plane , and tried to find my seat . " Excuse me miss , your seat is over there . " said the AirStewardess . I followed her directions and soon found myself at my seat .

                " Attention passengers , we sre looking for Miss Kim Melaine , Miss Kim , your seat has been upgraded to First Class , please proceed to the upper cabin , thank you this is your captain speaking . "

                 OMO ! My seat has been upgraded ? This is a start of a wonderful begginning , i took my on-flight belongings and transferred myself to my new seat . Ohmygosh ! First class seats are so wonderful >< the chair's are bigger , so is the TV ! Such good service from the Stewardess too >< hehe .

                " Attention Passengers , this is your Captain speaking . We are about to commence our floght and we request that you off all electronic portabale devices and buckle your seatbelts . Please pay attention to the safety video that will be shown on the screen shortly . Thank you for your attention , we are glad that you chose Korean Airlines . Have a safe flight . " the speaker said .

               I yawned , and decided  it would be better if i had slept . I closed my eyes and let my mind wander off , thinking and dreaming of what will happen is Seoul , Korea . Soon enough , I drifted off to sleep .


Author's note 

Annyeonghaesaeyo ! It's my first time writing a chapter for this story ! And it's pretty boring eh ? hehe >< but soon it will become ... um exciting ? And PLEASE NO SILENT READERS ! I recently quit writing one of my stories because i no one commented and it seemed like only i was updating and no one was reading my stories ! So please no silent readers ! At least comment , i'll make my day ! hehe , this chap is abit boring (: i'll update a few days laterrr . this may be rated H for some scenes >< . Some facts about me : I play maplestory , i am very young , i wrote this from my phone . Annyeong everyone !  

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Terms and Conditions Section IIII [  4 ]

 If you are interested to read the terms and conditions for this poll , please proceed to the forward of this story . It will be found in the ' poll ' section in the foreword . The terms and conditions are important to the progressing storyline and development of charactors . This will ensure us a smooth story plot and no disturbunce's in the author's writing due to last-minute changes . Thank you for your time and attention . - Kim Eunmi , directior and adviser . 

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darknessoverlight #1
nice story
Im so disappointed that your not doing this but thanks for your hard work
haha soon >< WITH FX :D FXFXFXFXFX spam (:
@Arlene waeyo ? I went online to paragraph it already >< . Is it cos it's too long ? Yeayea I SHIP EUNHAE ~ (:
@Nero_Akatsuki Annyeonghaeseyo ! You really think so ? Thanks ^^ this is the most popular story i have ever written d: my next update will prolly be around tmr or day after . Judging from your name , you like watch naruto right ?
Hehe >< i'm jealous too . And i decided it would be more interesting for me to put it that way , evilkyu strikes again right ?
I like the story.I wonder who the brother is going to be? I do like how you introduce super junior.
Thanks ^^