Xiuchen 3

EXO OTP oneshots

Minseok purused the old photo book and smiled as he saw the young faces of his friends and himself, his teachers and even his parents sometimes, he hadn't been back to his primary school in years, ten to be exact, he had been too busy. I should go later, it isn't too far away, yes that sounded like a good idea, it was the holidays, but hopefully he could still meet some teachers.


As he stepped into the campus, he couldn't help but gasp, it had changed so much, the once dull looking office was now colorful and new. He walked further in and cringed at the new wallpapers, some of them included photos of him during primary school and they were not glamorous, so much had changed that Minseok wondered if he had gone to the right school.

The staff room should be around here. He peeked around a corner and was relieved to see that the staff room hadn't changed, same grey doors and familiar brown shelves. He rapped on the door and it opened to reveal someone he knew very well.

"Miss Song?" The teacher's eyes widened.

"Minseok?" He nodded and Miss Song gasped in incredulation. "You've grown so much!" They hugged and Miss Song started asking questions, just like she used to, Minseok felt nostalgia listening to her rapid fire words and tried his best to answer.

"So, have you found your special someone?" Minseok faltered and stared sheepishly at the floor. "No." The middle aged teacher laughed. "Come on, handsome fellow like you, you must have a girl." Minseok gulped, debating his choices.

"Miss Song, I'm actually gay, I found out a couple years ago." Miss Song's smile wavered before she hitched it back on.

"You say that like it's a bad thing, but do you have someone in your heart? Doesn't matter if it's a he or she." Leave it to her to always be so understanding and unprejudiced. Minseok nodded. "Yeah, he went here too, and then my university, amazing right?" Miss Song beamed and patted Minseok on the shoulder, she had to reach up now, unlike ten years ago when she had to crouch down to hear the tiny Minseok.

"If that's the case, I'm sure you two were meant for each other." Minseok laughed glumly. "I doubt it, we didn't talk about much except work." "Look at you," Miss Song chided, "Shy as always, well, I'm not your teacher anymore so I can't talk, but I do wish you luck. I need to get back to work, anyone else you want to see?" Minseok shook his head sadly. "I heard they went to other schools or retired, you're kinda the only teacher I know here now."

"There there, dear, cheer up, you should go around the school, relive some memories, come again soon, okay?" Minseok smiled and hugged the teacher again before bidding her farewell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She had to bring up Jongdae. Minseok thought miserably as he walked listlessly around the school. He knew his former mentor hadn't meant it, but it still struck a delicate nerve, his childhood crush grew into scary infatuation in university, then died slightly when he went into work, just thinking about the high cheek-boned was enough to trample his mood.

He walked past his old classroom and stared into it, it was dark but there were still desks and chairs. Was I that small? He laughed slightly at the tables that barely came up to his waist, the memories were dim but still there, the happiest time of his life, where he could play and laugh during recess with his friends, how the teachers took care of him and often made jokes during class, causing the small children to giggle. A tear traced his cheek and he wiped it away, he wished he hadn't grown up, life was so painful and bitter, he'd been teased for his chubbiness in secondary school, then in university, causing him to lose weight drastically in the past years. Only his primary school friends had accepted his appearance, and those who went to the same secondary school often stuck up for him.

Another tear, Minseok walked away, taking in the familiar structure, how often had he played here? Run around with his friends, played hide and seek, invented their own games they became so imersed in they were always disappointed when the bell rang. He remembered first catching sight of Jongdae in this corridor, a lanky eleven year old with the most amazing smile. Not now, he didn't want to think about the man, but these walls were so infused with memories it was impossible to stop the flow, they had talked for the first time at the football field, where Jongdae had complimented him for his skills and he remembered feeling like he was going to burst from happiness. He thought he'd liked Jongdae as a friend, but when they had gone to the same university, he realised with a heart-wrenching jolt that it had been love, and still was.

Minseok loved everything about him, his sense of humor, his dashing appearance, his kindness and his startling intelligence. Minseok sighed wistfully as he descended the stairs, treading the familiar path to the football field. He slumped on the grassy surface and found the dirt had been replaced with rubber and the soft blades of grass had become plastic. He was filled with a sense of loss, another part of my childhood became nothing but a memory. He lay there staring at the blue sky, taking in the reality that much of what he had held dear was gone, reduced to wonderful memories.


"Minseok? Is that you?" He shot up and saw someone staring at him, a blush crept up his cheeks. "Jongdae? What the hell are you doing here?" Jongdae jogged over. "Thought I'd come back here to visit, it's been a few months." He sat down opposite Minseok and flashed his Cheshire cat smile.

"Months?" "Yeah, I come back whenever I can, it's always to retreat back to your primary school." Great, another thing to love about Jongdae, he was ridiculously sentimental. Minseok lay back down on his back and contemplated the sky. He heard and a rustle beside him and turned to see Jongdae also staring at the sky. "The school's changed a lot." "I know right, I liked the dirt field." "Me too."

"You were good at football." Minseok was surprised. "You still remember?" "Yeah, just a random memory, I like it though." This small comment made Minseok blush. "Lots of memories here." They fell back into silence. Minseok pondered about Miss Song's words, she would want him to be the first to make a move, but...what if? Minseok took a deep breath, better to try and fail than to not try at all. He turned to Jongdae and propped himself on his arm.

"Jongdae, you free today?" The man raised his eyebrows, "Why?" "We haven't met for a year or so, we could go catch up." It was Jongdae's turn to raise himself. "Did you just ask me out?" Minseok felt his heart was going to leap out of his rib cage but he kept his cool. "Maybe."

Jongdae leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "In that case, I'd love to go out with you. I just can't believe you beat me to it." Minseok was stunned, did Jongdae just kiss him and accept his offer? "Wait, beat you to it?" Jongdae blushed slightly and lay back down.

"You made an impact on me, I've liked you for years, I don't care what they said about your weight although you don't look too bad now," he eyed Minseok's lean figure and continued, "I never had the courage, just now was the perfect opportunity and before I could pop the question." He looked at Minseok and shrugged. Minseok laughed and laid down beside him, shuffling closer. Jongdae had just confessed, how on earth was he suppose to react?

"Isn't popping the question used for marriage?" "If you want it to be." This made Minseok laugh. "Let's not rush it." "Agreed." They were facing each other now, lying on the stiff grass of the football field. It was quiet, no screaming and laughing children, only the chirping of birds. Minseok thought the younger looked amazing, illuminated by a gentle sun, chiseled features wistful.

"Ten years." Minseok whispered, moving closer, their faces were less than five centimeters away, he never knew Jongdae smelled like vanilla, it was a nice smell.

"I'm sorry I never told you." Jongdae replied, closing the distance to three centimeters.

"We were both silly, weren't we?" Minseok breathed, their noses were touching now.

"At least we cleared that up now."

Jongdae smiled and pressed their lips together. Fireworks went off in his head as he pushed Jongdae back onto the grass and savoured the feeling of their lips moving together, Jongdae's firm body pressed against his, it was the best feeling in the world, even better than a cup of coffee in the morning. "Never thought you'd top, babe." Jongdae panted as they broke apart, Minseok still straddling him. "Surprise, sweetheart." He said half-joking. Jongdae grabbed his collar and pulled him down again, their lips glued together. "This was definitely worth the wait," Minseok mumbled as they mashed their lips together, pinning Jongdae down. "Agreed." Jongdae barely had time to say before he was cut off by Minseok's bottom lip between his own.

"Be mine?" Jongdae said breathlessly, his hands tangling in Minseok's hair. He pulled away and stared lovingly at the man under him who was grinning widely, this was a good start to creating even more beautiful memories. Minseok leaned down and brushed his lips on Jongdae's sharp nose.

"Hell yes."





Inspired by my trip back to primary school, *shrugs* what am I even doing...

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Chapter 2: Ooooohhhh I Like the idea of these drabbles, especially because are about XiuChen and HunHan, my favorite couples