Xiuchen 1

EXO OTP oneshots

"That's enough for today, practice dismissed." Everyone cheered as they slumped down to take a break. The practice for their upcoming comeback had been as exhausting as ever.


Jongdae dragged his tired body beside Minseok and sighed in exhaustion, leaning his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.


"That , I'm glad it's ov- ew! Sehun stop Luhan's face off in the practice room!" Jongdae cried in indignation as he saw the couple making out at the side of the studio. Minseok laughed as Sehun threw his bottle at Jongdae in response, expressing his feelings very clearly. Jongdae exhaled loudly and slumped back on Minseok.


"Come on, let's get you back to shower." Minseok dragged a complaining Jongdae up and lead him out of the studio. They talked casually along the way, hands linked while Minseok the back of Jongdae's hand lovingly with his thumb.


They were just going up the stairs when someone hurried past them, bumping into Jongdae on the way. Jongdae yelped and lost his balance, tumbling down the stairs. Minseok reached out to grab him a moment too late and watched in horror as Jongdae rolled down the stairs with a painful crash.


"Jongdae!" Minseok rushed down the stairs and kneeled next to Jongdae who lay motionless on the floor. Minseok rolled him over gently to see Jongdae's face scrunched up in pain.


"Jongdae, stay with me, we're getting help soon. Stay with me, Jongdae." Minseok picked him up bridal style and ran towards their dorm. Jongdae groaned and his eyelids fluttered closed, a streak of red making it's way down the side of his face.




It turned out that Sehun and Luhan had already returned to the dormitory to make out in peace. They jumped apart when Minseok burst in, Luhan pulling down his shirt while Sehun hurriedly combed his hair. Minseok scowled briefly before setting Jongdae down carefully on the couch.


Jongdae opened his eyes and tried to sit up but fell back with a grimace. "I'm okay." He muttered dazedly. Minseok smacked him on the head and received a huge yelp from Jongdae.


"Okay my , you tumbled down a whole flight of stairs and you probably have a head injury. Don't bull with me now, Kim Jongdae." Minseok snapped as he examined Jongdae for any injuries. There was a cut on his scalp, his right knee was scraped up and he was generally in a bad state.


"Sehun, get the first-aid kit." Minseok ordered and the two scuttled away. 


Jongdae held his head and mumbled, "Min, it hurts." Minseok took his hand and kissed it to comfort Jongdae. Just then, Sehun came running down, carrying a first-aid kit. Minseok cleaned out the cuts and bandaged them carefully. Jongdae winced as Minseok used alcohol wipes and cried out when the gauze was pressed on his cuts. 


Minseok felt guilty but didn't stop until he was sure that the bleeding was under control. After he was done, he kissed Jongdae on the forehead just as the rest of EXO barged in.


"Why is Jongdae Hyung wrapped up, did Minseok Hyung beat him up again?" Tao asked, earning a death glare from Minseok as Kris hurriedly put his hand over Tao's mouth, shutting him up.


"No, someone bumped into him and he fell down the stairs. I'll take him to his room and I think he should skip practice tomorrow." Suho nodded wordlessly as Jongdae was scooped up and carried away by Minseok.


In their dark room, Minseok laid his boyfriend down gently on his bed and helped him change out of his sweaty clothes. Jongdae opened his eyes sleepily when his face was wiped with a wet towel.


"Hyung, I really feel alright now thanks to you, I want to go to practice tomorrow." Just to make it more convincing, Jongdae made his famous duck lips.


Minseok scowled, trying to resist the aegyo. "We'll see tomorrow but now I order you to rest, that knock to you're head was quite bad. I'll come back later." Jongdae grinned cheekily and pulled Minseok in for another kiss, this time slow and long. Minseok pulled away with a sigh and brushed Jongdae's fringe before standing up and leaving the room.


"Hah! He came out with his hair not disheveled, you owe me hundred won!" Jongin yelled triumphantly at Chanyeol who handed the money over grumpily.


Minseok fumed. "Who the hell bets on this kind of stuff?! You be careful before I fill your clothes with itching powder!" Chanyeol and Jongin backed up hastily with looks of horror in their eyes. Minseok shot them one last threatening glare before going to shower.


"Hyung is really scary." Jongin mumbled.


"He learns from the best." Kyungsoo laughed.




Xiumin went to check up on Jongdae after he had showered and saw him lying still on the bed, chest rising and falling gently. Xiumin walked over and crawled in beside Jongdae, staring at his lover. He leaned over to check Jongdae's head bandage, one hand resting on Jongdae's silky locks and the other inches away from Jongdae's still fingers. Suddenly Jongdae grabbed Minseok's hand and kissed it. Minseok laughed and held Jongdae's hand tighter as he sat up, propped against the headboard.


"Thanks for taking care of me, Minnie. I gotta admit, authoritve Minseok is kinda hot. Then again, I always find you hot." Minseok grinned and kissed him on the forehead.


"Even banged up you still manage to flirt with me." Minseok chastised. Jongdae smirked and pulled Minseok down so that they we're face to face.


"That's why you love me." Their lips met, moving against each other in perfect harmony. Minseok wrapped his arms around Jongdae's neck as he moaned with satisfaction. Jongdae gripped Minseok's waist as he was straddled by said person. Jongdae bit Minseok's bottom lip gently and smirked when he was greeted with parted lips immediately. Jongdae deepened the kiss even more and groaned as Minseok ran his fingers through his hair.


They stayed like that, feeling each other's lips and pressed together for another couple minutes before they broke apart panting. Jongdae pressed their foreheads together and sighed happily, holding Minseok's gaze for a few more seconds.


"You're right Jongdae, this is why I love you." Minseok pecked him again and climbed off to lay next to Jongdae who slid back into the blanket. Minseok cradled Jongdae delicately as he hummed a lullaby to him. Jongae wrapped his arms around Minseok and sighed contentedly. They laid like that for about ten minutes and were just about to fall asleep together when a loud moan they recognized as Luhan's penetrated their room. Jongdae's eyes snapped open as he sat bolt upright and yelled.


"Damn it! Why do they have to do that today of all days?!" 





Yayy first one up! Hunhan really can't keep off each other can they. Kinda sorry for sending Chen down the stairs. Anyway love to hear from you guys so do leave a comment below. Thanks <3


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Chapter 2: Ooooohhhh I Like the idea of these drabbles, especially because are about XiuChen and HunHan, my favorite couples