Angels Don't Cry

Angels Don't Cry

There was something about him that caught Minseok’s eyes. He stands there right in the sea of people, leaning against a lamppost with his hands warm in his pockets and blonde hair flawlessly falling in front of his eyes. Effortlessly looking like an angel. As if that wasn’t eye engaging enough, the boy glows. Emitting a shining effect around him like those manga characters. Or at least that’s what Minseok sees, but not to the people around him. They pass by him, rush around him like he was invisible, not even making a double take at the extremely good looking being while Minseok can’t even take his eyes off him. It was like that everywhere they go, nobody spared a glance at if he really was invisible.


Minseok first saw him on a jagged old indigo coloured bicycle as he made his way up the hill towards the hoard of hanok’s early Monday morning. He was heading to his grandmother’s house when the blonde headed boy passed by him, leaving behind the scent of banana’s. Clueless Minseok had followed his trace and discovered his worn out bicycle parked alongside a box filled with cartons of banana milk. He then noticed there were dozens of milk cartons placed at every doorstep on the row of houses in front of him, not realizing the familiar boy already making his way back to his bicycle. The boy stopped right in front of Minseok and stared at him blankly, blinking a few times before he bit his bottom lip rather uneasily. Minseok’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he peered at him, managing out a smile and a simple hello afterwards, which the blonde boy courteously greeted back. He then handed Minseok a carton of banana milk with a meek smile, uttering out his name as Luhan as he did so.


Minseok befriended the boy easily as the days pass, he found him somewhat intriguing when it was actually Luhan who founded Minseok fascinating. Luhan later told him that he delivers banana milk every morning to all the elderlies who were living in that small town. Minseok declared he’d help Luhan every morning with no charge, just out of kindness which he agreed to delightedly. And so Minseok began assisting luhan every morning, leaving 2 cartons of milk on each doorstep before moving on to the next set of houses. Luhan would praise him once in a while for helping and it would simply make his day. A few days had swiftly passed by then when Luhan asked Minseok what he was doing at a country side when Minseok clearly looked all styled like a city boy. Minseok deeply frowned when he heard the question, sending Luhan slightly taken aback at the sudden change of mood. Minseok slowly voiced out his story while Luhan listened intently, his soft gaze turning in sympathy as he stared at pitiful Minseok.


Minseok’s family was on their way to the beach, his younger siblings cheerfully singing along to the music as his mother sweetly smiled at her children. He remembered his father laughing whole heartedly and everyone else joining in the burst of laughter when the tragedy happened. It was so sudden that none of them even had a moment to react, it was like an impact without conscious. The next thing he knew, he was lying limped on a hospital bed while bandages covered half of his head. The accident had taken the lives of his family and he was the only survivor, or so he thinks.


Luhan pressed his palm against Minseoks back as he comforted him, watching the orange haired boy cry out his depression. Luhan felt the pain as Minseok let out his choked cries and embraced him ever so tightly, caressing his back until Minseok was out of tears. He then agreed to meet Minseok at the towns’ night market for a late night treat, to cheer Minseok up with a hearty dessert. That was when Minseok realized how beautiful Luhan had looked as he leaned against the lamp post. His perfect honey coloured hair looked like an accessory to compliment his soft features. His plain clothing had screamed perfection on him even when it only looked simple to anyone else. That mysterious glow Minseok noticed seemed to attract no one but him. Minseok thought back to the early days when he reached the town, there were people around yet no one appeared to have noticed Luhan, he remembers asking his grandmother for a particular young blonde male who delivers milk every morning and she did not answer. He doesn’t even remember the last time he saw Luhan spoke to anyone else but him. Minseok cleared out his thoughts as he approached Luhan who was still looking around, probably searching for him. When minseok got closer, Luhan had set eyes on him. His lips spreading into a smile, beaming immediately upon his presence. Minseok halted once again as the thought ran across his mind, is he an angel?


Minseok gathered up his courage and asked where Luhan lived and the boy only grinned and pointed to the sky jokingly. Suspicion grew everyday as Minseok spent more time with Luhan. He would ask why nobody notices luhan and he would simply answer  ‘’they just don’t see me’’.  Minseok gave up after days of endless pondering and concluded that he was probably going crazy. How could Luhan be an angel? Maybe a spirit?  A ghost? Nahh, can’t be. He was way too perfect to be a measly ghost.


The 100th day came after the horrifying tragedy and Luhan had taken Minseok to the beach, they sat on a laid out blanket as they watch the waves collides with the sea. A moment of silence as Minseok recalls past memories of his family and telling them to Luhan who quietly listened with a smile. Luhan hadn’t stopped smiling even when Minseok ended his story telling, he would stare at Minseok in content and then a tear fell. Luhan closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before looking back at confused Minseok. He reached over to him and his cheek delicately as if Minseok was a fragile jewel. He then told Minseok it was time for him to go, that his parents and siblings are probably missing him up there. With his mouth slightly agape, Minseok shook his confusion away and blurted that Luhan didn’t have to leave, Minseok needed Luhan even if he wasn’t actually alive or even if what minseok thought was true, he was an angel. But Luhan only smiled as his tears continue to roll down his cheeks, he then said those words Minseok weren’t expecting to hear.


‘’not me silly, it’s you who should go, your family misses you’’


It was a sudden realization as Minseok processes Luhan’s words in his head, face stuck in utter shock when he finally understands. Nobody survived the crash, he didn’t wake up on a hospital bed, his grandmother never answered his question because he never even asked, it wasn’t Luhan who people never saw, he failed to realize it sooner that he was the one invisible. Invisible to everyone else except Luhan.


Luhan explained that he always sees things no one else can see ever since he was a little kid. He can talk to them, touch them and even play with them, but he soon realizes that these lost spirits never last very long. They get taken back to where they belong after a hundred days and now it was finally the day Minseok will be removed from the place of living. It was time for Minseok to travel to the other dimension. With goodbyes filled with sadness, Minseok disappeared the next hour along with the sun. Quietly like a ghost he vanished into thin air when Luhan hadn’t notice.  

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hachtag #1
Chapter 1: Make me think of the movie "Los otros"... Nice story !
Canxiubemybaby #2
Chapter 1: PLOT TWIST
almighty_bee #3
Chapter 1: I thought Luhan is the ghost but it turned out Minseok is.. good story, I love Xiuhan the most too