Cosmic Joke

School Wars

“The juniors were not more interested in us singing the school song, okay! No one is interested in standing up and singing the school song. No one. People were interested in the dance though! ” Seungkwan says on their way to school. It’s a short bus ride, but it feels long because Seungkwan is breathing down his neck. Which he always does, it’s just that he normally isn’t this annoying. And part of Soonyoung knows he’s only annoyed because now that school’s started he’s got to wake up too early for humanity.


Like, it’s still dark when he wakes up. The sun hasn’t quite gotten out of bed yet, and neither should he.


“They were interested in looking at Vernon’s handsome face. Not our crappy performance. Which means they won’t join because that guy is all over his girlfriend.”


That, and there’s recruitment this week. And unlike that stupid rock band who has stupidly useless and handsome members, they won’t have long lines of girls trying to join the club just to get closer to their objects of affection.


“There were people watching. I swear!”


“By people you mean yourself. And that jerk from the rock band, Lee Seokmin. Why are you even friends with him again?”


Seungkwan sighs so loudly the back of the bus turns to stare at them. Mercifully, the bus pulls to a stop in front of the school and suddenly everyone is more interested in grabbing their bags and going to the hall. Because first impressions are everything, apparently. It’s those exact first impressions that are killing the dance club now and he knows it.


“Whatever it is, you did fine. So stop looking like such a nervous wreck.” Seungkwan paws the stray hairs away from his face, pushing it behind his ears. Soonyoung wrinkles his nose.  “Smile! Maybe we’ll be in the same class this time.”


The thing about Seungkwan is that he’s so sweet and genuine that Soonyoung actually cracks a smile.


That smile disappears in five seconds after he sees the notice board. Because the class lists go in alphabetical order, and right under Kwon Soonyoung is Lee Jihoon and Lee Seokmin.


One Lee is bad enough to deal with and now he has two?


This is practically a Kwon-Lee family feud. They just weren’t made to get along. Maybe the Kwon ancestors insulted the Lee family or something. Seeing as how Lee was a more common surname than Kwon, the Lees must have won. Ugh.


“We’re in the same class for once! Be happy.”


“In the same class with Lee Jihoon and Lee Seokmin. Where’s the nearest tall building, I need to take a jump.”


“The same class with me. Mingyu. Jeonghan. Junhui. Couldn’t be that bad!”


Boo Seungkwan is an eternal optimist and sunshine.  May no one taint his pure soul. He makes Soonyoung feel better.




And meanwhile we see Exhibit B of mental breakdowns over class allocations, Kim Mingyu.


“It’s the best class. Didn’t you want that?”


Someone feed Wonwoo some oil. He needs to be less dense.


Mingyu murmurs something furiously. He could be summoning the devil, but Soonyoung’s pretty sure it’s just soulless murmurs of how much he wanted to spend every waking moment with Jeon Wonwoo. Which sounds kind of creepy, because that includes going to the bathroom. But Mingyu’s already kinda weird, so no problem. Something about Wonwoo makes the normally sane Mingyu have his head not screwed on right.


That’s love, Seungkwan likes to say. That’s insanity, Soonyoung likes to say.


Someone pushes him harshly and he stumbles to the right with a yelp. There’s that scary moment where he think he’s going to fall right on his face, dancer instincts or nah. He blindly stumbles until he feels a hand push him back upright.


Lee Jihoon is standing where he was, proud smirk on his face. Forget jumping off the building, Soonyoung is going to kill Jihoon first. Pushing him on the first day of school is just uncalled for.


“Sorry about that. Jihoon can’t really see from behind you.”


And why does Lee Jihoon come with naïve bodyguard Seungcheol? Seungcheol probably thinks Jihoon is too short to see the notice board when he’s not right in front of it. Not that he wanted to push Soonyoung and see him fall on his face. That level of naivety is unforgivable. He makes Wonwoo look the most perceptive fortuneteller ever. Better than 20/20 vision, all big businesses hire him to predict the future stock market movements.


“So where’s my sorry, huh? Or did you just want to assault me first thing in the morning? My shoes are new, okay. Not as cheap as you choreography.”


Screw Kwon Soonyoung’s life.


Of all the people he could fall on, all of the people who just could happen to be to the right of it, it just has to be Lee Seokmin. It just couldn’t be anyone else. This has to be some kind of cosmic joke on Soonyoung.


Of all the people in school, all 3000 of them, but it’s Lee Seokmin staring at him, hair all styled up, looking as arrogant as he did on stage yesterday. If this were anyone else, Soonyoung would have apologised already. He’s a good boy; all the teachers say so in his year-end report. It’s kind of his fault for not catching his balance on time.


But looking at Seokmin’s face, he just can’t do it. He can hear Jihoon muffle a giggle. Jerk.


“Saw those shoes three months ago, Seokmin. Drop it.”


Seungkwan cuts right in there, hand gripping at both their sleeves. Even though his face is cute like a baby’s, he’s glaring Lee Seokmin down. Then he turns around to glare at Lee Jihoon.


“It’s only right to apologise, Seungkwan. Whether it’s your fault or not. Especially to your classmate.”


The stress he places on that word really makes Soonyoung’s blood boil. He wasn’t the one who asked for this reality, hello. It isn’t his fault that Jihoon pushes him so hard he almost falls. It isn’t his fault they’re both good at studying and end up in the same class. It isn’t his fault that the dance club and the rock band compete for school certification and members. That’s just how things are.


“Well maybe if you were more gracious about helping others I might say sor-“


“Well, then as Soonyoung’s best friend I apologise for him. And as my other best friend you graciously accept it. Now shake hands and stop fighting.” 


Seungkwan glares at them both and Soonyoung feels so wronged. But then Seungkwan pulls both their hands and forces them to shake them. This is as fake as Lee Jihoon’s innocence. Utterly unbelievable. They make the diplomats look so sincere.


“Waiting for the dance club to lose school certification because they don’t reach the five member minimum.”


“Waiting for the presents to the rock band frontman to dry up in three day’s time.”


He’s clearly hit a sore spot because Seokmin storms away thereafter. But Seokmin’s also hit a sore spot of his, because it’s true. They need to recruit members. And their odds right now are much worse than the rock band’s.


Seungkwan sighs so loudly as he pulls him away from the notice board.


“Seokmin doesn’t mean what he says. That’s just how he is.”


“Well, I meant what I said. Why are you friends with him again?”


“Why am I friends with both of you.” Seungkwan says miserably. “Let’s just go to class. Try not to claw each other’s eyeballs out when I’m not watching, thanks. Take out your anger on Jihoon instead. I disapprove of that guy too.” 


a'n: fast update for some reason o.o hope ya'll like it^^ comments are read and loved <33

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Alecsgonzales0411 #1
Chapter 4: I know it's like, a lot of like late, seeing that this story was posted years ago, but I just want to say that this is really fun! It sorta gives out that vibe like the stories I used to read when I was younger (11 years old), so finding a story like this makes me so excited.

PS: Please don't mind my grammar as I'm not sure if my words are correct. It's only my second language.

PPS: I tend to use the word "like" when I'm expressing something~
Chapter 4: I had a feeling it would be Dino to sign up kekeke
I like how Minghao and Junhui stayed even though the club would be dissolved. It shows their friendship with Sooyoung and it's so cute~ 💞
Chapter 2: That rivals2lovers tho, thats som good shiiit 👁👄👁

I love how Seungkwan is so done with everybody else but he keeps being by their sides, taking care of them. You go, Seungkwan! And cheep up, Soo-sshi — you'll surely find new members for the club 💞
(I'm also interested in Jihoon's development hnm 👀)
Chapter 1: Petition to give Sooyoung an official title of Korean Gremlin: in this essay I will

And we're off to a greaaat start
Things gon get spicyyy 👁👄👁 man I'm excited WHOOP HIS , SOOYOUNG, IMMA PAY YOUR JAIL BAIL IF IT EVER COMES TO THIS
kyokifruba #5
Chapter 30: I really like this story... Can you write this again but with seokmin point of view?
Chapter 30: Yaaaay!!!!! OMG THIS is so Sweet (even though my bias woozi was the Bad guy lol but I don't care if it makes my other 2 babies get together like this)
Chapter 26: aww poor boo boo
Chapter 24: ohhhh the mistake was Soonyoung and I would like to know the reason why. I dont like the Jihoon here... he is a total jerk.
Chapter 4: Nice chapter. Chan saves the day.
Chapter 2: Awww... I kinda feel bad for soonyoung.