Choir Boy

School Wars

Soonyoung knew it was a bad idea. He’s not stupid, going there is like walking straight into the lion’s den. But there’s his pride on the line. And the fragile legitimacy of the dance club. There’s no way he can walk away now.


Seungcheol is holding a party to dunno, show off his house? Celebrate that in one week they’ll lose their freedom to the rigours of school? Cheer that hurray, school restarts? 


Actually, that’s fine and all. Have your party with way too diluted fruit punch and booming music, that’s your own (poor) life choices. So why is the headline “Watch the epic showdown between the current and ex-dance club leaders, Lee Jihoon and Kwon Soonyoung!!


Hell, he never agreed to that. The invite to the party only came this morning in the mail, wet from the rain.


It’s a trap, obviously. Who knows what tricks Jihoon has underneath those short sleeves of his. He and Lee Seokmin have clearly pissed Jihoon off enough. 


But then again, it’s a dance battle. That Jihoon thinks he can beat him at dancing, that’s an insult.  He’s the one who caused the dance club so much suffering in the first place. They wouldn’t be stuck in the rooftop shed having to share rooms. Wouldn't be stuck with only five members and a non-existent club fund.


That's an insult to the dance club. 


And that’s unforgivable.


So instead of heeding Seungkwan’s good advice of lazing at home, he starts practicing his dance moves in whatever clear space he has at home. He goes through all the styles, from ballad-esque songs like Adele’s Hello to fast hip-hop songs. Hell, he even dances to Jeonghan’s death metal and Jisoo’s church hymns. Even if Jihoon is sick enough to try pulling a fast one on him, Soonyoung is going to decimate him. Hopefully humiliate him enough that Jihoon would stop trying to wreck everything happy that happens to him.


There’s only one small problem. When he finally looks beyond the headline of the dance battle he realizes it’s a fancy dress party. Well, damn. It’s not like they’re going to stop him from going in. He’s the unwilling star of the show, after all.


Maybe he should bring a trash bag, put it over Jihoon and call himself a trash collector. Throw him out onto the street after that. 


That'll teach Seungcheol the meaning of fancy




Seungkwan ambushes him at the door. Really knows him too well, nagging him to death while making sure Soonyoung was all ready. Has his bag stuffed full of energy drinks and clean towels. Damn, this guy is way too through. The others are also coming to support him, apparently. More like they’re bored no-life kids. Or is that just Soonyoung?


The entire dance club is going, as is the forever sticking-their-noses-where-they-don’t-belong-rock band. Take after their leader, the entire band does.


“I’m only here for the free food.” Seokmin declares, sniffling as Vernon runs towards their gathering.


Seungkwan rolls his eyes. Seokmin is as bad as Soonyoung, another one who hates getting out of the house. Food isn't enough. 


“Okay, I’m here to watch Jihoon humiliate himself. Preferably fall hard on his and start crying.”


Chan laughs. Minghao scolds Seokmin for language. Joshua whips out a high-end video camera. Jeonghan is way too eager to upload the dance battle onto the Internet. Make Jihoon cringe, he says with way too much glee.


It isn’t so cold and scary suddenly. Without saying so they’re here for him.


“Come on. Let’s go steamroll the plagiraiser.” Seungkwan says.


“Heard you’re going to teach Jihoon how it’s done.” Mingyu nudges him in the ribs. Too hard, because he doesn’t know how to control that strength of his. But Wonwoo tactfully holds him back and makes Mingyu apologise. Way too cute. Pretty disgusting, to be honest.


“Give us a good show! I’m missing a hot date for this.” Junhui says with a sneer, ignoring Minghao’s continuous chiding over how he should be nicer to the dance club leader. It’s okay. That’s Junhui’s way of showing concern.


“Guys, come up with some good ideas of what you are. The bouncer is Ailee and she insists on hearing what everyone is dressed as.” Seungkwan says, running over. Let’s hope that she isn’t strict.  They've shown blantant disregard to the "fancy dress" part of the invite. Everyone single one of them are in plain clothes, as if they’re going to the mall or something. What fancy dress? Are my ripped jeans fancy enough?


“Heya! Welcome to Seungcheol’s Fancy Dress Party. What are you dressed up as?” She says, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.


“I’m an angel.” Jeonghan says this with a distant look in his eyes, hair tied up and dollar halo perched on his head. All while wearing a studded leather jacket and black jeans. Ailee nods and waves him in.


“I’m a church boy.” Joshua takes a thick Holy Bible from his bag and starts reading from it. Is church boy even considered fancy dress? Ailee thinks so.


“I’m a wushu master.” Junhui strikes a pose in his hoodie and track pants. Ailee seems pretty convinced. Are there even standards?  


Ailee raises and eyebrow at Minghao. He panics before speaking.


“I’m… a cute lost puppy.” He tilts his head and Junhui starts cooing. Wide puppy eyes are apparently good enough for her as she lets Minghao in.


They get a little brazen here. Ailee seems really slack.  


Mingyu in his ratty tee is a model. Wonwoo is an emo boy and shows Jeonghan’s playlist to prove it. Chan is a little brother. Don’t ask how he got let in on that. Vernon is a small DiCaprio. Frankly, that’s the best one they’ve had so far. Even though it’s just because he actually looks like DiCaprio rather than anything he’s wearing.


Seungkwan takes one look at his outfit. Button up shirt, suspenders and pants. So boldly he walks up to Ailee.


“I’m a mommy’s boy.”


Everyone cracks up at that. Soonyoung can’t stop laughing. It’s true, Seungkwan is a good boy that listens well to his mother. But dressed up as a mommy’s boy? You have got to be kidding.


Amazingly, Seungkwan gets let in. Now Ailee is observing him and asking what he is. Think fast, think fast. Track pants, sneakers and plain shirt. Maybe the truth works well.


“I’m a dancer.” Dances a little just to prove his point. Ailee waves him without a second look. Are they all in? Nope, still missing Seokmin.


“I’m a singer.”


Button up shirt, sleek black pants. Definetely handsome enough for it. 


For the first time, Ailee frowns.


“You don’t look like a singer. Your face looks like an actor, seriously. Can you even sing?”


Seokmin is offended. It shows on his face. He sings confidently, but Ailee isn’t impressed. Singers need makeup on stage, she insists. Where is his microphone, his in-ears?  Nope, he doesn’t pass.


“I’m an actor.”


“Nope, you said you were a singer. That doesn’t look like an actor’s outfit either.”


Why is the bouncer so oddly strict with Seokmin? Is she one of the noonas that Seokmin dates and dumps? That would explain everything. But Soonyoung is too tactful to ask. Junhui isn’t.


“Did you dump her that’s why she’s suddenly stubborn?”


“That’s terrible! I thought those were only rumours about Seokmin.” Minghao gasps.


“Those are just rumours. I’ve have never dates any noonas from universities.” Seokmin hisses. Seungkwan whispers something into his ear. Seokmin says no immediately.


“100% get you into the party. Don’t you want to watch the dance battle?”


 Seokmin hesistates. Joshua checks the time. Five minutes to the start of the party.


“Just do it.” Seungkwan takes something out of the bag. Groaning, Seokmin puts it on.


Hang on, this bright shade of blue. Soonyoung can’t forget it. No way, it couldn’t be.


But it is. Seokmin is wearing the loose white shirt with floppy cuffs on, pulling over the blue vest and buttoning it up. Seungkwan helps with the gaudy red ribbon tie.


Choir boy is back.


The whole image is the cutest. Soonyoung wants to melt into a puddle of goo and make sure he never takes it off. Who gives Seokmin the right not to look stupid? When Seungkwan wore his Soonyoung had to stop laughing. An image only a mother could love, he used to say.


So why on earth does choir boy Seokmin make him want to squeal?


Jeonghan, Mingyu and Junhui are shamelessly taking photos. As bad as the paparazzi, those three are. Even if he only wears it for five minutes, the photographic proof is going to last forever. No way these three are going to let it die. Choir boy, choir boy, these boys are chorusing. Taunting tone completely on point, ignoring their nicer boyfriends attempts to shut their traps.


“I’m a choir boy.”


Seokmin grits out. Ailee looks pretty pleased and waves him in. The others are laughing way too hard, even good boys like Minghao. They’ve really been lead astray. Jeonghan is replaying his new footage and being disappointed that Seokmin wisely kept his voice down. 


"Choir boy is dead."


Seokmin growls, ripping the vest off. Seungkwan examines it for damage. Soonyoung hates to say it, but he's more than a little disappointed. Choir boy was way too adorable. 


a/n: hope you enjoyed it! :> my choir boy seokmin obsession is showing haha. I'm so happy seventeen got the rookie award soonseok seungkwan everything looked so happy TTATT

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Alecsgonzales0411 #1
Chapter 4: I know it's like, a lot of like late, seeing that this story was posted years ago, but I just want to say that this is really fun! It sorta gives out that vibe like the stories I used to read when I was younger (11 years old), so finding a story like this makes me so excited.

PS: Please don't mind my grammar as I'm not sure if my words are correct. It's only my second language.

PPS: I tend to use the word "like" when I'm expressing something~
Chapter 4: I had a feeling it would be Dino to sign up kekeke
I like how Minghao and Junhui stayed even though the club would be dissolved. It shows their friendship with Sooyoung and it's so cute~ 💞
Chapter 2: That rivals2lovers tho, thats som good shiiit 👁👄👁

I love how Seungkwan is so done with everybody else but he keeps being by their sides, taking care of them. You go, Seungkwan! And cheep up, Soo-sshi — you'll surely find new members for the club 💞
(I'm also interested in Jihoon's development hnm 👀)
Chapter 1: Petition to give Sooyoung an official title of Korean Gremlin: in this essay I will

And we're off to a greaaat start
Things gon get spicyyy 👁👄👁 man I'm excited WHOOP HIS , SOOYOUNG, IMMA PAY YOUR JAIL BAIL IF IT EVER COMES TO THIS
kyokifruba #5
Chapter 30: I really like this story... Can you write this again but with seokmin point of view?
Chapter 30: Yaaaay!!!!! OMG THIS is so Sweet (even though my bias woozi was the Bad guy lol but I don't care if it makes my other 2 babies get together like this)
Chapter 26: aww poor boo boo
Chapter 24: ohhhh the mistake was Soonyoung and I would like to know the reason why. I dont like the Jihoon here... he is a total jerk.
Chapter 4: Nice chapter. Chan saves the day.
Chapter 2: Awww... I kinda feel bad for soonyoung.