
Undercover Beauties

"What am I even learning?" Lisa questioned fully, her cheek resting against the back of her hand as she stared at the teacher who looked as if he's never taught a day in his life, with his constant stuttering and jumping and correcting.

"Well, we're suppose to be reviewing Pythagorean identities from trigonometry, but this pabo doesn't even know what he's teaching" Min-ah scoffed while examining her picture perfect nails.

"I can tell, numbers 1-3 on the board are wrong, and number 4,6, and 7 don't even look as if the equations are correct" Lisa stated as she have a side glance to Min-ah who giggled in response.

"Don't even get me started on his clothing choice, if you're gonna be an idiot can at least be hot" Min-ah complained childishly, pouting as she examined the teacher.

Both girls suddenly laughed out loud causing the class to stare back in shock at the laughing Min-ah and Zelo to give a side glance towards the two.

His brow arching just slightly as he gave Lisa a once-over, something that didn't go unnoticed by the brunette.

Lisa smirked as she leaned back in her seat and did a double-check.

"You know, you're not so bad Min-ah"

"You either, Lisa-ah, I thought you were gonna be some foreign "

Lisa laughed hearing that, she's been called so much worse that she actually found stuff like that funny.

"To be honest b, same with you" Lisa admitted sheepishly before offering out a hand.

"How bout we do this the right way- I'm Lisa, you seem worthy enough to talk to" Lisa teased and Min-ah scoffed while rolling her eyes.

"Cocky, I've met worse, I'm Min-ah, and that pabo right besides you is Zelo, my bestfriend" she introduced and Lisa held in the shock and turned her head to the side before nodding to Zelo, who smirked recognizing the little Café girl, but didn't say anything.

"L-Lisa-ah, c-could you please pay more attention?" The teacher stuttered ad Lisa sighed.

this guy seems like he's under enough stress, I'm not gonna add onto it...

"Ne, Seonsangnim, but, not be a smartass, can you double check what you've written on the board, none of it is right" She responded without thinking.

The majority of the class erupted into laughter, Min-ah have Lisa a look and Zelo rolled his eyes.

"Yo, Shut the hell up! I didn't say it to be funny you dips, matter of fact, if any of you were smart you would've already recognized the mistakes that he most likely put up there just to see if you're good enough, ne, Seonsangnim?" Lisa emphasized towards the end, and the teacher jumped slightly seeing the opportunity that was given to him.

"R-Right, and if you didn't then go into the books and I want front and back pages of notes!" He played on.

"Nice, for a second there I thought I was wrong about you" Min-ah complimented and Lisa shrugged her shoulders.

"Think what you want, I couldn't care less" Lisa stated jus before her pocket vibrated.

Knowing it was from the girls she decided not to answer it, she's sitting between Zelo and his best friend, as if she's gonna blow her cover with a rookie mistake.

"Good, But I gotta ask, Why did you move to Korea?" Min-ah questioned, and Lisa rose a brow sensing something, as if she wasn't be questioned just to know.

"Why? Well, My mother would bring me here when I was little because it was her dream to open up a shop here, she loves the setting, said it was one of the most beautiful things shed ever seen, me being the first of course"

Min-ah giggled and Zelo scoffed at Lisa, she's rude, conceited, and new- three things Zelo dislikes off the bat.

Lisa rolled her eyes at Zelo's response, but she needs to befriend him as well.

How am I gonna get him on my side? He already dislikes me....guess Ima have to change this to a sob story.

"My mom died two years ago, my sister and I were placed into the system a couple of times, bull people, but we worked really hard, my aunt and cousins chipped in, seems we all wanted to escape, for me the only place that came to mind was here, we gathered enough money to leave, open up the shop, and suffice until business is fully running" She wrapped up staring down at her hands.

"I'm sorry, I lost my mom when I was ten, I know how that feels" Min-ah said softly and Lisa nodded.

Zelo sighed feeling the tense atmosphere, but he couldn't stop staring at Lisa, something was off, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Suddenly the bell rang and everyone began packing up over the teachers complaining of how the hell doesn't dismiss the class.

"Lisa-ah, let me see your schedule" Min-ah stayed and Lisa handed it to her as she stood up, the dark haired giant stepping up just behind her and finally Min-ah.

"We have four classes together! But You and Zelo have next period together, Zelo-ah! Take care of her! I actually like her" Min-ah stated before handing Lisa's schedule back to her. 


"Let's go" Zelo called walking ahead of her.

The walk was silent and as they were walking Lisa came to a stop.

"Zelo-ah, I have to use the bathroom" She stated.


"Min-ah said take care of me, and I don't want to bring my bag into a stinky bathroom" She explained, smirking as he glared at her and he snatched her bag.

"Hurry up"

Rushing into the bathroom Lisa rested against a wall and pulled out her phone.

'Lisa, the chip was activated earlier, the shop is being monitored, so watch what you say in the house until we can decide when it will be the proper time for the chip to 'malfunction' like the first two, the Grand Opening will be in two weeks'

'Any News on Zelo?'

'Pendeja pick up your phone!!'

Lisa rose her brow at the third one before sighing and responding to Hana.

'Chill b, no I don't have any valuable info yet, but I'm getting close, so chill'

Lisa walked into a stall before flushing a random toilet, and washing her hands, before walking over to the paper towels.

"....! Or you kidding me?! You're empty!" 

"Yah! Hurry up pabo! You're taking forever!" Zelo called from the outside of the bathroom and Lisa groaned before sliding her phone onto her pocket and flicking her wrist as she walked out the restroom and caught the bag that was thrown her way.

I'll see if he tampered with my stuff later, but before I get to the house.

"They're out of paper towels" she groaned as they began walking.

Surprisingly the class was down the hall.

Zelo remained silent but he smirked as if he was hiding something, only making Lisa more suspicious as they say down in the back of the class.

"What is it? You've had that smirk on your face since I left the bathroom, did you do something to my bag!" She accused before dropping it on the ground, she hasn't touched anything with her wet hands so she had been carrying it in her arms the entire time.

Zelo glared at her with his usual poker face but the smirk came back slowly.

"They had a blow dryer" He told her watching as she continued to try to air dry her hands by fanning them in the air quickly, which immediately stopped after he said that.

"Yo! You ! You knew that and waited for us to get into class! Zelo-ah!"

"That's my specialty" He answered, enjoying Lisa's flustered face before she flicked him off.

"Didn't think you were that type of girl, Lisa-ah, but anytime" he responded causing Lisa to gasp dramatically.

"That's not what I meant!"

"Whatever you say"


"Oppa! Why is this girl in my seat?!" 

Everyone turned to the front of the class where the school's Queenka stood, her dyed blonde hair curled perfectly, her clothes suiting her body well, but showing off a little too much, and her heels clicked as she walked towards Lisa angrily.

"Yah! You! Get out of my seat! And stop talking to my Oppa!" She ordered in a whiny tone.

Lisa cringed hearing the same tone that Min-ah had used earlier, but this time Lisa knew that this girl wasn't gonna be someone she got along with.

"Look, I don't see your name on here, so I'm not going to move, there's not a thing that you can do to make me move, and until you learn to be more respectful, I'm going to stay in this seat until I feel like I want to move" Lisa stated without hesitation.

The blonde bent down, slamming her hands against the desk and glared at Lisa fiercely.

"I'm not some weak little girl, either you get out my seat or I drag you out" She responded her tone as cold as ice.

Lisa rose a brow but smirked none the less, it's not that she sees this girl as weak, obviously this girl isn't some push over, but neither is Lisa, and she isn't easily scared.

"Hoe, you touch me, and I .you.up" Lisa punctuated.

"Oppa! Tell her to move! For me?" She begged, pushing off of the desk and puffing out her chest slightly as she moved towards Zelo, who smirked and turned his head away.

"Mianhae, Jagi, but I have to take care of her for Min-ah, so ani"

Lisa held back a laugh but immediately turned the other way seeing him pull the girl's face down and begin to kiss her.

Okayy, I was not expecting that, so what now? I have to befriend his girl too? No, I don't think so , as long as Min-ah continues to like me I can get close to him and get out information from the both of them, she obviously holds more value to him then this hoe does.

"Ne, Oppa" the girl giggled before walking away happily.

Lisa turned to him with a questioning face.

"She's your girlfriend?" Lisa questioned pointing at the girl who now say in front of the class twirling her hair as she talked with an exact replica of herself.

"Something like that, just without the emotions" Zelo answered smirking and Lisa cringed at the worlds.

"Ew, you mean you two- ew!"

Zelo smirked at Lisa's response, chucking as she went on and on about how wrong that was and how he could've lied and said yes, and how he needed Jesus.

Zelo examined Lisa as she kept on criticizing him and chuckled as Min-ah came to mind.

Yah, Min-ah, you're right once again...but I still don't trust her, there's something she's hiding...Something big.


"Chill? Chill?! This little girl has the audacity to tell me to chill! She's been ignoring my text and the one time she text me back! She has no info! And tells me to chill!" 

Hana huffed as she picked out jugs of milk and cartons of eggs from the counter, her hands angrily shoving them into the cart.

"I swear this girl will be the- ah!"


Hana gasped seeing that she had slammed her cart into someone else's and caused them to drop a carton of eggs they were picking up out, not even looking up she immediately rushed to the person and bent down to carefully place they semi cracked eggs back into the carton, taking off her jacket to clean up the mess on the floor.

"What are you doing?" a deep voice questioned from above her but she refused to like up as she slide the carton back into the fridge and kicked her jacket away.

"Mianhae! This is all my fault! I should have been paying attention-"

"I can see that, you still haven't looked up, Hana" The man stated, instantly Hana turned to him, her face a mix between confusion and defensive.

"How do you know my....Hey! You're one of those guys!"

Hana's p.o.v

, , , , !!

Of course he would know my name, why wouldn't he know my name! It's Kim Himchan!

"One of those guys?" He questioned raising a brow before sizing me up and down.

"My question first" I pressed, glaring at him, he's not gonna get away with that! He said my name, and that's not a good sign!

"I have my ways" he answered narrowing his eyes at me.

"That's has to be one of the most cliche lines out there" I responded pushing my cart past his and going to get ingredients for the grand opening.

"Now that we've run into each other, how about we talk business, that is what you're getting all this stuff for anyways" He continued, pushing his cart so that he was beside me.

"What type of business?" I questioned as I examined the different types of flour.

"You see, Yongguk and I run a legitimate business, we on the bar a few blocks away from your café, and we have no problem with competition, as long they all pay their dues" He trailed off glancing at me and I scoffed turning to him fully.

"Elaborate, Himchan" 

His brow rose and a smirk graves his features, that's a shame, if he wasn't a drug dealer then maybe I'd call him attractive, but he is and there's nothing attractive about that....well...not completely.

"Seems I'm not the only one who has his ways, tell me, Hana, how do you know my name?"

"Word gets around about you and your 'friends', you're a bunch of thugs, and my girls and I don't do business with thugs" I spat, turning my back towards him and continuing to search for the proper flour.

Suddenly I felt him press his chest into my back as he reached above me.

"That's what they all said, let's see how long you and your girls can hold up" He stated coldly, and just like that he was off of me, the breath I didn't know I was hold was released.

"I think this, would be the best type to use" He stated dropping a bag of flour into the cart and walking off.

Looking at the flour I huffed seeing the brand and roles my eyes before pushing my cart away from the is the best brand.....

Shoving my hand into my pocket I fished out my phone angrily before hitting speed dial and typing in number 2.

"Riiiiing......riiiiing....riiiii- Hello?"

"Tenemos un problema"

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Looks interesting ... good luck with it ^_^