Day 1

Undercover Beauties

Back down stairs the four girls stood tensed by the presence of the six men, well six men and one boy, in front of them, by this point most if them were standing up observing the shop, all except for the two leaders, one stood at the counter while the other sat uncaringly in a chair. Marie was the first to break eye contact with the trespasser, at the sound of two soft rings, before pulling out her phone, where her thoughts were confirmed by Alycia's message:

'Marie, they are B.A.P., there's almost no information on them but reports have shown they're very professional, well as professional as drug dealers can be, we're gonna have to initiate the plan ASAP and have Hana search for more information'

Looking up as if the message was nothing, Marie stepped closer to the counter, resting her hands on the marble surface and leaning forward slightly as she offered a sheepish look on her face, time to take initiative.She stood directly across from B.A.P's leader himself, her soft brown ones staring directly into his cold browns.

"Hello, I'm Marie Rodriguez, my family and I just arrived today, it's nice to meet you-" she 
paused, her brows arched in question.

"Bang" He offered sharply.

So, that's how he's gonna play it. Marie's sheepish expression dropped and was instantly replaced with one if annoyance.

"Bang-si, is there anything that up you need? Or might want to discuss since you've so rudely inserted you and your friends into my shop?" Marie spoke through a now tight smile and narrowed eyes, as if she was gonna play the sweet role, mission or not, she does not accept disrespect so openly.

Bang rose an eyebrow at Marie's words, a tug pulling at a corner of his lips and forming an amused smirk as he openly checked out the female before him.

"Actually, Rodriguez-sithere is, but I can see that you girls need some time to-" he in a quick breathe of air and paused, as if trying to think of the proper word, but it was clear he did it solely for effect.

"adjust" he picked, placing heavy emphasis on the word before he pushed away from the counter, the smirk disappearing from his face and he became serious once more.

"Let's go boys, we'll comeback another time" he ordered as he turned his back towards her and gradually each one of the six men exited the shop.

The girls remained silent, waiting for each one of them to exit the shop and even after they left the four women stood, as if expecting B.A.P to come back and reek havoc.

Destiny was the first one to make moves, her hips swaying angrily as she walked around the counter and began to slowly feel up on the walls.

"One of them kept on touching the walls, he testing them, to plant something" Destiny said, annoyance dripping from her tone and clear as day, her hand froze feeling something glide against it, pinching the item between her fingertips she ripped it off the wall and glared at the penny sized chip in the center of her hand.

"A camera?" 

"Close Mel, a recorder, it's not large enough to be a camera, but it's definitely a recorder, its inactivated, but we can't take any chances" Destiny corrected before throwing the small chip on the ground and smashing it beneath her pumps, instantly she went back feeling against the wall, only finding two more, just as she was about to rip out the final one Hana spoke up.

"Wait! Leave it!" She shouted and Destiny immediately jumped back, surprised by the outburst.

"Why?" Destiny questioned, irritated from being shocked so suddenly.

”Because, they'll suspect something is up if you do, they might just consider the first two malfunctions, but if you take out the third one then they'll get suspicious as to how we would know what they were up to" Melody answered instead, Marie and Hana nodded approvingly while Destiny shrugged, leaving the third chip on the wall.

 "Meaning from this point on, all official business will be discussed upstairs, now- this café is gonna need customers, Melody- any ideas?" Hana questioned.

As if sparks were ignited Melody jumped up slightly, a bright smile on her face as she gave a excited nod.

"A Grand Opening!" She suggested eagerly and no sooner than she had said it, two pairs of feet were heard from above them, rushing down the staircase, and out popped the youngest females of the household.

"I wanna help!" Lisa exclaimed rushing to Marie and trapping the older woman into a tight hug.
"Marie, let me heeeeelp" she begged desperately, which gained a small smile in response from said woman.
"After school tomorrow, you can help bake the flan" 

"Jes! Wait- after what?" Lisa back tracked, brows pulled up into utter disbelief, waiting for an answer.

"You're going to be finishing up your senior year in Seoul High, also where the youngest male of B.A.P resides, and whose schedule you have, almost, an exact replica of" Hana smirked watching Lisa deflate dramatically.

"But I didn't even go to school in Yonkers! Why the hell would I go now?!"

"Because I said so, we'll talk about the rest upstairs-"

"Yeah, I know I know, you guys talk loud, y'know" 

"Lisa, I think this will be good for you, you didn't go to school because you didn't have a choice, but now, you're able to go, use this chance" Alycia stated, staring at her younger sister sincerely causing, Lisa stared back defiantly but after a few seconds evaded eye contact and sighed in defeat.

"...I still don't have a choice.." She muttered under her breath as she felt Marie pat her and usher all the girls upstairs.

"Alright girls, let's get some rest, especially you, Lisa" Marie ordered, each girl slipping past her and up the spiral-like staircase before locked the front doors, shut off the lights, and trudged tiredly up the steps but stopped half way up and examined the café once more, the dim light of the dim rays of the setting sun shining through the glass window and into the café shop, a little early to be sleeping but they need the rest.

"Lord, please watch over my family" She begged softly, an exhausted expression on her face, not because of the trip, but because of the stress, after this mission it's bye bye Secret Service.

"I can't handle this much longer" she whispered before continuing her way upstairs.


"Lisa, don't forget to be respectful to the teachers!"

"Try not to get into trouble"

"Have patience boo, high school is full of drama"

"Things are different here, certain things you'll have to adjust to bebe"

"...Have Fun, baby sis" 

Lisa's stressed expression slowly morphed into a grateful smile as she stared at her sister with gratitude, gratitude for having faith in her and not treating her like an badass little kid.

"I will, Alycia, thanks" She spoke softly, still tired from having to wake up before 7 in the morning and get prepared for her first ever day of high school.

"Lisa, ask around school and get info from your classmates- take your glasses off!" 

"Okay, Okay, and Nah" Lisa answered swiftly before rushing down the steps and out the building, Melody practically sketched out the route from the house to school and forced Lisa to memorize it in five minutes- which she did.

Plugging a pair of headphones into her ears she sighed slightly, a cool breeze passing by her and for a second she considered walking back into the house and changing out of her crop top, but shrugged at the thought, she's from New York, that breeze ain't nothing compared to their winters.

She made it to school in twenty minutes, but due to her leaving early it didn't seem to matter, and she didn't mind the walk, it gave her time to think about life.

Lisa stopped in front if the large building's open gates, her eyes scanning over it as few students passed by her.

Is this what school looks like? I've seen prisons in better conditions...

She thought sourly, and slowly, anxiety crept its way into her stomach, but before it could do any damage Lisa shoved it away, determination replacing the worried feeling.

Just stay chill b, it's just for a mission anyways, no reason to get worked up.

Without further hesitation Lisa made her way into the school, ignoring all the looks she received as she walked uncaringly through the first doors.

"Is she new?"

"Is she even from here?"

"Woah! She's so pretty!"

"How fast do you think she'll give it up?"

"Looks like a " 

Lisa smirked hearing the all commotion, is she gonna get mad? Tch, like hell, why should she? She knows she's the .

Without speaking a word she opened the door to the Guidance office, examining the large, full, room.

"Rivera, Lisa?" A firm voice questioned from the center of the room, immediately gaining the young girl's attention.

"Ne, is this the office I go in order to get my schedule oooor?"

"Ne, usually I'd ask you to sit but class is starting in about eight or seven minutes and you preordered your locker, here is your schedule, Welcome to Seoul High, we will be sure to take good care of you, have a nice day" The woman bided sweetly in a rushed manner as she went back to typing on the computer.

"Oh, um okay, have a nice day as well, seonsangnim"

Lisa's p.o.v

Exiting the Guidance office I blinked slightly, my brows furrowing as I shook away the confusion.
She seems nice, I wasn't expecting nice.

Shrugging my shoulders I hurried to find my locker and make it to class on time before the bell rang, both of which I did successfully, my locker organized with school bs, and me, now, standing in front of the class in complete annoyance.

Why? Simple, because I don't like attention, it's annoying, sure it can be amusing to have sometimes, but I truly don't like it, and instead of just simply introducing me to the class, the damn teacher decided to have me stand in front of the class and introduce myself.

Plus he keeps trying to speak to me in English! If I didn't know English, why would I move to Korea????!

"Please um introduce your..self, Miss Rivera" He struggled to say, screwing up a couple of times.


"Oh! Remove glasses" he interrupted, much to my displeasure.

Ripping my sunglasses off with pure agitation, I glared at the teacher, my jaw clenched and brows furrowed as I held them in a fisted hand.

Destiny was right, I need to have better patience.

Sighing loudly I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples for a few seconds before giving a loud clap to gain the class's attention before speaking.

"Aight, listen up, My name is Lisa, I am 18, and from New York, America"  I stated simply, opening my eyes to meet with the faces of my classmates, but froze slightly as a set of dark brown eyes stared directly into my light green ones.

"Her eyes!"

"They're so pretty!"

"Tch, they're probably contacts" 

I ignored all the side comments as my mind instantly recognized the boys uncaring face, Zelo.

Cocking an eyebrow I narrowed my eyes in confusion as I played off the innocent card, my face practically saying "why are you looking at me?". 

"Oh, good you speak Korean, Lisa-ah, sit besides....Min-ah for today, there are no assigned seats in this class, Min-ah raise your hand" Seonsangnim directed.

"Seonsangnim!!" A high pitched voice whined childishly, causing me to cringe along with half the class, after a few seconds a manicured hand stuck itself in the air unwillingly.

Rolling my eyes I sat besides some girl that, to be honest, was really pretty but I could pratically feel the attitude rolling off her.

Sitting down besides her something clicked in my mind, this seat has two people on each side of the desk, not only do I have this annoying girl on one side, but Zelo on the other.

How can I gather ask about him in this class, if he sits right next to me?!

Huffing slightly I rested my chin on my hand and leaned in closer to hear what the hell was being said.

This is some bull b.  

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Looks interesting ... good luck with it ^_^