Chapter One


This is the first chapter! Enjoy!

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Jiyoon’s breaths came in quickly and she scrambled to push the strange girl off. “W-w-who are you?!” Jiyoon ignored the shock of her hearing her soulmate’s voice for the first time and looked at the girl who had frozen, hand still hovering above Jiyoon’s chest. The girl’s brows furrowed and she hesitantly leaned back on her legs. Jiyoon noticed (with a mix of awe, she begrudgingly admitted) that the girl didn’t even look bothered to sit in front of her with nothing but a bra and on.

    “What are you talking about? You’re the one who gave me your phone number yesterday.” One of the girl’s eyebrows shot up in an almost accusing glare.

    Jiyoon’s eyes widened. Shuffling up until she was leaning on her forearms, Jiyoon looked at the girl and stuttered out, “You-you’ve got it all wrong. I-I’m Jung Jiyoon, age 20 from… from…” At that, her voice trailed off and sat helplessly as the girl in front of her continued scrutinizing her. Jiyoon’s new, deep manly voice shook. “P-please. I just turned 20 and-”

    “Wait! Are you saying you’re a soulmate? I don’t believe it!” The girl threw her hands up in the air and stood from the bed. “The one time…” she trailed off and left the room, gathering her discarded clothes. Jiyoon still sat in her awkward position and took this time to look around the room. It was mostly neat, only a few pieces of clothing thrown around here and there. Swallowing dryly, she stood shakily and looked in awe as her eye level was drastically higher than her normal body. Holding her hands out, she stared at the slightly dry skin and surprisingly well-manicured fingernails. Taking a few steps, she stopped at a very disorganized desk. Searching around the drawers, she was quite disappointed to see no letter written for her. But then again, she shouldn’t be feeling like this. There was no way for him to know she was coming. Reprimanding herself, Jiyoon dropped the papers she was holding and took a single step back.

    “Here.” Jiyoon’s heart lurched at the mystery girl’s sudden presence and turned around. She was holding out a phone and a dirty, worn out leather wallet. She quietly thanked the girl and she walked out again, still mumbling under her breath.

    Jiyoon didn’t waste time opening the wallet and peered inside. Her nose wrinkled when she saw a still in its packaging but everything else seemed normal enough. She was about to pull out the photo ID when the banging of a heavy door sounded throughout the place. “I’m leaving!” The girl yelled out before the door slammed shut again.

    Sighing, Jiyoon walked out of the bedroom, phone in hand. She tried typing random numbers and sighed again. It would be next to impossible to try and guess the passcode-

    It opened. Oh, my God, it opened. This idiot actually had 1234 as his password.

    Victory dancing with awkwardly long limbs, Jiyoon plopped down on a red leather couch and tore her eyes away from the small screen. There was a huge TV, a cheap coffee table, a weird, leg-shaped lamp (which she later realized was from the movie, A Christmas Story) and one barely dressed pin-up lady poster.  Jiyoon rolled her eyes at this guy’s tacky taste and looked back down at the phone.

    The wallpaper was a picture of two men, one she was assuming to be her soulmate. She wasn’t sure which one of the two though. Jiyoon scrolled through the multiple pages of apps like Instagram and KakaoTalk. She considered pawing through the contacts but decided against it. Snooping around can wait for now.

    After countless minutes of Jiyoon playing around his phone (beating his high score in Candy Crush, by the way) she felt she couldn’t hold the excitement any longer. She locked his phone again and placed it nicely on the coffee table. Standing up rather enthusiastically, Jiyoon walked around the living room once before moving on towards the kitchen area. Judging by its size, she concluded that her soulmate lived in a one-person apartment; just like her (or she thinks she did… that part of her memory is still fuzzy).

    Jiyoon examined the rather boring and unhealthy pantry room, finding nothing but ramen packs and chip bags. Rolling her eyes, Jiyoon moved away from the kitchen and walked into the singular hallway. There was a total of three doors. Upon opening one of them, Jiyoon saw it was a bathroom (with mismatching towels, who does that?!) and she was honestly surprised to see it was absolutely cluttered. On the sink there were multiple bottles of hair products ranging from hair gel to hair spray to temporary dye. On one side of the sink there were numerous skin care products from places like Etude House and Nature Republic. In the shower (where there was no shower curtain…) there were at least three bottles of shampoo, four bottles of different kinds of conditioner, and one single bottle of bodywash. Figures. Under the sink was much worse. There were at least fifteen bottles of expensive colognes and honestly, they all smelled similar to Jiyoon. He even had a couple of hidden makeup packs!

    Jiyoon, done looking through the many beauty products, took a deep breath and stood in front of the mirror. She kept her gaze locked on her slightly large feet and mentally prepared herself. She didn’t want to sound shallow but… she really wanted an attractive soulmate. Looking up into the mirror, she gasped.

    Standing there in the mirror was a tall, young man with blonde hair. His eyes were an ordinary shade of brown, sure, but the shape of his eyes really complimented his face. He had smooth skin with only very, very few blemishes. His eyebrows were exactly on point and his lips were pretty. Feeling proud that her soulmate was a handsome man, Jiyoon left the bathroom and happily walked back to the living room.

    Feeling elated, she took back the wallet and pulled out the photo ID. In the picture here, he was sporting brown hair and had a smile so perfect, Jiyoon felt her heart flutter. She only skimmed the basic information and finally, finally her eyes landed on his name. Oh Sehun.

    Giddily, Jiyoon reached for his phone and opened the camera. She was gonna save this selfie she was about to take so that she can always look back on the day she had first arrived in Sehun’s body. Posing nicely with a slightly girly pose, Jiyoon smiled and was about to snap the picture when the phone rang loudly.

    She jumped a little and pulled the phone down, reading the caller ID.



Sehun blinked up at the ceiling, brain still trying to process the fact that he had just switched bodies with his “soulmate’s”. After the initial shock wore off, he sat up in bed and noticed with a startle that his head felt heavier. Reaching his delicate and small hands up, he quickly entangled his fingers in soft, long hair. Eyes widening, he looked down and continued his blank blinking. Instead of his flat torso, he saw… two mounds and a smaller pudge. His mouth dried when he saw his curvy waist and thinner calves.

This can’t be happening. He was going to get some action and of course his soulmate had to interfere! Groaning, he rolled back over and buried his-or her- face into a pale pink pillow. After laying there for who knows how long, Sehun sighed and got off the bed. Feeling the cold wooden floor on his socked feet, he began walking aimlessly around. He snooped around the girl’s desk and peered intently inside a few of the picture frames she had hanging up. Sehun even went so far as to judge the contents of her wardrobe.

    Having enough of judging her room, he took one last glance before he saw something crumped on the unmade, messy bed. Cocking his head, he stepped forward and lifted it from the sheets.

    Hello, dear Soulmate! As you can tell, I’ve turned 20 and we have switched bodies. I wasn’t sure what type of person you were, so I made a list of basic things to take care of my body. Please follow them closely and no problems should arise.

    Sehun rolled his eyes but continued reading.

    First rule: No eating excessive amounts of junk food. Junk food is bad for your body and can lead to diabetes and other heart problems.

    Second: Always brush my teeth twice a day or after every time you eat something particularly sweet (which you shouldn’t be doing often). I use a whitening toothpaste and a minty mouthwash.

Third: If “that time” comes, it would save you the trouble of cleaning if you would just go to the OBGYN and explain that you’re my soulmate in my body.

Sehun paused and thought about what on Earth she was talking about when- oh. “That time”..... He wouldn’t have to actually go through that would he?!

Scarred from the personal information from rule number three, Sehun threw the note away from him and left the bedroom in a hurry. He only made it a few steps out of the room when he tripped over something and fell face first onto the unforgiving hardwood floor. He held a delicate hand to the bridge of his nose and looked around only to come face to face with a furry, black cat. It had a golden collar on with, surprise surprise, a note attached with a paperclip.

    Snatching the note, Sehun skimmed the contents.

    So, you’ve met my kitty Barney! You MUST feed Barney twice to three times a day! I have a bag of his cat food under the sink in the kitchen and his bowl for food and water is near the fridge. Please clean his litter box every night.

    He glared at the monstrosity of a pet and stood up, dusting off his arms. “I hate cats.” Sehun began walking around the small apartment but grew bored pretty soon. She had only a small TV, a laptop (with no charger in sight) and her phone that he would not even try to guess the password. Surprisingly, there was no other note around the house.

    Sighing with boredom, Sehun ignored the cat following on his heels and entered the bathroom. He couldn’t exactly remember, but he was pretty sure his bathroom didn’t look like this. There was a plain white shower curtain covering the, duh, shower, with only a bottle of facial wash, hand soap, and a hairbrush on the counter by the sink. After inspecting the area, he didn’t even find a hair straightener or a blow dryer! There were a few packs of makeup, which Sehun admitted that she had good taste in brands, but other than that there were no other beauty enhancements.

    WIthout a moment's hesitation, Sehun looked at his new reflection in the mirror. There was a short girl standing there, with long black hair and big brown eyes. She had an okay nose and eyebrows but her lips were what really drew Sehun in. Her lips were full and looked kissable, with the nicest dip underneath the nose he had ever seen. Hell, even his own lips weren’t this delicious looking.

    Now, let’s move on to the important stuff. Taking a small breath, Sehun’s eyes wandered down to… her chest. There were two soft round mounds that Sehun would guess was about a cup size A? Or maybe B? A little small, if I’m being honest. Turning half her body around, Sehun stared at her flat . His (beautiful) new lips tugged down in a frown at this. He remembered every little detail of his body and he knew that he was bootylicous. But this girl… she would probably have some serious bottom pain because there was practically no coverage.

    Sehun considered taking a shower but decided against it. Despite his experience with female bodies, he just wasn’t quite ready to explore this one yet. Reading her notes and seeing her house, she seemed like an innocent girl and he didn’t want to feel erted for showering on his first night in her body. So, opting out of the shower he left the bathroom only to trip on Barney the cat again.

    “Move, you stupid cat.” Sehun got up again and made his way to the TV. He would’ve called and ordered a pizza but he wasn’t up for human contact as a girl just yet.

    He honestly wasn’t up for human contact as himself, to be honest.

    Lounging on the white couch, Sehun stared up at the ceiling. This time as the cat sat on his chest (which hurt, actually) he didn’t push it off and let it snuggle into him. “You’re a dumb cat. You don’t even know I’m not… her, do you?”

    Sehun felt he should have gotten up and searched for a wallet or something but he felt tired and decided a little cat nap wouldn’t hurt anyone.

    Unless she had it somewhere in her idiotic note that naps were out of the question, too.

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No chapter today, sorry! -csk_32


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loverofmanyidols #1
Check out my Recommendations Archive later in the week, I'll definitely give your story a shout-out ;)
Keep up the amazing work <3
princessjay #2
Chapter 3: Hi there! Stumbled on this very cute story. I can't wait to read more of Sehun and Jiyoon's story! :)
Seems interesting! I wish you luck :)