Chapter Three


AN: So I couldn't think of how to get their schooling days started so this chapter might be a little rough.



    Sehun woke up from his mid-evening nap. He felt mostly refreshed but a part of him felt sluggish and yet he didn’t feel like doing anything about it. He wondered if his soulmate was having fun being a male because Sehun was honestly not having fun being a girl. His hair was all over the place most of the time and his clothes were so tight-fitting for some reason. He sat up and observed his surroundings. He had fallen asleep in the bedroom which was better than falling asleep on the couch.

He got up wordlessly off the couch and moved his arm around, trying to find the white phone. Yawning while he unlocked it, Sehun stood and started walking to the kitchen. He was going through Instagram (surprise, surprise) when he tripped yet again on Barney. When the cat hissed at Sehun, he hissed back with malice. He must’ve looked crazy, face down into the floor and hissing at a cat. Rolling his eyes, Sehun stretched and stood up from the floor.

The young man didn’t know how he was going to survive. His soulmate had no easy food to make meaning he had to manually prep all his meals before time if he wanted to eat something. He yawned again before he shrugged and grabbed Jiyoon’s wallet. He didn’t even bother fixing his hair; instead, he grabbed a flimsy thing he thought was a girl’s jacket (which totally clashed with his outfit, by the way) and stepped out into the cool night air.

As he was walking to the closest convenience store, he took in his surroundings lazily. There was a bunch of trees and the sidewalks were pretty clean. All his neighbors were mostly older people who looked like they had respectable lives. Sehun yawned for the third time but pushed himself to the store. After bowing half-heartedly to the cashier, he looked around the minimart. He hastily grabbed a basket and put random packs of ramen, chips, and he even put a pack of banana milk. He was ready to pay when he stopped in front of the freezer section. His mind flashed back to the note his soulmate had so lovingly left for him and contemplated if he should or should not buy the delicious rocky road ice cream that seemed to be taunting him from the freezer.

it. Sehun ripped the door open and grabbed two cartons of the ice cream and went to the cashier to pay. The young teenage girl looked at Sehun’s messy appearance. To her, Sehun was the girl that lived a bit down the street and who was always kind and neat looking. Instead, the young cashier was staring at a tumbling mess. She took in the dress that was all wrinkled, the bright blue cardigan with buttons that weren’t even buttoned correctly, the messy bed head, and finally, the makeup free face.

The cashier felt a ball of pity as she rung up Sehun. Two cartons of ice cream? Ramen, chips? This is unusual for Ms. Jung. “Bad breakup?” Sehun’s head snapped back to the girl who was looking at him with sympathetic eyes. Sehun blinked but nodded almost uncertainly. But mid-nod, he changed his mind and timidly shook his head instead. The cashier sighed in pity before giving Sehun his change. “Have a good rest of your night, Ms. Jung.”

Sehun judged the cashier with what he hoped was the coldest face he could manage. Quirking up one eyebrow, Sehun snatched his change and left.

When Sehun was done shamelessly eating one half carton of rocky road ice cream, he searched around Jiyoon’s desk for a note he had tossed aside earlier. “Where the hell… Oh, here it is.”

Sehun read through its contents carefully.

Hello! This note is fairly important so I hope you read it carefully. I go to school at the University and I have a screenshot of my schedule somewhere in my phone. I also have a part-time job at barber shop for kids at the address below. Just explain the situation to my manager and he’ll understand.

Anyway, have fun! Please, please, don’t skip any classes and please maintain my nice 3.8 GPA.

Sehun scoffed and crumpled up the note. I guess I’m going to school tomorrow.



Jiyoon stared a little frightened at the silver-haired man in front of her. He had started talking with her right away, telling an amused story about his time at work yesterday. She wasn’t quite sure how to tell the guy that she wasn’t really Sehun but she was instead his soulmate. So, Jiyoon just stared with wide eyes as he continued droning about his life.

“Yah, you brat, you should at least pretend to look interested when talking to your hyung!” Jiyoon startled a little and bowed apologizing to the man. He looked confused for a moment before he smiled rather cutely and punched Jiyoon’s shoulder playfully. “Stop being gross, Sehun. And why are you even here, anyways? I thought you took time off work?” Feeling like she couldn’t dodge the subject anymore, Jiyoon opened and out spewed the truth.

“You see… I don’t really know who you are.” The man blinked once, twice, three times confusedly. “I assume you’re a friend of Sehun’s since you talk so nicely with… me… but I’m not him. I’m-”

“No. Way. You’re his soulmate, aren’t you?!” The man laughed out loud and even went so far as to slap his knee, bent over in hysterics. “I can’t believe it! That brat finally found his soulmate!” He continued with his merry laughing and after Jiyoon started feeling a tad bit uncomfortable, he stopped and sighed happily, pretending to wipe a tear away. He held a large hand out, smiling so widely his eyes were crinkled into nice little eye smiles. “I’m Park Chanyeol. Sehun and I go a while back. We knew each other in high school and we’re co-workers.”

Jiyoon mentally sighed in relief. This Chanyeol and Sehun were co-workers which meant that when the time came for Jiyoon to go to work, she had a friendly face to help her. “It’s nice meeting you, Chanyeol! My real name is Jiyoon.” Chanyeol nodded and started walking away. Jiyoon hurriedly followed after him and as they were walking side to side, Chanyeol threw a hand comfortingly across her shoulders. “If you don’t mind me asking,” Jiyoon squirmed, “how old are you?”

Chanyeol grinned. “I’m 22 years old. I go to school with Sehun too, actually. I’m a music major, studying drumming and working on my vocals and a little bit on my rapping.” Jiyoon nodded politely and chose to just listen to Chanyeol speak for a while. Apparently, that’s not what Chanyeol was thinking of. “Tell me everything. When did you Switch?”

Jiyoon felt her cheeks start to redden. “Well… I Switched with Sehun only yesterday…”


“But… there was another girl there.” The man besides Jiyoon paused, his arm dropping slightly from her shoulders before he snickered quietly. He sighed happily before he continued walking, leaving Jiyoon wondering if he had problems with controlling his emotions.

“Don’t worry, Jiyoon. I’ll help you find that brat and when we do, I’ll kick his for you.” He made a show of flexing his arm and Jiyoon stared in awe at his muscular arms. Chanyeol clapped and brought her out of her thinking. “My muscles have developed well, huh? It’s all the drumming practice.” He smirked and asked Jiyoon where she was going before she slipped earlier (which he spent about a minute laughing about). She told him she was looking for the nearest market and Chanyeol grinned. “I got that covered! It’s this way… I think,” he mumbled the last part to himself but Jiyoon pretended not to hear.

After Chanyeol started leading the way, he also explained a little about Sehun to Jiyoon. She found out that her soulmate was, quite surprisingly, planning on becoming a pharmacist. Chanyeol revealed that Sehun admitted that he when he was asked what to be in the future, he would imagine himself in a white lab coat. However, Sehun then realized he was a little too lazy to be a full fledged doctor so he settled with handing out prescriptions and helping with minor problems instead.

“Here we are!” Chanyeol waved his arms happily at the entrance to a supermarket before running in, dragging in Jiyoon by the sleeve of her coat. Her eyes widened but she had to choice but to follow after him. Chanyeol went immediately to the cart corral and he pulled one out. He had only taken a step into the first aisle and looked back behind him, grinning widely and waving his arms again. “Come on, slowpoke!” Jiyoon smiled before following after him.


    Jiyoon yawned for the fifth time. Her and Chanyeol had finished grocery shopping almost two hours ago and right now they were sitting in Sehun’s apartment. Chanyeol had brought out cans of beer and handed one to a reluctant Jiyoon, who still had the mostly fill can in her hand. “You’re coming to work tomorrow, right? It’s a Monday which means we actually have school, too.” Jiyoon pouted but nodded.

    “You’ll help me, right, Chanyeol?” Said man rolled his eyes before ruffling her short hair affectionately.

    “I told you to stop calling me Chanyeol and to just call me hyung. And yes, I’ll be there for work but I can’t help you with school. We go to two different buildings so I don’t really see Sehun during school. You will have another one of our friends to help you though; his name is Do Kyungsoo and he’s majoring in nursing. He’s pretty short with these huge doe eyes. Hard to miss him.”

    Jiyoon nodded and asked, “What is Sehun’s job anyway? You never told me.”

    Chanyeol grimaced as if he swallowed a sour lemon before he answered. “We work at a fastfood place during the night shift. It’s really super fun, you’ll love it.” Jiyoon detected his sarcasm but didn’t say anything about it. Instead, she thought about what her life was going to be like soon now that she was studying to be a pharmacist apparently. But she didn’t even know if she was enrolled in a school back in her normal life.

    Chanyeol and Jiyoon talked a bit more before he stood up and wiped his hands on his pants. “Well, it’s getting pretty late. I’m going to go home and after school, I’ll pick you up here. That sound cool?” Jiyoon nodded and stood to take Chanyeol to the front door but he brushed her off.

    “I know where the door is. Now don’t forget, his name is Do Kyungsoo and he’s really short with big eyes. He’s a nursing major so he should be wearing some type of nerdy scrubs. Well, see you tomorrow.” Chanyeol waved brightly one last time before exiting the small apartment.

    Jiyoon, left with the multiple cans of beer that Chanyeol left behind, sighed and started cleaning up.

    Tomorrow was going to be a tough day.




    Sehun glared at his reflection in the mirror. He was dressed in nice, long skinny jeans with a plain sweater over it. He even managed to grab a fluffy coat and scarf. Before he got dressed today, he looked up his soulmate’s schedule on her phone. It read:

    1: Cellular and Molecular Biology

    2: Advanced Topics in Single-Variable Calculus

    3: English 1C

    4: Anthropology and Sociology

    5: An Introduction to Oil-Painting

    She didn’t have that many classes but they were long and looked extremely difficult. Sehun couldn’t remember if he was good in school or not but let’s be serious; it’s Sehun we’re talking about here.

    Sehun felt as unenthusiastic about going to school as any student, maybe even more. He wanted to just crawl back into bed and sleep for another four months but he couldn’t do that to his soulmate. Besides, he’d get pretty bored with only a stupid cat for company. So, like any other student, Sehun made himself a hearty breakfast and grabbed his pre-packed backpack (courtesy of Jiyoon) and set off. He reluctantly said goodbye to the cat before he slammed the door shut and started walking.

    In her phone, she had left specific instructions on how to get to school and even where the front office is that way Sehun could go talk to the dean or whatever to tell that he was Jiyoon without really being Jiyoon.

    As he drew closer and closer to the school, more and more students appeared randomly. Some looked this close to losing their minds, and some looked like they were on top of the world. The school itself was kind of big with multiple buildings based on subject. Joy.

    Rolling his eyes, Sehun walked towards the front office and spoke with the first old person he saw. “Hi, my name is Oh Sehun,” Sehun paused and mentally cringed at his girly voice saying his name, “and I’m here for Jiyoon. We’re, uh, soulmates.” The secretary’s face lit up in understanding and she shuffled forward. She motioned Sehun to follow after her and he did.

    They ended up in an empty office and here, Sehun had to sit in an uncomfortable chair as a new old person walked through the door. He smiled kindly at Sehun as he stood to bow before he sat at the desk and pulled the mousepad closer to him. “Okay, let’s see here. Can I see your student ID?” Sehun stared blankly at him before reaching into his white backpack. His fingers grasped around for his wallet and when he finally found it, he plunged inside trying to find the ID. The old man just patiently waited.

    Once Sehun handed the small plastic card to him, the old man grinned. “Okay, here we go.” He began explaining the layout of the building and how to get to certain classrooms. He droned on and on to Sehun who honestly couldn’t care less. If he needed help, he would ask someone for it.

    “...and I’ll call her right down for you.” Sehun jolted a little and slightly panicked as the old man grabbed the desk phone and called the secretary. “Please, Mrs. Joon, can you bring Ms. Lee Aecha down here? If I remember correctly, Ms. Aecha and Jiyoon are close friends.”

    Sehun waited anxiously with the old man. Minutes later, the office door slammed open, startling both Sehun and the old man. “Ah, Ms. Aecha, always one for grand entries.” The girl just glared at Sehun, her chest heaving. “As you know, Ms. Aecha, Jiyoon’s 20th birthday was a few days ago. This here, is Oh Sehun, Jiyoon’s soulmate.”

    Aecha just continued glaring before she heaved her bag up her shoulders and threw over her shoulder, “Follow me.” Sehun scrambled up, cheeks flaming red, before he followed after her. He walked out before walking back into the small office to bow and thank the old man who looked very amused.

    As Sehun attempted to follow behind Aecha, he took in her appearance. She had long black hair with pink tips. She was wearing a white dress with a large leather jacket over it. Her nails were a ferocious red and her shoes had heels that were very, very high. Sehun looked down at his own appearance and then glanced at the other girls in the school hallway. A lot of them were dressed nicely and here Sehun was, wearing a baggy sweater and jeans. He sighed and abruptly stopped as Aecha stopped as well. She turned and smiled a large, gleaming smile at Sehun.

    “Hi! I’m Lee Aecha. Jiyoonie and I are best friends! Come on, I’ll show you to our first class. Maybe we’ll even see my boyfriend along the way.” Without a warning, the cold-looking girl hooked her arm with Sehun’s and started skipping away. Sehun noticed the other student’s look at the pair before looking away as if they were used to this kind of behavior.

    “Boyfriend? Do you mean your soulmate?” Sehun’s brows furrowed. If these two were best friends, that must mean that Aecha was around the same age as Jiyoon.

    “Nah. I think soulmates and all is totally overrated. So to spite the universe, I’ve been dating this really cute guy for a week,” she giggled. “But he’s a real jerk. So I’m thinking of dumping him and dating this guy from my chem class instead.” Sehun was slightly overwhelmed at the girl’s attitude but he didn’t even have time to be overwhelmed, honestly. People were starting to push each other trying to get to their own classes. It was like Sehun and Aecha were walking against a tide of the ocean.

    “Well, this is your first class, I think. Jiyoon’s such a nerd, wanting to be an OB/GYN doctor. Anyway, my class is down in the chemistry hall but I’ll be here to pick you up for your next class. Don’t leave without me! Byeeeee!” Sehun stood frozen in front of the biology class.

    Did she say… OB/GYN?



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loverofmanyidols #1
Check out my Recommendations Archive later in the week, I'll definitely give your story a shout-out ;)
Keep up the amazing work <3
princessjay #2
Chapter 3: Hi there! Stumbled on this very cute story. I can't wait to read more of Sehun and Jiyoon's story! :)
Seems interesting! I wish you luck :)