Chapter Two


Hi! Here's chapter two! I know it may seem a little slow in the beginning, but don't worry! I promise some more interesting things will start happening (especially to our dear Sehun).

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Jiyoon woke up to the alarm she had set on Sehun’s phone last night. She set an extremely irritating sound so that she could get up bright and early at 7 AM. She had a lot of things to do today.

Last night, Sehun’s mom had called and started talking to Jiyoon as if she were her son. Of course, she had no way of knowing that she was currently speaking to her son’s soulmate so when she did find out, Jiyoon had to hold the phone away from her ear in fear of losing her hearing on one side. After talking for a few awkward minutes with Sehun’s mom (most of the conversation going something like, “Are you sure Sehun is handsome? Because every time I look at that kid, I see him with new hair and the brattiest face ever. You know, back when he was in high school, his classmates would call him a ‘noodle’...”) Jiyoon went to bed under the nice, black silky sheets of Sehun’s bed.

Now, she was bright and ready to start the new day. First, she tried figuring out what was a facial wash and what was moisturizer. Then, she struggled with picking an outfit out from the wardrobe. She didn’t know a boy could have so much… style. Jiyoon (very awkwardly) took off her shirt first slowly, button by button. She was honestly very tempted to peek but decided it was a little too early to do that. So instead, she had her eyes squeezed while she hastily peeled off the shirt and threw on the long sleeve t-shirt. Unfortunately, that meant she put it on backwards but Jiyoon didn’t feel like leaving the house and besides; she was starting a new fashion trend.

The hard part of getting ready was changing her pants and.. ahem.. her underwear. Jiyoon couldn’t stand the feeling of not changing her underclothes as a girl and there was no way she was going to allow herself to treat Sehun’s body any differently. So, being the stubborn girl she was, Jiyoon searched around the tiny apartment for a pair of rubber gloves and thankfully found some under the sink. She pulled on the bright pink gloves and slowly ed her jeans and pulled them (along with the underwear, might as well get it all done in one go) down to her ankles. She’ll never admit it but Jiyoon peeked her eyes open just a tiny, microscopic little bit.

After getting dressed and eating a single orange for breakfast, Jiyoon sat down on the leather couch and the news. The news was always interesting to her because she could feel in touch with the rest of Korea and the world without leaving her home. She watched as the news anchor explained about an overnight fire spreading around a factory in Damyang, the weather, and about how to stay safe with all the ice on the streets and sidewalks.
    She turned off the TV and sighed, looking around the living room space. There was nothing to do unless she wanted to play a couple videogames (which she didn’t) or if she wanted to watch some shady DVDs that were in black cases. She wasn’t in the mood for sitting around though so Jiyoon stood and decided on sprucing the place up a little. First to go was the pin up girl poster and the many pieces of trash that littered the couch and floor. She tried to keep an open mind about boys but Sehun was making it very hard not to keep the stereotype that all men were messy.

While she had moved onto tidying up the kitchen, Jiyoon felt her stomach rumble. That’s strange. I just had breakfast almost an hour ago. Why am I hungry now? She tried shrugging it off but as time went on, her stomach started to practically yell at her. Glancing at the clock, she was shocked to see it was only about nine thirty. She sighed and trudged over to the fridge. She figured that another orange wouldn’t hurt anyone. Besides, this is extra vitamin C, isn’t it? However, she soon figured out that she couldn’t physically stop eating after just one orange. Her stomach wouldn’t stop and soon, she had dozens of tiny orange peels on the kitchen counter along with an almost empty carton of milk on the side. What’s wrong with me?

Forcing herself to put the little orange down, Jiyoon grabbed Sehun’s phone and typed into the search engine. Pulling up the results, her eyebrows furrowed. It said that men’s appetites were slightly larger than that of a woman’s mainly because of their natural body size and whatnot. She also found that it was okay and completely normal for a soulmate of the opposite to have small changes in the way they eat and even what they eat. It was all because even though the soul you have is your own, the brain and body is your soulmate’s. The article was rather confusing and very science-y so Jiyoon put it down and made her way back to the kitchen to clean up her mess.

A couple more hours later, Jiyoon found herself outside with an umbrella and Sehun’s wallet (with her shirt fixed, of course). She saw that Sehun lived right outside of Seoul and was conveniently located near various markets and shops closeby. She walked with the umbrella perched on her shoulder and stared admiringly at her surroundings. Sehun truly lived in a nice neighborhood. By the time she reached a little park with stairs leading down into it, Jiyoon felt her stomach rumble again. Sighing, she pulled the phone out of her coat pocket and checked the time. Luckily it was 1:23 PM which meant it was okay to grab some lunch. She decided on some street food because it smelled delicious and it was relatively cheap.

Thanking the ahjumma who sold her some fish cakes and was nice enough to give her hweori gamja (tornado potato on a stick) on the house, Jiyoon was on her way again. She stuffed the fish cake in even though it was hot and devoured one of four fish cakes. Currently, she was on her way to the supermarket to buy more filling foods and maybe a few snack items too. Snack items were something Jiyoon didn’t really enjoy because of a health documentary she had to watch in high school and learning what happens when you consume too much sodium and sugar was… horrifying to say the least. It had scarred her 17 year old self badly.

Jiyoon was too busy eating to pay close attention to where she was going and before she knew it, her foot had stepped flatly on the ice-covered stairs. She only had time to make a weirdly low pitched yelp before she came crashing down onto her , her delicious street food falling out of her hands and went tumbling down the stairs. Jiyoon felt her cheeks blush and she looked around hoping that on one had seen her embarrassing-

“Oh Sehun? Is that you? Yah, you brat, you told me you were gonna be busy this weekend! Yet here you are, taking a relaxing stroll around the park!” Jiyoon was startled to see a tall silver haired male start jogging towards her. He had big ears and he was very tall. Despite his slightly intimidating height, he had a large smile and he was waving his arms about like he was trying to flag down a helicopter to rescue him off a stranded island.

By the time the man reached Jiyoon, she had gotten to her feet and contemplated escaping but shook that thought away. That would be rude. Instead, she stood planted right at the top of the stairs and stared at the man in front of her.



Sehun moaned and sat up slowly. Barney was no longer sitting on his chest; instead, he was meowing rather pathetically at Sehun from the coffee table. His tail was flickering back and forth and he stared at Sehun for a while before he swished his tail once more and jumped down. Last night, Sehun had crashed onto the couch and stayed up late watching a popular TV drama. He didn’t know what time he fell asleep but he did and ended up getting a kink in his neck from the position he was in.

     He yawned and stood only to curse when his shin came in contact with the corner of the coffee table. Hopping around on one foot, Sehun made his way uneasily to the bathroom. Standing normally, he looked at the pathetic assortment of soaps and settled on the one that said ‘Facial Wash’. He sighed and felt a longing for something more but shook his head. First he had to deal with his soulmate butting in at bad time, then he had to discover her very strict instructions, and now, he had to wash his face with generic brand soap. What has the world come to?

     After washing up and changing (something he was unashamed of as he changed right in front of the mirror) he went to the kitchen and searched for something good to eat. Digging around the pantry room, he managed to find a pack of spicy ramen noodles and a package of chips. He couldn’t find anything sweet to balance out the salty so he decided on just eating a few slices of bread which he would toast. He definitely had some shopping to do later.

     Sehun looked around for a clock and saw it was 12:34 PM. Perfect time for lunch! He boiled a pot of water and opened his chips. He found a pair of chopsticks and he popped the bread slices into the toaster. He opened the fridge and saw a small carton of lemonade and shrugged, grabbing it and pouring himself a glass. Ten minutes later, his lunch was ready and already set out on the coffee table, the tv turned back to the channel that played dramas. He grinned like the Cheshire Cat and dug in greedily, ignoring the cat that was meowing even louder than this morning.

     However, after eating the ramen and a couple chips, Sehun felt like he was starting to feel full. He ignored that feeling however and continued his devourment of food and happily started munching on the toast. Twenty minutes later, he was done eating his lunch but he was having some serious regrets. His stomach felt like it was going to burst and he had to pee badly. As he started shuffling to the bathroom to relieve himself, he didn’t have a second’s warning as Barney hissed loudly and scratched at Sehun’s leg. “Ah! You stupid cat!” Sehun yelled and moved as if to chase the troublesome feline only for his socked feet to slip on the hardwood floor. He barely managed to save his soulmate’s face with his hands but he still banged pretty hard onto the ground.

     Sehun felt defeated and just lay there, face down on the floor for at least five minutes before the cat came back and sat on his back. Sehun groaned and tried wiggling around but Barney was stubborn and clung fiercely onto him. Sighing, he started rolling on the floor until he bumped into the wall next to the kitchen doorway. He angled himself better before rolling into the kitchen and only when he reached the cat’s food bowl did he stand up. He went to under the sink and pulled out the cat food. He poured a large amount of little kibble pieces into the bowl, not caring if it spilled onto the floor. The little devil of a cat could eat it like the animal it was.

     After putting the bag away, Sehun went back out to the living room and leaned back carefully onto the couch. He felt his eyes start to drift but before he fell asleep, he saw that it was only 1:30. He shrugged and shut his eyes, cuddling one of the frilly decorative pillows that was placed on the couch.

     Sehun woke up two hours later and he finally decided to start doing something with his day. He cleaned up his mess from lunch, glared at the cat, and even washed the dishes. After his responsible cleaning, Sehun went and sat on the bed. He was bored out of his mind and decided to just flop onto his belly on top of the sheets. He was thinking about what to do when he realized his hair was tickling his neck. Sehun pulled on the long, black hair and twirled it around his delicate fingers. He had a small smile on his face as he ran his hands through it only to yelp when it got caught. He was busy cursing at his soulmate when something yellow on the bedside table caught his attention. It was a post-it note. Ripping it off, he saw four numbers and jumped off the bed. He grabbed his soulmate’s phone and punched in the four numbers.

  Diving back into bed, Sehun celebrated the unlocking of his soulmate’s phone before scrolling through. She had messaging apps and an app for filtering selfies but… “What the hell? No Instagram?” To be honest, Sehun was obsessed with that app. He would spend hours upon hours with a small screen pressed to his face, just casually strolling through Instagram. His eyes narrowed before he went to the app store. He downloaded it and waited anxiously for it to finish.

His tongue was stuck out of the corner of his lips a little in concentration as he stared at the page for making an account. He didn’t know anything about his soulmate and to be honest, he felt a little bad. Sehun got up and spent almost thirty minutes trying to find the girl’s wallet only to feel stupid when he saw it was laying on her desk. He pulled out an old student ID from what must have been her high school. Jung Jiyoon. Birthday: December 7th. Height: 5’6”. Weight: 120 lbs. Blah blah blah.

Sehun started filling in the information for the Instagram and beamed when he was done. He took a selfie and used it as his profile picture before deciding to take another one. He cocked his head as he thought of a way to pose when a lightbulb went off over his head. He looked down at his shirt and ed the first two buttons. He ruffled up his hair a little and closed his eyes halfway. He snapped the picture and snickered. Damn, I should be a model. Without much hesitation, Sehun posted the picture and lay down on the bed, following anyone who followed him.

It must have been a time that everyone had break or something because after ten minutes, Sehun (well, Jiyoon, really) already had 40 likes on her picture. Sehun scoffed. It took longer for him to get that many likes but whatever. Sehun was having fun scrolling through the ‘Explore’ section when he got a notification from some follower. He opened it and read through the private message.

You’re pretty y baby girl.

Sehun’s brows shot up to his forehead. He had no idea what to do. He had personally never been in this situation (or he thought he never had) and didn’t know what to say. Should he thank this stranger or…?

But then it hit him. Some stranger was hitting on his soulmate. Sehun glared harshly and began punching back a reply.

Leave me alone, creep.’ He smirked at his cleverness and soon forgot about the message before another popped up. Huffing he opened it and saw the same person had replied back.

Ooh I like them feisty. maybe we should meet in person?’ Sehun exhaled deeply through his nostrils and sat up straight. This guy was seriously not getting the message. In his frustration and anger, he didn’t even notice Barney come and sit next to him.

I’m going to block your creepy if you don’t stop messaging me.’ Sehun locked the phone and threw it onto the blanket and waited for a reply. Not even a minute later, he got one.

y so rude? nvm, your a anyway.’ Sehun scoffed at the incorrect ‘you’re’ and almost corrected him like the sassy brat he was when his eyes honed in on the one word. … who does he think he’s calling a ?! My soulmate is probably the exact opposite of that revolting word! Sehun then continued to reply mean and sassy things, the other guy not even replying to them before Sehun finally blocked the user from seeing his profile.

After setting all that up, Sehun felt weirdly exposed. Pursing his lips, he decided. He went back to his own profile and deleted his y picture. Instead, he took a new one (with all buttons buttoned, even the very top one) and posed cutely with a v sign. He posted that one instead before locking the phone and staring at the cat.

Barney hissed at him and swiped a fluffy paw out before jumping off the bed and sauntered out of the room. Sehun only raised one brow before rolling over onto his stomach and, in a matter of a few minutes, fell asleep again.

     What an exhausting day.

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No chapter today, sorry! -csk_32


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loverofmanyidols #1
Check out my Recommendations Archive later in the week, I'll definitely give your story a shout-out ;)
Keep up the amazing work <3
princessjay #2
Chapter 3: Hi there! Stumbled on this very cute story. I can't wait to read more of Sehun and Jiyoon's story! :)
Seems interesting! I wish you luck :)