01 whatifs

Those Stupid 'What-Ifs' That Destroyed Me
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[CONTENTID1] 01 whatifs. [/CONTENTID1]

[CONTENTID2]  Her smile is my kryptonite. I lay awake at night, staring at the ceiling, as her smile flashes in my mind again and again. That smile. I sighed in content and discontent. Why did she have to be so beautiful? Why did it have to be me? Why, out of all people, did cupid choose to target me? I was fine without her. I was fine with the idea of living the rest of my life alone, without anyone there to break my heart. Moreover, a straight girl to break it. As the door opened, I mentally prepared myself for her usual greeting. Some people think it's completely normal, but I secretly wish she'd stop doing it.

"Seulgi, good morning!" She sweetly walked over to my desk and gave me the tightest hug. I felt warm all over, especially in my cheeks. My heart was weak towards her. I hugged her back reluctantly, like always. Although it was impossible, I tried to slow down my heartbeat by taking in long breaths and exhaling right after.

"Morning," I spoke when I was finally calm. She quickly retracted from me and gave me a weird look, "You're acting strange... are you sick?" She placed the back of her band on my forehead without even waiting for my response. As if it was an actual reflex, I flinched from her touch. I feel like I was being electrified every time she touched me. It's insane.

"No, I'm not. I'm just tired." I forced on a smile. She dejectedly smiled and wrapped her arms around my back, "Aw, I'm sorry. I hope this will make you feel better," She softly planted a kiss on my temple, making me turn red as a tomato. Please, stop.

"T-thanks." I gave her a half-genuine, half-weak smile. I might actually turn sick because of how weak she makes me.

That was the first time I realized my true feelings for her. Every time she would greet me like that. I wasn't sure at first, but when she mentioned the guy she liked, I knew. I knew I was on my way towards a devastating heartbreak. Because of a straight girl- yet again. I've only known Irene for about a year, but we act like we've known each other for since forever. But no, it's just her. She's so friendly towards everyone. I'm not surprised why everyone adores her in every way. Teachers want her to be their daughter, straight male students want to her to be their girlfriend, straight female students want to be her, heck, she has even converted some gay men to be straight.

And then there's me. I'm that one lesbian who fell for her. Even when so many lesbians decided to avoid her (falling for her), I decided to make a move on her. I befriended her, like a fool. I thought if we became close, she'd magically fall for me. But it doesn't work that way. She's straight, and she'll always be. Especially since that Song Mino exists.

"I like.. Song Mino." She shyly admitted to our friends. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. Song Mino. He's the complete opposite as I am. He's athletic, tall, handsome, kind, a total ladies man. I forced a giggle along with our friends. I , she smiled shyly at me, not even knowing my own feelings. This smile hid my broken expression. How could I be miserable? I should be happy. No one deserves her love except for Mino. Not even me, a coward.

Today was the day. Joohyun was sleeping over, the first time after she admitted that she liked Song Mino. I wasn't prepared. I planned to avoid her, but it just happens so that she has to sleep over. My parents were gone for a business trip, and as an only child, I decided to take advantage of my time alone. My own plan backfired on me. 

Relax, Seulgi. Nothing will happen. You've slept with her many times.

"But that was with Wendy and Yeri." I answered back to my own thoughts and made myself even more miserable.

Ding dong~

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Sir_Loin #1
Chapter 6: 💛💖
Poor Joy tho 😅
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 5: Sometimes, you gotta be bold, to rock Seulgi’s world
Sir_Loin #3
Chapter 4: Always love Joy in a SeulRene fic. I don’t know why. But anyway, this Joy was no exception
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 3: Nothing like a proper villain to push the story in the (hopefully) right direction
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 1: A fool in looooove~
saovanmai #6
Chapter 6: This is gorgeous the way you ended it hit different omg
Kaz012_ei #7
Ahhhhhh!! "I'm not any label" oh my... This is a beautiful piece. Thank you
OnceuHue #8
Chapter 6: Wow...... this is beautiful just beautiful