Chapter 02

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To my Dear B, who is there when I need someone...

 word count 1797



Lu Han stares out of the window, his eyes never leaving the mesmerizing beauty of the nature. The sea is beautifully turquoise blue with a twirling drop of bright green, shiny crystal flecks of the mighty sun dancing on the fluttering water, to the horizon and beyond. Soft waves are breaking at the shore; baked sand glittering in gold while sprinkling white foams greeting the land with a silvery touch. When one is too busy seeing nothing but his own complicated life, how much he misses, Lu Han muses. It is pitiful when human is oblivious to this, how much beauty is waiting there to be seen but gone everyday without admiration or appreciation.

Lu Han gathers his back pack. He is reaching his destination as the train slows down. It’s a small town with less attraction of the howling city crowds which he can never be grateful about more than he is now. Finally some peace to his overworked brain !

He steps out of the train, a contented smile blooming as he inhales surrounding fresh air that swirl with a pinch of saltiness. Lu Han looks at the phone screen, tapping the smooth surface to read the text message that is waiting, strolling along the platform. It must be from Yixing wondering whether Lu Han is still alive. He smiles at his best friends antics as the text momentarily capture his attention but that is until the very last moment he sees a girl running in his way.

In split of a second, the old fashioned suitcase that she was carrying, is dropped on the ground as she could not stop crashing into the boy whose mind already flashes the familiar memories of a few hours earlier. Lu Han twirls on his heels, the impact sending him spinning a half circle. His breath clogs in his throat for a second.

It is her.

The girl he admires for her simplicity, for her tender manners, for her innocent beauty, for her unconditional love for her dear beloved. The girl who never left his mind through the entire journey, slowly building her own palace in his heart.

Lu Han crouches to the ground, gathering her scattered belongings back to the case. She apologizes from him softly with an embarrassed smile, her shy orbs down casting to the ground.

In the mere seconds they spend, basking in each other’s presence, Lu Han steals glances at the girl, his doe eyes filled with sheer amusement. Her puffy cheeks are painted in a deep rosy hue, flawless skin otherwise fair in complexion. She purses her plump lips as if she internally blames her childish stupidity of crashing to this young man, humiliating herself. But Lu Han thinks she is adorable in her clumsiness.

Closing her case shut she stands up thanking Lu Han, bowing him. As she brushes her long brown hair back, coyly smiling, her eyes crinkle into crescents. Lu Han smiles back tilting his head a little, as she leaves, small unhurried steps carrying her slim figure away from him. He feels an unknown yet familiar flutter in his heart. Blinking to himself Lu Han turns to take his leave but stops to capture a picture of the retreating back profile of the girl.

Later as Lu Han roams in the streets, he wonders about the chances of meeting her again. He smiles to himself, his mind flashing her soft features, her delicate voice. His heart somersaults at the mere thought of seeing her again. He feels like the teenage high school boy who tries to win his crush, a light blush blossoming in his cheeks. He laughs aloud shaking his head, trying to pry his wondering mind from swirling around the unknown girl. He is here to spend his time leisurely, not to comply his mother’s nagging of his lonely life, about the lack of love.

Lu Han walks listening to the chirpy birds’ singing, sedating his mind to a serene bliss. Trees stand along the road, curving their branches, merging with each other, crafting a thin canopy as if to hide his porcelain skin from the late morning sun. But still golden rays stream through, as emerald greens rustle to the spring breeze, creating minute doorways to kiss him softly.

As a familiar fire burns his stomac

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BlackAshes #1
Chapter 3: I like how you're explaining everything that happens in the mv and create emotional links to what the characters could be feeling during the time. Like the comparison you make in the beginning with losing someone. Also I enjoy how creative you are at describing the physical appearance of them and the Objects, like the brooch.
But my favorite line was " Her mellow voice that once sang honey to his ears was now a heart wrenching weep that echoes in his ears." It really contrast how one thing can feel so different depending on the circumstances. Her voice was something that sweetened his life when they were together, and now that they're apart it's painful to remember. That's some really great writing, honestly.
Thanks for updating, it was the fluff I needed to feel sickly sweet today, haha.
_Han77 #2
Chapter 2: ARGH!!!!! IT WAS VERY LOVELY! Thankyou author-nim! ToT I never thought it will be more lovely when you fill in the scenes that are not in LuHan Pormises video. MAIGAD! ☆☆☆☆☆ FIVE STAR FOR YOU! Oh btw, im listening to his Promises song while reading this, it was more emotional for me ToT And goodluck for the next chapters♥

p/s: I love the part they were under the same shade. both of them were shy :3 aww~
BlackAshes #3
Chapter 2: Aaww... I can't, I'm at a loss of words.
It's too brilliant and it doesn't matter how many times I've said it, I love how unique your writing style is.
Chapter 1: Oh my God! This is so deep! I've seen everything as you described!
Talented! I love it! ♡♡♡♡
BlackAshes #5
Chapter 1: I really liked:
"Auburn shades of the falling dusk scatter into the ground, painting the room with a lonley hue of silence."
"... tired hazels observing the illustration..."
"A drizzle meets the summer evening, only to ignite the unspoken sadness,.."
"... his soft browns dimming with a lingering sorrowfulness."

And this part was really meaningful:
"... soft diciton and sweet words, revealing that the generation gap will never be able to taint the solid place she reserves in her heart for her grandmother."

I also liked how you described that using his mobile phone aided him in conserving a picture to treasure as a memory. Really nice.

Oh, and:
"... the girl who pinched his heart, leaving an aching wound."
"Lingering misery in his browns doesn't hide the torment he tries to swallow alone." Man, I love how you wrote that. If it were part of a song, I'd love it too.

Yes, I did take the time to copy word for word, I wanted to show you how brilliant you write, and these were parts that really stood out for me. I would've written more, but then I'd just be copying your whole story into a small comment box, haha.
Seriously, you have a natural talent for poetic prose and I am so glad to watch how it blooms.

PS: I aslo think that about the color black -not the same exact idea, but normally when I use black clothing, I get comments of looking 'too dark', 'colorless' and 'not youthful'. I always disgress, for I feel most colorfu in black. Since black absorbs all the energetic wavelengths of the visible light, by wearing black I'm wearing all the colors at the same time.
BlackAshes #6
Chapter 1: OMG! I can't even... no, like no.
This isn't fluff, this is pure poetry and it made me loose myself into the words.
I can't come up with something accurate to display how much I loved the writing style.
I need some minutes to recompose myself, 'cause damn this is amazing. And I don't mean it in a supportive friend way -who says things just for the sake of friendship- No, this was, is too damn beautiful. The use of metaphor just awed me.
_Han77 #7
fighting authornim! looking forward the story! ^^