Chapter 01

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Hello dear.

Well even though I told that I wouldn't be updating until December, I thought I would do that today. I think you will like this. My writing style is bit unique to myself, I hope you wouldn't get confused.

Thank you.


Present time : written in black Cambria.

Past time : wriiten in blue Cambria.

Word count : 1105



Ashen shadows grow darker around the edges of the serrated wheels, as they glide on the brown margins of the depiction on the parchment surface when time ticks, turning minutes into hours. Auburn shades of the falling dusk scatter into the ground, painting the room with a lonely hue of silence. Lu Han dips his head deeper, his tired hazels observing the illustration of the tiny metal elements on his phone screen, sweeping the screen with pads of his thumb and index finger, amplifying its pixels. The internal arrangement has to be completed with a clear-cut accuracy. Every infinitesimal piece possesses a significant impact on its entire creation. Lu Han knows. The stack of papers with various diagrams and scribbles sitting on his desk, assortment of metallic objects and collection of tools surrounding him are a soundless scream of his commitment and efforts.

Lu Han scrutinizes the metal wheels and screws through an eye piece that magnified his view. Placing everything in order is a difficult and challenging task. His neck muscles are burning and drooped shoulders cry in agony for the much needed rest but obstinate attitude of the youth is bursting from his every single move.

His attention is diverted to the outside world by the pitter patter of the rain drops. A drizzle meets the summer evening, only to ignite the unspoken sadness, thumping softly on the glass door. Lu Han’s hands still as his mind wanders to the past, his soft browns dimming with a lingering sorrowfulness.



Spring mornings are beautiful and shiny, breeze softly gracing the city with a tinge of floweriness.   

Lu Han smiles to his own chirpy self, his mind planning ahead of what he would do. It is just a three day vacation from his exhausting occupation of an electrical engineer, materialistic yet challenging employment and he needed this moment in his life once in awhile. Mentally thanking his boss Kris Wu’s generosity of forcing him to go on a break to energize his ruffled stressful brain, Lu Han stands on the platform checking his wrist watch.

7.00 a.m.


His black hair dances as wind gently brushes past him, swaying his dark blue coat. His white attire underneath the coat pleases himself though, his best friend, Yixing’s idea of clothes for a holiday is full of rainbows. Lu Han reminds how Yixing told that Lu Han is monochromatic with white or black as a definite choice of color in his sense of fashion. But for Lu Han, white is a symbol of serenity and Black is the mixture of every existing color, which is, for him, represents the life.


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BlackAshes #1
Chapter 3: I like how you're explaining everything that happens in the mv and create emotional links to what the characters could be feeling during the time. Like the comparison you make in the beginning with losing someone. Also I enjoy how creative you are at describing the physical appearance of them and the Objects, like the brooch.
But my favorite line was " Her mellow voice that once sang honey to his ears was now a heart wrenching weep that echoes in his ears." It really contrast how one thing can feel so different depending on the circumstances. Her voice was something that sweetened his life when they were together, and now that they're apart it's painful to remember. That's some really great writing, honestly.
Thanks for updating, it was the fluff I needed to feel sickly sweet today, haha.
_Han77 #2
Chapter 2: ARGH!!!!! IT WAS VERY LOVELY! Thankyou author-nim! ToT I never thought it will be more lovely when you fill in the scenes that are not in LuHan Pormises video. MAIGAD! ☆☆☆☆☆ FIVE STAR FOR YOU! Oh btw, im listening to his Promises song while reading this, it was more emotional for me ToT And goodluck for the next chapters♥

p/s: I love the part they were under the same shade. both of them were shy :3 aww~
BlackAshes #3
Chapter 2: Aaww... I can't, I'm at a loss of words.
It's too brilliant and it doesn't matter how many times I've said it, I love how unique your writing style is.
Chapter 1: Oh my God! This is so deep! I've seen everything as you described!
Talented! I love it! ♡♡♡♡
BlackAshes #5
Chapter 1: I really liked:
"Auburn shades of the falling dusk scatter into the ground, painting the room with a lonley hue of silence."
"... tired hazels observing the illustration..."
"A drizzle meets the summer evening, only to ignite the unspoken sadness,.."
"... his soft browns dimming with a lingering sorrowfulness."

And this part was really meaningful:
"... soft diciton and sweet words, revealing that the generation gap will never be able to taint the solid place she reserves in her heart for her grandmother."

I also liked how you described that using his mobile phone aided him in conserving a picture to treasure as a memory. Really nice.

Oh, and:
"... the girl who pinched his heart, leaving an aching wound."
"Lingering misery in his browns doesn't hide the torment he tries to swallow alone." Man, I love how you wrote that. If it were part of a song, I'd love it too.

Yes, I did take the time to copy word for word, I wanted to show you how brilliant you write, and these were parts that really stood out for me. I would've written more, but then I'd just be copying your whole story into a small comment box, haha.
Seriously, you have a natural talent for poetic prose and I am so glad to watch how it blooms.

PS: I aslo think that about the color black -not the same exact idea, but normally when I use black clothing, I get comments of looking 'too dark', 'colorless' and 'not youthful'. I always disgress, for I feel most colorfu in black. Since black absorbs all the energetic wavelengths of the visible light, by wearing black I'm wearing all the colors at the same time.
BlackAshes #6
Chapter 1: OMG! I can't even... no, like no.
This isn't fluff, this is pure poetry and it made me loose myself into the words.
I can't come up with something accurate to display how much I loved the writing style.
I need some minutes to recompose myself, 'cause damn this is amazing. And I don't mean it in a supportive friend way -who says things just for the sake of friendship- No, this was, is too damn beautiful. The use of metaphor just awed me.
_Han77 #7
fighting authornim! looking forward the story! ^^