Invitations are in Order

Sit, Ready, Partner.

YoonA was speaking on the phone when a knock came at her door, it was a delivery boy.

- “A package from Dating Agency Cyrano, to Im YoonA”

“SooYoung’s flyers”, YoonA thought.  – hey, wait a sec” she said to the person at the phone

- “Thank you” She signed the boy’s chart and he was gone.

She resumed her conversation while opening the package

- “By the way, guess who was here today?”

- “Thick eyebrows?” The woman at the phone said and YoonA laughed at the nickname

- “No, it was chocolate abs”

- “What! Minho went to see you? that ungrateful brat said he was too busy to meet me!” 

- “Yes, but it wasn’t a social meet up, he brought a girl with him”

- “What? Who? Are they dating, oh my god  I will so much about it”

- “No, no. it was a colleague, although I don’t know if they are dating. Stop jumping to conclusions!"

YoonA was reading the flyer when suddenly a smirk formed on her lips, she went around the shop hanging the flyers.

- “Hey Tiffany, what are you doing this Friday?”

- “Hmm well, I have to finish the draft for my review of this wedding place, and that’s about it, why?”

- “Well, speaking of dating, want to come to a speed dating event?”

- “You are going to a speed dating meet up? Wow, you go YoonA”

- “Not me!” she snorted, now flustered, she was dating someone already

Tiffany was laughing, YoonA spoke again trying to be nonchalant while putting up one flyer on the notice board at the first floor

- “That’s why Minho was here actually. The woman, SooYoung, booked the place for a speed dating event this Friday so I am inviting you, keeping my part of the deal, you know, promotion and whatnot”

- “I don’t know, it’s not been that long since I got out of a relationship” she sounded hesitant

- “Nobody says you have to date immediately, just to know other people. y, free and single, ready to mingle”

Tiffany laughed again, YoonA was being ludicrous today, but she actually thought about it, it could be done

Yoon on her part was placing a flyer in the counter next to the tip-if-you-want jar

- “Alright, it can be fun”

- “You will?”

- “Why are you surprised?”

- “ I was just joking”

- “So now I can choose not to go?”

- “No, you said you are coming!”

Her excited holler almost scared a person entering the coffee shop. She put a flyer on the door

- “YoonA, you are lucky we are family” Tiffany said pretended to be sad about the fact. – “What time is it?”

- “It’s 6: 27 pm, why?”

- “I meant the event!” Tiffany chuckled - "what are you doing? you sound distracted?"

- “Oh! 8pm, but according to the flyer you have to pre-register, I’ll send you the email of it, and i am hangin up the flyers as we speak”

- "Well that explain it all" Tiffany snikerd 

- "dont make fun of me when I am busy" the cutesy voice came out, sulking.

- “Okay. Wait did you say 6:27!? Crap, YoonA I have to go. I forgot I have to pick up box of cupcakes for the Editor's birthday, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

- “Okay, Bye! Drive carefully!”

They hang up. YoonA approached a table and gave a flyer to the customer so they could spread the word, and then she went back to her office.


Tiffany was a simple woman, or so she liked to believe. She enjoyed challenges too, so why not, really? Speed dating was going to be a challenge but she likes that, nothing to worry about.

She checked the hour on her watch 6:45pm, just the right amount of time to go get the cupcakes and bring them back for the small party her colleagues were throwing for the Editor in Chief. she put on her red coat, and got out of the office

She got into her car and drove away, six months more and she will have finally paid in its entirety a very nice looking red BMW Mini Cooper.

She arrived to The Pink Bouquet 20 minutes later, thank god for light traffic.

YoonA recommended this place saying she once ordered a cake from this restaurant that it was to die for, so she always ordered her birthday cakes here, always.

The interior was pretty, shades of pink but not aggressive to the eyes. It had an elegant feel to it without being too formal. The tables were arranged at both sides of the entrance, the farther you went the intimate and small it became, it was perfect for privacy. She turned to her right to the counter

- “Hello, what can I get you?”

- "Hi, I made an order of red velvet cupcakes under Tiffany Hwang’s name"

- "Of course, wait a minute please"

The first thing Tiffany noticed when the girl turned around and left, to the kitchen apparently, was her hair, it was tied in a ponytail and the tips were like the leaves in autumn season, it suited her very nicely.

The second thing she noticed was the flyer lying on the counter. A dark red that became lighter towards the center. The blunt white letters declaring



A Night of


& other affairs






Pre-registration required! Visit: AgentDateCyrano.GG

Registration Deadline is October 29th


FRIDAY, Oct 30th at 8pm


58-27 Generation St

“DISCLAIMER. Dating Agency Cyrano is not responsible for behaviors of individuals or coordinating any further networking amongst participants, nor will distribute any personal information about those who choose to participate in this event”


Tiffany read the whole flyer and by the time she was done, the counter girl was back

- “A box of red velvet cupcakes, for Tiffany Hwang, that would be $30.50”

Tiffany gave her the money and hesitated for a moment but decided to ask

- “Ah thank you.”  She squinted at the name tag in the girl’s shirt.

– “Ah Seulgi, Is it alright if I take one of these with me?” Said Tiffany with a smile and pointing at the flyers

Seulgi grinned – “Yes of course”

Tiffany got out of the restaurant, at the door she bumped into someone but didn’t stop to look, only saying a quick sorry and getting to her car, she had 30 minutes to go back at the office and deliver the cupcakes

When she arrived at the office she got an email of YoonA, a picture of the same flyer she had grabbed at The Pink Bouquet. She laughed out laugh. 

She went to the website and registered for the event.

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Jennshire #1
Chapter 3: I see you've added Taeny in the tags. Very smooth. I was expecting TaengSic and you have to ruin my hopes? Why breaking my heart? I guess I'll have to go to this speed dating event so I can actually go and date Taeyeon then ah. Hmm anyway. I really hope you update soon cause I need to know what happens next okay? Good.
Ok... Hope taeny will meet smoothly hehehe...
Sooyoung + dating agency will be so funny and exciting hahah.. Nice author :D *thumbs up*
tipco09 #3
Chapter 3: wow! I don't think we have this type of service in my country. It sounds interesting. TaeNy are bound to meet. i'm eagerly awaiting what will happen next.
Verbal-Crack #4
Pretty good vibe coming from this story lol and the speed date sounds like its gonna be fun
Jennshire #5
Sooyoung will get fireeeed