The Place?, The Plan!

Sit, Ready, Partner.

Picture this. A cozy office, with a warm looking brown desk and chairs with oranges and yellows like autumn, inside an office. On the top of the desk there’s papers and notes with numbers and addresses. On the papers, list of people’s names. There’s a woman with long wavy light brown hair sitting behind the desk, a phone to her ear, she’s pleading on the phone and her free hand searching through her desk.

- “Yes, I understand there’s an event, but I made this reservation two weeks ago, you can’t cancel now!”

She was trying to remain calm, throwing a fit was not professional, and neither would help her situations at the moment.

On the other side of the line an apologetic male voice spoke:

- “We are truly sorry, it was our mistake for misplacing the dates for this even. We will give you back the deposit for the booking of the restaurant“

“God, what I am going to do? This event is in three days. Where am I going to find another restaurant with the right atmosphere for this”. The woman thought while the man kept on apologizing

- "Very well, I will pass by on the afternoon"

- "Once again we’re very sorry about the confusion"

- "Yes, you already said that, sir"

She hang up, placing harshly the phone back in the receiver and then proceeded to groan into her hands. 

- “Useless employees! Now I look like the useless one!” She took deep breaths and quickly started to look for another venue

– “Well no more grumbling about this, I’ve got to find a new place quickly”

She looked at the list of all the places she rejected for not having the atmosphere she wanted. Well, time to swallow her pride, she though and dialed the first number.A restaurant.

- “Thanks for calling to The Pink Bouquet, this is Wendy speaking how can I be of service?”

- “Hello, this is SooYoung from Datinf Agency Cyrano, I am looking for a venue for an event, a speed dating event. I want to know if this Friday at 8pm, the restaurant may be booked for it”

- “Oh! Speed dating! How exiting.”  

The voice of the girl was certainly eager, also cheerful and nice. “- Seems she actually likes to answer the phone”.

- “This Friday you say, let me check…”

The line went silent for a minute or so and SooYoung was mentally pleading that it was, indeed, available. The reason she had scratched this place from her list was, besides not having the “right atmosphere”, that it looked too Valentine’s Day. With all the pink around. Don’t get the wrong idea, it was a beautiful place, just not the place for this particular event, at this time of the year. If it were February, for sure she would had chosen it, but it was October, leaf times; not hearts and chocolate times; though chocolate has no season.

After all the musing, the cheerful voice at the other side spoke again

- “I am really sorry but it won’t be available, it’s already booked for a Halloween party. However, the next Friday it is available!”  the girl Wendy actually sounded sorry for it

SooYoung let out a sigh

– “I see. But no, it doesn’t work for me, thank you anyway”.

 The girl quickly said have good day and SooYoung hang up.

A couple of silent seconds after she looked at the list again and called the next number, usually a wedding’s place, “it will do”. The phone rang and rang but no one picked up. SooYoung let out a frustrated groan. Next one on the list was a fish food restaurant, no, she won’t dial that one.

She called to the wedding place again. It rang four times. Whilst SooYoung waited for the phone to be picked up she chanted in a whisper “please pick up, please be available” over and over again in desperate manner, until finally the phone was answered

- “La Porte du Ciel, this is Krystal speaking”.

The person sounded a bit agitated, and the greeting was French, that was new.

- “Hello, this is SooYoung from Dating Agency Cyrano",

- "Hello miss what can I do for you"

- "I want to know if the place may be booked for a speed dating event, this Friday at 8 pm.”

- “I see, unfortunately, the place is been renovated so we can’t rent it, I am really sorry ma’am” said the woman, hesitation evident in her voice

SooYoung wanted to scream

- “I see, alright,  I understand, thank you”

- “You are welcome, have a good day”


SooYoung huffed, were all the venues and the universe conspiring against her? It sure looked like it.

Next was a bar, “to hell with the atmosphere then”, she thought

- “Show Girls bar how I may help you” a man answered the line.

SooYoung hesitated for a second – “Eh… yeah hello, this is SooYoung I want to know if the place is available for booking this Friday.”

- “Hello, Miss SooYoung, please wait a moment, let me speak to the manager” there were voices in the background but not one she could understand

- "Hello this is Siwon speaking, what time would this event be, and how many people are going to attend”

SooYoung wildly looked for the paper with the list of people’s name,  

-“around 20 people. And it needs to start at 8pm until 9:30 pm. Just one hour and a half” she said to the man

- “I see. unfortunately  at that time we have an event of our own going on, I am sorry but I don’t think it would be possible”

- "I understand, thank you for your time”

SooYoung hang up, she put her hands on her temples and stared blankly at her desk.  “The event is in three days, I need a place! I can’t do this on the street!” Then a wild idea appeared – “or maybe I could!”, but as quickly as the idea  came it was disregard.  “Am I crazy, that’s way more work and money, I can’t do that, I have a budget”

 She lifted her head and went to the place where you find most of your answers-the internet.

She searched for locations there.

She was already dialing a new number when her colleague in this project entered the office

- “SooYoung, where’s the list of people for the event, I am going to the printer for the name tags

- “Oh yes, here”. She handed one of the list, not even once looking at the man, after checking it was of the right event and date. No way she would make another rookie mistake and mess things up like her fist event.

Minho studied SooYoung for a second, she was visibly stressed, also had not looked at him once. It was worrisome, the woman was usually sunshine

- “Alright, what happened now?” He said taking a seat on the chair in front of the desk, and crossing his legs

SooYoung finally looked at him and let out a sigh before speaking with annoyance, still irritated by her phone conversation with the restaurant

- You know how I had found the perfect venue for this event?, well it turned out there’s an event in the same place, the same day and time and I had gotten the slot by mistake because the desk person mixed the events. And the other event got the place first. So now I have to go to the restaurant and take back the money and find a new place! Oh also the event is in three days!

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and started to count 10…9…8…7…

- “did you call to The Pink Bouquet, they are always available”

- “Oh gee how did I not think of that?” SooYoung with a serious expression

- “Okay so you called, I get it, don’t look at me like that“

- “You don’t understand. This is the second time I am in charge of the speed dating event. the first time I messed up”

- “Yes, I know”

- “How do you know, you can’t know, you are new here” SooYoung felt embarrassed suddenly

- “People talk a lot around here, also I like to listen” Minho smirked

SooYoung made an annoyed face – “Of course you like it”

They fell into silence. SooYoung back to her computer looking for places. Minho was deep in thought, which was rare, and then he made a triumphant gesture with his hand.

- “I know another place we can do it. But it’s not the “atmosphere” you want though”

SooYoung eyes brightened at his words. She eagerly got up from her seat almost knocking down the phone and said “I will take anything at this point” 

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Jennshire #1
Chapter 3: I see you've added Taeny in the tags. Very smooth. I was expecting TaengSic and you have to ruin my hopes? Why breaking my heart? I guess I'll have to go to this speed dating event so I can actually go and date Taeyeon then ah. Hmm anyway. I really hope you update soon cause I need to know what happens next okay? Good.
Ok... Hope taeny will meet smoothly hehehe...
Sooyoung + dating agency will be so funny and exciting hahah.. Nice author :D *thumbs up*
tipco09 #3
Chapter 3: wow! I don't think we have this type of service in my country. It sounds interesting. TaeNy are bound to meet. i'm eagerly awaiting what will happen next.
Verbal-Crack #4
Pretty good vibe coming from this story lol and the speed date sounds like its gonna be fun
Jennshire #5
Sooyoung will get fireeeed