Chapter 11

Falling In Love With The Tutor

Vernon still in shock. He couldn’t digest everything that he just received. He woke up with his mother and father together with his aunt crowding his bed. He couldn’t remember much on what had happened last night. He just woke up with some hurts on his face, arm and-oh well let’s just said his whole body was in hurt at the moment. His mother asked his aunt to leave them alone for awhile. The words that keep spilling from his parents mouth were still fresh in his mind. 

He now acknowledge that he and Yifan is engaged. He is his FIANCE. All of these things are complicated than his exam and he told his parents to stop because he still need times to digest everything in. WHAT AN ACTUAL BANANA THAT JUST HAPPENED. How come he just know all of these things now? 

“You see, honey, me and your father didn’t lie about the job. Yes, your father got the job but it was due to next week. We are going early because we want to give you and Yifan some times to adjust yourselves together. I know this was hard to explain but we thought that this is going to work. We all believe in you. Me, Us, Yifan and both of the families.”

“But then, after all of these things that happened, we couldn’t decide anymore regarding these matters. Yifan has already told us everything. He is outside, he want to talk something to you.”

After listening to what his parents told, he just look at them walking outside and after a few seconds, Yifan enter the room and lock the door behind him.

Vernon look at him. But he could tell that Yifan that he is looking in front of him was another Yifan. He is not looking at Vernon. He just standing over there in front of the bed. He didn’t dare to come any closer. The smile that Vernon is missing a lot now no longer plastered to the man face. Yifan clenched his fist with his eyes looking somewhere else.

“I am sorry. For everything. For keeping this secret from you. I have made a promise with your parents and please don’t be mad at them.” Yifan stuttered sometimes. His tone is full of seriousness. Vernon didn’t like this. Yes, he is mad about all of this arranged marriage things, but still-he couldn’t be mad at Yifan. He want him to look at him in the eyes like the way he did before. He was the one at fault.

“I have told your parents everything. Nothing good came out from this one month. I told your parents that you are still young to decide all of these things and maybe I am not a suitable candidate for them after all.”

“I will tell your parent to cancel this marriage and they don’t have to worry about my family either. I will explain to them everything. We shouldn't have put all of these things on the first place.”

Vernon felt like a sharp knife was stabbed deeply onto his heart. He could felt the sadness and the regret in Yifan’s words. He want to jump from the bed and hug Yifan and told him that it was ok, he was at fault since the beginning. But he couldn’t . He just felt too guilty and Yifan’s words just make him more guilty than he ever did.

Yifan then tilt his head up and look at Vernon for the first time during that moment. Both of them was looking at each other.

“The moment your parent asked me to be your fiance, I was suprised as you are. I mean, how can I be someone fiance and a high school student of all that. Your mother told me what kind of person you are and not to mention how rebellious person you are. They choose me because they know they could trust me on this. At first I was just asked to be your private tutor and at the same time getting to know who you really was”

“Looking at what kind of person you are, I wonder, how come this bad student could be my fiance? You wouldn’t listen to me. I almost gave up at first until your mother asked me to keep you accompany for a month. Spending my times with you has changed me. You have changed me. Little by little I started to fallen in love with you. I tried my best to keep on holding by this one side love and hoping that maybe you will change.”

Vernon could see that Yifan’s eyes started to turn glossy and he sometimes stuttered as he was holding his tears.

“Well, I was wrong. You told me I am not important. So that’s it. I gave up and here we are.”

Vernon want to talk but he couldn’t. He then realise how a big loser he is. This guy In front of him, has tried his best to hold on into this arrangement. He then realise how bad he is that he made Yifan already gave up into this.

“I will be going back to China after this. Thank you for everything.”

All of sudden Vernon felt like his body turn cold. Does that mean he will no longer could see Yifan? Wasn’t that what he want after all of this time? He finally got it. He will no longer see him and his life will turn as it usual is.

No. No. NO. He don’t want this. He need to admit that he like this tutor of him and he don’t want to let him go. Vernon tried his best to get up and reached out to Yifan as the man is going out through the door.

“No, Wait!P-please-”

“Vernon? Vernon? A-Are you alright?” Yifan quickly rushed to Vernon who is suddenly mumbles in his sleep like a mad person. It has been a few hours since Vernon has been lying on bed after Yifan send him home. A panic strike Yifan with Vernon’s sudden reaction. He look at Vernon who is wet with tears and sweat all over behind his body. Yifan then pick him up and let him lean on him while Yifan hold him like a hugging position and let the wind pass through Vernon’s backside.

“Is he alright?” Beckah asked Yifan as she look how terrible Yifan was at the moment. After sending that boy home, he couldn’t stop but to be worried because the boy hasn’t wake up since then. They already called the home doctor and he already perform all kind of things that he need to Vernon with all of the aids, the doctor assured them that the pain might take some times to heal but it will with some proper rest and with the help of the medicine. Yifan couldn’t stop blaming himself on all of the things that has happened.

“Yifan, has Vernon already know about the things between you guys?” Beckah asked softly while sitting on the other bedside looking at them.

Yifan just couldn’t help but to felt guilty again because he made the promise between the families that he will keep this as a secret until Vernon finally graduate from high school. But now, everything was exposed.He slowly put back Vernon on his bed and brush his hand over Vernon’s tear.

“Yes, he did. I am sorry I couldn-”

“No. It’s alright. It wasn’t your fault. Stop blaming yourself.” Beckah quickly stop him. She know everything happen for reason. She actually glad that Vernon already know this secret because looking at how rebellious that kid is, it must be hard to handle later on. She turns her head facing to Yifan.

“You see, it was a good thing that Vernon finally realise the state that he was in. Sooner or later, he will find out about this. You Yifan, it was all up to you. You could save this arrangement or just break it. Now you know what kind of person he is, do you still you could handle this kid as your fiance?”

Yifan could just stare at her deep and look back at that sleeping figure in front of him. He know he loves him. He loves him very much. His precious one. But does the latter loves him back? Does they exchange the mutual feelings? He kept on thinking the answers in his mind and finally gather his courage to answer Beckah. He turn his face to her.

“I have made a promise and I won’t break it.” At that moment Beckah smiles to him as she sense the seriousness and the courage from Yifan.

“I know this kid was something else but I will stick with this decision. He is my fiance and I will taking care of him until he stated something else later on. I could break and create this arrangement but Vernon also has his side too. As long as he didn’t said himself about cancelling this marriage, then I wouldn’t let go of his side. I-I love him and I still do.”He stuttered.

Beckah just couldn’t stop smiling with all of these words. She knew that Yifan was a perfect candidate to be Vernon’s fiance. He has everything that every person need in life. She knew that he could change this boy one day and he did. The moment she is living in the house, she could sense that Vernon was somehow quieter than he ever did before. He sometimes lock himself in the room. Back then, he would join his aunt dancing in the living room but not this time. She hold Yifan’s hand,

“I know you do. Don’t worry about his parents and yours. I already talk to them. They actually relieve that finally all of this secret are out. Now it was up to you to tell everything to Vernon, ok? I believe in you like I-we always did.” With that Beckah left the house and let Yifan to take care of Vernon.

Yifan has a very hard time explaining things to S.coups who kept on asking him the same question all over again. The same goes to his friend, Sehun. Both of them keep on sending message to Yifan demanding the real answers. It was all complicated at first with all of the arrangements and so on but thank god Sehun was a really thoughtful person so it was easy to explain things to him. Not for S.coups. Probably because he was still young and he wouldn’t understand a thing about arranged marriage. But one thing that Yifan sure know about this guy was he is really a loyal friend. His last message leave a deep meaning to Yifan,

From: S.coups guy.
Body: What ever the things that happens to both of you right now, if you ever dare to make Vernon sad or something, I.WILL.NEVER.LET.YOU.GO. You hear me? :D
But knowing what kind of person you are, I know you could take a good care of him. JUST. DON’T.DO.BAD.THINGS.TO.HIM. Plus, what the heck is problem with you and that Joshua guy? Creep.

Yes. One thing that he still couldn’t forget. Joshua. How could him. He should have known that guy was not nice after cheating on him. But for him to went this far? That Joshua has changed so much. Yifan lost in his thought when suddenly he heard Vernon mumbling again in his sleep. He immediately rush to Vernon.He wonders when will this nightmare stop. That boy must be in deep hurt and traumatize with everything that just happened.

“N-No..”Vernon mumbling. Yifan just keep on caress Vernon’s head in case it would ease the pain in his sleep.

“HUFFF!!” Vernon suddenly let out heavy gasp as he was out of breath and open his eyes. Chest heaving upside down, gasping for air. This sudden action shock Yifan at the moment. He quickly cupped Vernon’s face.

“Hey-calm down, everything was alright now.” Yifan try to control his voice not to sound panic. Vernon rounded his eyes trembling and look at Yifan for seconds when he suddenly jump out and hold Yifan tightly. Yifan just stare blankly with the sudden action. He caress Vernon softly behind.

“Shush.. The nightmare’s gone. Are you ok?”

“I-I am sorry.” Vernon let out his shaky voice. Yifan still lost with Vernon’s sudden gesture, Like seriously? This kid? Hugged him? Not in million years Vernon would do that. But what is it that in front of him?

“I am sorry for everything that I have done. I am sorry for skipping the lesson and I am so sorry that I drag you all the times into fighting and stuff and-” Yifan tilt Vernon’s face up so that he could stare at him. Oh how he miss that beautiful eyes of him and that long lashes.

“It’s ok. You don’t have to feel sorry about it. I forgave you a long time ago. I was so so worried about  your body. How are you feeling?”

“No. I am sorry for being such a brat kid. Just-Just don’t go.” Yifan tilt his head to the left because he don’t understand what was the kid trying to say.

“What are you saying? I am not going anyway. I am here-”

“Just. Please. Don’t go somewhere else. I don’t know why but not being able to meet you again scared the life out of me. I want to see you again. I want to be able to meet you again with the lesson and all. Are you going to leave me?” Vernon shot his innocent yet full with fear sight to Yifan.

Yifan couldn’t understand what is happening to Vernon or what was he thinking at the moment but one thing for sure, this child got a serious nightmare that made he change upside down like this.
He cupped and caress Vernon face softly and take a deeper look at the face in front of him.

“Vernon, I won’t leave you. I will be here and I will take a good care of you. It was my mistake to leave you on just like that and seeing you hurt like this really got me mad for leaving you. What’s wrong? What kind of nightmare that you had,hm?” Yifan asked him caringly.

Vernon hugged him tightly.

“Answer me one thing.”


“Am I really your fiance? Are we getting married?” 

They both exchange their stares to each other. This is the moment of truth. Yifan need to tell the truth to Vernon. Everything. But he concern with Vernon’s condition at the moment, he won’t be able to take everything in one go. He is still a boy after all. Adult business would be difficult for him to handle.

“You see Vernon. I am sorry for keeping this huge secret from you after all this time. It was a long story and I am afraid you couldn’t take it with your condition right now, so. Yes. We were engaged. A long time ago. Without your concern. It was a families matter. I am your fiance and so do you. I am here to take a look on how was my fiance look like,”

“It take a lot of courage to be patient with you. You are something else, Vernon. You are still a high school student and I am afraid that everything will fall apart. I tried my best to make sure that you are comfortable around me and the moment I thought that I did, well I was wrong. You didn’t look at me as the way I thought you would.”

Vernon look down and snuggle closer to Yifan chest.

“I am a student. What do you expect from a boy like me?” Yifan chuckled hearing Vernon mumbling onto his chest. He could feels the pout at the end of the words even though he couldn’t see it.

After a few seconds Vernon loosen his tight grip on Yifan and start to lean his body on him slowly.
“Gi-Give me some times. I know I am stupid with this adult matters or whatever it is. So please. Do-Don’t cancel this marriage. I will try my best to be your umm-well, ughh whatever flower words it is!”

Yifan couldn’t stop from adoring this new side of Vernon. Who thought that the nightmare has changed Vernon to accept this marriage. His cheek hurt from smiling all the time.

“It’s fiance or fiancee” 

“Yeah. That. That word. I felt sick. You owe me so much stories. You need to tell me everything when I feel a little bit better.”

Yifan caress Vernon back softly. That’s it. He relieves that everything has been told and thank god this child actually accept him even though he still look like he lost.

Vernon got a serious fever the next day. After talking with his aunt, Beckah agreed to let Yifan take a good care of Vernon for a mean time. Fever Vernon was a new Vernon. He is quite clingy and sometimes act like a spoilt child-always want some attentions but other than that Vernon spent most of his time lying on bed and he let his ear out for all of Yifan stories from how he got into this marriage until who the heck was Joshua. Like how Vernon is, he gave zero f to that orange hair guy.

Yifan on the other hand kept his hand busy for Vernon. Sometimes Sehun will come to accompany him.

“Here, your lunch. Serves in bed as just the way you want it.” Yifan carefully place the plate on the bed table while place himself at Vernon’s side.

“My face hurt,”

“I know.”

“My arm hurt also,”

“Yes, I could see the bruise from here.”

“My stomach felt like I was just stabbed,”

“Yap, that was quite a punch you got there,”

“My whole body was hurting me.”

“You don’t say?”

“No! Seriously Yifan!” Vernon kick inside the blanket.

Well, that was the first time Yifan heard Vernon calling his name and he couldn’t stop but to feel all bubbly inside. Yifan gave him a smile and pretend to be all confuse.

“That was not the way you should treat a wounded person! You just made me even more sad!” He pout. Vernon whines was the cutest things ever. Together with the fever pad plastered on his forehead. Yifan still couldn’t believe on how Vernon could change hundred percent different from before. How he wish Vernon could always stay like this.

“I thought you were my fiance! Wait… is fiance should treat each other like this?” Before Vernon get the whole idea wrong, Yifan quickly correct him into the right path. Gosh Vernon in fever was the dumbest thing ever.

Cutest + Dumbest thing ever.

“Hahaha. No, Vernon. I am just playing around with you. These adult matters are too soon for you to learn now. You will gain it eventually when you were adult yourself.” Vernon with his low eyes gaze tilt his face-confused but at the same time curious.

“But-But we will getting married after all, right? So-So why don’t you just tell me?” Vernon with his already flushed face because of the fever turn even more redder by his own question. 

OH MY GODDD. HOW CUTE CAN THIS LITTLE KID COULD BE?? okay.. Clam down Yifan, you could handle this. You were fine. You just need to restrain yourself from doing something inappropriate to that kid such as- okay okay he really need to calm himself now and get back to his sense. Plus, this is Vernon in fever that we are talking about. He might lose this cute side of him went he got all better so why not cherish this moment while he can?

“You see, Vernon,” He scoot himself closer to Vernon.

“Let just finish your lunch first before it cold and about this matters, I will tell you more when you finish high school and enter into adult world, okay?”

He received a pout from Vernon but the boy just listen to the advice and start eating his lunch.


“Will you continue to be my tutor again?” Vernon asked Yifan after he settle down for bed. Just ate the medicine and his eyelids are getting heavy. He forgot to asked that this morning because he just lying on bed and sleep all day and he think now would be the best time for him to ask regarding this lesson.

Yifan just finish tucking him on bed slightly tilt his head.

“Well, I guess so? I mean if you want me to?” Vernon quickly hold Yifan’s hand which is on the blanket. Vernon suddenly remember the nightmare that he got last night and he didn’t want that to happen in real life and how he got stuck from saying the things that he wanted to.

“Just leave that orange hair guy and teach me instead.” He now slowly close his eyes as the effect of the medicine take over.

“You leave me in my nightmare and I can’t afford losing you twice. Scared. I am sorry…I promise I behave…Just stay…” With that he got sway with dream and sleep.

Yifan stare at the beauty face in front of him. How he adore him the moment he saw him. He love this guy and he will always be. Although Vernon told him to stay but he wasn’t sure whether Vernon told him that because he like him or just because of the lesson. Yes, Vernon did stated that they will get married to each other but he wasn’t sure whether it is because of the effect of the trauma things and the fever making him couldn’t think perfectly or he seriously means that.

Oh god. Please make this guy love me too.

Yifan was about to walk away when suddenly Vernon’s hand was grabbing his shirt. He wonder since when does his hand tugged into his shirt.

“Oh well, I guess I should spent a night here then.” With that, Yifan tugged himself under the blanket and lying beside Vernon. Slowly he put his arm under Vernon’s head as a pillow and let Vernon lean closer to his chest.

He kissed Vernon’s head and sleep.



Yifan sprang to life at his fiance’s sudden scream. He saw Vernon quickly hold his blanket up to his chest to cover himself even though he still got his shirt on.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED!!??” Vernon asked while screaming like his life depends on it with his rounded eyes he shot his stare at Yifan

Oh well, I guess he is off the fever now. Yifan rubbed his face and hair. Still sleepy.

“YOU-YOU you… ERT!” Vernon still cover himself and slowly get himself to the corner of the bed.

This is going to take some times explaining. Yifan really frustrated on how Vernon react sometimes. Where does the last night’s Vernon gone to? He miss that version of Vernon already. Now he need to be careful with his words or else this kid will gone mad again.

“It-was nothi-”

“NO. I knew it! I knew it you are a ert! Just get off my bed!”

“OK,ok.” Yifan get off from bed and combing his hair with his hand while tidy up his shirt.

“I couldn’t believe this! How could you- I mean how DARE you to SLEEP ON MY BED right BESIDE ME!”

Yifan could only left a deep sigh. He got no right to talk about it now.


Yifan snapped and started to think a better idea. Teasing Vernon a little bit wouldn't hurt right?

“You hate me? Well I guess I should leave then… and asked your aunt to come back…and I will just return to China and-”

“NO! STOP! I didn’t mean that kind of thin-”

“But you just did. You really hate me, huh? Then I am leaving-”

“NO. Just. No. STOP IT! UGHHHHHH I FREAKING HATE YOU RIGHT THERE.” Vernon let out his frustrate hormone and throw a pillow to Yifan which is sadly not even reach him. He hate this hormone of his. He hate his tutor but he didn’t want him to leave. Well, he just admitted that he did has fallen to Yifan at the moment the tutor leave him.

Yifan just chuckled at Vernon funny behaviour. He leans at the door frame while crossing his arm.

“Come on, Vernon. Just admit that you actually like me instead of hate me.” Vernon snapped and shot his famous glare to Yifan.

“I did not!”

“Well, that’s funny because yesterday you just told me that we are going to married so-”

“NO WAY-NO IN FREAKING WAY- I said that!” Vernon try to defend himself because he couldn’t seem to remember anything when he was on fever.He did remember about the fiance thing. That is why he hate fever or maybe it was because of the traumatize effect making him forgot some of the memories while in dizziness. But there is no way he did said that.

“Sadly, you did. You hold my shirt last night that’s why I stayed in this room because you didn’t let me go and told me to stay. You even told me you actually like me.” Yifan try to control his face not to look so fake because he loves teasing Vernon and the reaction was priceless.

“No way. I.did.not.” Vernon stare blankly. couldn’t believe of what he just heard. There is no way he would said that. Or did he? It was all so blank. He just couldn’t remember. Screw fever.

“You did Vernon. Well actually,” Yifan slowly left the door frame and walk closer to Vernon and crawl himself onto the bed and pinned Vernon into the wall.

“You need to get used to me sleeping beside you everytime you woke up. We are going to get married anyway, fiance.” Yifan shot his most flirty smile ever to Vernon who is now widen his eye with the sudden words. Then it snapped Vernon on what actual things that just happens.

Vernon hide himself under the blanket. Must not show his precious blush to that ert-blonde man.

“ughhhh-I hate you!”

“I like you too, fiance.”

Thank you to all of my lovely subscribers. :D Comments below on what you feel about this story. Do you like it? What was your first reaction about this odd couple? Me? I LOVE THEM. MY PRECIOUSEEE.

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thank you so much for writing this story!! u have bring out my secret ship and make it reality!!! i really love them n this ship and i really love you!! i hope you can continue on this fic and i wish you all the best!! fighting!!
Chapter 15: It's so cute. Please, I really want to know what happens next. They are so perfect
Chapter 15: It's so cute. Please, I really want to know what happens next. They are so perfect
akiko-4i #4
Chapter 12: Vernon so cute and dumb, why he can't say it he love our y Kris *^O^*
Please author -nim update soon