History repeating


Walking towards P'Nam, Earn feels his heart beat faster and faster. Nam blushes and looks down. She looks so pretty when she blushes. Earn always loved Nam, he could not move on. Whenever he reminds himself of past memories of their time together, Earn gets dragged back in to wanting to call her, contact her and just to get close to her. 


"Hey Earn"

"Nam, i didn't expect you to be here. You look... Beautiful."

" thanks Earn. You look pretty good yourself. I see Pete is here too." Nam waves back to Pete, Pete takes a short second before waving back with a closed smile. "how are you?"


"I'm good, I'm really good actually, I'm getting much better." Earn pauses before confessing "I miss you Nam."


Surprised, Nam blinks a few times before agreeing with earn. "I miss you too". They both smiled at each other as they share a intimate moment.


"Nam....  you made me so happy." Earn didn't care about how cheesy he sounded, he has been dying to tell Nam all these feelings everyday for the past 2 years. "all i know is that I need to be with you. I need you in my life. I feel like a piece of me is missing and i think its because your not in my life anymore."


Nam avoids Earn's eyes and tries to take in all of his words.

"can't we start again?" Earn asked

"I don't know....."

"do you want us to try again? I am. As long as you say yes, I'm happy to do anything to make our relationship work."

Nam contemplates in silence then reaches out and grazes Earn's right hand as if in silent agreement. "I feel the same"  Earn looks at her hand and gently entwines her fingers with his. Her hands are petite, round and it fits snuggly next to him. He remembers the touch of her hands and how well it fits in his, but he frowns as niggling in the back of his head, Earn still feels like it doesn't fit as perfectly as he thought it would. Earn bats away these confusing thoughts and reminds himself of how luck he is to have Nam back.


Earn pulls Nam towards the nearest table, he wants to keep her by his side. At the same time, he looks around for the first and only person he wants to share his happy news with. But Pete's disappeared.

"Earn, who are you looking for?" Nam wondered as she looks around with him.

"huh? Oh nothing, um.... Do you want a drink?" I'll look for him later.


The night went on, Earn and Nam caught up about what happened the past 2 years. They both agreed that although they still feel the same about each other, they would go slowly as it was difficult for both of them to get over each other. It was mostly Nam that wanted to take it slowly, but Earn didn't care. He finally had the love of his live back, he promised himself that he is not going to miss it up this time.


Earn watched out for Pete throughout the night but could not find him anywhere. When Nam went to spend sometime with Nong Nan and her other friends, Earn took the opportunity to go look for him. He asked around to see if anyone else saw Pete, but everyone said no. Just as he was about to be worried, Film replied "oh Pete? I saw him going outside with Fee."


"Thanks Film!" Earn walks quickly towards the main doors. He was excited, he wanted to tell Pete the good news and he needed to do it now. He made his way outside and looked around. He turned left and walked around the building to see if he could find Pete. He walked for 5 min around the building and reached a corner, the lights were dimly lighted but Earn could just make out a silhouette of two people.


"Pete?" Earn whispered. Earn doesn't know why but his voice naturally lowered in volume, somehow he felt like he shouldn't be there. Stepping closer and closer to the silhouettes, Earn freezes. His mind goes blank and he thinks he is dreaming. This can't be true, he wouldn't..... I must be seeing things wrong. I'm imagining this. "Pete?"


Earn could hear shuffling and hurried steps. Fee untangles himself from Pete, his hands shrink back to his sides and in to his pockets. Pete turns away from Earn, wipes his lips, buttons his shirt and straightens the collars of his suit. Taking in a deep breath, Pete turns back to Earn and relies " yeah, what's up Earn?".


I didn't see wrong, it is Pete and he was kissing.... FEE?! Earn replays what he saw in his head, Pete was leaning against the wall, one knee bent whilst his hands rested in his pockets. Fee's finger were twisted in Pete's hair, holding Pete's head in place. Whilst his other hand sneaked under Pete's shirt, exploring Pete's smooth stomach. All this time, Fee was attacking Pete's mouth, tasting Pete's tongue and his bottom lip like its sweet candy. The most confusing thing to Earn was that Pete responded.


"I'll see you later Pete." Fee senses the tension between the other two and calmly left them to it. Earn didn't stop him, he was too shocked to move.

"yeah, see you later." Silence falls between Earn and Pete, only sounds of cars, passer-by and crickets filled the empty air. Earn can't take his eyes off Pete and Pete can't make contact with Earn's prickly eyes.


"did you just..... Did I see you" Confused, Earn slowly walks towards Pete. "Are you together with Fee?"

Pete still avoiding eye contact, looks down at the ground " why didn't you tell me? And Fee?! Really? FEE?"


Finally Pete breaks his silence, he calmly rebukes "Its none of your business." Seeing Earn making a step towards him, Pete takes a step back.


" how is it not my business? Your my best friend! If you would tell anyone, you should tell me! Really Pete, FEE?" Earn retaliated.


"Earn, stop saying his name like that, so what, Fee takes care of me." Pete glared at Earn "Its none of your business Earn." Pete sighed " but no, I'm not with Fee. We went out in the past but it ended quickly, we were just ..... catching up."


"with your tongues?!!" Earn shouted. Pete rolled his eyes at the immaturity of his friend. "also, you never told me you were gay! Why didn't you tell me?" Earn carried on shouting. "how could you not tell me? Your the closest friend i have! Why didn't you tell me?"


Pete stayed silent and took another step back as earn moves towards him.

"Pete tell me!"

Pete tries to control himself, he squeezes his hands in to fists and takes another step backward.

"Pete, stop backing away from me, tell me! Why?"

Pete takes another step back and can feel the concrete of the walls tightly press behind his back. He's reached the end of the alleyway.

"how could you Pete?" Earn shouted one more time. Trying to force Pete to reply.

Holding on to his last bit of control, Pete bites his lips to keep quiet


"I TOLD YOU!" Pete screamed back. At the end of his tether, Pete couldn't hold on to himself. He felt so angry with Earn. He had no right to talk to him about this. "I told you EARN! Don't you remember?"


Earn, shocked, has never heard Pete scream so loudly and had never seen him so angry. He backs down immediately and tries to recollect when Pete told him. "I..I ...I don't .... I can't remember a lot Pete. I lied, i said i can't remember the year before the gang attack, but honestly, i can hardly remember the year after the attack. Its all so fuzzy."


Pete's anger drops and he calms down after hearing this. "I didn't know that. Why didn't Noh and Phun tell me?" Pete gives earn the same sympathetic look everyone else gives. It makes Earn feel hopeless and pathetic, so he averts his gaze.


"how much are you not telling me about your condition?" Pete asked. Earn rubs his hands as he continues to avoid Pete's gaze. "how bad has it been?" Pete continued. Earn sighed. He doesn't like to think too much about how his life has been in the past few years. It gets too painful. 


Looking at Earn's pained facial expressions and his shoulders drop, Pete heart burns with sympathy. Its just too much for Pete to bare, he wants to take all of Earn's troubles away. Slowly, he moves towards Earn with each step and reaches out both of his hands to cup Earn's face. Hands tingling as he touches Earn's skin, he gently tilts Earn's face up, lowers his head and places a tender kiss on Earn's soft lips.


They stay there for a while, confused, Earn frowns as he stares at Pete's face, which was within millimetres of his. Lips still connected, Earn finally realises what's happened and pushes Pete away, hard. Pete accidentally trips and falls back. The concert wall hits his back hard with a thud before he slides down towards the ground. It hurt, but Pete was ironically happy, because it mimicked how hurt he felt inside.


"What the F**k do you think your doing? I'm not f**king gay! I'm with Nam!" Earn spat and wiped his mouth against his hand


Pete bows his head, he doesn't even attempt to get up and rests his arms on his bent knees. He laughs to himself quietly at first, then he get louder and his laugh becomes more sarcastic. "ha ha ha, Yeah...." Pete wipes away tears before they fall and becomes quite for a few seconds before saying " that's what you said last time."


"Look i know i liked Noh, but that doesn't mean......Wait, what did you say?"

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Griffin88 #1
This is an amazing story. It is so heart wrenching. You have to update. Earn has to remember before it is to late. Pete and Earn belong together. Please update soon.
Cutengern #2
Please x4 update ..... I going to die .... So sad ..... Please update .... I'm waiting for you to update this story ..... Really good story ....
RaineLove #3
Chapter 10: OMG TTT^TTT I cried alright... Please update soon XD I need more Earn/Pete in my life, since the series ended and Ngern/August haven't been together lately (sigh)
Miss_Pumpkin #4
Chapter 10:
Miss_Pumpkin #5
Chapter 10: That's way too saaaaaaaad.......
Chapter 10: It's been a while since the last update, I hope you have not dropped this. Looking forward to the next chapter.
leenaleewitch #7
Chapter 10: I didn't need my heart anyway
basqui #8
Chapter 10: Eu tomei como " rotina " olhar a pagina e verificar se houve uma atualização. Espero que o autor voltar aqui e nos deixe um presente . Um novo capitulo.
MrMythJr #9
Chapter 10: This actually made me tear up wow I can't wait to see how this all turns out keep it up