Kyuhyun's evilness and Donghae's suspicion

My journey


Still in Yesung’s P.O.V


‘Ahhhh’ I yawn. Sungmin and Hyukjae are still training; Sungmin still can’t control his ice phoenix while Hyukjae is trying to control air to speed up his movements.


I finished my training, I managed to control Leeteuk’s mind and could control him but I’m still weak at it. Leeteuk also doesn’t want me to push myself; I’m born with a weak body that why.


There is nothing for me to read too. Where did my turtle hide?


Ah~ found you my little turtle~ hiding in the bath tub is not good.


Let’s chat~


Author’s P.O.V

Really Yesung can talk to his turtle, he can read minds right? Even turtles have a brain right? Kekekeke

Author’s P.O.V ends


(Let’s just skip to the next morning~)


Sungmin’s P.O.V


Aishi!! That Cho Kyuhyun! Messaged me yesterday in the middle of the night to inform me to wake him up today. Not just a morning call but to go to his house to wake him up! He pisses me off!!!!!!!!


I left a note on the fridge and left with a sandwich in my mouth. Kyuhyun messaged me his address and I totally have no idea where it is. I rode on a taxi instead but…


“What do you mean you won’t go further on?” I asked the driver.


“This place is full of vampires and for your information, I’m just a normal human driver” the driver replied.


“I’m human too…” I told him.


“I’m sorry boy, please walk there yourself because there been cases whereby drivers entering this street and never came back”.


I sighed and pay the driver and walk off.


While I was searching for that ‘holy’ place that Kyuhyun lives, I hear some murmurings and it sends chills down my spine.


“He looks tasty”


“Puffy cheeks, my type”


“Pale skin~ ohhhh look at that hint of pink on his cheeks”


“Look at his neck~ it’s calling for me”


“My vampire instinct are tingling~ I drank animal blood for years, maybe it’s time for a change~”


These comments scare the hell out of me! but what can I expect? I’m in a street full of vampires! I speed up and finally reach my destination. Kyuhyun’s house…no it should be Kyuhyun’s MANSION, it’s huge!


I gulped and rang the bell. The door creaked while someone opened it. An old man opened the door. “Morning sir, perhaps you are the one that stained Master Kyuhyun’s shirt am I right?” he said.


“Morning…and yes” I bowed.


“He told me about you, second storey and walk down the corridor. It’s obvious which room is his and call me Old Man” old man said and walked off.


Old Man? Weird name…


I walked down the corridor and found a door surprisingly caught my attention. “Open the door if you don’t want your life” I read off the sign on the door. This sarcastic sentence tells me this room is Kyuhyun’s.


No just joking…beside this sentence were pictures of Starcraft. That’s how I know this room is Kyuhyun’s.


I open the door and found Kyuhyun sleeping soundly on the bed. His position is very funny, it was like this 大. I couldn’t help and laugh while using my hands to cover my mouth.


I shake him a little but he continued to sleep like a log so I shake him harder and harder and harder till he fell off the bed. I rush over to him to see if he is alright and he sure was. He is still sleeping…


Did he eat a whole bottle of sleeping pills? I sat on the floor beside him and stare at him sleep. I give up…then…I smell food. Ah! Old Man can help!


I ran to the source of the fragrance. There he is!


“Old Man! I can’t seem to wake Kyuhyun up. What should I do?” I asked him.


“Threaten him” Old Man replied while he flips some pancakes.


Threaten him? How?


I walk back to Kyuhyun’s room and thought hard. Threaten him with what?


Then I heard Kyuhyun mumbled something, “I will kill you! you stupid alien..”


Alien?....a light bulb lights up on my head, I knew what to do!


I stood at some distance away from Kyuhyun and shouted, “If you don’t wake up, I will crash your PSP and Starcraft into pieces”.


And like magic, Kyuhyun jumped up and shouted, “Don’t!”


But when he notices it was just me, he just grumbled and ruffled his hair and walked to the bathroom, leaving me staring into space.


What am I suppose to do now? I pouted and sat on the floor and look at his room. His room is huge and can use some cleaning. Black here black there, it could use some pink. Where I was thinking how to improve his room (A/N: Destroy), Kyuhyun came out from the bathroom with only a towel over his waist. I didn’t expect him to have abs.


“Drooling over my body?” he said sarcastically.


“I have my own” I mumbled and look down while he dresses.


After he dressed himself, I followed him to the kitchen and wait for him to eat finish. He didn’t even say anything to Old Man when Old Man greeted him. Most importantly, what am I suppose to do?


Old Man gave me an apologetic look and I smiled to him. It’s not his fault, it’s mine.


After Kyuhyun finished his food, he looked at me and said, “Oh, you’re still here? I didn’t know”.


My jaw drop, what in the world is he thinking?!


“Come on Old Man” he ordered Old Man while I sat there speechless.

Kyuhyun sat in the car while Old Man got ready to drive. Ok…what about me?


And off they went. Tears well up my eyes, I’m alone in a strange place. Memories come flashing into my mind. Mum…Dad…Hang on! I shouldn’t be crying!


I’m not alone, I have my lovely and weird Hyungs and I better hurry to school before Leeteuk Hyung scolds me.


I retrace my steps and saw some familiar vampires. Oh no…they are the ones that said those comments. I speed up to avoid them.


Then I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turn around and found a man with golden eyes smirking. Is that drool?


He smirk wider and I saw his fangs. I screamed and ran for my life. I use my power, air, to speed up.


I turn around again and saw a bunch of vampire after me. I use my power again to give them air pressure to slow them down. This is not how I want to start my day!


I ran and suddenly a car stops in front of me. The door open and I heard a familiar voice, “Jump in”. Without hesitation, I sat in the car and off we went.


I look at the driver and he smiled at me.




“Good Morning and I ‘m sorry that Kyuhyun caused all this trouble. I saw the rampage and wonder what happen and I saw you running” Siwon exclaim.


“You save my life, thank you” I thank him.


He just smiles and continues to drive.


“I know you want to make friends with Yesung, but you don’t know how” I tried to start a conversation.


Siwon just smile. “Yesung is special to all of us. It took me a long time to be able to call him Yesung” I continue.


“Only people that Yesung is close to, is allow to call him Yesung. So I suggest you call him Jongwoon first. Both of you have a common point and that is reading, try using that as an advantage to get close to him. Yesung won’t hurt you even if he feels uncomfortable, but we do. So I suggest you take it slowly”


“That’s a lot of tips, thank you” Siwon look at me and show his famous dimple smile when the traffic light were red.


Switching to Hyukjae’s P.O.V


Sungmin left early for Kyuhyun, Yesung left early for books so what do I do?


I left early for dancing! The morning air is always so cooling and it makes me want to dance. Yesterday’s training was hard. Sungmin and I put our heart into training, we have to get stronger and protect our love ones.


In the past we failed to but this time we will. We will kill Killer with our own hands but of course with some help from the Hyungs.


Ah~ Alone in the dance studio is the best! I took off my school shirt, leaving a white wife beater on. I don’t want my shirt to get sweaty.


I dance A-Cha and let the music lead my heart. After dancing, I heard the nature telling me that Donghae is at the door.


I turn my head to the door and there he is, leaning against the door smirking at me.


“Showing off your milky skin? Are you trying to seduce me?” Donghae question and walked towards me.


“I did not!” I retort back.


Donghae just stares at me while blood slowly gushes to my cheeks.


“You look familiar” Donghae stated.


“If you never notice, I’m in the same class as you” I said while putting on my shirt.


“No…as in…you look familiar with Hyukkie”


What in the world is Donghae saying?


“When I was younger, when the Red Immortals were alive, they came to meet my father. They brought along their son. He had beautiful red hair but I’m sure he has no memories of me but I do because I’m a vampire, I mature faster. We play together while our parents were talking. He was the most beautiful guy I ever seen but…now…I don’t even know is he alive or not” Donghae said with tears welling up his eyes.


We played together? I…fishy…Fishy! I do have memories of him! Now that I think about it, I play with a boy that I nicknamed him Fishy. But luckily Donghae doesn’t recognize me. Man...I can’t believe that nice Fishy is this playboy Donghae. That is one big chan-


“You look like Hyukkie…you have the same name as Hyukkie...but you don’t have red hair” Donghae continued but his tears are gone.


“Because I’m not this Hyukkie you know” I said and left.


I can’t afford to let him know I’m Red Immortals’ son. I have to stay low and train because…there might be a chance that Killer will come back to kill me and Sungmin.


No one’s P.O.V


Donghae looked into the mirror, “There is one more thing that you have that is the same with Hyukkie, your jaw line, and it’s similar with Hyukkie. As for your hair…you can always dye it. Lee Hyukjae, just who are you?”


And here is another chapter! Enjoy and remember to comment!


@cloudy91: I know it's so cute!

@ShawolCassieElf : Yesung is cute right? And presenting you *drum rolls* Eunhae~ with a cherry on top XD

@niayesungie: What is the comment Yesung said lastly? (>.<) Everyone is blushing~

@cloudy_28: No one can deny Siwon's charm! Glad you found the chitting part amusing!

@donghae1111: come and join us to squeal for LIVE Yewon!

@Junghwaaaan : Imagine yourself talking with your friend mentally, that will be awesome! No need to whisper or past notes! Of course Donghae loves Eunhyukkie's milky skin, even i do...I'm jealous of his milky skin!

@saff_h : Everyone is having a good laugh! XD

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402 streak #1
Chapter 24: huh? wait... where are you author-nim? why aren't you here anymore? I want that next chapter button T^T
402 streak #2
Chapter 22: wow, Yesung said that??? really? the shy shy shy Yesung? XD
402 streak #3
Chapter 21: Haehyuk ❤️❤️❤️ I personally don't care about pairing that doesn't include Sungie LOL but Haehyuk so cute!
402 streak #4
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Oh no, misunderstood huh 😭
402 streak #5
Chapter 18: Finally yewon ❤️❤️❤️

I feel something's wrong about Taemin 🤔 please don't make him a bad guy 😭
402 streak #6
Chapter 17: Well, that didn't go well 😭
402 streak #7
Chapter 16: Just confess already Siwon!!!! Don't make me slap your head! 😂
402 streak #8
Chapter 14: OH!!!!!
402 streak #9
Chapter 12: Oh? Who's this new dance member? I can't wait to click that next chapter button >__<
402 streak #10
Chapter 10: Geeez, Sungie had bad childhood memories too T^T poor him T^T