
My journey


That very same afternoon, all the students rush off home to say hello to their beds. However, some students continue to stay in school.


Siwon had asked Sungmin to pass a message to Yesung. To meet him at the corridor of the science laboratory where students hardly go.


Sungmin’s P.O.V


Pushing my beloved Hyung to meet his crush! He seems very nervous and worried. But I know Siwon for some time now, I know that he won’t hurt Yesung and he loves him so…nothing bad will happen right? But my eyelids kept twitching…something bad will happen but I hope it only happen to me, not my hyungs…


Ah! There’s Siwon better get ready to leave; don’t want to be a lamp post.


Sungmin P.O.V ends


Suddenly, Yesung and Sungmin stop in their tracks. Yoona, one of the school’s prettiest girls had her leg over Siwon’s, exposing her thigh….and was kissing Siwon.


‘So this is his answer to me huh?’, Yesung’s voice echo into Sungmin’s mind. Sungmin looked at Yesung with worry, then he saw something crystal like.


A tears roll down Yesung’s cheeks, he turn his head and ran off. “Yesung Hyung!” Sungmin shouted and getting the attention of the other two. Siwon pushed Yoona away and ran after Yesung in high speed.


Sungmin’s P.O.V

Siwon please catch up with Hyung…I had never seen Yesung Hyung cried so sadly before, please explain what happen to him. I just want to see Yesung smile…. “WHY!” a irritated screech echo the corridor. I looked at Yoona with pity, guessing from her reaction. She must have force herself on Siwon and got rejected when Siwon went after Yesung. This vampire sure has thick skin….


Why is she glaring at me like that? Why is she walking closer to me? Why is she opening ?


Sungmin’s P.O.V ends


“KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” yoona screamed and the glass around them cracked and flew everywhere except Yoona. Sungmin covered his head and he felt himself been covered by something warm. Suddenly everything went silent, “ouch….”


Sungmin looked up and saw Taemin using his body as a shied for Sungmin. Glass pieces were all over Taemin’s back, blood dripping down. “Sungmin…you alright?” Taemin asked while his vision getting blurry. “Taemin! Stay awake!” Sungmin shouted while carrying Taemin. Suddenly Taemin’s body was not on his back.


“K-kyuhyun…”, Sungmin whispered. “Lets go to the hospital”


Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s hand and held tightly and speed run. About a minute, they were at the hospital. Taemin was in the surgery room while Kyuhyun sat on the chairs and played on his PSP and Sungmin walked in circles.


Suddenly Sungmin stop and looked at Kyuhyun. “Why were you at the corridor?”


Kyuhyun pause his game and look straight into Sungmin’s doe eyes. “Who did you think stop that Yoona from screeching….you were too busy with Taemin to even realize I was there” Kyuhyun answered.


Sungmin looked down as though his feet were interesting, “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean too” he apologized. Kyuhyun stood up and walk towards Sungmin; their bodies were very close, they could feel each other’s warmth and breathe. Kyuhyun reach out to Sungmin’s face and gently touch him. Sungmin flinched and looked up, blushing a little as he realizes he was looking at a different side of Kyuhyun, the caring side.


“You alright?” Kyuhyun asked in his husky voice, Sungmin blush even more and just nod his head. “You can stand further away now….” Sungmin mumbled. Kyuhyun frowned and walked off, “after know Taemin’s condition go home ok?”


It sounded more like an order then a question.


Hello~ I'm back again! double update! but I know it's not enough to please you guys...i kinda let you guys down...i took MONTHS to update, MIANHEYO! comment please~i found the picture cute so i put it here~ the picture doesn't belong to me! All pictures never belong to me.....T.T

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402 streak #1
Chapter 24: huh? wait... where are you author-nim? why aren't you here anymore? I want that next chapter button T^T
402 streak #2
Chapter 22: wow, Yesung said that??? really? the shy shy shy Yesung? XD
402 streak #3
Chapter 21: Haehyuk ❤️❤️❤️ I personally don't care about pairing that doesn't include Sungie LOL but Haehyuk so cute!
402 streak #4
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Oh no, misunderstood huh 😭
402 streak #5
Chapter 18: Finally yewon ❤️❤️❤️

I feel something's wrong about Taemin 🤔 please don't make him a bad guy 😭
402 streak #6
Chapter 17: Well, that didn't go well 😭
402 streak #7
Chapter 16: Just confess already Siwon!!!! Don't make me slap your head! 😂
402 streak #8
Chapter 14: OH!!!!!
402 streak #9
Chapter 12: Oh? Who's this new dance member? I can't wait to click that next chapter button >__<
402 streak #10
Chapter 10: Geeez, Sungie had bad childhood memories too T^T poor him T^T