Poor Sungmin, Poor Hyukjae and a blushing Yesung?

My journey


The Author’s P.O.V


The next morning started with a blast, literally. Heechul surprised Hankyung again and Hankyung ended up breathing out fire again. They had to drag Sungmin from the bathroom to put out the fire. Where’s Hyukjae then? It’s his turn to clean the classroom, thus he went out early.


After putting out the fire and finally got ready to go to school, they set off.


XD >.< O.o lalalalalalalalalal


Hyukjae’s P.O.V


Finally school starts, shouldn’t have used my powers to clean the classroom. I ended up cleaning the room too fast. The class is filled with chatter and …here it comes…squealing! Cho Kyuhyun and Lee Donghae arrive! Hahaha and I’m pissed off already. Sungmin Hyung and Yesung Hyung where are you?


Oh speaking of the devils…there they are. I wave at them and did my signature gummy smile. Yesung smiled, hyung’s smile is the best, he should smile more! Ouch!


“Sungmin! Do you have to hit me on the head?” I asked Sungmin.


“Yes, because I spot some soil in the class and asked Yesung Hyung whether I was right and indeed I was right.” Sungmin replied with a hint of anger.


“You hit me because there is some soil in the class?” I question him.


“No, it’s because you used your power to control the plants and made those poor plants clean the room” Sungmin replied in a hush voice.


Oh no…he might tell the Hyungs! So I pouted at him and did some aegyo, “Please don’t tell the Hyungs~”


Then Sungmin hyung smirked…oh no…he is planning something.


“No using of you power for the whole month!” he whispered. Noooooooooo! I did puppy eyes, like a puppy asking its owner for a treat. But seems like Sungmin had his own ‘attacks’ too.


Sungmin gave me his adorable pout and crystal like doe eyes. Ahhhhh I lost….I turn my head to one side, not facing Sungmin and pouts at no one.


Enough with the aegyo and get ready for the teacher’s arrival. She seems happy though…oh! A new student decided to join us!


Yesung’s voice echo through my head.


And there is Miss Kim…is that her name?


“Class~ for today you can skip the greeting because I’m in a super happy mood”, she said.


She…is scaring me…


“Starting from today onwards, Siwon our student president will be joining us”, she continued and ta dah! Siwon the Horse appears. Heechul Hyung always calls Siwon the Horse. And here we go again…




“KYAAAAAAAA” I covered my ears hoping that my ear drum won’t burst, Sungmin look at me with teary eyes. Seems like he covered his ears a little too slow.


Yesung you ok?


Yes, I used my powers to stop the sound waves to bounce to me.


Hyung can you use your powers and burst the girls’ brains off?


Don’t be too mean Hyukkie…




Siwon sat with Donghae and Kyuhyun.



School finally ended. Poor Sungmin, the teacher asked for him when he has to hurry for the martial arts club. I pack my things slowly while Yesung already went off to the library, he sure love silence and peace.


I packed finish and saw Sungmin running out…on no…the plants told me there is someone walking outside. I immediately dash out to find Sungmin.


I saw Sungmin on the floor with a pissed off Cho Kyuhyun standing in front of him wearing a stained t shirt. Awkward silence…I didn’t dare do anything too.


Suddenly Sungmin Hyung’s phone rang and Sungmin snap out of his thoughts and apologize to Kyuhyun and run off. I walked off to the dance studio too. I have a bad feeling that Sungmin is going to suffer under Cho Kyuhyun’s hands.


Switching to Kyuhyun’s P.O.V


Aishi! That guy stained my t-shirt! I love this shirt too!




I was walking down the corridor to find Siwon, holding a cup of coffee. Then suddenly someone ran on me and made me spill the coffee on my shirt. He fell on his . Serve him right for messing with me. He looked up and looks at me with shock. I stare back and notice that this guy looks like a bunny. Those cheeks with a hint of pink and lovely doe eyes and beautifully dyed blonde hair.


We stared at each other for a while and his phone went ringing. He picks himself up and apologies and end up running off.


Flashback ended…


He came out from my classroom which means he is my classmate. He ruined my favorite t-shirt; of course I will get back at him. First is to find Siwon.



Finally found him in the library, he looks busy. I can see the girls drooling over him. He is wearing glasses and busy typing on his laptop, he loosen his tie too. Allowing people to see a little of his skin. I gave him a hit on the head. He looked at me questioning with his famous Si-brows at work. I gave him a pout and I could hear some of the girls squeal.


“Hyung~ someone bump into me, making the coffee that the nice lady in the canteen made, spill on my favorite t-shirt” I whined.


I could hear the girl’s going ‘aigooo’.


“Don’t call me Hyung, I’m not used to it. So what do you want me to do?” Siwon said.


I gave him my signature smirk, making some girls faint. “Siwon, that person is from our class, he look like a bunny, oh and had blonde hair. I want to find out who is he” I said.


“To have revenge” Siwon continued for me.


“You totally read my mind!” I said.


Switch to Yesung’s P.O.V


I am the one reading your mind. What to do!? Kyuhyun plans to make…poor Sungminnie…Siwon is busy typing on his laptop. I use my powers and look through his eyes. Oh no! He is almost there to find Sungmin’s profile. I stop using my powers and stare at them, praying that Siwon won’t tell Kyuhyun about Sungmin. But my prayers were useless. My eyes follow Kyuhyun as he walked off happily. That guy is evil! When Kyuhyun is out of my sight, I looked at Siwon and found him staring at me. I blushed immediately and continue shelving the books. I can still feel his stares. I walked off to hide behind one of the shelf. Then I hear typing sounds again. I let out a sigh of relief; he is busy typing on his laptop again. I smiled to myself and continue my job.


Back to Hyukjae’s P.O.V


Stretching here stretching there. I jumped a little and got ready for dancing. Shindong wanted to play some music but got interrupt by the girls again.




Lee Donghae arrives! Yahoo~ I’m so happy! NOT


Donghae waved at us as a greeting and proceed to take off his shirt. Leaving him with only a wife beater covering his upper body. Some of the girls fainted while some had nosebleed. Man that guy have muscle…I’m jealous…Heechul Hyung always says I’m taking after him. More and more famine he says. Even Sungmin is manlier than me.


“Why must Lee Hyukjae have the title dance machine?” one of the girls shouted. I widened my eyes. Then soon the girls start to shout and scream. I saw Shindong taking a deep breath and shouted, “How about a dance competition?!”


“I will be the judge to decide whether Donghae or Hyukjae will receive the title dance machine, understand?” Shindong exclaim.





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402 streak #1
Chapter 24: huh? wait... where are you author-nim? why aren't you here anymore? I want that next chapter button T^T
402 streak #2
Chapter 22: wow, Yesung said that??? really? the shy shy shy Yesung? XD
402 streak #3
Chapter 21: Haehyuk ❤️❤️❤️ I personally don't care about pairing that doesn't include Sungie LOL but Haehyuk so cute!
402 streak #4
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Oh no, misunderstood huh 😭
402 streak #5
Chapter 18: Finally yewon ❤️❤️❤️

I feel something's wrong about Taemin 🤔 please don't make him a bad guy 😭
402 streak #6
Chapter 17: Well, that didn't go well 😭
402 streak #7
Chapter 16: Just confess already Siwon!!!! Don't make me slap your head! 😂
402 streak #8
Chapter 14: OH!!!!!
402 streak #9
Chapter 12: Oh? Who's this new dance member? I can't wait to click that next chapter button >__<
402 streak #10
Chapter 10: Geeez, Sungie had bad childhood memories too T^T poor him T^T