Chapter 3

The Wu Family's Pet Owl

Rating/Warning : PG-13 for some mild cursing

Thanks to everyone who had read, subscribed, commented and upvoted this story. :)

A/N: Just a short and quick update.


Kyungsoo reached home safely albeit shakily. He had trouble inputting the code for the lock and had to try several times before it beeped open. He slammed the door closed behind him and toed off his shoes in a hurry. He ran all the way to Chanyeol’s room and dived for his bed.

He burrowed under the blanket while clutching Chanyeol’s pillow close to his face, breathing the comforting scent of the Alpha. It wasn’t enough. Then he remembered the jacket Chanyeol gave him before the taller told him to run. He groaned when he realized that he had left the jacket in the car.

Gathering his wits, he went to get it. The trip to the car and back only took one minute, but Kyungsoo felt like he just ran for miles. His erratic heartbeat calmed a bit when he donned the jacket and returned to his hiding place under Chanyeol’s blanket.

Kyungsoo was used to unwanted advances from curious Alphas but none of them was purebred like Brad. Kris was tolerable because he was Kyungsoo’s leader and protector. The Omega had nothing to fear from him. But Brad was a different story.

Even if it was only for a short moment, he felt Brad’s wolf seized him. And it was scary, to have the attention of a purebred Alpha to be focused solely on you. But that was not what frightened him.

No, not at all. What frightened him was the flash of fear on Chanyeol’s eyes.  The Chanyeol, who he had known since he was 6 years old. The Chanyeol, who always called out ‘Kyungsoo-ya, Kyungsoo-ya’ like there was no tomorrow. The Chanyeol, who always wore a grin and had a joke to tell. The Chanyeol, who took anything bad and turned it into something good. The Chanyeol, who loved Rilakkuma and trapper hat and snapback and cute little kids. The Chanyeol who faced down bullies and Alphas alike without fear and hesitation. The Chanyeol who befriended the infamous Kris Wu.

And in that one second, the Chanyeol he depended on so much showed fear.

Kyungsoo was smart. He knew that Chanyeol didn’t fear for his own safety. Chanyeol feared for Kyungso’s. And that made Kyungsoo feel bad. Even if it was only natural, expected even, for Chanyeol to protect him since they were pack member and he was The Alpha and Kyungsoo was the Omega, he still couldn’t swallow it.

Kyungsoo also felt ashamed of himself. He was known as the spitfire Omega. He was never afraid to stand up for himself. He was also known for snarling, and throwing punches,  at other Alpha or just anyone who annoyed him. Yet, when it was mattered the most, all he could do was run away.

Kyungsoo groaned and buried his face into Chanyeol’s pillow. He felt so bad, so wretched and so useless. He just wanted Kris and Chanyeol even Sehun, to be by his side. He wanted them, his Alphas.



Hanyeol came home to a silent flat. He didn’t call out to Kyungsoo, knowing that the Omega must have been hiding in his room. He took off his shoes and let out his wolf, letting his presence and scent to come out full force. Kyungsoo needed the assurance.

Chanyeol was halfway up the stair when Kyungsoo came out of the master bedroom.

“Yeollie.” He mewled piteously.

Chanyeol ran the rest of the flight to hug Kyungso.

“Hey, it’s alright. I’m here. You’re safe.” He soothed the Omega.

Kyungsoo looked up and examined Chanyeol’s face. A devastated look came across his face as he saw the red splotch.

“He hit you.” Kyungsoo whined. “He ing hit you.”

Chanyeol rubbed Kyungsoo’s back to calm him down. “It’s no big deal, Soo. He just got in a lucky punch.”

Kyungsoo snorted and burrowed his face into Chanyeol’s sternum. “Well, he’s about to get very unlucky.”

Chanyeol laughed and then hissed because damn, laughing made his jaw throbbed painfully. “Yeah. Kris will sort him out.”

Kyungsoo hummed in agreement.

“You want to cuddle while we wait for our fearsome leader?” Chanyeol said.

Kyungsoo nodded eagerly. “Can we do it down stair? I want to watch Pororo.”

Chanyeol ruffled Kyungsoo’s hair. “Sure. Come on.”

They made their way down stair and Kyungsoo went to the kitchen to make an ice pack for Chanyeol while the older boy queued up Kyungsoo’s favorite Pororo episodes. They cuddled together, and Kyungsoo didn’t feel so bad anymore.



Kris’ team won the game, which put him in a good mood. He couldn’t wait to show the day’s game to his pack members. But the good mood was short lived. It was replaced by sudden anger as he saw Chanyeol’s face. With a loud snarl he gripped Chanyeol’s shoulder and pulled the slightly shorter man closer.

“Who the did this to you?!” He hissed upon seeing the angry red mark marring Chanyeol’s pretty face.

Chanyeol winced as Kris’ wolf awakened, his brown eyes turning red in an instant. The temperature suddenly dropped and he involuntarily shivered.

“Let’s talk inside.” Chanyeol said softly.

Kris growled again but followed Chanyeol inside. Kyungsoo was huddled on the sofa wearing Kris’ hoodie and Chanyeol’s jacket, with Pororo playing in the background. The moment Kris stepped inside the living room Kyungsoo bolted up from his seat and threw himself at Kris.

Kris caught the much smaller man and lifted him off the ground. Kyungso whined pitifully and hung on Kris like his life depended on it. His arms wound tight around Kris’ shoulders, his legs wrapped around Kris’ waist, ankles locked at the back.

Kris could smell Kyungsoo’s distress and it agitated his wolf further. He gripped Kyungsoo tighter and his red eyes bore into Chanyeol’s brown ones, silently demanding an explanation.

So Chanyeol told him what happened earlier in the day. He left no details out, including how the other students tried their best to help them.

Kris was livid. No, he was way way beyond livid. He never felt so angry before and it showed. His wolf howled for blood and Kris was one second away from bounding out of the door and hunt down the bastard who frightened his Kyungsoo and hurt his Chanyeol.

But Kyungsoo was whining piteously while clinging to him like a limpet. And somewhere along his narration, Chanyeol had sidled up to the other two and by the end of his explanation, he had moved to hug Kyungsoo from behind, his face buried on the Omega’s neck.

Kris sighed and pushed down his anger. He could go castrate the enemy later, at the moment, his pack members needed him. He nudged at Chanyeol’s head with his own.

“Come on, let’s move to the bed. I want to cuddle comfortably.”

His words surprised a laugh out of Chanyeol who then hissed in pain as his jaw throbbed. Kris carried Kyungsoo all the way to the master bedroom and they fell into the giant sized bed in a tangle of limbs. Kyungsoo was getting hot from the layers of clothing he wore, so the two Alphas helped him took off the jacket and hoodie. Fortunately, all three had already dressed in comfortable clothing, so they cuddled and comfort each other with Kyungsoo sandwiched in between. It didn’t take long for Kyungsoo to start yawning. Kris ran his fingers through Kyungsoo’s hair while Chanyeol rubbed soothing circles on his forearm.

Once Kyungsoo fell asleep, Kris whispered to Chanyeol. “I’m gonna make that bastard suffer for what he did to you.”

Chanyeol grinned evilly and put in his two cents. “Can I suggest something?”

And the two Alphas spent the rest of the night plotting ways to make Brad suffer.



It was suffice to say that Kris came down onto Brad like avenging angel of retribution. Hell has no fury like an angered Kris. The new student stood no chance and in minutes he was properly cowered and baring his throat to Kris while tears and snot ran down his once handsome face.

Baekhyun won a lot of money from the bet.

Brad never made any appearances on campus again. The rumor said that he had transferred to some obscure place in Africa, far away from Kris and his pack.

Life returned to normal on campus. And if Kris was a little bit friendlier to everyone around him, no one made a comment.



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Chapter 7: Did I say 3 years? I meant 4.
It has been three years and two more re-reads later, I'm still waiting patiently for the continuation of this story T-T
Jelaluna #3
Chapter 7: Im waiting for a miracle that after 2 years authornim will remember this story and update for our hearts sake. ???
Kamsamnida jaiyou?
pcyosh1004 #4
Chapter 7: Please update authornim... I really really like this story
fienyeol #5
Chapter 7: Kak lanjut, pleaseeeee.....
kyyuungiee #6
I reaaaalllyyyyy love this story.
I hope you can update it whenever you have time. Prettyyyyy pleeaseeeee :(((
Chapter 7: Pless update soon
I shall re-read this a third time. Needless to say, I am impatient for an update.
Chapter 7: please update soon >_<