JUNGKOOK: Garbage Day

It Started With 5 Dollars


The bus started off with a jolt, making Ahjumma awkwardly stumble over to the seat beside me. She was carrying an overly stuffed plastic trash bag, shocking the bejeesus out of me. 

"This is a lot of clothes, I know." She fiddled with the bag, her eyes looking down. "It's not too late to back out."

I took the bag from her hands. I can barely wrap my arms around it; it was practically the size of an exercise ball. I shot her a thumbs up. "I'll have them finished in a week."

"Ah! Wait--" She went to grab the bag back, hesitated, then retreated; her eyes were still looking down.

I look at her confusedly. She must think that I'm not really reliable. I nodded my head in confidence. I'll show her how good my knitting really is.

"You can take your time. How much should I pay you?" she wondered.

I waved her off. "Since you're a nice ahjumma, I'll let you off with no price."

"Thanks then."

There was silence.

"Hey Ahjumma, are you mad at me? You're not acting like yourself."

"Isn't this how I usually act?" she muttered.

Silence fell in between us again. I'm pretty sure that Ahjumma has a lot to say, but she keeps in her mind. The only way to really get her talking is to make her mad - she literally loses herself. Today, however, she seems off. She's fiddling a lot with her fingers and looking around more than usual. She hasn't even looked at me in the eye - it is as if she's deliberately forcing herself not to look.

"Hey, um. I kind of released some gas...sorry if it smells. I hope you don't mind." I shifted slightly in my seat, putting on an act of embarrassment and shyness.


This was the kind of reaction I wanted, but I wished it came from Ahjumma instead of the middle schooler behind us. Why 'fart' of all things? (If I did it or not, I'll leave it to your imagination).

I was surprised to hear a stifled laugh coming from Ahjumma. I don't think I've heard her laugh or smile since our first encounter. But I've been yelled at countless of times. I found myself smiling as well.

I did a double take on Ahjumma. Something was different about her face. I reached up to poke her cheek. Her head spun towards me in a flash, her face surprised. Ah. She looked.

"Oh, I was right. Your cheek is really soft."

She looked away quickly."I've been using the moisturiser you recommended."

I nodded my head in approval. "Good, good."

"It's my stop. Have fun in school.'' She scurried off the bus in a hurry.




To finish off, I have English class - my least liked and worst subject. But it's not like I'm any good in my other classes. I at academics and I don't like studying.Umma always tells me that I don't have a future but I can make a living out of something I'm good at and I truly like - knitting. 

I buried my face deeper into my arms, preparing to snooze off as soon as my English teacher stepped into the room. I sit at the very back corner of the classroom with Taehyung on my right. You might think that sitting at the back allows me to do anything and not get in trouble, but really, my English teacher could care less. Simply because I'm dumb; I get the worst marks in the class so he doesn't care if I doze off. I cannot understand people who find joy in studying like Yurim - class represenative and top student and sits at the very front.  Just sitting at a desk for hours is driving me nuts.

"Psst! Jungkook!" Taehyung elbowed me. I raised my head tiredly. He scrunched up a piece of paper. "Watch me." With one eye squinted, he aimed and threw the ball of paper, hitting the back of the head of Jimin who is three seats in front of him. 

Instantaneously, Jimin spun his head. He squinted his eyes at me. I shook my head and pointed at Taehyung, only to find him supossedly 'asleep'. You scoundrel.

A ball of paper came flying at me and hit me square on the face. I shot Jimin an unpleased look and ripped out papers from my workbook, ready to be scrunched up and thrown. Jimin hurriedly tore out pages from his English textbook. I fired first - and a lot of them too. Taehyung 'awoke' and joined in the mass destruction.

Soon, the classroom became a warzone.

The teacher slammed his books on the table. "Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. Get out."

We shut the door behind us and giggled.

"It's great to be outside!" Jimin grinned.

"I know right. I was finding it hard to breathe in there," Taehyung nodded. 

"What should we do now?" I yawned. I was really tired from playing video games at the arcade all night.

"Hmm. Let's look at people," Taehyung suggested. We looked out the windows. We were on the 3rd floor of the school so we have a pretty good view of the city skyscrapers from the distance. There wasn't much to see, just a group of students running around the soccer field.

"Oh. It's garbage day." Jimin pointed at a man in green overall with a trash bag, sorting out a few things that looked like clothes before tossing it into the garbage truck and driving away.

Wait. Trash bag? Clothes?

I rushed inside the classroom, scanning my desk from top to bottom and around it.

Forgive me Ahjumma.







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bananaswag #1
ohmy this is so good
Chapter 3: Hahahahaaha cutest story ever.
Kookie's so adorbs
misheri #3
Chapter 2: this