MIN: Cranky Ahjumma??

It Started With 5 Dollars

I thought I would never find myself in Hop-and-Burgers - our strongest rival. And with a stubborn boy - Jungkook - who offered to buy me food because I'm broke or he supposedly thinks I'm homeless. I could care less though; Normally, I would be embarrassed but I'm really desperate - I even threw my pride away.

But now, I'm having second thoughts.

I feel ashamed being here. The guilt inside me cannot be put into words. What if my manager hears about this? I have let myself and Go Lucky down.

''I'll have a cheeseburger and large coke.'' He turned to me. ''The burgers here are really good. I recommend--''

''Go Lucky's Black-and-White burger. Limited time only. Hurry now,'' I squeaked.


''I don't want to eat here. I want to eat at Go Lucky.''

''But aren't they closed now?''

Oh, he's right. I need to make a note to tell my manager to extend working hours.

''Besides, the burgers there stink,'' Jungkook carelessly commented. Something inside of me burst open and I felt myself getting hotter and hotter. To the point that I can no longer hold back.

''How dare you?! Our goods and products are sourced by ethical suppliers from sustainable farms and factories of South Korea! Did you know that Hop-and-Burgers get their beef patties from the USA? Do you know what this means for our country? The numbers of unemployed South Koreans will increase! What would you know?!''





''You're one cranky ahjumma,'' Jungkook chuckled and sipped his coke. ''So you work at Go Lucky.''

''Yes, I have a job and I have an apartment. So don't go assuming that I'm--HEY ahjumma?!'' I shot up from my seat and bolted to the restroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror in shock. ''Who the heck are you?''

My unruly, frizzy hair and uneven bangs had a strong resemblance to a bird's nest. My skin was dull and dry and the dark circles under my puffy eyes are comparable to a panda's. What a drastic change! So this is what happens when I don't go to school anymore and work long hours at Go Lucky. I was so immersed in bringing Go Lucky to the top and working hard to get promoted to assistant manager, that I stopped taking care of myself. I really do look like an ahjumma. 

I slumped back to the table, lifeless. Jungkook had regret wtitten all over his face. He was quietly observing me as he bit into his burger. "Hey um. Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you in any way. Should I call you noona instead?"

"How old are you?"

Jungkook eyed me confusedly. "I'm 16."

"What month were you born in?"


"Oppa~! I'm not your noona, I'm younger than you~"

Jungkook stared blankly at me for a few awkward seconds. Beads of sweat were forming on my forehead. Even I thought that was cringeworthy.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You almost got me there. You're a natural at this ahju--noona." He continued to laugh.

I feel like crying.

Jungkook finally settled down from his laughter. "I got you something that I want you to try. It's a big hit.''

I eyed the golden fries on the table. Only it wasn't just fries...





He looked around frantically. ''What? What? Min? What's wrong?'

''We need to extend our working hours!''

''I was thinking the same thing!''

''But that's not all...''

He gulped. ''What...is it?''

''Hop-and-Burgers' fries...comes with CURLY BACON.''

''Gather everyone for a meeting. This is a grave situation.''




Hi guys! Thank you to those who subscribed ^_^ I  think I fooled around too much in this chapter hahaha. Next chapter will have more interactions between Min and Jungkook :)

Thank you for reading!!




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bananaswag #1
ohmy this is so good
Chapter 3: Hahahahaaha cutest story ever.
Kookie's so adorbs
misheri #3
Chapter 2: this